Sunday, December 14, 2008

Failure Nation

It's really sort of amazing what is happening in this country today.

We've had a credit-fueled boom of consumerism these past 30 years or so. Just borrowing from the future to enjoy today. Not a horrible thing, until it goes overboard, which it did.

So to fuel the boom, we've built out excess capacity. An enormous amount. Just a ridiculous amount in consumer banking, and Bend is exactly where it should be in this regard, Far Behind The Times. People are still building banks in Bend. They're still building Everything in Bend.

This is exactly what the auto bailout is about: Taxpayer subsidizing of Excess Capacity. Keep It Alive, Keep It Going.

We don't need it, and No One Can Afford The Products, The Horrible Management, or the Incredible Union Greed, but KEEP IT ALIVE, No Matter What.

We, as taxpayers, are actually being force-fed failure-laden bailouts. We will soon bailout everything. Airlines are probably next. The only thing that won't get bailed out will be companies & industries that don't WANT it.

So what is the upshot? We are expending BILLIONS, probably trillions, to keep excess capacity alive & well. Producing millions of cars we cannot afford and DO NOT WANT. Trillions are being thrown into bank coffers to get us to borrow, but strangely, nobody is.

When it comes down to it, we borrowed to the hilt from the future, and now we can't repay. Everybody borrowed. GM borrowed to build plants. Banks, ironically, borrowed to buy mortgages, and were enriched per transaction. Individuals borrowed and bought the only asset that possibly could have absorbed this much lending capacity, homes, by the millions.

We have too much of almost everything, and we can't make the payments to keep it. Can't pay it off. So "we" have gone to the government & asked for trillions. Well, the banks are getting it. GM, Ford & Chrysler are getting it. Defaulting borrowers are "trying" to get it via Fannie & Freddie's moratorium on foreclosures.

In other words, Idiots Are Getting Rich and The Responsible & Prudent Are Funding It. Nice.

So what's going to happen? Well, I suppose in the ordinary scheme of things, if you are demanding quantity X of something, and producers are putting out 2X, prices will fall. Right? But falling prices brings on failure, which we are of course, vigorously trying to avoid. So we Have To keep prices artificially high.

So US Taxpayers are in the uncomfortable position of not just subsidizing current production that we do not want & can't afford, but owing well over $10 TRILLION dollars in future earnings to pay off government debts as well. And we will somehow have to keep prices HIGH to avoid failure.

So our money is simply funneled to bank presidents. To union bosses. To government bureaucrats. To every FAILURE in this country.

The More succesful you are, the MORE You Are Penalized. The LESS successful you are, the MORE You Are Rewarded.

And THE BIGGEST FAILURES are actually holding out for the Most:

‘UAW bailout’

It is a mistake to use part of the $700-billion rescue package to reward high-tax, non-right-to-work states such as Michigan, says Peter Flaherty, President of the National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC).

“The automaker bailout is actually a UAW bailout,” Flaherty said. “The union will not allow companies to deploy capital in ways that the market would dictate, such as closing plants and layoffs.”

Under Frank’s legislation, car companies receiving bailout money would face tougher restrictions on executive pay and dividends to their shareholders, the A.P. reported.

NLPC says the UAW wants additional taxpayer money to enrich health and retirement plans it controls. Indeed, UAW President Ron Gettelfinger has urged Congress to act immediately to provide a separate, additional $25 billion in loans so auto companies can meet their health care obligations to more than 780,000 retirees and dependents.

Awesome. The UAW will, HOPEFULLY, finally kill The Golden Goose. They are the 600lb suckerfish on the 20lb gristle-laden near-death automakers ass. I HOPE TO GOD they kill it. Because that is truly what the auto-bailout is: UAW payoff. We are paying big fat tubs of shit $90/hr to do NOTHING. Heard of JOB BANKS?

UAW is The Most Corrupt Bunch Of Greedy Fucks On Earth. Followed By Auto CEO's. There are actually thousands of non-union auto-workers, and extended industry workers, several of whom I Know, who think these two groups deserve each other, and deserve extinction. Even though it would probably threaten their own job. MOST of lower Michigan OPPOSES the bailouts.

