Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Cult of Bend Claims Another Victim

An interesting week, we saw what is The Beginning Of End of the private financing of home mortgages.
Fannie Mae, 24 year chart

Freddie Mac, Lifetime chart

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac both began a collapse similar to the Bear Stearns debacle, although far grander in scale. There again will be a familiar sucking sound from the South, that is if you live directly North of D.C.

Look closely at these charts; there should be some instructive lessons to be learned about these two hugely leveraged levithans.

First, almost ALL bubbles have some sort of leverage available to the participants, and the Ultimate Fatalities will be those that lent to the masses. Why? Because when you lend to speculators (de rigueur in Bubble Times), and the loan is secured against the Bubble Goods, YOU are on the hook for any large scale losses, while the speculator WISELY plays the equity side, a call option without any real prospect of loss.

Second, leveraged institutions ALMOST ALWAYS are pulled into the maelstrom of what appears to be sound, prudent lines of business. Remember Lending To Brazil? Sure, sounds good, all they have to do is print whatever the hell sort of loser ass currency they have down there to pay us Wall St bigwigs off, right? Uh huh. That one didn't go well.

Finally, there will always exist the extremely remote chance of some sort of catastrophe completely destroying a otherwise prudent loan portfolio. It just happens. Small mid-west banks learned this during the floods of 1993. It just goes beyond their thinking that there will be a 1,000 Year Event during their lifetime.

It is the nature of banks to go broke. It is in their genome to go bust.

It's probably hard to remember now, but a year ago the idea of Freddie or Fannie going broke was so patently ridiculous, it was hardly even discussed in polite company. I remember I thought the sky was falling, but when Jimmy Rogers brought up the collapse of Fannie & Freddie, I thought he'd pretty much gone off his nut.

But look: Both institutions have wiped out a lifetime of gains, and will be summarily shot when the US Government takes over & begins operations under New Management.


The US Government is possibly the Worst Investor of All Time.

FNM & FRE securitized over half the mortgages in this country. What happens now that they are gone & Uncle Sam is now in the house? I honestly don't know, but I have a bad feeling that their track record speaks ill of what will befall all of us.

The End of An Era.

Moving on, I noted in the comments that Buena Vista homes' (built Forum Meadows STD clap trap crap shacks) is going into foreclosure.

Now, for the Noobs here, you should be aware that Wayyyyy back in mid December of last year, Roger Pollock, the anal dildo with arms that runs Buena Vista homes held a mass auction in Portland.

141 homes sell for a total of $65 million at real estate auction

OK, there is one particularly interesting quote in here that any mentally cognizant Bendite would readily understand (approx 2% of Bendites):

Westside homes in Beaverton and Hillsboro sold best, Pollock said. None of the 29 Bend homes sold, and homes that are now rented didn't sell well, either.

Pollock sold his ramshackle shit-shacks ALL OVER OREGON... except for Bend.

No. In Bend he didn't sell a single home. He actually accused those who bid on his Bend properties of trying to STEAL them. This is a clearly deluded idiot.

Or is he? See, he sold ALL the rest of the sugar shacks he was trying to sell, except Bend. It's like he is of Sound Mind and Body when he is NOT dealing with Bend, but once he is in "Bend Mode", he is out of his fucking mind. He goes totally schizo when it comes to Bend.


Bend is run like any self-respecting hedonist Meth Den: There is The Fucking Man, The Grandmaster Pimp, The Fucking Boss Hogg, and in this town it is The Builder, or is pimped out grandpappy, The Developer.

And then there is the loose-stool fucking skanks that are drawn into the Grandmaster Pimps Meth-Den. That's us.

We are pulled in with promises of perfect powder 24/7, even in July, good wine & ass fucking your best friends trophy wife above Volo, hummers in your Hummer by your Taiwanese pool boy, and finally meth shot into your scrotum by the finest illegal aliens Madras has to offer.

And life is good for awhile. It's a hedonists dream come true.

But after a few months, Grandpappy asks you to swallow a bucket of cum from some mules that were just jerked of by Drew Bledsoe, and some other unseemly shit involving popsickles & your ass, and you're not thinking that you're living the Good Life like you once were.

The Costs To Entry seemed low. The rewards seemed high. And they were. Shortly.

But now comes the Exit Costs. And they're higher than you thought. In fact, they are barriers in your mind, because you can't, nay you WILL NOT, give up the other aspect of The Good Life, no matter what has to be sacrificed, no matter the cum buckets.

This is us. This is you, this is me. This is Roger Pollock. This is Jay Audia.

We are caught in the Bend Meth Den. Even when we want to really leave, we can't leave. This place has gripped us in some sort of catatonic fit that won't let us accept ANY reasonable offer.

What is happening to Roger Pollock & his cracker shacker butt smackers, is going to happen to this town, and all of us, on a larger cost & temporal scope. It took about 8 months for The Bend Meth Den, The Kool Aid, The Cult of Bend to take down Buena Vista Homes.

We are in for the same fate.

Look around. No one will lower their price. Many CANNOT lower their price, but there are a large number that can (Pollock), but they simply REFUSE.

Again, look at Pollock: A businessman, in this racket for the money, fairly geographically diverse. He holds an auction, and sells EVERYTHING HE'S GOT. Except for Bend, where he simply REFUSES TO ACCEPT REALITY. Why?

Why does this happen to people here? Why is this less a town, than a Meth Den where the Zombie Fucking Inhabitants seem to be robbed of all self-awareness & are completely oblivious to the catastrophe around them? Why?

The answer is of course, Bend Media. Bend Media, is systematically & purposefully creating this Cult in a futile hope to ever expand the First, Last & Greatest Industry Bend has Ever Had: GROWTH.

We aren't about actually DOING anything sustainable here. We are about getting the next mark. We grift marks. That is what this town does. We use up who is here in our Meth Den of Hedonism. Rob them of choice. Pump them full of Kool-Aid, and hand them buckets of chum.

But unfortunately for Boss Hogg, the jig is up. THEY have run out of METH to shoot into our scrotes, and we are starting to wake up. Roger Pollock woke up. And he will lose Buena Vista.

Well, who gives a shit? Big deal. Because what has happened to Pollock will happen to us all. If you think Bend is special and you are special and your house is special, you are about to get a rude wake up call, because you have been medicated by propoganda for too long, and you're about to see that Grandpappy Meth has used you up.

This is what you thought you was

This is what you really is.
"Holy Fuck, I White, Ass Ugly & I'm in a Bend Meth Den!"
Welcome to The Lollypop Guild, Motherfucker.

Bend Media CONTINUES to play Grandpappy Pimp to the populous, and the Bend City Council is ALL TOO HAPPY to suck their cocks as well.

But Pollocks Wake Up Call is coming to all of us. It will be exactly the same, simply larger in absolute financial & time scale. This place is going broke.

And NEVER FORGET what the true root cause is: It is NOT the housing boom or bust. That happened everywhere, and most of the country will survive. It is the media here, trying to hypnotize every single person into thinking their titties were 36DDDDD's, they looked like Angelina Jolie, they were swallowing Brad Pitts cum buckets, not old man mule jerk-off cum buckets.

They are trying to convince you YOU ARE SPECIAL for their NEEDS, NOT YOURS. Growth is ALL THEY HAVE. Just like CRACK DEALERS. Bend Media does not GIVE ONE THIN FUCK about you once you are here, only getting New Meat.

Why do you think they PUSHED through the SDC deferral plan? If they actually THOUGHT about anything for 2 fucking seconds, they would realize that giving the money to PROSPECTIVE BUYERS, while still LUDICRIOUS, makes 1.76 quadrillion times more sense than giving the builders a deferral.

But no. Once you are here, who gives a fuck. Keep entry costs low, keep rewards high... but DO NOT mention the motherfucking exit costs. And believe me, those costs will become highly important to you once you've swallowed your 14th cum bucket on the Volo Terraces.

Bend, like Buena Vista Homes, is going to go 100% BANKRUPT. And just lke any decent meth den, the Pimps get fucking rich & leave town, leaving behind used up meth-huffers who can't even tie their fucking shoes.

And it's all The Kool-Aid, it's all Bend Media. You think it's not 100% dead fucking real? Do you think it doesn't affect 100% of the local populous? Read this:

No bids on Forest Service land

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The clock ticked past 3 p.m. on Friday, August 15, and there was no sound of a gavel coming down.

The approximately 62-acre parcel of land (50 acres net) the U.S. Forest Service put on the block in Sisters with a minimum bid of $14 million failed to attract any bids during an auction that closed last Friday.

"It's a big disappointment," said Sisters District Ranger Bill Anthony, "and it's going to create some challenges for us."

The no-bid means the Forest Service cannot move forward with plans for a new Sisters headquarters. Perhaps more distressing to the agency is the fact that proceeds won't be available to put into new facilities for the Bend-Fort Rock District, where lease costs are running the agency about $1 million per year.

"We were dependent on the receipts from that sale to fund construction of those projects," Anthony said.

The parcel, which lies along Pine Street in Sisters, was the focus of intense public interest as the possibility emerged that it could be sold to a private developer. Citizens were active in describing amenities they would like to see on the land, from more affordable housing to a public swimming pool.

The City of Sisters summarized community input as a kind of guideline for prospective developers as to how the city would likely want to see the property developed.

According to Anthony, there will be considerable discussion of options at the regional and probably at the national level. It is possible that the property could be put out for bid again in a better economic climate, but that's entirely speculative at this point, Anthony indicated.

For now, what is certain is that the Sisters Ranger District will not be moving and that large parcel of land will not be redeveloped any time soon.

"Fortunately, we have a home in Sisters," Anthony said. "It's a great location. It's not the kind of facility we need for the long term, but we can stay there for a while."

Look at that. The STUPID FUCKING FOREST SERVICE has inadvertently gotten PIMPED OUT. Yup, they think they got 36DDDDD's, when they just an asshole to 16 black fuckers.

The stupid fucking Forest Service, LIKE EVERY SINGLE MOTHERFUCKER EVER COME TO BEND, think they shit don't stink, and their real estate is worth more than The Ginza. Dumbfucks need to make way, cuz here come the cum bucket.


More people leaving Sisters area

By Bill Mintiens

Economic hard times are sending some local residents packing.

Sisters Rental, which also operates the local U-Haul distributorship, has tracked a trend in their U-Haul customers this summer:

"Although our U-Haul business is pretty close to what it was last year, we're seeing more people this year leaving the area than arriving," said Gilbert Porraz.

Porraz noted that it seems to be certain types of people moving on.

"I'm seeing people who've lived here for 5-7 years now moving on, mainly headed south, and most say it was just too hard to try to make a living in Sisters," added Porraz.

But he's also seen a number of "newcomers" leave the area, particularly following a hard winter and lack of employment.

"I know of several people, who arrived here all excited about a year ago, who had to move on for the same reasons. Mainly, no jobs," said Porraz.

Nancy Lynch at United Van Lines in Bend has been writing a number of quotations recently for Sisters families.

"We're definitely seeing more people leaving Sisters than moving in, several have said they have to go where the work is," said Lynch.

Lynch notes that this trend is not confined to Sisters.

"I can tell you that, in Bend, there are a lot of people wanting to leave - but can't until their homes sell," she said.

A July 25 "homes for sale" report showed 239 Sisters-area homes on the market.

"The cost of living in Central Oregon versus the pay in this area makes it very tough for people," said Lynch.

Jason Taroli with Prestige Moving & Storage in Bend, the local Allied Van Lines agent, is seeing the same trends across Central Oregon.

"There are definitely more people leaving than coming right now. We see this more in Bend, of course, due to Bend's population but it's happening everywhere," said Taroli.

Wow. Imagine that. Fucking houses in Sisters cost about 6 trillion times more than anyone makes there. And people are leaving. Is that true? They leaving?

Yeah. They are leaving Sisters in droves. Of course, once the fucking cracker wears off & Whitey wakes up in Bend, they will leave here in droves as well AND there will be an article. Of course people are already leaving as FAST AS THEY CAN.

Notice how YOU HAVEN'T READ ABOUT moving van survey's of arrivals vs departures in the Bulletin recently. Why? Right, the motherfucking departure department is PACKED. And arrivals is ZERO.

No, what we read about is the VAST BUILDING OF SUCCESSFUL PROJECTS:

Tall hotel may be in Sisters' future

By Jeff McDonald / The Bulletin
Published: August 22. 2008 4:00AM PST

An upscale hotel rising as much as 50 feet could be on the horizon for Sisters’ Western-themed downtown.

Under plans submitted to the city in April, the 98-room, three-story Sisters Village Hotel at the west end of Sisters would give the city its tallest building and would be evaluated based on Deschutes County planning guidelines, according to Eric Porter, the city’s community development director.

That’s due to an agreement made in 1998 between Pine Meadow Village LLC, the city of Sisters and the county that gave owners of the property 10 years to submit an application and fall under the county’s less-restrictive code for the Sisters area.

Representatives of the project’s developer, Celia Hung, of Bend, turned in the hotel project application April 4, a day before the 10-year agreement expired, Porter said.

Right, right, right. The old 50 ft tall Sisters Hotel is what YOU ARE READING ABOUT.

Real estate is STILL GOOD. ALL IS WELL. Here is that bucket of cum.

OK, here comes a Mark My Words Moment:

This Celia Hung-To-The Floor has about a snowballs chance in HELL of ever building this monstrosity. NEVER HAPPEN.

You want to see the Full Scale of the horror that is our local media, you can easily see it here:

The phased approach would make sense in a tourism economy that is expected to experience a significant slowdown in the next 12 to 18 months, said Alana Audette, the president and CEO of Central Oregon Visitors Association, which markets tourism for the region.

“Early indicators are that people are going to be very cautious and price sensitive,” Audette said. “It is a difficult time to launch new products.”

Even the usually ebulient Audette thinks there are 200 different ways this thing SHOULD GET BUILT (remember, GROWTH is our ONLY INDUSTRY). Alana Audette is about the most ill-qualified dumbfuck the World has EVER KNOWN, but the Bulletin SOUGHT HER LYING ASS OUT for this "story".

Standard Procedure in a Meth Den. Grandmaster Pimp tell me I pretty. I best swaller that cum. Fucking unbelievable.

Mark these Words: You wanna know how it'll go down here in a microcosm? You look to Pollock & Buena Vista Homes. Everything is Bend WAY TOO GOOD to be sold at market.


So let it be written, so let it be done. Stupid Motherfuckers.

OK, on to what I think is the DOMINANT THEME for this country & it's economy: STAGFLATION.