What the hell is going to happen? We're paying TRILLIONS to keep alive capacity, predominantly Credit Capacity, that No One Can Pay For Anymore. Even 800FICO's aren't getting money.

Well, I can see a few things happening: Corporate ROI going to 0% or below. We are simply funneling money into products no one wants. Profit is simply (Unit Volume X Price) - Costs. And we are witnessing imploding volumes and prices, while Costs are being kept as high as they ever were. So I see permanent lowering of ROI as long as the Bailout Regime holds.

FAILURE Must Be Be Allowed To Take It's Course.

We are becoming Socialists Speculators. Our Government, is actually putting us into the auto and banking industries via EQUITY holdings. Believe me, they will SOON have us in the housing market. The government will soon start taking over HUGE housing developments. It'll happen.

Innovation Lost. Failure is a CLEANSING PROCESS. Failure MUST happen, or necrosis sets in. We are subsidizing FAILURE, and keeping alive the Dead.

War. We, or someone else, will be at WAR soon.

In China, anger rises as economy falls
The crisis in global capitalism has spelled trouble for the Chinese Communist Party, confronted by public unrest as factories shed workers and investments collapse.

By Barbara Demick

December 12, 2008

Reporting from Beijing — The signs of discontent are small but unnerving in an authoritarian country where public demonstrations are not permitted.

Laid-off toy company workers smash windows and computers and overturn police cars in Guangdong province. Employees of a liquor company in Harbin travel to their company's Beijing headquarters to demand back wages. Taxi drivers, as many as 20,000 of them, scuffle with police in protests that have spread into seven provinces.

Even the police have gotten into the act. Auxiliary officers surrounded a Communist Party office last week in Hunan province to demand higher wages, said the Hong Kong-based Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy.

As China's economy hits the skids, such protests have been sporadic and usually involved fewer than 100 people. But in recent weeks, they have cropped up across the country like brush fires.

"Definitely, this is the most serious problem we have seen since 1989," said Zhou Xiaozheng, a professor of sociology at People's University in Beijing. "You have millions of college students who can't find jobs. . . . You have migrant workers who have lost their jobs at factories and don't have land to go back to."

It is counterintuitive that a global financial crisis that started with the excesses of Wall Street should be undermining the Chinese Communist Party. But academics such as Zhou believe that the economic crisis could present the leadership with its biggest political challenge since the student protests at Tiananmen Square nearly two decades ago.

To a large extent, China's fiscal problems pale next to those of the United States. The unemployment rate is not expected to top 4.5%, compared with the current 6.5% in the U.S. Although the World Bank recently slashed China's growth forecast for next year to 7.5% from more than 9%, even the lower figure keeps it at the top of the pack.

The problem is that ordinary growth might not be enough for a system that's been sustained by double-digit gains over the last five years. New York University economist Nouriel Roubini predicted last month in a widely quoted newsletter that without 9% to 10% growth, China is headed for a "hard landing."

Security in growth

It is the conventional wisdom that Communist Party rule has survived into the 21st century because of the nation's extraordinary economic growth. China watchers often speak of an implicit bargain between the people and the party: Give up demands for democracy and free speech and we'll make you rich.

"I think the leaders are scared stiff," said Susan Shirk, a professor at UC San Diego. "Certainly the Chinese Communist Party leadership believes there is a connection between economic growth, social stability and the survival of one-party rule."

Even members of the intelligentsia have become more vocal, demanding political change in a petition released this week that was modeled after the 1977 one that challenged the Soviet Union's domination of Czechoslovakia. "In the world, authoritarian systems are approaching the dusk of their endings," says the document, signed by more than 300 prominent people.

What makes the government especially vulnerable is that the people hurting financially have few legitimate outlets to air grievances. Unable to vote out their leaders, strike or collect compensation from the courts, they protest. And when the police wade in, things can quickly turn violent.