U.S. Economy: Housing, Prices Raise Stagflation Risk

By Shobhana Chandra and Timothy R. Homan
More Photos/Details

Aug. 19 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. builders broke ground on the fewest new homes in 17 years and producer prices climbed the most since 1981, providing no sign of an economic recovery or easing inflation.

Housing starts fell 11 percent in July to an annual rate of 965,000, the Commerce Department said today in Washington. The Labor Department reported the producer price index jumped 9.8 percent from a year before.

``There's no doubt we're in a period of stagflation now,'' said Peter Kretzmer, a senior economist at Bank of America Corp. in New York who formerly worked at both the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Fed Board in Washington.

Stock indexes posted their biggest two-day loss since June. The Standard & Poor's 500 Stock Index dropped 0.9 percent to close at 1,266.69, with the S&P Supercomposite Homebuilding Index down 3.5 percent. Treasuries were little changed, with 10-year notes yielding 3.83 percent.

``We are still in a fairly risky situation'' on the inflation front, Fed Bank of Richmond President Jeffrey Lacker, said in an interview on Bloomberg Television. He said that higher interest rates may be needed to curtail prices even before growth and financial markets return to normal.

Compared with July 2007, work began on 30 percent fewer homes. Building permits, a sign of future construction, also fell in July, the Commerce Department reported. They were down 18 percent to a 937,000 annual pace.

Starts were projected to fall to a 960,000 annual pace, according to the median forecast of 77 economists polled by Bloomberg News. The median estimate for permits was 970,000.

`Pull Back'

``A recovery will not happen this year,'' said Russell Price, a senior economist at H&R Block Financial Advisors Inc. in Detroit. ``Not only are mortgage rates creeping up, but financing is becoming more difficult for a lot of people. Builders will continue to pull back.''

The 1.2 percent increase in producer prices from the previous month followed a 1.8 percent increase in June, the Labor Department said. So-called core prices that exclude fuel and food rose 0.7 percent after a 0.2 percent gain in June.

Prices paid to factories, farmers and other producers were forecast to rise 0.6 percent, according to the median of 77 forecasts. The core index was projected to advance 0.2 percent.

Fed's Fisher

``The recent burst of cost-push inflation is giving the beast digestion problems that might manifest themselves in the form of a lingering inflationary fever,'' Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher said in a speech in Aspen, Colorado, today.

Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke told U.S. lawmakers last month that officials ``continue to expect inflation to moderate in 2009 and 2010, as slower global growth leads to a cooling of commodity markets,'' while viewing the outlook ``as unusually uncertain.''

The jump in the producer price index reflected a surge in commodity costs that has since waned. At the same time, the acceleration in costs excluding food and fuel raises concern about a pass-through to consumer prices.

Producer prices are one of three monthly inflation gauges reported by the Labor Department. Import prices rose 1.7 percent in July and consumer prices increased 0.8 percent for the same period, the Labor Department said last week. Both figures were higher than estimated.

Construction of single-family homes fell 2.9 percent to a 641,000 rate, the fewest since January 1991, today's report showed. Work on multifamily homes, such as townhouses and apartment buildings, dropped 24 percent from the prior month to an annual rate of 324,000.

`Bad' News

``The news ahead for housing remains bad,'' Joshua Shapiro, chief U.S. economist at Maria Fiorini Ramirez Inc. in New York, said in a Bloomberg Radio interview. ``There's a corrective process we have to get through here.''

The decrease in starts was led by a 30 percent decline in the Northeast. Construction fell 8.2 percent in both the South and West. Starts in the West slumped to a 26-year low. The Midwest showed a 10 percent gain.

The magnitude of the July drop in the Northeast reflected, in part, a payback from an unexpected surge the prior month. Starts and permits jumped in June as builders hurried to break ground ahead of new regulations in New York City's building code that took effect July 1.

Underneath the gyrations, demand is weakening. Sales of existing homes fell to a 10-year low in the second quarter, according to the National Association of Realtors. A third of all sales were foreclosures or ``short sales,'' in which lenders take a loss on a property.

Financing is also becoming tougher, a quarterly survey of banks by the Federal Reserve showed. Compared with the April survey, more of the loan officers polled reported they tightened standards on prime mortgage loans and on non-traditional loans.

Toll on Retailers

The slumping U.S. economy is taking its toll on retailers from luxury chain Saks Inc. to discounter Target Corp., reports showed today. Saks reported its largest quarterly loss in two years, while profit dropped for a fourth straight quarter at Target. Home Depot Inc., the biggest home improvement chain, posted its seventh sales decline in eight quarters.

Falling retailer earnings may signal that the U.S. economy will deteriorate further as consumers rein in spending to cope with rising unemployment and inflation. Home Depot Chief Executive Officer Frank Blake told analysts today he was ``cautious'' about consumer spending through mid-2009.

The five largest U.S. homebuilders reported a combined $1.08 billion in losses in their most recent quarters.

Builders are pessimistic as losses mount. The National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo's sentiment index yesterday showed optimism held at a record low in August for a second month.

I've said this for many moons that the final upshot of printing TRILLIONS to "bail out" the housing mess would be STAGFLATION. Growth is coming to a halt anyway, but our government in its infinite wisdom, has decided to liquify (think throw-in-blender) the US economy.

And another theme that I think will become even more important is The Marginalizing of The United States on the World platform. We will still be important. But we'll be like Great Britain. Flash in the Pan fuck-ups who royally screwed themselves.

What's the next shoe to drop? Credit Cards:

The next credit crunch
Our easy access to plastic is about to dry up - and with it our ability to fake living the good life.
By Geoff Colvin, senior editor at large
Last Updated: August 20, 2008: 1:15 PM EDT

(Fortune Magazine) -- We made it through the bursting of the Internet bubble and now the bursting of the real estate bubble. Next we may be approaching the end of the most worrisome bubble of all: the standard-of-living bubble.

That conclusion comes from the latest data on credit card debt. It's growing fast, but the problem is bigger than that - and to understand what it means, we have to take a few steps back.

For the past several years, the average inflation-adjusted total pay of American workers hasn't been increasing. That means we haven't been building a foundation for increases in our living standard. You might be tempted to say that by definition our living standard couldn't have increased, but that's not quite right. Even with stagnant real incomes, we can always live a little better every year through borrowing and pretending that our living standard is still rising, just as it was for decades.

So the Great Bull Market made us feel rich, and we felt justified in saving less and borrowing - and spending - more.

After stocks collapsed, home prices took off, making us feel rich all over again. So we continued saving less and spending more, creating the illusion that our living standard was still rising. In 2005 our personal savings rate went negative, but even that didn't slow us down, because our homes were still appreciating - and rising home values meant that household net worths weren't declining. (Don't be fooled by that saving-rate spike in this year's second quarter; it was probably a one-time event resulting from the federal stimulus payments.)

Of course, we don't hear those assurances anymore. Stocks are back where they were eight years ago, and home prices are where they were five years ago. But personal debt is much higher than ever before, and average pay is still going nowhere in real terms. So now how do we live as if our living standard is still rising?
End of easy money

That's where the credit card reports come in. Last year, just as the subprime crisis happened, credit card debt took off. The home-equity ATM had been shut down, so people turned to the last source of easy money they had left, the most expensive debt on the menu, credit card borrowing.

Since credit card debt has been growing much faster than the economy - more than 8% in last year's third and fourth quarters and over 7% in May (the most recent month reported)- people are apparently using it as a substitute for income. Thus, for the past year or so we have still maintained the standard-of-living illusion.

But a big crunch is coming - and here's why. Credit card debt, like mortgage debt, gets bundled, securitized, and sold off by banks. Citigroup (C, Fortune 500), one of America's largest credit card lenders, just reported that it lost $176 million in the second quarter through securitizing such debt. That happens when the buyers of those securities observe rising delinquency rates and rising interest rates, and decide the debt is worth less than Citi thought. More generally, the amount of credit card debt that is securitized nationwide has plunged by more than half in the past five months because it's getting riskier. That means credit card issuers will be charging customers higher interest rates, and since the banks can't offload as much of the debt as before, they'll have less money to lend to cardholders.

The squeeze has already started, which is why Congress is in the process of passing the Credit Cardholders' Bill of Rights, which would prevent issuers from changing rates and terms without warning, among many other provisions. But bottom line, the credit card money window is going to start closing - and soon.

So now what? It's hard to see where consumers can turn next. Home prices seem highly unlikely to start rising again soon. Stocks? You never know, but the Great Bull Market looks like a once-in-a-lifetime event. Homes and stocks are households' biggest asset classes by far. There isn't much else to borrow against.

It may be that the standard-of-living bubble finally has to deflate. Sustainable increases in living standards have to be earned, not borrowed, and that means performing ever higher value work that can't be outsourced. We haven't been meeting that challenge very well; doing so will probably require much more and better education for millions of Americans, which takes time and money.

The result may feel like deprivation, but I don't see it that way. Who knows - we might even find that living within our means and saving a little money actually isn't so bad.

I love that saying: FAKE LIVING THE GOOD LIFE.

Who does that remind you of? I know, "America". But WHICH AMERICANS?

Hmmm hm. Cali-Bangers. Cali-Bangers are living in the Biggest Meth Den in The World; California. A place where absolutely no one has a fucking clue what's really going on. The Cali-Banger will suffer a withdrawal so severe, that I actually believe many of them will WAKE UP WHITE PEEPUL and get the fuck outta there.

Again, you can be forgiven if you have come here from Cali: Lie prostrate on the ground groveling before every native Bendite and beg forgiveness for a hundred years of theft, rape, and murder. Do that and your men shall live. Do it not, and every one of you will die today.

Gat damn Braveheart! Well, anyway, you get the picture.

This country has been living some sort of credit-fueled dream, and it's about to become a nightmare. We ain't got the 36DDDDD's. We crack-ass ugly. We have been living a fantasy, and it will fall apart because all such things do. They must. We will either wake up or DIE.

Ask Jay Audia. You see Pollock KILLING himself over this shit? Fuck no, he's in MEXICO getting his 2" cock sucked by little boys. In Bend, once people wake up from the Cracker Nighmare, They fucking kill themselves.

Barriers To Exit are high in this Meth Den. YOUR MONEY OR YOUR LIFE. Those are the costs to get out.

Why are NO HOMES SELLING? Cuz they can't bring themselves to believe they are what they are. They believed the Grandmaster Pimp. They think they got the 36DDDD's. Everyone in Bend is an Olympic Athelete, right?

But ain't none of us Angelina Jolie. We just stupid Whitey. And until people wake up & CUT THEIR FUCKING PRICES IN HALF OR MORE, nothing will sell here. Just like no one really ever leaves whoring. They just take "breaks". Costs to exit are in your head, and that shit is hard to undo.

This is a town of HEDONISTS, because that is EXACTLY WHAT BEND MEDIA wants here. HEDONISTS will take the KOOL-AID, and not care what happens on The Back End. Even if it's losing everything. Hell, even if it's dying.

GROWTH: Funny thing how some things have Unintended Consequences. We started a War with Iraq, whose main consequence was enriching our enemies at a rate untold in history.

And the Growth Industry? Who knew it's primary byproduct is DEATH?

That's Bend. We reeled in every crack-addled hedonist for 1,000 miles and know we will either use them up so completely that they won't recognize themselves when they leave, or we will bury them.

Thanks Bend Media & Boss Hogg.


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Anonymous said...

""Biden, McCain, and Lord Obamba are BORES.""

that's like saying: "i need brain surgery but all the top surgeons are boring so i'm going with a really bad surgeon who is tons of fun."

Anonymous said...

If you agree that a 14-year-old child who gets raped should be forced to bear the child of her rapist, Sarah Palin is the one for you.

I'm outta here.

Anonymous said...

This country is being liquidated since the 1970's.

Actually the country started turning into shit on Nov. 22, 1963.


I'm not sure really that KENNEDY was that significant. I'm sure it had something to do with the fact he was Catholic.

There is no doubt that the GOVERNMENT was involved. In military sniper training its common knowledge that triangulated fire was used in take out JFK.

I'm not sure that JFK was really a turning point, just more of the same. Really goes back to Eisenhower, who warned about MIL-INDUS-COMPLEX, given those are the people who took out JFK.

Bush grand-daddy was part of post WWII New World Order. These are the folks that setup the post WWII US Government.

Germans Lost WW-II, the Nazi's WON.

Anonymous said...

If you agree that a 14-year-old child who gets raped should be forced to bear the child of her rapist, Sarah Palin is the one for you.


I don't think there is anyone here that thinks the 14 yr-old child should be required to carry to term.

I doubt that Palin does either, this is what TIMMY is talking about, this shit from HBM is fucking 'canned drivel'.

Nobody in their right mind would force a 14yr old to carry a child, except in some weird fucking State, and thats why people cross the border and have butchers perform abortions.

Me always call these debates the 'below the belt' abortion genital debate.

Note, that HBM has been talking shit all morning, and has to end the conversation with 'Abortion, and how Palin supports forcing 14 yr-old to be raped, and carry the child to term'.

What a CROCK of shit, as a MOTHER of several beautiful daughters, I'm sure that if any were raped Palin would NOT force them to carry a child.

It's this kind talk that makes people HATE Democrats, its illogical, its crazy fucking talk.

Abortion is a womans private business, end of fucking story.

Any politician or HBM-PUSSY-PARTY cheerleader that uses 'abortion' as an issue, is a person that has run out of ideas.

Anonymous said...

""Biden, McCain, and Lord Obamba are BORES.""

that's like saying: "i need brain surgery but all the top surgeons are boring so i'm going with a really bad surgeon who is tons of fun."


No, its LIKE SAYING, "I NEED BRAIN SURGERY, but all the surgeons have left the USA, and the only surgeons left are butchers".

Biden, McCain, Obama are the bottom of the barrel, trouble is there are NO good men in politics, because the senate is now +90% lawyers.

Anonymous said...

Below is some scary shit, and shows what Bend will be like in the FUTURE. In essence HOLLERN/BROOK's equivalent has had Lake-no-Negro man arrested for disparaging the company. Suggesting that there might be a BK!! HOMER read this VERY CAREFULLY. This is fucking BEND 100%, and note Bend Pigs will play along with HOLLERN 100%.


A Beaverton man fired from his job with Buena Vista Custom Homes Inc. has been arrested and accused of trying to extort money from the company.
Samuel Joseph Portesi, 34, was arrested Wednesday by Lake Oswego police. He was booked into the Clackamas County Jail on accusations of theft by extortion, a Class B felony, and menacing, a Class A misdemeanor.
Portesi was released later Wednesday, after posting $3,250 bond against bail of $32,500.
He is scheduled to be arraigned in Clackamas County Circuit Court on Sept. 25.
Mike Higgins, spokesman for the Lake Oswego-based Buena Vista, said Portesi worked for the company as a construction site superintendent from 2002 until recently, when he was fired.
Higgins said Portesi then began making false statements about the company to subcontractors, customers and the public, in an apparent attempt to tarnish the company's name. He said Portesi then told company officials he would stop only if they paid him.
Buena Vista officials then contacted Lake Oswego police, said Lt. Dale Jorgensen, police spokesman.
Police arrested Portesi without incident at a Beaverton Starbucks .
The exact nature of the statements, or how much money he sought, was not available.
A statement by Buena Vista president Roger Pollock described Portesi's statements as "slanderous and erroneous," saying they triggered "hysteria."
Buena Vista has suffered in the recent housing-market downturns and credit crunch. A bank has started foreclosure on 15 of the company's homes, but Pollock says the company is not going into bankruptcy.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Right-Wing Asshole: "I don't think there is anyone here that thinks the 14 yr-old child should be required to carry to term.

"I doubt that Palin does either, this is what TIMMY is talking about, this shit from HBM is fucking 'canned drivel'.

"Nobody in their right mind would force a 14yr old to carry a child"

When she was asked during her gubernatorial campaign in 2006 whether she would want her own 14-year-old daughter to have the baby if she was impregnated by a rapist, Sarah Palin replied, "I would choose life."

Sarah Palin has clearly and repeatedly stated that she thinks abortion should be legal only if the mother's life would be endangered by having the baby. She believes abortion should be illegal even in cases of rape and incest.

This is not "canned drivel." This is a matter of PUBLIC RECORD. This is a fucking FACT.

Find yourself a competent surgeon and get the PUS drained out of your brain.

Anonymous said...

Biden, McCain, Obama are the bottom of the barrel, trouble is there are NO good men in politics, because the senate is now +90% lawyers.


This is why PALIN is so attractive, she ain't a FUCKING lawyer.

Anonymous said...

This is not "canned drivel." This is a matter of PUBLIC RECORD. This is a fucking FACT.


It's 'canned drivel' being repeated by you HBM. Fact is if her 14yr old daughter were raped by a 'nigger' the fetus would be aborted. FACT.

Anonymous said...

I'm beginning to think that perhaps HBM & BP share the same pussy.

Who else do we know that listens to the words that politicians say?

Watch what they do boys, not what they say.

Bewert said...

Re: It's 'canned drivel' being repeated by you HBM.

She stated it in a televised debate on Channel 7 in Anchorage on Nov. 2, 2006. See

See here at 8:25 pm

Anonymous said...

"Fact is if her 14yr old daughter were raped by a 'nigger' the fetus would be aborted. FACT."

just because you made it up doesn't mean its a fact

Anonymous said...

"Read my Lips No New Taxes"

Ad infintim, so now all you cunts here are going to tell me that words coming out of the lips of politicians matter??

I want to know how you SUPPORT OR-BOMB-EO, when in fact he spent 20 years with Wright, who tells the truth of about black genocide, yet now disavows Wright, I want to hear how you rationalize that??

"Jeebus xmas everybody knows that the words that come out of a politicians mouth ain't worth shit".

The left hates Palin cuz they 'think' she's anti-life, and the right loves her cuz they 'think' she's pro-life.

Both pussy's only want to talk about abortion, which is ONLY an ISSUE if you have a CUNT, I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

"The left hates Palin cuz they 'think' she's anti-life"

what's "anti-life"? someone who wants to wipe out all life on the planet?

Anonymous said...

Palin said that when it came to her daughter, "I would choose life."

At the time, her daughter was 14 years old.



Perhaps if her daughter got 'raped' by her boyfriend. But you all know that IF her daughter got raped by a 'nigger' there would be an abortion.

Jeebus xmas you folks don't you realize that the powerful and rich have private doc's that take care of this shit, this kind of talk is only for dweebs.

Anonymous said...

With all the IMPORTANT stuff, why do the pussy's have to talk about ABORTION??

There isn't a FUCKING person on this blog that doesn't believe that what you do with your body is your business. This whole debate that society can dictate what our pussy's shove up their snatch or pull out is just fucking dribble.

The fact that Mc$ane picked Palin is BRILLIANT, in spite of the fact the fact there is no brilliance.

Running for office, or getting elected in a democracy has never been about brains, qualifications, or experience, this was the whole reason Tocqueville was so negative on US 'democracy'.

There is NOTHING new under the sun here.

HBM likes to suggest that we're losing our 'democracy' or nation, but the fact is the nation has always been ran by MOB-RULE of the dumbest.

Anonymous said...

"When buster beats off, he never ejaculates cuz buster thinks that all sperm is life"

There now I said it, does that make it true?

Sure now there is probably all kinds of dimwit jeebus freeks in Bend that will now vote for buster, because he respects 'sperm life', as a pro-life candidate I promise never to expel unwanted sperm.

Anonymous said...

"Every sperm is sacred,... "

How does that monty-python song go?

Only in Bend are there people who think that peoples genitals are their business.

Anonymous said...

HYPOCRISY, ... HBM likes to talk about 'life', ...

But refuses to discuss Lord OR-BOMB-EO's link to distributing Aid's to blacks all over the world, in Africa 50% infection, and millions dead to date.

In Middle east between two BUSH-WARS over a million children have died from dysentary. Because BUSH-TRIBES keep bombing the sewage treatment plants for the past 10+ years.

HBM likes to talk about what women do with their pussy, but refuses to talk about MASSIVE GENOCIDE created by his own government that he so much loves.

Anonymous said...

I saw this coming, now OR-BOMB-EO is going to tell people what they can & cannot talk about. Orwellian OR-BOMB-EO is soon to come!


Obama Says Palin Pregnancy “Off Limits”
FOXNews - 1 hour ago
by Bonney Kapp Barack Obama addressed a gaggle of reporters this afternoon to discuss the latest goings-on with Hurricane Gustav. After brief opening comments on the much-hyped, overly politicized hurricane, reporters were curious about one thing: ...

Anonymous said...

anonymous said...
I'm beginning to think that perhaps HBM & BP share the same pussy.


HBrucePussy and BrucePussy are the same.

HBMPussy ejaculates about Palin and her comments about being ProLife. BrucePussy ranted months ago how statutory rape should be legal.

Two, two, two Pussys in one.

And I have further proof that HBM is a kept man with a dominator man-wife. HBM said himself he is younger than retirement age. HBM said himself he works for minimum wage or for free as a writer/loser at the SORE rag, while living off his man-wife's income until his retirement checks (all $972/mo) start coming in the mail.

Exactly same as the Original Pussy.

Meet New, Louder Pussy. Sames as the Original Pussy.

Anonymous said...

Both pussy's only want to talk about abortion, which is ONLY an ISSUE if you have a CUNT, I rest my case.


Two Pussys with Two CUNTS.

Or is it Two CUNTS, with Two Pussys?

Is their a OBGYN in the House?

While we are waiting for the definitive answer, let us also review the facts about the other claim:

HBM, a Pussy who is a kept man, with a man-wife. HPussy admits about the same thing. And he does become the angry Pussy whenever somebody investigates the claim.

Does the HPussy's man-wife also work at a bike shop, like the other?

Where does the HPussy man-wife work?

Bewert said...

Re: Both pussy's only want to talk about abortion, which is ONLY an ISSUE if you have a CUNT, I rest my case.

You focused on that among all the other issues I listed with her, i.e. drilling ANWR, etc.

We just corrected you on her self-stated record regarding abortion rights.

And then a couple of hours ago it came out that the daughter is currently preggers...

I would rather talk tax or foreign policy. Or better yet, local policy. Which is affected by things like federal tax credits for certain items, grants for city buses, water rights, etc.

Anonymous said...

With OR-OBOMB-EO awesome speechification last week, and with Mother Nature doing her thing against the Repugs, and Mc$ame having a brainfart in picking the AlaskanPie, the polls should show BombaBiden 15% up.

CNN Poll: Obama 49, McCain 48...

McCain/Palin 47%
Obama/Biden 45%...

ObomaBiden only get one out of three polls? And that one by only 6 points?

Man, it must suck to be a OR-BOMBA-EO fan.

Duncan McGeary said...

Turns out Palin's 17 year old daughter IS pregnant.

Anonymous said...

We just corrected you on her self-stated record regarding abortion rights.


I concur, she has always claimed to be a bible thumper and pro-life. So fucking what. HITLER was a hippy, the swastikia means 'rest in peace' in Chinese.

People talk out of their ass to get elected.

Bush-Tribe also participates in talk about love for life, and yet is the greatest mass murderer in the last fifty years.

Anonymous said...

Turns out Palin's 17 year old daughter IS pregnant.


yes, dunc its old news, and its by the boyfriend of 4+ years, and they're getting married, why is this fucking news?

Anonymous said...


Do you realize that OR-BOMB-EO told us that we can't talk about this?

I want to hear what you think about the pussy getting $180 ticket for parking in front of $tarbucks.

I want to hear what you think about BV having cops arrest people in $tarbucks for telling the truth about BV.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the pussy's and early retirement, bustfuck has been semi-retired since he was 35, and my wifes money has always been her money.

I give HP & BP credit if they have figured out how to keep their arse out of the rat race, probably explains why they're still pussy, and not curmudgeon old crusty KUNT.

Anonymous said...

You focused on that among all the other issues I listed with her, i.e. drilling ANWR, etc.


Yes, pussy and OR-BOMB-EO in the last month has now become PRO off-shore drilling. FLIP-FLOPPING is OR-BOMB-EO's passion.

Anonymous said...

I would rather talk tax or foreign policy. Or better yet, local policy. Which is affected by things like federal tax credits for certain items, grants for city buses, water rights, etc.


I would rather see BP create a new website and declare WAR on Diamond Parking.

Bewert said...

Yes, pussy and OR-BOMB-EO in the last month has now become PRO off-shore drilling

He offered a fig leaf in return for real reform on alternative energy, CAFE standards, etc. Congress fought over this last summer, when the Dems offered the same fig leaf. "The Republicans and the oil companies have been really beating the drums on drilling," Obama said in the interview with the Florida paper, "and so we don't want gridlock. We want to get something done." See

Obama's certainly not perfect. No one is. I'll settle for smart and well-spoken, rather than a dumbfuck troglodyte who can't string whole sentences together.

Here is the future Buster is talking about, which could very well become true:

Bewert said...

Re: WAR on Diamond Parking

Got to learn more before any declaration of war. The parking stuff have been committeed to death over the last five years as it is.

Anonymous said...

bruce said...
Re: WAR on Diamond Parking

Got to learn more before any declaration of war.


Ah, yes, Pussy!!! Education is a good thing.

Perhaps after you have studied up, little grasshopper, then, once enlightened, you should write a 1,000 page critique, such as you did on the City Council's illegal Exec Sessions, while never filling a single complaint.

Wise Pussy always believes:
"Better to boast and brag, but do nothing, than to actually do what you said you would do."

Anonymous said...

Turns out Palin's 17 year old daughter IS pregnant.

yes, dunc its old news, and its by the boyfriend of 4+ years, and they're getting married, why is this fucking news?

Reflects pretty negatively on the mom's parenting IMO.

Also reflects negatively on the idiotic fundie attitude toward sex, which requires girls to practice birth control by crossing their legs (and ONLY by crossing their legs) until they're married.

She's getting married -- so what? She's still 17 YEARS OLD. She is not equipped to be a parent. And she is setting a lousy example for other teenage girls. If Britney's sister is a lousy example, so is Sarah Palin's daughter.

Of course Palin is a Republican and a fundie, so all this is cool with the Republican fundies. Whether it's so cool with the rest of the country remains to be seen.

I also heard on the news that Palin never told the McCain campaign about this until after he selected her. Bet he's really pissed off now.

But again, this shows that the vetting process of Palin was very superficial and the decision was made hastily and without having all the facts. More evidence of McCain's bad judgment.

Bewert said...

BTW Homer, my golds, resurrected on my old "fun" bio from about 10 years ago I found on a backup this week while looking for some old code:

Warning-kinda stupid and sappy.

And I doubt the links work anymore.

(big breath, click publish...)

Bewert said...

Re: you should write a 1,000 page critique, such as you did on the City Council's illegal Exec Sessions

I've got it, updated--want to file it under your name?

It's a big step. Telfer said she was going to try to fix things, but so far it "hasn't been discusses".

I give it until the next CC meeting, and then I'll have to take a big breath and mail all ten copies off.

You're right, it needs to be dealt with. And I don't see anyone else even trying.

Bewert said...

No, this is why McCain chose her, in a way I would approve for perhaps an executive assistant, with a one or two very important duties:

Anonymous said...

E, a freaking powder monkey! Daredevil and sooo much more!

Anonymous said...

"Good, but not great, Ewert has raced against Greg Lemond and won two golds and a silver in three races at the Utah Summer Games in the early 90's..."


Anybody who can hang with Greg or Lance is an athlete... who deserves respect.

And if you actually publish that complaint, then you will earn my respect as somebody who does what he says he will.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Fucking Homer is all cut and paste.

What? Never!


IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Oy.... OK, I just got home so I'm going to have to do this thing tomorrow...

The weather was great. I can EASILY see why one, with the means, would go for 1-2 days, get great weather & buy a second home there.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Or maybe I should let it go another week! McPAIN is getting good response...

Has Brucey used the term "McSAME" yet? I may be forced to post untl her does.

In 2 minutes.

Anonymous said...

HBM is just like the old Clit Eastwood flic-"Two Pussys For Sister Brucey."

Bewert said...

IH, you mean McPalin...

Anonymous said...

Good to hear Homer is back. How much did your bail cost?

What did you think about your twin bitch in Lake-No-Negro going to prison for mentioning 'BV' in pubic??

Anonymous said...

I'm sure our Homer who has always been an appreciator of good looking snatch will give Palin the high-five.

What else really matters?

Anonymous said...

vetting process of Palin was very superficial and the decision was made hastily and without having all the facts. More evidence of McCain's bad judgment.


Vetting Process a new word this week for HPussy.

Let's understand this.

"Dear Mr. Mc$ane, thanks for the nom of VPmilf, but I need to tell you I have five daughters, and I'll need to fist fuck them all tonight to give you genitalia status, that is a prerequisite to the vetting process."

"If one miscarriages in the ensuing days, you mr Mc$ane will be the first to know", ...