That's what happened Nov. 25 after 1,000 workers were laid off from the Kai Da toy factory in Dongguan, a southeastern city often called the real-life Santa's workshop because of the toys manufactured there.

As one former worker, a 36-year-old mechanic who agreed to be quoted by his surname, Zhong, describes it: A group of workers was in discussions with management about termination pay when a dispute broke out. "We saw the police beating five workers with sticks, several of them unconscious. . . . Then many workers rushed out and surrounded them. Later there were thousands of people there. They smashed police cars, doors and computers."

The economic downturn is hitting hardest in places like Dongguan, where factories once churned out toys, shoes and clothing to satisfy the seemingly insatiable demand of American consumers. Now demand has plunged because of the U.S. recession and the scandals over tainted foods and dangerous toys produced in China.

The Chinese government reported Wednesday that last month, for the first time in seven years, exports declined. In the toy industry alone, figures from the General Administration of Customs showed that half of the 3,631 companies had gone under this year.

Almost all of the workers who are losing their jobs are migrants who may not have any place to return to.

Zhong and his wife, who is seven months pregnant, came from an area in Sichuan province that suffered heavy damage during the May earthquake. "We are just wandering around now looking for work," Zhong said.

Fears of instability

This floating population of the unemployed and desperate is one of the government's nightmares.

"The redistribution of wealth through theft and robbery could dramatically increase, and menaces to social stability will grow," Zhou Tianyong, an economist for a government think tank, said in an editorial last week in the China Economic Times.

But it is not only the migrants who can turn unruly.

Young professionals trashed the showroom of a real estate complex called Glamorous City in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, after learning that the developer was offering a 25% discount to prospective buyers of units they had paid full price for.

Middle-class Chinese are relative novices when it comes to investing, unaccustomed to the risks of real estate or the stock market -- and quick to blame the government when what they thought could only go up instead goes down.

The anger was palpable at a Beijing stock brokerage where investors sat on a row of orange plastic chairs, sipping tea from jars they'd brought from home and watching the latest indignities flashing on the electronic board of stock prices.

" Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao did nothing to help," snapped one man in a voice that cut through the background clatter and made the others -- unaccustomed to hearing gripes against China's president and premier spoken so loudly -- turn around to hush him. ("Don't tell the foreigner too much about what's happening in China," hissed a woman sitting behind him.)

The 53-year-old man, who gave his name as Lao Yang, or "old Yang," agreed to lower his voice and the conversation continued. He lost seven years' worth of savings from his job at a machine components factory, which is now closed.

Others with him shared his fury -- retired factory workers, homemakers, a former post office clerk, all had lost large portions of their savings playing the stock market and felt the government had betrayed the laobaixing, the common people, by not protecting them.

"Some people lost everything in the stock market. They sold their homes and borrowed money," said Xiong Huanyong, 66, a retired post office worker. "They think there should have been more regulations."

A basic structural problem in the Chinese economy is that wages and living standards have not kept pace with the extraordinary growth. As a result, consumers aren't prosperous enough to pick up the slack and keep the economy rolling in the face of reduced demand from the United States and Europe.

The Chinese government has lowered interest rates several times, and last month announced a $586-billion stimulus package. More moves are predicted, but economists doubt their effectiveness.

"The government's economic policy is still geared to producing high growth figures, but not to producing jobs or raising people's disposable income," said Mao Yushi, a prominent Chinese economist.

Shirk, of UCSD, believes that protests will accelerate as workers realize such actions can help them get what they want. For example, the laid-off workers at Kai Da received severance of about $900 each after their protest.

But Shirk thinks the government will be able to manage the crisis as long as protests remain localized and the nation's leadership remains united.

"They learned their lesson from the Tiananmen period," she said. "As long as they can prevent public splits, throw the ringleaders of the protests in jail, blame the problems on local officials, they can probably hang together."