Nope, it doesn't work that way, nobody but HBM cares about other people genitals.

Anonymous said...

Homer, did you hear while you were gone that our HBM is starting a Temperance Union here in Bend, to do something about our alcohol problem!!

Anonymous said...


This hottest story this week is BV having people put in jail for telling the truth.

Note normally by judges order when a BK starts, your not allowed to harass the bankruptee. This would be a contempt of court.

In this BV case he's saying he's not BK, sounds like some parts are, then you give the party one warning to quit harassing you, and then call the sheriff.

Anonymous said...

I'm really thinking that HBM is 10X the pussy that BP is-is, at least BP, gets air between his rants about his party.

HBM just keeps pouring the shit 24/7 and clearly doesn't care about the response. Me thinks that HBM is a terminal Liberal Democrat Fuckee.

Anonymous said...

Praise the LORD, is OR-BOMB-EO's pastor who says that USA is killing niggers the same as a white bitch getting knocked up? What's worse? 5M dead niggers from aids or one knocked up white HO in AK?


Don't try to make Bristol Palin the Jeremiah Wright for John McCain


Enough with trying to make Bristol Palin the Jeremiah Wright of the McCain-Palin ticket.

When the worthiness of a presidential or vice presidential candidate gets decided by the conduct of a candidate's daughter or minister, then we have lost all sight of what America needs to fight growing terrorism, conduct two wars, create a health care system, save Social Security and try to straighten out an economy that is spiraling out of control.

Anonymous said...

Enough with trying to make Bristol Palin the Jeremiah Wright of the McCain-Palin ticket.


Remember what Tim said last night about Dem's keep their mouth shut, they just couldn't do it.

Bewert said...

Re: an athlete...

"was"...40 pounds and 15 years ago. Although I can still make the pedals turn pretty good :)

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Good to hear Homer is back. How much did your bail cost?

Wow, no kidding. All us BK Rah-Rah types better lube up or shut up.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Two, two, two Pussys in one.

Cripes.... that's funny!

Anonymous said...

Fucking Homer is all cut and paste.- BP

What? Never! - HOMEE


BP is no HOMEE.

What is good for the goose is not good for the gander.

Anonymous said...

More on McCain's bad judgment:

ST. PAUL — A series of disclosures about Gov. Sarah Palin, Senator John McCain’s choice as running mate, called into question on Monday how thoroughly Mr. McCain had examined her background before putting her on the Republican presidential ticket.

On Monday morning, Ms. Palin and her husband, Todd, issued a statement saying that their 17-year-old unmarried daughter, Bristol, was five months pregnant and that she intended to marry the father.

Among other less attention-grabbing news of the day: it was learned that Ms. Palin now has a private lawyer in a legislative ethics investigation in Alaska into whether she abused her power in dismissing the state’s public safety commissioner; that she was a member for two years in the 1990s of the Alaska Independence Party, which has at times sought a vote on whether the state should secede; and that Mr. Palin was arrested 22 years ago on a drunken-driving charge.

Aides to Mr. McCain said they had a team on the ground in Alaska now to look more thoroughly into Ms. Palin’s background. -- NY Times

LMAO! They're checking her background NOW??? A little late, maybe?

I truly believe the Palin selection will sink McCain's candidacy -- not because of the pregnancy, but because of her lack of qualifications and the hasty, sloppy decision-making process that led to the selection. McCain already has the reputation of being an impetuous, shoot-from-the-hip guy; this will not help change that reputation.

Anybody remember Thomas Eagleton?

Bewert said...

Anybody remember Thomas Eagleton?

Before being chosen fo VP candidate by McGovern in 1972, he spent two years in the Navy, graduated from Amherst and Harvard Law, was Missouri Attorney General, Lieutenant Governor, and then Senator at the time of his pick.

Hastily vetted, he lasted 18 days after the press found out he had self-admitted to psych hospitals three times between 1960 and 1966 for stress and exhaustion, twice receiving electroshock therapy.

Anybody want to bet a beer that Palin won't last 18 days after her acceptance speech?

You know one thing I find really ironic? It's that the her rep for being a reformer is mostly based on her taking on the oil companies and forcing them to pay higher taxes/royalties to the state of AK.

Higher taxes! Isn't that atni-Republican?

Bewert said...

I asked ODOT Bob last week:

"Does the city have a any sort of chance to convince ODOT and the OTC to allow further development in Juniper Ridge before any traffic mitigation?

I keep hearing that we are on the cusp of an agreement, I've been hearing that for months, but it just seems like a pipe dream until we fix the traffic problem."

This morning I received this response;

"Allowing for Alternate Mobility Standards (increased levels of congestion) have occurred in a limited basis in the Portland area and also in Medford on a temporary basis. I've continued to tell the City that this is a huge challenge and that we've got a lot of work to determine if this concept is one that stakeholders and residents from throughout Central Oregon are able to support, and how much more congestion the public is willing to tolerate in exchange for further development.

The draft agreement is conceptual and has a number of questions and issues that still need to be resolved in addition to the one mentioned above. I've also told the City that we are committed to do the work that will ultimately answer your question."

So what do you think the chances are we will actually be able to sell any land in JR before the city goes bankrupt?

How much input do you think the public will actually have in accepting further congestion? Hah! That's funny.

BTW, I'll try to track down that draft agreement.

Bewert said...

Re: When the worthiness of a presidential or vice presidential candidate gets decided by the conduct of a candidate's daughter...

I think that the issue is said candidate is a strong proponent of abstinence-only sex ed, and the efficacy of such a policy is manifest in her own high school daughter. And not in a good way.

Do you want that policy pushed on your children through federal aid requirements?

Anonymous said...

McCain already has the reputation of being an impetuous, shoot-from-the-hip guy; this will not help change that reputation.


Let's see the indictment,

1.)PRegnant daughter; this shit happens
2.) 22yr's ago her hubby got a dui, only temperance union hbm would get his pussy all atrophied over that one.
3.) Hired to lawyer to rep her, tell us its not true,

Can you imagine the enemy's this bitch has up in AK after making OIL pay more tax, and this is the best the DEM-KUNT can bring up?

OR-BOMB-EO had the CHICAGO-MOB get him a home loan, his pastor of 20+ years says that USA created AIDS and is the #1 killer in the world.

HOLY SHIT! If PALIN had any of this shit, like a loose-cannon preacher, the DEM press would lynch her, the best they can do is the 1-3 above, ... It's not looking good for the pussy's.

Anonymous said...

Do you want that policy pushed on your children through federal aid requirements?


No, I want BP telling the whole fucking world how CUNT should be managed by the GOVERNMENT, I want BP to tell us how the MORMRON church will be doing HYMEN inspections to verify chastity.

JEEBUS fucking xmas BP/HP I thought yesterday we would move on from talking about what women do with their cunts???

I'll tell you what I think. That the little Sa-Bar HO, got her self knocked up so her BP aged boyfriend wouldn't leave her sorry white ass. You know that Sa-Bar is/was giving her daughters the PILL/PATCH like candy, so the ONLY WAY in hell the HO could have gotten knocked up was that the the boyfriend dumped her sorry ass, and now there is going to be an AK shot-gun wedding.

End of fucking story.

Anonymous said...

I think that the issue is said candidate is a strong proponent of abstinence-only sex ed, and the efficacy of such a policy is manifest in her own high school daughter.


Yeh, tell us about it BP, tell us about making a PORN QUEEN into a VPmilf, and then with total candor she's going to lecture us on abstinence.

This would be like Monica Lewinski being a poster child for Abstinence. Nobody had vaginal sex with that girl, yet she has canker sores and puss drooling from her chops.

People FUCK HP/BP get over it, I assume that in general man-wives by definition don't put out.

The whole fucking reason that Mc$ane made SaBar his VPmilf was she has 'fuck me' written all over her resume. Then she goes on to lecture about abstinence in a country where child-fucking & child-porn are the leading economic industry's. JEEBUS XMAS.

Anonymous said...

Anybody want to bet a beer that Palin won't last 18 days after her acceptance speech?

She might not even make it that far; Intrade is offering 13:9 odds that she'll be kicked off the ticket.

There's all kinds of nasty new shit coming out about her -- check out

The point is not that her daughter is pregnant; the points are that (a) she's totally unqualified, (b) she's a far-right-wing religious extremist with views that are WAY out of the American mainstream, (c) the vetting process was hasty and inadequate and (d) McCain showed atrociously bad judgment in picking her.

Now McCain is fucked either way: If he dumps her he looks like a fool and probably loses the fundie vote, and if he keeps her on the ticket she'll be a millstone around his neck for the rest of the campaign.

He is, as they say, impaled upon the horns of a dilemma, and the dilemma looks like a 2,500-pound Brahma bull.

The Repukelicans are SOOOOOOO totally fucked. And I am SOOOOOO lovin' it.

Anonymous said...

The point is not that her daughter is pregnant; the points are that (a) she's totally unqualified, (b) she's a far-right-wing religious extremist with views that are WAY out of the American mainstream, (c) the vetting process was hasty and inadequate and (d) McCain showed atrociously bad judgment in picking her.

This is why you'll be entirely bewildered when McCain/Palin hand Obama/Biden their asses in November. I can understand your gasping and anger though.

Anonymous said...

Zogby poll shows that Palin is kicking ass, and that they're ahead of OR-BOMB-EO, given that less than a week has gone by, since the DEM conv, this is as good as its going to get for OR-BOMB-EO.

Everything is going according to plan, and day SaBAR will come out in tears about the press bad mouthing her family.

It's a tear-jerking moment, and you dumb-fucks will enjoy 4 more years of the BUSH-TRIBE.

Anonymous said...

There's all kinds of nasty new shit coming out about her -- check out


No, tell me its not so nasty shit, like her daughter had unprotected sex?

So, fucking nasty, I'm shocked, HBM when your done being a moral apologizer, and have banned alcohol in Bend, perhaps you can clean up the fucking internet?

It's all light-weight stuff you expect of an ordinary, McPLAIN USA women, get over it folks, this is brilliant for the Repug's to have pulled off. Since when is it against the law to be HUMAN?

EVERYTHING that the pussy's are all getting their cunts fussed about is ordinary human shit.

Kids fuck and get pregnant.

Politicians make enemy's, ...

What happened to Bend?

Anonymous said...


I watched the new palin vid on huffington, and read their commentary.

All I can say, COOL, SO FUCKING COOL, have we not for the last 8 years listened to CONDI and her bible thumping tell us that the BABY-JEEBUS sent us BUSH??

The TROUBLE is YOU FUCKING PUSSY CUNTS can talk about what her pastor says, that she is a gift from G*D to be AK governor and PREZ, .. in detail, but YOU FUCKS don't have the BALLS to talk what Rev Wright say about USA killing niggers in the MILLIONS, and creating AIDS!

On the one fucking hand its going, as its ALL SHIT, to say 'palin is jeebus nutcase', but guess what it got her elected luv-guv in AK.

MC$ane is/was hated by JEEBUS-KUNTS, until he got SaBAR, she will be forgiven, the JEEBUS freaks will eat this shit up, the press is responding exactly like McPalin predicted. Like TIM says KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT.

For me its all a big yawn, BUSH-TRIBE has been talking this jeebus shit for years. The good news is this is NOT how Mc$ane thinks, and that SaBar is just a token HO to appease the JEEBUS FREAKS in his party.

NOW DUMB FUCKING CUNT HBM, lets talk what REV WRIGHT talks about HOW USA is #1 nigger killer in the world!!! GOOGLE "Litton Bionetics", and learn how the USA created AIDS, and learn what OR-BOMB-EO has been fed for the past 20+ years.

Lastly, FYI I happen to completely agree with REV-WRIGHT he tells the truth. Palin's preacher is just a fucking tele-evangelist making $$$, but WRIGHT is the real deal.

WHY are we not talking about the shit that WRIGHT is talking about??

Anonymous said...

-the fact that she's being investigated by the State of Alaska on charges of abuse of power, involving SEVERAL instances where according the special prosecutor in which she may have been complicit, which are substantially more serious that she had first led the McCain camp to believe IS news.(abuse of power/dishonesty)

- the fact that Gov. Palin has taken $27 million in earmarks IS news; (pandering/corruption)

-the fact that Gov. Palin was the DIRECTOR of indicted Sen. Ted Stevens' 527 and raised millions for him, IS news; (corrupt)

-the fact that Gov. Palin ran up a $20 million debt when she was mayor of a small town IS news.(misuse of authority)

- The fact that Gov. Palin was a member of the Buchanan Brigade IS news. (Anti-Semitic conservative, Nazi sympathizer)

- the fact that Gov. Palin is a member of Alaskans for Independence Party IS news;(sedition/treason)

-the fact that Gov. Palin is a NeoPentacostal Dominionist which is a church that preaches purging the Earth of all non-Christians by a specially anointed army of God (starting with the Jews), IS news; (religious fanaticism)

-The fact that as a teen Gov. Palin played a leading role as a member of said army (Joel's Army or the Army of the Third Wave-which most Christian theologians consider heretical in nature) IS news....

Anonymous said...

HBM, it just keep getting better. So you played the Nazi card, She's got it cinched now.

Bush-Tribe are Nazi's, and Palin's one of them. I love America.

Bewert said...

Hey, don't forget she tried to ban books from the public library as Mayor, and then tried to fire the librarian when she refused to go along. Family values!

Bewert said...

Re: Zogby poll

Sept. 4:30 PM
Poll: Obama/Biden Take Eight-Point Lead

The Barack Obama/Joe Biden Democratic ticket has taken an eight-point lead over the Republican ticket of John McCain/Sarah Palin, according to the latest CBS News poll.

CBS) Democratic nominee Barack Obama's lead over Republican John McCain has grown after the Democratic convention, which 71 percent of Americans say they watched. Obama and his running mate Joe Biden now lead McCain and Sarah Palin 48 percent to 40 percent, according to the latest CBS News poll.

How the fuck does anyone get 71% of Americans to watch a political convention?

Anonymous said...

Read about China securing 20 years of oil out of Iraq?
George, I though we went to Iraq to secure the F*#&@ng oil. Or was it missiles?

Bewert said...

Re: China gets Iraq oil

Guess they don't like us anymore, if they ever did. Ungrateful fucks, after we saved them from Saddam and gave them freedom and democracy, plus the greates US Embassy ever!

Anonymous said...

Re: Zogby poll [ Mc$ane ahead 10pts ]

Sept. 4:30 PM
CNN Poll: Obama/Biden Take Eight-Point Lead


One group is polling pussy's, the others Kunts.