Something's going to give in Asia. All has been well for the past 20-30 years, even with Tiananmen, because the Commies Have Delivered. But no more. There's about 1.4 billion pissed off motherfuckers over there, and not nearly enough thugs to hold them off. That country is a powder-keg.

China, India, Pakistan. That area is going to explode. Everyone of those fuckers has NUKES. And don't forget RUSSIA, who will do ALL IN THEIR POWER to foment anti-American sentiment. Or really, PRO-OIL sentiment.

The Bursting Bubble now goes FAR beyond American Housing. RUSSIAN OIL is collapsing. Chinese production capacity is imploding. Pakkie's are terrorizing India. And India is RICH & THEY GOT NUKES. There's going to be a FUCKING WAR.

Plan Folks. Plan. This crazy fucking blog has been beating the drums for TWO YEARS. "BEANS, BULLETS, BOOZE, BULLION". DO NOT for a second think that can't happen. Don't think for 1 second you can't be relegated to GROWING YOUR OWN FOOD. And SHOOTING YOUR FUCKING NEIGHBOR TO KEEP THEM FROM TAKING YOUR SHIT. EVEN WHILE YOU ARE STEALING THEIR SHIT!

The recent local rash of shootings, robberies, and assaults is NOT a statistical oddity. People are getting desperate. Unemployment EXPLODED in Deschutes County over the past year. And it's going to get far, FAR worse. This fucking place will be a war zone before it's over. Instead of reading about someone getting shot, YOU'LL KNOW SOMEONE who Got Shot.

So what's the solution to the Armaggedon Scenario? Actually Armeggedon IS THE SOLUTION. Got too many factories? Too much productive capacity? Too many unemployed?

There's One Very Effective Solution: WAR.

War tears shit up, right quick. War kills motherfuckers who would otherwise be robbing you. War will put people back in Chinese, Indian, and Pakkie factories. At least until they are nuked.

We are going to war soon. What do the RICH WORRY ABOUT? That's right, KEEPING WHAT THEY GOT. And India & China have watched the money pile up over the past few decades, and that shit is threatened now. Don't underestimate the retaliation of a well-funded country.

And what do WE do? Well, if we DO NOT side with China, we're fucking doomed. We OWE THEM $1 TRILLION, at least. In many respects, China runs this 2 bit shithole already. Who will they go after? India? Japan? Fuck, who knows. But it'll be US against THEM. And whoever THEM is, they have been our "Allies" for a long time.

Some whacked shit is going to happen. Government-owned EVERYTHING. Including your house, maybe. A tax-rate hike is coming that'll probably kill another 10-20% of this countries small businesses. And not just Federal. All the way down the line.

Hunker down, Folks. The Big One is coming. War. Depression. Suicide. Remember your 4 B's. Stock Up And Lock Down.

This is Going To Get So Much Worse Than You Thought Possible.


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Anonymous said...

HBM host secret conspiracy meeting in BEND ...

Legal scholars have a saying that hard cases make bad law. Political scientists should have a version that says hard times make bad policies.

Bend, like the rest of the country, is in the midst of some hard times and they’re likely to get even harder. To help them figure out how to help the local economy, three of Bend’s city councilors-elect – Jeff Eager, Tom Greene and Kathie Eckman – decided to hold a “forum” last week with local business leaders.

Their motive might have been noble, but their method wasn’t.

To begin with, it doesn’t appear that any worthwhile new ideas emerged from the 40 or so businesspersons who attended. According to news accounts, the meeting seems to have been mostly a bitch session at which the business leaders voiced standard and familiar themes: “All our problems are the fault of Big Bad Government” and “Whatever you do to help the economy, don’t ask us to pay for it.”

One businessman warned the incoming councilors not to even think about funding Bend’s public transit system with any sort of payroll tax.

Councilor-elect Greene, who’s also a real estate agent, lamented that city staff is looking too closely at developers’ plans: “If a licensed engineer submits plans to the city for review, why are city staff tearing those plans apart?”

Well, maybe because that’s their job, Tom.