Anonymous said...

Ungrateful fucks, after we saved them from Saddam and gave them freedom and democracy, plus the greates US Embassy ever!


Yes, OR-BOMB-EO will declare ALL US TROOPS OUT OF IRAQ, but +10K 'US contractors' will remain for all time.

Anonymous said...

Pollster John Zogby commented: "Palin is not to be underestimated. Her real strength is that she is authentic"

The truth will drive our pussy's insane. The truth is that OR-BOMB-EO is a fake, and SaBar is the real mcCoy!!!


According to the most recent Zogby poll, which gathered the opinions of voters the day following McCain's Palin pick, the new vice-presidential nominee gave the Republican campaign a large boost, with McCain/Palin now at 47% and Obama/Biden at 45%. Republicans themselves were overwhelmingly positive about Palin, as 87% said she helped, and only 3% said she hurt the ticket.

Pollster John Zogby commented: "Palin is not to be underestimated. Her real strength is that she is authentic, a real mom, an outdoors person, a small town mayor (hey, she has dealt with a small town city council - that alone could be preparation for staring down Vladimir Putin, right?). She is also a reformer."

Anonymous said...

Blogger Marge said...

Read about China securing 20 years of oil out of Iraq?


Marge I don't want to rock your fucking boat, but all that Alaska OIL? It goes to JAPAN, its called the highest bidder. All that IRAQI OIL, it will go to China, its called the highest bidder, did you really expect the BUSH-TRIBE to send their oil to the USA?? And sell it for cheap??

Anonymous said...

She is also a reformer.


That is what is BRILLIANT about this whole thing, rather than the DEM's delivering US queen HILLARY-BITCH, we get a plain-jane US 'mom' for VPmilf. It's absolutely BRILLIANT.

OR-BOMB-EO will become a silver-spoon mama's boy. OBE is a fucking Chicago Old-Boy POL, Mc$ane will introduce SaBar as the NEW FACE of America!!! Fucking Brilliant.

The HILLARY-BITCH is dead, the wicked witch is dead.

The pussy's here would like to tell us they would like to see the mug of HILLARY for 8 more years, rather than SaBar, ... Nobody wanted to see HRC's mug.

OR-BOMB-EO better do some jive quick, to portray himself as 'REAL & AUTHENTIC', shit even the URBAN-black men across the USA, call him uncle-tom. He ain't real, and he has distanced himself from his own pastor, while SaBar is embracing her pastor.

It takes GUTS to stay with what you believe, USA will eat this shit up.

Anonymous said...

Read about China securing 20 years of oil out of Iraq?

Maybe now people will be ready to pull out. It was bad policy to go in. It was bad policy to stay. We didn't even get the oil.

The money spent on the war should have been spent on developing new technologies. Instead we wasted it and didn't even succeed in our goal of getting enough oil to take us through the next decade.

That's it folks... there isn't much more oil out there. Just about every oil producing nation is past their peak and we are on the down-stroke of oil availability. As it gets harder to pump prices will be going up. Already it takes a barrel's worth of oil to pump two more out of the ground - down from a barrel of oil to pump 28 out in the early 1900s. When it starts to take a barrel to get a barrel and a half what do you think is going to happen to prices? When it takes a barrel to get a barrel we will effectively be out of oil, even though there is more in the ground. It won't be worth taking.

There is only about 20-30 years of usable oil in the earth now - before you figure in China's growth.

By the time your kids are your age we will be out of oil.

Get out of Iraq, spend money on finding an alternative.

Anonymous said...

Clinton's MGR gives Palin the high-five, it just keeps getting better.

Sarah Palin Is a Godsend for McCain
Tuesday, September 2, 2008 1:56 PM
By: Dick Morris

Republicans shouldn’t mourn the loss of the first night (at least) of their convention. Sarah Palin’s warm reception by the American people and the relative success of preparations to contain the damage of Hurricane Gustav seem to have given the GOP far more bounce than it would’ve gotten from a "conventional" first night in St. Paul.

We’ll never know just how much Barack Obama gained in the polls from his magnificent acceptance speech. He spoke too late on Thursday for any post-speech polling to be effective — and John McCain announced his selection of Palin the next morning.

So the Friday night polls reflected both the bounce from Obama’s speech and from McCain’s surprise — which seems to have neutralized the Democrat’s gains. (That night, Zogby gave McCain a two-point lead; Rasmussen found Obama three ahead.)

Our guess is that Obama’s speech had a huge impact — counteracted by a huge plus for McCain from his surprise pick of Palin.

Meanwhile, making up for the loss of the first night of the convention is the contrast between the chaos that greeted Katrina’s landfall in 2005 and this year’s smooth preparations. McCain, the administration and the GOP Gulf-state governors should all gain. At the very least, they’ve all shown that they’ve learned from the mistakes of three years ago.

Palin is a godsend to McCain. She injects charisma and novelty into what would otherwise have been a deadly dull ticket. She has a compelling record of battling corruption in Alaska — uncovering misconduct by fellow Republicans and beating a GOP pork-king governor in a primary.

And his choice of her suggests that the old John McCain — the bold, fighting Senate maverick — is back. (News that Palin’s daughter is pregnant should make no difference. The governor had disclosed the fact to McCain, and he, like the tolerant and wise person he is, accepted it.)

The Palin pick also aims straight at Obama’s biggest problem: his difficulty in attracting the votes of women over 40. To win in November, a Democrat needs to win this group by a wide margin, yet Obama now trails by four points.

Palin also makes it far harder to paint a McCain administration as a third term for Bush, yet the "Bush-McCain" charge lies at the core of Obama’s campaign.

What will be the next surprise of this remarkable political year?

© 2008 Dick Morris & Eileen McGann

Anonymous said...

Read about China securing 20 years of oil out of Iraq?

Maybe now people will be ready to pull out. It was bad policy to go in. It was bad policy to stay. We didn't even get the oil.


Stupid fucking KUNTS. You were never going to get the OIL. Your never going to get government health-care.

What SADDAM did was threaten to sell his in EURO's, thus we invaded. Now the CHINESE will BUY the OIL in DOLLARS forever. This is what we have accomplished.

NOBODY is going to send any OIL to the USA, until the fuckheads are willing to pay +$10/gal like everybody else in the world pays.

BUSH-TRIBE is INTL oil, they're going to sell the OIL to the highest bidder. The biz of using US troops was to ensure that the US-DOLLAR continues to be the currency of DRUGS(afghan) & OIL (middle-east).

Anonymous said...

Palin also makes it far harder to paint a McCain administration as a third term for Bush, yet the "Bush-McCain" charge lies at the core of Obama’s campaign.


OR-BOMB-EO is FUCKED, now its going to be McPalin from NOW ON!!!

Anonymous said...

Four days about Palin? What about Biden, who has Jewish votes in his KUNT, will he be able to put them in OR-BOMB-EO's KUNT?? Remember Rev Wright is only about USA killing niggers with AID's, but much about Jews running the world. If you wanted to be cynical you could say this is the ONLY reason OR-BOMB-EO has the Biden.

September 2nd, 2008
Biden Bids for Jewish Vote in Florida
by Aaron Bruns

DEERFIELD BEACH, Fla — Joe Biden looked to use his cache with the Jewish community to convince voters in this South Florida enclave that Barack Obama is as much a friend to Israel as he is.

Obama is viewed skeptically by some in the Jewish faith ever since he told a crowd in Muscatine, IA last year that “nobody is suffering more than the Palestinian people.”

Biden, who was introduced at the event by Holocaust survivor Dina Axelrod (no relation to Obama adviser David, he was assured), and kicked things off with accounts of meeting former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Maier and taking his sons to Dachau when each was 15.

He even dropped a little Yiddish, revealing that his son Beau married into the Berger family and saying “we’re all going to be mishpokhe” — or “extended family” — “before this is all over.”

But BIden’s serious mission was to win over Jewish voters for Obama. Claiming he was loathe to leave his spot as the 4th most senior senator, the Democratic VP nominee told the crowd “I give you my word as a Biden. I would not have given up that job to be Barack Obama’s Vice President if I didn’t in my gut, and in my heart and in my head know that Barack Obama is exactly what I need and you need.”

“The fact of the matter is, Israel today is less secure, less secure than it was 8 years ago,” said Biden. “I promise you. I promise you. We will. We will make it more secure.”

The Delaware Senator also sought to shoot down another source of consternation among the Jewish community — those persistent email rumors that Obama is a muslim. “There’s some scurrilous stuff going around on the internet, particularly in Florida. It’s simply scurrilous,” Biden said. ” To the extent you trust me, I promise you the stuff you’re getting on the internet is simply not true.”

He even defended Michelle, who has sometimes been painted as militant (as witnessed on the infamous New Yorker cover). “The next Republican or right wing guy who tells me Michelle is this angry woman, listen to that speech of hers. I can tell you personally about her,” he said.

Judging from the applause level and the questions from the crowd, Biden didn’t have to go far to win over this particular group. Most railed against the current administration, while one wished Biden mazel and another coopted the Obama slogan — “Not only Yes We Can, but Yes We Will,” he said.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden looked to use his cache with the Jewish community to convince voters in this South Florida enclave that Barack Obama is as much a friend to Israel as he is.


What is the 'code' above? Recall OR-BOMB-EO, OREO is BP obvious, but 'BOMB' is what OR-BOMB-EO is going to bring down on the Middle-East. OR-BOMB-EO only has convince the Israelis ( AIPAC ) that his intention is to kill every living man, woman, and child in the Middle East, and he'll get AIPAC support.

Anonymous said...

“The fact of the matter is, Israel today is less secure, less secure than it was 8 years ago,” said Biden. “I promise you. I promise you. We will. We will make it more secure.”


This is 'code' for we're going BOMB lots of Palestinians back into the stone age.

Anonymous said...

Biden likes to point out he's the only person in the USA that supports the use of Cluster-BOMB's on Palestinian children. He's a good man, just like Lieberman. There's that use of 'BOMB' again by TEAM-OR-BOMB-EO.

'Silence breeds abuse'

(NECN: Deerfield Beach, Florida) - Senator Joe Biden held a town hall meeting in Deerfield Beach, Florida this afternoon.

The Democratic vice presidential nominee reiterated his support of Israel.

"I was the original co-sponsor for the Palestinian Anti-terrorism Act. I was one of the people who would go on television to defend Israel when the use of cluster bombs occurred...when no one else in the United States Senate spoke up," said Biden.

"Silence breeds abuse," said Biden.

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul fans, there is an excellent interview floating around today, where RP say's what I have said all along, which is that OR-BOMB-EO will expand the WAR in the middle-east, because he has to PROVE he's tough!

Anonymous said...

Did McCain seriously turn to Palin only near the end of the process, after he was talked out of picking Joe Lieberman? Or was she also sitting there as a genuine prospect who, in the end, fit the message McCain wants to send about himself this fall?


It certainly appears that way, not being said, but its really about the Jewish vote, he who grabs that gets the PREZ. You can't run a Jewish candidate in the primary, because the USA is essential minority Jewish at 2%, but on the end final run, its the Jews that have the last say.

Had Mc$ane got LIEBERMAN he would have WON for certain, Lieby would have kicked Bidens ass on the who can kill more Palestinian children angle.

Sadly the Repug's didn't let Mc$ane have Lieby, so he picked SarBa as a BIG fuck you. It's going to be quite cute,

Either way Israel is FUCKED, like Biden says Team-Nazi-BUSH has only empowered Israels enemy's.

Bewert said...

Re: Either way Israel is FUCKED

No, you got that one totally fucking backwards.

On one side, you've got Biden covering for Israel's use of clusterbombs, which have been outlawed by virtually every country on earth with the exception of the US and Israel.

On the other, you've got neocon McCain advisors like these:

Project director at the Project for a New American Century (PNAC).

Believes that the United States needs a “colonial office” inspired by the British system in India in order to better fulfill its role of transforming the world.

Former head of the CIA. Subscribes to the “World War IV” formulation (in which the Cold War was World War III) and believes that the United States has been “at war” with Islamists since 1979...

plus Kristol, Kagan, Bolton, etc.

Same old BUSH-TRIBE shit.

Besides, you can't fuck over the folks who own or run most of the media. They make the stories up.

tim said...

>>That seems to be SOP for the right-wing cretins posting here.

What's with the name calling? I sincerely hope you're not referring to the sober independents among us.

tim said...

Thank goodness Palin came along. At the very least, the snorefest stage of this election is over.

tim said...

>>There's all kinds of nasty new shit coming out about her -- check out

Well at least I know where my bother's talking points are coming from. Thanks.

Bewert said...

McCain's top foreign policy guy is a real piece of work: Randy/Randall Scheunemann

Play with Google. See your future.

BTW, anyone who wonders what the endgame is should read "REBUILDING

Strategy, Forces and Resources
For a New Century"
by PNAC, the Project for a New American Century.

Especially page 51, of the chapter "CREATING TOMORROW’S DOMINANT FORCE", on convincing Amerika to spend real money on the military and its adventures:

Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event –like a new Pearl Harbor.

Think PNAC is a fringe group, wild-eyed right wing nuts?

The signers of their Statement of Principles include:
Dick Cheney
Donald Rumsfeld
Jeb Bush
Steve Forbes
I. "Scooter" Lewis Libby
William J. Bennett
Gary Bauer
Paul Wolfowitz
and several more whose names are linked to power.

Ready for more of McSame? Wars financed by China, sending jobs to China, taxing the middle class instead of the wealthy, etc.

But I admit we are getting off track quite a bit. So no more rants about PNAC, Israel, etc.

tim said...

Obama THE MAN is smart. He says the family should not be attacked. But his party is stupid. They can not resist. They will almost willingly fall into the trap of being absolute unpalatable disgusting bastards, as we've already seen.

Did I or did I not call this one?

I know because I was a hard-working Democrat myself for so long.

I think even Bruce admitted I was right on the danger to Democrats here.

tim said...


I am not a Republican, so I'll tell you Democrats how to win (of you want to win rather than be martyrs).

Shut the hell up. Dig no more. You guys try this every damned time. Can you learn, or are you insane?

Promote Obama. Talk about issues. Optimism, mot pessimism. Hope, not hate.

If you go down the route of personality you will lose.

Learn, goddamn it! Love and accept your brother Republican. We are all Americans. We need a left foot and a right foot.

tim said...

Sorry about the typos. Totally drunk.

(just kidding, hbm)

Bewert said...

Yeah, I did. Better to leet McPalin implode by themselves. There are already about 100 reporters poking around AK...