Patrick Oliver, a downtown landlord and developer, complained about the high cost of city permits and fees: “No one can afford to develop downtown given what the fees are. You will shut down development.”

It looks to us like development already is shut down, Pat – and has been since the real estate bubble popped.

But our bigger problem with the “forum” was the way it was held. It wasn’t exactly a secret, but the councilors-elect didn’t go out of their way to advertise it either. According to Eager, “We invited folks we just happened to know in the community.” The fourth councilor-elect, Jodie Barram, wasn’t told about the meeting until she already had another commitment that prevented her from attending.

Greene, Eager and Eckman didn’t violate Oregon’s open public meetings law because they won’t be councilors until Jan. 5. But their get-together – especially with City Manager Eric King also present – clearly violated the spirit of the law, which is that government deliberations should be conducted in the light of day.

Also, why did they invite only business leaders to share their ideas about the economy? Don’t ordinary working stiffs have a stake too? Eager says the new councilors want to hear from other groups as well – eventually – but no other forums are on their calendar.

Eckman, Greene and Eager already labor under the perception that they’re the development lobby’s hand-picked councilors because realtor and builder groups bankrolled their expensive campaigns. Holding a sort of cozy semi-private meeting with businesspersons doesn’t do anything to dispel that perception.

However good their intentions, the three councilors-elect deserve – and hereby receive – THE BOOT for a gross lack of political sensitivity.

Bewert said...

Buster, you should go tell Trudy how you care about my ass more than my brains ;)

This Summit stuff stinks. Sorry, but that's the way it is.

Suterra? Just another company with nasty effluent. Like Intel. Keep a close fucking eye on their mess, and hopefully they will have jobs that pay more than $12/hr. God knows we fucking need them around here.

Anonymous said...

Re: Councilor-elect Greene, who’s also a real estate agent


Tom Greene,
2008 Centeral Oregon Association of Realtors President

"We can build our way out of this mess if we just market Bend properly. Trust me!"

Anonymous said...

Does that mean I can sue the SORE for your bile HBM??

You can sue for libel if I libeled you but not for "bile." "Bile" is not actionable.

"You talk like you have given this a lot of thought."

Thank you. I have.

"I'll say again, Judge Redmond of PDX is a good friend of mine"

That being the case, it's rather peculiar that you don't know how to spell his name.

Anonymous said...



The City of Bend/Suterra Purchase Agreement, written by Suterra Follows ....

PROPERTy) (this "Agreement"), dated as o f October 22 , 2008 ("Effective Date"), are made by and


§ 1031 exchange as contemplated by Section 37 below subject to the above limitation on the
anticipated use o f the Property. Except for an Internal Revenue Code § 1031 exchange as contemplated
by Section 37 below, any assignment by Seller o f its rights and obligations under this Agreement shall
be subject to Buyer ' s prior written consent, exercisable in Buyer ' s sole discretion. Any assignment by
Seller shall not relieve it o f any o f its liabilities or obligations under this Agreement.

Anonymous said...

Keep a close fucking eye on their mess, and hopefully they will have jobs that pay more than $12/hr.


It's a NET-ZERO job gain pussy.

You just came here yesterday from MORMRON, and SUTERRA was here before you, and SUTERRA will be here after you leave.

The City will spend $10M on PREPPING SUTERRA's ROCK@JR, ... for what? A zero-gain job RE MOVE.

The purpose? To make JR more valuable, and thus the surrounding (HOLLERN) land more valuable.

Anonymous said...

Madoff says that "BAIL-OUTS" Encourage Ponzi Schemes, ... Who would have guessed??


Madoff Exposes Double Standard for Ponzi Schemes: Jonathan Weil

Dec. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Bernard Madoff’s amazing Ponzi scheme has put him in a league of his own, for now. He shouldn’t be alone for long.

In the end, as with all the great frauds, Madoff’s undoing was that he ran out of cash. For years, he paid returns to early investors with money he raised from new investors, which is the hallmark of every Ponzi scheme.