Bewert said...

Homer, you going for 600 or what?

tim said...

>>Yeah, I did. Better to leet McPalin implode by themselves. There are already about 100 reporters poking around AK...

Haha. In two sentences you did it twice yourself.

Negative mean reflexive little fucker. ;-)

Bewert said...

Re: Promote Obama. Talk about issues. Optimism, mot pessimism. Hope, not hate.

No, not totally drunk. An excellent rant(s).

Let the press do the dirty shit, they love it. I just saw an US magazine cover that will bury McPalin. On the checkout line.

Which is where most get their "news".

Sounds like you just made a deadline and took a break...

Bewert said...

Typing hot and fast sucks when you wish to be literate. The kids and their texting are the future--which bothers me. Oh, well.

Bewert said...

So could I join anybody in a beer for my birthday tomorrow?

50. A half century.

It's kind of sobering.

tim said...

>>Sounds like you just made a deadline and took a break...

Something tells me you know more than one programmer.

Anyhow. Try to say nice things. Try to stop wishing bad things on others.

It's like you guys have some kind of nervous twitch or Tourette's Syndrome or something. Right in the middle of agreeing with me you fall into it!

Stop the hatin'! It's not appealing. It makes you just as bad as those you despise.

tim said...

I might could have a beer with you.

Anonymous said...

Stop the hatin'! It's not appealing. It makes you just as bad as those you despise.


We have met the enemy, and he/she is us.

Bewert said...

Re: hating

Yeah, I need to do that. Let the stupid shit jsut go by.

It's hard, though.

Bewert said...

And typing gets dyslexic again.


Anonymous said...

Re: Either way Israel is FUCKED

No, you got that one totally fucking backwards.


Do you remember what we have talked about all along here, about how both party's being owned by the same people? The pussy got close, but it ain't Kristol, and Max Boot who own the media. The media is owned by BIG DEFENSE companys. The military industrial complex.

Israel loses either way BP, cuz when this is all over, ISRAEL will be molten glass. That's what happens when sand is heated to 4000 degrees kelvin.

Bidens ( OR-BOMB-EO's ) endorsement of cluster-bombs, or Mc$ane calling for the bomb-bomb-iran, is all the same, an Islamic rattle snake being taunted.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I need to do that. Let the stupid shit jsut go by.

It's hard, though.


Oh, BP just say what you think, no matter what you say here your going to piss somebody off.

On the subject of PALIN, Bend is definitely her country, bible thumping cigar parking humidor types, Mormrons, praise the lord for national blogger fodder.

Bewert said... Islamic rattle snake being taunted.

Yep, and it will cost us a few trillion more in Chinese debt to "solve the problem".

Wouldn't want to be a good neighbor when there is somebody in a cave in Pakistan that is going to ship a nuke to New York, you know...

Anonymous said...

They can not resist. They will almost willingly fall into the trap of being absolute unpalatable disgusting bastards, as we've already seen. - tim


Shrill irrationality seems to be a trademark of most femi-nazi's I know.

A classic is like this approval of cluster-bombs by Biden(team OR-bomb-EO), had cheney made such a comment there would be MORAL outrage by the left, 'damn warmongers', but the LEFT ignores such talk when promoted by one of their own.

BP, I don't care how many rags lambaste Palin, she's going to win the sympathy vote, the pic's of her 17yr old daughter in tears holding Palins recent born, are already all over the christian web sites, its just that the shrill-Dems have their own pic's.

What will come of this, is one of these young women will commit suicide, and that will make PALIN into the greatest martyr in fucking history of the USA. She'll become a GHANDI.

BP, the difference between you & HBM is that you'll admit both sides are hypocrits, but HBM will only admit that the hypocrisy is on the right. Glad to hear, you admit that cluster-bombs are not a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Yep, and it will cost us a few trillion more in Chinese debt to "solve the problem".


Well being a student of Mao, that is the plan.

The US borrows the money, to wear out the Muslim world, eventually bankrupting itself.

China becomes the future power, and all its enemy's have worn themselves out.

Already you see China get first right of refusal to all oil sales. They'll know the contracts are good, backed by the full faith of the US military.

OR-BOMB-EO will re-instate the draft as sure as hell. Thus it will eventually become much cheaper to fight wars all over the middle east.

Mao predicted that CHINA would overtake US technology by 2012, we're basically there now, when you consider our TOYZ, e.g. iPhone, iPod, ... are all made there.

Mao predicted that the US would pay for its own rope to hang itself, but didn't go as far to suggest it would borrow the money from China to purchase the rope.

All you can do is take care of yours, have a beer, and watch the show.

Bewert said...

Re: Mao predicted that the US would pay for its own rope to hang itself, but didn't go as far to suggest it would borrow the money from China to purchase the rope.

That is one of the most succinct statements I have ever heard.


Quimby said...

Happy Birthday Bruce. I can't meet for a beer and must maintain a low profile due to my high political office in this town (vote Quimby).

Besides, I'm sicker than a fucking dog right now. I have so many posts to type but just can't. Have a good 50th.

Anonymous said...

Mao predicted that the US would pay for its own rope to hang itself, but didn't go as far to suggest it would borrow the money from China to purchase the rope.

LOL! Actually I think it was Lenin who said that, but it's a great line anyway.

Anonymous said...

So could I join anybody in a beer for my birthday tomorrow?

Love to! Where and when?

Anonymous said...

Shut the hell up. Dig no more.

Yeah, you'd LOVE that, wouldn't ya? Screw it.

I don't care how many rags lambaste Palin, she's going to win the sympathy vote, the pic's of her 17yr old daughter in tears holding Palins recent born, are already all over the christian web sites

Well sure, Palin will get the far-right fundie vote, which was what her selection was all about (NOT about getting Hillary voters to cross over; that was bullshit).

Problem is, the far-right fundies are a fringe group that's holding the Republican Party hostage. They forced this choice on McCain, who wanted Joe Lieberman. They're rejoicing now because they are completely unaware of how out of touch with mainstream America they are and they think EVERYBODY is as delighted as they are with the prospect of a far-right, anti-choice, anti-birth control, anti-gay, pro-war, unqualified, inexperienced fundie in the White House.

They are in for one hell of a shock in November. They have just lost the election for McCain. (I think he would have lost anyway, but this seals it.)

Bewert said...

Re: when and where

Somewhere close to the "Dark Knight". Which I really must see.

Geek and all, you know.

What's good in Old Mill?

tim said...

>>Yeah, you'd LOVE that, wouldn't ya? Screw it.

Actually, I would love it. People could start acting like decent human beings.

Anonymous said...

Tim: I see no conflict between being decent human beings and digging into a candidate's background. Not the personal shit -- I couldn't care less about that -- but the stuff that bears on her fitness to hold the office.

We are electing a possible future president of the United States here, not the queen of the fucking senior prom.

Anonymous said...

What's good in Old Mill?

Martini Bar? Anthony's?

Anonymous said...

Ok, You fucink burst your own bubble, over 500 comments. Time for the new post already!

Anonymous said...

We have met the enemy, and he/she is us.

So true!

You boyz are just a buzz waiting for the new post, kabitizen and all. Nice rants. I think Sarah will actually aide the repugs.
The Chinks have beat us to the pucnch. How the f&#k did we miss that? Oh, they had a 20 year old contract to renew. Crap. Get out of Iraq Yesterday. Move all the Military boys home ...NOW. We need all the guns on American soil, at the borders. airports, trains, buses. Put up a the home country defense. Why do we need to be in 100 countries spreading our guns and dollars across the world. Let China send food and money to the places we have been supporting for dozens of years.
I amfed up..
Happy B-day E. When, where for drinks? Earley, I hope.

Bewert said...

RE: Move all the Military boys home ...NOW.

I have this recurring dream where the only threat to us is actually trying to climb our New Jersey shores.

But it doesn't fit the popular narrative.

Anonymous said...

Let China send food and money to the places we have been supporting for dozens of years.


Marge, Dear the Chinese have over 1 Billion mouthes to feed, unlike the USA they care not to be the world policeman, or the world's welfare depot.

The USA has maybe 100M hungry mouthes to feed internally, Chinese has over 1Billion, and that is just at home.

China has NO bases out outside of China, yet the USA has 97 bases around the world to control the world. The USA spends more on military than the rest of the world combined. Yet, the USA borrows the money to accomplish all this wonderful military adventure from the Chinese.

First of all understand that the Chinese are the 'jews' of Asia, they know a sucker when they see one, the US is willing to borrow money, to conquer the world, and the Chinese is more than glad to loan the money, with interest.

In the end, the greatest threat to Chinese security is the US empire, at the current rate, the US empire will not be a threat in 10-20 years.

Remember the only man made object visible from the outer space is the great-wall, a man made object created by the CHINESE 2,000 years ago, just to keep the western-mongrels out. The Chinese have a long history of knowing that the rest of the world has nothing to offer.

1,000's of years before the west had the printing press the chinese, had fixed type. They're culture is 2,000 years ahead of the West.

Their inner smugness, caused them to ignore the machine gun, and thus the British was able to overwhelm China in the 1800's under Mao's 'Great Leap Forward' that will never happen again, from now on China will always lead the world in Technology.

Anonymous said...

RE: Move all the Military boys home ...NOW.

The "Marines' Hymn" is the official hymn of the United States Marine Corps. It is the oldest official song in the United States militaryThe initial verse is "From the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli." "Montezuma" refers to the Battle of Chapultepec, which took place during the Mexican-American War; "Tripoli" refers to the First Barbary War and the Battle of Derne.

More pussy talk,

From the halls of montezuma, to the shores of tripoli, leather-necks ( Philippines early 1900's killing muslims ),

Back in the 1700's the Marine Corp, invaded Tripoli ( Libya ), the history of US imperialism is quite old, the reason for our cheap fuel, is our imperialism.

Today the DOLLAR is next to worthless paper, and thus BUSH-TRIBE invaded IRAQ to force Arabs to use the DOLLAR for oil transactions.

Once the world quits using the dollar, it will be worthless. Rome also had troops all over the world, and eventually the Roman currency became worthless, and the troops came home.

This is why USAMA-BIN-LADEN took out 911, WTC. For every dollar Bush created Al-Queda ( The 'base' in Persian, created by CIA under BUSH-1 ) spent on 911, it cost the USA over 1 Million in losses. 911 was always about destroying the US economy, the irony today, is that the US politicians themselves are destroying the US economy.

Anonymous said...

Well taken narrative Kimosabi, I am aware we are screwed unless we let go of 90 of 97 air bases in the rest of the world. We need to pucker our assholes and come home. We need to protect our soil, not Korea, German/American hosptials, and too many others. Out and out now. We will be too late one day if it doesn't soon. Blow Al Queda where and when the ops can. Covertly. Shh don't tell just kill the b#@*&%ds, pull out the stops.

Bewert said...

Actually, we have over 700 external bases, not counting black sites.

Anonymous said...

Actually, we have over 700 external bases, not counting black sites.


Pussy we're in 97 countrys, that is what was said. We have bases in 97 country's around the world.

Anonymous said...

I am aware we are screwed unless we let go of 90 of 97 air bases in the rest of the world.


There are over 700 bases, in 97 country's, but who is counting?

This NaziLand USA talks a lot about sovereignty yet how many foreign bases are on our soil??

Anonymous said...

For every dollar Bush created Al-Queda ( The 'base' in Persian, created by CIA under BUSH-1 ) spent on 911, it cost the USA over 1 Million in losses.
CIA DIRECTOR BUSH under Ronny Raygun created Al-Queda ("TheBase in Persian") as a CIA cover in Afghanistan. To fight the Rusky's in Afghan, Raygun gave "Al Queda" all the stinger-missiles they wanted. Usama-Bin-Laden, A US trained engineer was the money man between Saudi-Arabia & Afghan, put into place by the CIA under BUSH.
Bush-II's ballteam in TX, was paid for by Bin-Laden money. When 911 happened the Bin-Laden family was staying at Bush Camp in TX.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

I'm going to let 'er ride till this weekend....

Work piled up on me while I was on vaca... I hate that.

Anonymous said...

Mao predicted that the US would pay for its own rope to hang itself, but didn't go as far to suggest it would borrow the money from China to purchase the rope.

I think it was Lenin who said that, but it's a great line anyway.


Mao said, Lenin said, Marx said, & Marcus Aurealis said it, its a behavioral oddity of mercantile economy's forever.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

I sincerely hope you're not referring to the sober independents among us.

He was also referring to the drunks.

Anonymous said...

Homer, Are you going to join HBM's temperance union?

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Homer, Are you going to join HBM's temperance union?

Probably not. But 5 bucks might change my mind.

Anonymous said...

Why did Grand-Daddy BUSH empower Islam 60 years ago?

Post WWII, when the United States began its odyssey in the Middle East, there were other voices who wanted conservative Islam, and early fundamentalist groups associated with the nascent Islamic right, to do battle with the secular left, with Nasser, with Arab communists and socialists. Now, six decades later, the Bush administration is pursuing a strategy in the Middle East that seems calculated to boost the fortunes of the Islamic right. The United States is counting on Shiite fundamentalists in Iraq to save its failed policy in that country, and a major theoretician of that campaign explicitly calls for the United States to cast its lot in with the ayatollahs and the Muslim Brotherhood. (Devil's Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam.

Anonymous said...

The Bush Legacy

As far-right Republican party hordes gather in Minneapolis/St. Paul for the coronation of their presidential candidates, reactionary Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and Alaska's Christian fundamentalist governor, Sarah Palin, the Bush regime's strategy of preemptive war is viciously playing out on the home front. Salon's Glenn Greenwald reports,

Protesters here in Minneapolis have been targeted by a series of highly intimidating, sweeping police raids across the city, involving teams of 25-30 officers in riot gear, with semi-automatic weapons drawn, entering homes of those suspected of planning protests, handcuffing and forcing them to lay on the floor, while law enforcement officers searched the homes, seizing computers, journals, and political pamphlets. Last night, members of the St. Paul police department and the Ramsey County sheriff's department handcuffed, photographed and detained dozens of people meeting at a public venue to plan a demonstration, charging them with no crime other than "fire code violations," and early this morning, the Sheriff's department sent teams of officers into at least four Minneapolis area homes where suspected protesters were staying. ("Massive Police Raids on Suspected Protesters in Minneapolis," Salon, August 30, 2008)

The raids were orchestrated by local law enforcement agencies with major assistance from various federal spy outfits such as the FBI, NSA and the Pentagon's own Northern Command (NORTHCOM). The raids are purely an intimidation tactic designed to squelch peaceful dissent by citizens outraged by Bushist policies throughout these long years of darkness.

Indeed, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported that police and federal agencies utilized the "services" of informants and provocateurs in their targeting of the anarchist RNC Welcoming Committee.

Aided by informants planted in protest groups, authorities raided at least six buildings across St. Paul and Minneapolis to stop an "anarchist" plan to disrupt this week's Republican National Convention.

From Friday night through Saturday afternoon, officers surrounded houses, broke down doors, handcuffed scores of people and confiscated suspected tools of civil disobedience.

The show of force was led by the Ramsey County Sheriff's Office in collaboration with the FBI, Minneapolis and St. Paul police, the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office and other agencies. (Heron Marquez Estrada, Bill McAuliffe and Abby Simons, "Police Raids Enrage Activists, Alarm Others," Minneapolis Star Tribune, August 31, 2008)

The "preemptive" raids targeted activists, alternative media and lawyers on-scene. All were handcuffed and forced to lie face-down, while SWAT teams and federal agents ransacked numerous homes in a quixotic hunt for "weapons."

Greenwald avers, "Targeting people with automatic-weapons-carrying SWAT teams and mass raids in their homes, who are suspected of nothing more than planning dissident political protests at a political convention and who have engaged in no illegal activity whatsoever, is about as redolent of the worst tactics of a police state as can be imagined."

After nearly eight years of massive surveillance and infiltration operations by the federal government across a multitude of federal agencies, often acting in cahoots with reenergized local "red squads" rebranded as Fusion Centers and Joint Terrorism Task Forces coordinated through the Office of National Intelligence, the mutant stepchildren of the FBI's COINTELPRO, the CIA's Operation CHAOS and the NSA's Project SHAMROCK have brought the "war on terror" home in a big way.

The Minneapolis City Pages reported back in May, that police and the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force were "soliciting" informants to keep tabs on local protest groups. According to journalist Matt Snyders's account, FBI Special Agent Maureen A. Mazzola, flanked by a cop, attempted to recruit a University of Minnesota sophomore as a paid "confidential informant." While the student declined the feds' "generous offer," the wider issue of recruiting Stasi-like moles to report "suspicious activities" by citizens exercising their constitutionally-guaranteed right to say "NO!" cuts to the heart of the role of dissent in a democracy.

Anonymous said...

It's all Hollern's fault!

Anonymous said...

Talking about Lord Hollern and child fucking reminds me of the whole game plan her.

Note, that all the news is about how COOL BUSH&LIEBERMAN are now?? Towards Mc$ane?

HBM likes to pick on the dimwit JEEBUS freaks, but like out BP, they do have a heart, unlike Cheney, Bush, & McCAIN; heartless.

Mc$ane wanted Lieberman all along, Palin is being taken for a ride, the christian right is NOW energized, so its time to TOSS Palin and bring in Lieberman.

KUNTS LIKE HBM will be happy, being closet ZIONISTS.

Today its all about being pro cluster-bomb.

To be anti cluster-bomb, is to be anti-Israel, to be anti-Israel is to be a NAZI, so they say as Buchannan was anti welfare for Israel, and thus a Nazi.

The real Nazi's run both USA&ISRAEL. The MOSSAD/CIA ain't Jewish or Christian folk, they're OIL defense.

This all goes back to Malcolm-X, and Rev Wright who all say that behind every pimp who delivered a child to be fucked it was always for the ruling elite. They took Malcolm-X down for this kind of talk, and they'll take down Rev Wright.

OR-BOMB-EO will very soon be looking like Dan Quayle.

Bewert said...

Re: its time to TOSS Palin and bring in Lieberman.

Yep. Can't have america's first VP running around with a preggers high schooler and her boyfriend, even if the fundies like the idea.

McSame actually has a chance with Leiberman.

Bewert said...

The police state shit is really starting to get scary. The legal foundations have been laid to declare martial law and detain hundreds of thousands of protestors in the name of the Global War on Terror. The Patriot Act, the Protect America Act, etc. are enabling a war on dissent in our so-called democracy.

Here is a lot more info from MN, by people who were intent on videoing police actions:

Bewert said...

They even arrested Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now! This BushShit is getting way out of hand:

AMY GOODMAN: I’m Amy Goodman from Democracy Now!, a daily public radio and television program. I was arrested yesterday by the police, along with my two producers. And I want to know what the policy is for reporters. We are fully credentialed, all of us, both from the convention and our own press credentials.

First, it was our two producers. It was over at 7th and Jackson. One of them, Nicole Salazar, had a camera. She was videotaping. The police moved in very quickly. She was stepping back behind the car. She was videotaping this whole thing. The police moved in at her. We have the videotape, played it on the show today. As she shouted “Press! Press!,” they said put your face in the ground. They pushed her to the ground. They put their boot in her back. Another one pulled on her leg, and they were telling her to keep her face down to pull along the gravel. Sharif Abdel Kouddous is our other producer. He was there. They threw him up against the wall. They bloodied his arm. They bloodied her face.

And I was called. I was on the convention floor interviewing the delegation from Minnesota and Alaska. I got a call, the producers are being arrested. I raced down here by foot. I went up to the riot police line. I said, “I would like to talk to a commanding officer.” This is all videotaped. And they took me, handcuffed me immediately, said, “You’re under arrest.” They pushed me to the ground. I said, “You can clearly see I have all the proper credentials.” I have my security clearance for the floor, for example, of the convention. So Secret Service came over, and they pulled it off. “Now you don’t,” they said.

Is this still America?

More, with video, of her hammering on the Police Chief at a press conference afterwards:

Anonymous said...

New post with stats.

Anonymous said...

The police state shit is really starting to get scary.


The police state shit was always scary PUSSY.

Ever care to look closely at any of the Bend Pigs? And all the shit they're packing? All of the USA city cop shops have been setup in the last 20+ years for the 'police state'.

This is why its so important to be in a private gated comm, like Pronghorn, BT, or Sunriver, BlackButt with your own private cop-shop.

Bend Pigs cruising +120mph over the pass last summer, and not even a firing? Hell the cop was the #1 DUI writer, need to keep him around for revenue.

Like "BladeRunner" pussy, if your NOT COP, your 'little people'.

Get over it.

Anonymous said...

She was videotaping. The police moved in very quickly. She was stepping back behind the car. She was videotaping this whole thing. The police moved in at her. We have the videotape, played it on the show today.


This is old stuff pussy, ever heard of PDX? In PDX if you video tape a cop for anything they'll take your camera and arrest you.

Oh yea, after about two years you'll get your day in court, and usually $5k (tax-payer money) for police mis-conduct. You cannot by law sue a cop, just like in IRAQ US troops are above the law in the US, and IRAQ. We're at 'war' pussy, and ALL COPS are TROOPS.

The police-state here in ORYGUN took over 20+ years ago pussy's.

Anonymous said...


There had better be a picture of Liebermans razor clams.

Anonymous said...


Where is YOUR OR-BOMB-EO, when reporters are just covering the news?

How come he can tell folks to lay off Palin, but doesn't have the balls to tell the police-state to layoff the citizenry?

I can tell you why!

Cuz, the police-state is what protects OR-BOMB-EO, if you piss off the cop-shop, they'll look the other way, when you need help. This is how it works.

Here's a good one, I remember 20+ years ago when Jesse Jackson was running for Prez, and was in PDX @ Lewis&Clark college, I was there, and there were two secret-service right next to me. A person in the audience asked "If your elected, will you promise us to abolish the CIA?", Jackson immediately said "Yes, I will, that will be my first executive action", ... Then suddenly the two secret-service guys in dark coats and earplugs started laughing un-controllably for minutes. After two minutes laughter one said to the other, "That will be the day".

Malcolm-X said it best when asked about the assassination of JFK, "Just a case of chickens coming home to roost". The USA is going to become the largest prison on earth, and it will be fodder for the worlds police-state, courtesy of OIL&NARCO, aka BUSH-TRIBE.

Anonymous said...

Is this still America?


There NEVER was an 'America', it was always an urban myth, go read Tocqueville, he foresaw all of this.

Bewert said...

Re: There NEVER was an 'America'...

Yep, I needed that morning bitchslap, Buster.

Marge, have you submitted to

Your first sentence is an incredible lead:

Well, if this isn't a pickle. The Notices of Defaults in Deschutes County tops the sales. In August 211 Nod's were filed and there were 188 sales of all types of Residential real estate.

Think Costa would ever print something like that? Hah!

Bewert said...

That Democracy Now video has Ron Paul at about 38:00, which is quite entertaining. I agree with you guys that some of his base instincts are good. But he should be more factual than Rush or O'Reilly. You can't rant against Iran not having missles when they broadcast missle tests just a few weeks ago.

Better to rant against the idiocy of having to defend ourselves against a country that predates ours by a millenia or so that has never committed an act of aggression outside its borders.

On the local front, I recently heard a rumor that another prominent local developer is going to let all 15 or so of his resi and comm properties go to auction...

Bewert said...

One of my favorite quotes ever, which I really identify with:

I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.

Albert Einstein

And it drove both our wives nuts...

Bewert said...

So Trudy is taking off early from work so we can go spend my 50th together, and I want to see Wall-E of all things. So beers are off.

But I still want to meet and talk sometime. T suggested tomorrow night. She is a wonderful woman. I am a really, really fucking lucky man.

And I won't be able attend tonights CC session, although it looks like they are setting up to spend another half million dollars or so. I'll try to go to the start of the work session, about the Cooley/97 issue. They are presenting an update about being snubbed by the state on JR development.

On the spending, the first I agree with, a 5% match to a federal grant costing us $35,000 to finish the new runway.

The second, setting up an internal legal department, on top of the current firm which will " retained for issues requiring specialized knowledge." boggles my mind:

To approve the supplemental budget providing for the following additional appropriations to the 2007-09 Biennial Budget in accordance with ORS 294.480:

Internal Service Fund:
Administration & Financial Services Division

Interfund Transfer Revenues $400,000

Expenditure Appropriations $400,000

To authorize revenues and increase appropriations related to the creation of a new inhouse legal division.


And at the very end of the night Proterra comes back to get a zoning variance for the Mt. Bachelor bus parking lot development with far less traffic mitigation costs than were originally ordered. Yet another developer giveaway.

You know, if things don't pencil out, they just don't pencil out. Period.

If there is one thing I would do if ever elected it would be to make every single document the city has online and searchable. Without having to file an Open Records request. Including emails and recordings.

Yes, I'm going to write myself in. One vote for Bruce Ewert.

Because I am just getting fucking pissed at this endless stream of expenditures while actively decreasing income. Anybody who can read a fucking P/L knows that ends in only one way.

Anonymous said...

KUNTS LIKE HBM will be happy, being closet ZIONISTS.

Hell no -- I hate Joe LIEberman (I-Tel Aviv).

But I WOULD feel more comfortable with him a heartbeat away from the presidency than with a fundie wacko whose principal government experience consisted of making sure the moose turds got swept up from the streets. Palin, frankly, scares the hell out of me. And a lot of other people, I suspect.

tim said...

>>Hell no -- I hate Joe LIEberman (I-Tel Aviv).

Are you drunk, hbm? :-)

tim said...

>>New post with stats.

Thanks Marge!

Quimby said...

Damn HBM, your starting to sound like a "non-partisan" journalist. Do you work for the press? Take it easy....

Anonymous said...

moose turds got swept up from the streets. Palin, frankly, scares the hell out of me. - hbm


You all notice, that the KUNT is terrified by 'moose-turds' but nada a word about 'cluster-bombs' and ancillary of his dream-team Biden&Lieberman.

I would rather have a women fascinated by turds as prez, than hawks who apologize for the use of cluster-bombs on civilians.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm going to write myself in. One vote for Bruce Ewert.


Make HBM your press secretary.

Anonymous said...

You can't rant against Iran not having missles when they broadcast missle tests just a few weeks ago.


There are 'missles' and there are 'pissles'.

The US has enough trans-continental missiles with H-BOMB warheads to kill everyone on the face of the earth 100X.

Iran is NOTHING, Zilch, Pissles.

Anonymous said...

Because I am just getting fucking pissed at this endless stream of expenditures while actively decreasing income.


Why is ok for the angry white PUSSY, to pissle, but not for Iran?

Bewert said...

Re: Iran is NOTHING, Zilch, Pissles.

So why the ranting about a possible war against them?

Neo-cons. Period.

Sorry, I'm not running a campaign so I don't need no press sec, though HBM would be a good choice. I just am trying to figure out how in the hell we can stop the bleeding. It truly fucking amazes me.

$400,000 for an in-house law firm, while retaining our current firm.


Anonymous said...

Republican pundits caught on tape calling Palin choice "cynical," "bullshit":

Wall Street Journal columnist and former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan and former John McCain adviser, Time columnist, and MSNBC contributor Mike Murphy were caught on tape disparaging John McCain's selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential running mate.

"It's over," Noonan said.

When Chuck Todd asked her if this was the most qualified woman the Republicans could nominate, Noonan responded, "The most qualified? No. I think they went for this, excuse me, political bullshit about narratives. Every time the Republicans do that, because that's not where they live and that's not what they're good at, they blow it."

Murphy characterized the choices as "cynical" and "gimmicky."

Video at

Anonymous said...

$400,000 for an in-house law firm, while retaining our current firm.



There goes the pussy, doing his obtuse thing as always.

BP knows that when the city goes down, that its going to take a lot of lawyers on retainer to keep city-hall out jail.

Just look at the $400k, as a 'get out of jail' retainer.

It's coming.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous hbm said...

Republican pundits caught on tape calling Palin choice "cynical," "bullshit":


What's a mother to do? Mc$ane wanted Lieberman, but the BUSH-TRIBE said NO, so I went with a maverick, damned if he did, and damned if he didn't.

The response on Liebermans speech aren't looking good, nobody will admit to having listened. Sounds like Lieberman is now without a party, unless Palin takes a walk.

Quimby said...

In the words of Keith O: Jezzuz HBM, why don't you get a shovel?

You ARE a true believer. Ol' Quimby here sees both side for bullshiters and it's sad to see you so invested in the process and silly parties.

Anonymous said...

The Palins - The best show on TV

TV's most entertaining clan of baby-havers.

Bye bye, Lost. It's over Battlestar Galactica, we had our fun. And as for you, Grey's Anatomy, you always sucked.

The new fall TV season might as well pack it in right now. America wants to watch only one TV show. It's the juiciest soap opera that ever aired on daytime. It's called "The Palins," and we can't get enough of it.

Look at just one abbreviated week of plotlines. Is Sarah Palin gonna be vice president? Is Trig really Sarah's baby? Oh my god, Bristol's pregnant and getting married to a redneck!

Damn! We can't wait for the next episode. If you're a super-fan of The Palins like we are, you might want to check out this episode guide for the next week of plotlines. Warning: SPOILERS!
Wednesday's Episode - AfterBirth

Now that it's clear who Trig's mother is, the question remains, what about Trig's father? When Yakov, Sarah's presumed dead secret lover/Soviet spy is found to be alive, speculation runs rampant about whether her special needs child is one half Alaskan, one-half red menace. Will husband Todd forgive her for having an affair with a former KGB agent? After all, Russia is really close by. And can Yakov shed some light on what might be found on the microfilm that was removed from Trig's soft-spot not long after birth?
Thursday's Episode - All In The Family

When evidence surfaces in the left-wing blogosphere that Bristol and Levi are actually first cousins, Bristol decides she doesn't want an incest baby and begins tossing herself down the stairs to land belly-first on the banister. It's up to little 8-year-old Piper to refute the rumors and keep Bristol from aborting on the home fixtures. In her quest, Piper discovers some startling facts about her family, specifically that her father Todd has been keeping an eleven-year-old boy from Thailand chained up in their basement for the past three years. Will Piper pipe up to the media, or will she accept that Daddies have hobbies that daughters sometimes don't understand?
Friday's Episode - Inside Levi's Jeans

After an amateur shit-porn video starring Sarah and 17-year-old Levi surfaces on the internet, Levi must deal with his new-found fame in the adult media world. Meanwhile, someone is killing hookers in Alaska. Is it 14-year-old Willow? (spoiler alert) Yup.
Next Monday's episode - Off Track

When Track and his friends are caught on a surveillance video setting fire to a homeless woman, Sarah tries to get him shipped off to Baghdad before he can be prosecuted. Meanwhile, Todd finds out that all five of his kids are actually his parents, and John McCain has been dead the whole time.
Next Tuesday, the big finale - Palin Around

When Sarah bangs her head on the Straight Talk Express, she wakes up with amnesia. Meanwhile, Trig is discovered to have the power to set things on fire with his dreams. In an ironic twist, the military kidnaps Trig and sends him to Iraq, where he immediately starts dreaming and sets fire to brother Track's barracks. Will Track ever forgive his little brother? Will Sarah remember how far Alaska is from Russia before the debates? Will John McCain admit that he was just fucking with us? Tune into The Palins and find out!

Bewert said...

Re: Tune into The Palins and find out!

Yep, saw an US Magazine cover coming out in a couple days, and there you have it.

So how is McSame going to inject Livermud into the game?

Film at 11.

Off to our own implosion...

Bewert said...

Are all Republicans white? I've seen one bkack guy and one oriental woman in the background shots on CNN...

Palin is quite the speaker. Impressive.

As for the 97/Cooley update, pretty much nothing new...three choices, none of them the short term we were planning last year but all long term. No ODOT Bob there.

So the ten million in land sales is pretty much kaput. SDC deferrals are starting. I'm sure that about now we've just had a vote to spend $400K on more lawyers and given Proterra a multimillion dollar gift of roads that will either be at a standstill or paid for by other taxpayers.

What next?

Bewert said...

Oops. just got closeups of black guys #2 and #3.

tim said...

>>and one oriental woman

Dude, please. Asian.

Anonymous said...

bruce said...
Oops. just got closeups of black guys #2 and #3.

September 3, 2008 8:18 PM
tim said...
>>and one oriental woman

Dude, please. Asian.

Cut Bruce the Mormon some slack... Negroes just got admitted to the Church, and the Orientals will get their turn next decade.

Racists. Sexists. Bruce is an equal opportunity offender.

Anonymous said...

Palin is legit, although a little premature for this stage. They have been talking about her for the 2012 presidential race for the last year in AK. Similair to the way O-bomb-a was brought out like a trained circus monkey in 04' to be the future of the Dems. This is a Rep ploy to shake up the race, but she is powerful and has Alaska politics on its ear. Win or not, she will be a force in 12'.

Anonymous said...

Palin is an OIL HO, that was obvious.

She portrays her self as an 'outsider', but as someone who has been involved in oil/geophysics my entire adult life, I can tell you all her programs are 100% what BIG OIL has always wanted.

Also regarding Alaska, all that oil is sold to Japan for top dollar, none of it will make its way down here in the mainland.

Alaska is rolling in money, just like the early 80's when they did the pipeline post 1970's high-prices everybody is happy.

Yes, Palin was put together by 'outsiders' ( BIG OIL ) to take on Washington.

Anonymous said...

We could take our Linda Johnson, or Chris Telfer, package them up in a HOMER breast-implant, and toss them both with five kids, and a red-neck hubby, and turn them into prez candidates.

One thing I don't hear nobody talking about is education? It's obvious that Palin got knocked up in her early 20's, very early. Small town AK, PTA, Mayor, ... It's nice they have a face that can be sold to the average "American". It's a lot easier to market an un-educated 'hokey-mom' with lipstick. Than a nigger with a Harvard law degree.

A White HO 'hokey-mom' could have been pulled from any State, why Alaska why now? OIL

Note also the recurring theme from ALL of BIG-OIL is to remove 'futures' trading from the public, the OIL is UP, for one reason, the DOLLAR is DOWN, and not coming back.

One thing I do agree with, there is a lot of oil on the north slope, but what's the hurry about selling it all to the Jap's today? I mean in 10+ years it will only be worth more.

Anonymous said...

Palin is a republican't all right. She has what it takes to address the nation and lie through her teeth.

The "bridge to nowhere" claims are totally false, she backed that stupid bridge. Congress caught enough flack they took the money back. She did not refuse the money, she's full of shit.

The repugs got all lovely dovey over a steaming pile of bullshit.

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (Reuters) - It garnered big applause in her first speech as Republican John McCain's vice presidential pick, but Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's assertion that she rejected Congressional funds for the so-called "bridge to nowhere" has upset many Alaskans.

During her first speech after being named as McCain's surprise pick as a running mate, Palin said she had told Congress "'thanks but no thanks' on that bridge to nowhere."

In the city Ketchikan, the planned site of the so-called "Bridge to Nowhere," political leaders of both parties said the claim was false and a betrayal of their community, because she had supported the bridge and the earmark for it secured by Alaska's Congressional delegation during her run for governor.

The bridge, a span from the city to Gravina Island, home to only a few dozen people, secured a $223 million earmark in 2005. The pricey designation raised a furor and critics, including McCain, used the bridge as an example of wasteful federal spending on politicians' pet projects.

When she was running for governor in 2006, Palin said she was insulted by the term "bridge to nowhere," according to Ketchikan Mayor Bob Weinstein, a Democrat, and Mike Elerding, a Republican who was Palin's campaign coordinator in the southeast Alaska city.

Anonymous said...

Palin is a republican't all right. She has what it takes to address the nation and lie through her teeth.


But that is what it takes, so in effect your obviously a supporter of the American way of life.

One thing about this bitch, you can see right now, is do a 180 on everything that comes from her lips.

Fighting 'good old boyz', she's a HO for them.

Fight 'BIG OIL' she a PR-BUNNY for them.

A young face on an old white mans world. Its going to work, it always works. If it didn't work, then HOLLERN wouldn't have all the PR-BUNNY's doing the same thing in Bend.

Anonymous said...

One thing I don't hear nobody talking about is education? It's obvious that Palin got knocked up in her early 20's, very early. Small town AK, PTA, Mayor

The Witch of Wasilla's only post-secondary education is a journalism degree from the University of Idaho.

As for her "executive experience" as mayor, she didn't really have any -- soon after she was elected she hired a city administrator to run the town. She knows less about management than my wife, who runs Neighbor Impact and handles a bigger budget than Wasilla has.

I got a kick out of Palin's description of herself as "just an average hockey mom." The Republicans are good at pandering to cherished American myths, and the one they're pandering to here is the one that says any "average Joe" armed with "plain old common sense" can run the country -- none of that high-falutin' "education" or "experience" required.

Which, of course, is 200-proof bullshit. An "average" person can't handle the job of president of the United States; it takes an extraordinary person to do it well, or even adequately. We've had an "average" guy in there for the last eight years and it hasn't worked out so well, has it?

(Although, of course, 70% of Republicans, being completely delusional, say it has.)

Anonymous said...

Thanks HBM, that's the first time you have directly answered a question, and explained from your heart.

It's good to get the full report on Palins edoocation.

Did she ever work as a reporter? Or did she go straight from college to baby-making & pta?

Anonymous said...

reading the following it looks like Wall-STREET is agreeing with Noonan.


Sarah Palin Pick Blamed For Clobbering Stock Market
Clusterstock, NY - 9 hours ago
And now John Tammy, senior economist with HC Wainwright Economics, is even blaming her for last Friday's plunge in the stock market: Alongside last Friday’s ...
Election 2008: A McCain Victory Won’t Mean Same Old Republican Story Money Morning

Anonymous said...

I find myself agreeing with the comments on this board. I guess not all of you are total wackos.

Bewert said...

Re: ...knocked up in her ealy 20s.

She's 44, oldest daughter is 17, so she was 27 when she had her first child.

She's been married 20 years, so it was three years later that Bristol came along. Since she seems rather fertile, she most likely wasn't adhering to the abstinence only prescription she is pushing no to teenagers with more hormones than brains.

Re: ...agreeing with the comments...

Careful, such a flagrant discontinuity may cause an Obama vote in two months or so.

Bewert said...

My keyboard mus need clening or somethng...

Bewert said...

Bilbo, just got this note on my blog:

Am looking to talk to the author of this blog and/or bilbobend. Please contact me at

You could be an anonymouse source, you know ;)

Bewert said...

More US jobs gone:

Canada giving Ford C$80 million for new facilities

The Canadian government and Ford have agreed on a deal to provide the Blue Oval $80 million worth of incentives over five years towards new and upgraded facilities. The deal specifically applies to Ford's Essex engine plant, which currently produces V8 engines for SUVs and trucks. Upgrades will be made to convert the plant to flexible manufacturing, which will enable Ford to keep the plant open by producing a number of different powerplants on one line...

Jeebus, we just don't get no respect for being the most powerful military MF on earth.

Anonymous said...

Bruce, Which is your blog?

Anonymous said...

Did she ever work as a reporter?

Yeah, I think she covered sports for some radio station. Not exactly the big time.

Anonymous said...

hbm said...
Did she ever work as a reporter?

Yeah, I think she covered sports for some radio station. Not exactly the big time.


Yeah, unlike hbm, who worked in the bigtime media outlet of... what?

hbm, you are a washed up, bitter loser liberal, who can only cling religiously to your pathetic DailyKos idiot brothers and to your kindred loser, BruceyPussy...

Bewert said...

anonymouse, you seem to be a angry old drunk with very little grip left on reality. hbm edited a decent regional newspaper, when it actually reported the news sometimes. He seems much less bitter than yourself.

Re: Palin as a local Anchorage sportscaster:


Anonymous said...

Karl Rove spoke about potential Dem VP candidate Tim Kaine last month on Meet the Press:

With all due respect again to Governor Kaine, he's been a governor for three years, he's been able but undistinguished. I don't think people could really name a big, important thing that he's done. He was mayor of the 105th largest city in America. And again, with all due respect to Richmond, Virginia, it's smaller than Chula Vista, California; Aurora, Colorado; Mesa or Gilbert, Arizona; north Las Vegas or Henderson, Nevada. It's not a big town.

So if he were to pick Governor Kaine, it would be an intensely political choice where he said, `You know what? I'm really not, first and foremost, concerned with, is this person capable of being president of the United States."

"So when we picked Governor Palin, it was an intensely political choice where we said, `You know what? I'm really not, first and foremost, concerned with, is this person capable of being president of the United States."

The dems don't need to call her on her inability to do the job - Karl Rove already did.

That's funny. And there isn't really a comeback for it.

Anonymous said...

Am looking to talk to the author of this blog and/or bilbobend. Please contact me at

You could be an anonymouse source, you know


Yeh, rabbit fucking, and dog shit eating, and working with the Oregonian, and then & only then would you become a 'real' Oregonian.

Anonymous said...

Am looking to talk to the author of this blog and/or bilbobend. Please contact me at


That be, he's the autor of all em blegs in d Bend.

hez runnin for pubic orifice ya know,

Anonymous said...

I'm looking to fuck the author of this blog and/or bilbobend, aka IHTBYB.

Please contact me at

Bewert said...

Yep, more anonymouses willing to bitch as long as it is impossible for them to actually affect anything.


Why not just go back to yanking it?

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

The Housing Price Bubble Has Completely Deflated
Price Declines are Slowing Coast to Coast as Housing 'Bubble' Pops
Extremely Overvalued Markets Essentially Nonexistent

Second Quarter 2008

Most Overvalued, Most Undervalued of the 330 Largest U.S. Metro Areas Examined

The updated quarterly study, House Prices in America, using Global Insight's extensive proprietary databases on the housing market, including data and forecasts for home prices, home sales, housing stock, and household income, with methodology developed by the economics department of National City Corporation, examines current and expected housing prices in the 330 largest U.S. metropolitan areas.

Study findings for the second quarter 2008 show that the rate of price decline has slowed a bit from the previous two quarters. It is still most severe in two once-overheated markets - California and Florida - and in economically struggling Michigan. Still, prices fell in 152 of 330 metro areas in the study representing 46% of the single-family housing units in the U.S.

Only six housing markets, down from a peak in 2005 of 51, were extremely overvalued.

This is everywhere. Except here. We are STILL the 2nd most overvalued MSA in the country.

Bewert said...

BULL business blurb:

Report:Bend #2 overvalued

We're #2, at 46.6% overvalued, behind Atlantic City, at 51.6%

Dammit! I want to be #1!

Someone do the math--how much farther for medians to go te be fairly valued?

Anonymous said...

Today at $240k, that means $120k BP.

Anonymous said...

It's OFFICIAL, they recession has been announced!

The Wall Street Journal

Sept. 5, 2008

The U.S. jobless rate jumped in August to a nearly five-year high of 6.1%.
Nonfarm payrolls, which are calculated by a separate survey, declined by 84,000 in August, the eighth-straight decline.

The unemployment numbers raise the risk of recession as households face a struggling labor market and high inflation. Meanwhile, the data, which included a modest rise in wages, support the view that Federal Reserve officials will hold interest rates steady when they meet later this month and at subsequent meetings through the end of the year.

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