When the economy got tough, and his customers sought about $7 billion in redemptions, Madoff didn’t have the funds. It was around this time that he confessed to running a giant scam, the authorities say. The losses, by Madoff’s estimate, might be $50 billion. Heaven knows how many clients of other money managers could meet the same fate as redemption orders pour in.

It’s no great feat to arrest a man who tells a federal agent “there is no innocent explanation” for his actions and that he expects to go to jail. The Securities and Exchange Commission blew many chances over the past decade to uncover his ruse, even after receiving detailed tips.

It’s unclear why the SEC failed to stop Madoff, whether because of corruption, a lack of smarts, a dearth of interest, or some combination. We can say with confidence, though, that many other huge frauds are still operating freely today -- and that the government might not be inclined to intervene, even when it knows all about them.

Business Models

After all, Madoff’s scheme -- at least in spirit, if not in its nefarious intent -- wasn’t much different than the business models at some of the nation’s largest failed financial institutions.

Back in May, four months before it collapsed, American International Group Inc. increased its dividend at the same time it unveiled plans to raise $12.5 billion in capital. Later, when its cash ran out, AIG got a government bailout, the size of which has expanded to about $150 billion.

Whether you call that a Ponzi scheme or something less sinister, AIG was paying old investors with money raised from new investors. The same could be said of many banks that blew through billions of dollars in freshly raised capital the past couple of years, continuing to pay large dividends even as their balance sheets quietly imploded.

So why have other Ponzi-esque operators emerged scot-free (so far) with taxpayer bailouts, while Madoff gets pinched?

The Cox Theory

Sure, there is Madoff’s own confession, plus the sheer brazenness of his conduct. And Madoff’s collapse doesn’t threaten to bring down the global financial system, as far as we know. Yet perhaps the best explanation can be found in a Dec. 4 speech by SEC Chairman Christopher Cox on why the government needs an exit strategy to unwind its myriad bailout commitments.

“From the standpoint of the SEC, the most obvious problem with breaking down the arm’s-length relationship between government, as the regulator, and business, as the regulated, is that it threatens to undermine our enforcement and regulatory regime,” Cox said.

“When the government becomes both referee and player, the game changes rather dramatically for every other participant. Rules that might be rigorously applied to private-sector competitors will not necessarily be applied in the same way to the sovereign who makes the rules.”

Cox failed to mention that the SEC already was a toothless tiger under his watch, long before this year’s bailouts took root. Give him credit for candor, though. The chairman of the SEC is now on record saying the government can’t be expected to enforce the nation’s securities laws even-handedly at companies where its own financial interests are at stake.

Fair Game

He’s right. The government can’t live up to the task, even if it wanted to.

Madoff probably wasn’t the biggest Ponzi-scheme artist out there. He’s just the first of his size to get nailed during the current bear market.

He also knew he was fair game for the government. The people running companies with taxpayer bailout money know there’s an excellent chance they won’t be. As long as that remains true, this crisis of confidence isn’t over by a long shot.

Anonymous said...

It's all the SEC's fault, and not the Made-Off investors, ERGO the richest Jews in the USA should all get a bailout. If you see a SORE/BULL media orchestra, look for a conductor.


Christopher Cox, the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission blames career administrators at the SEC for their failure to investigate Bernie Madoff.

We now know the SEC received "credible and specific allegations" of wrongdoing by Madoff over the past decade and ignored them. More troubling is the news that an SEC attorney who participated in investigations into Madoff's firm in 1999 and 2004 recently married Madoff's niece.

Industry insiders do not believe the SEC was really "asleep at the switch." The SEC is a toothless tiger that more often than not protects the interests of the industry it is supposed to regulate. Commissioner Cox has carried out that mandate more brazenly than any other Commissioner in recent memory.

Here's one of many examples:

In May, 2004, Senators Patrick Leahy (Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee) and Russell D. Feingold, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, wrote to Commissioner Cox. They asked him to give investors a choice between the mandatory arbitration system imposed on all investors who have disputes with their brokers and going to Court.

The mandatory arbitration system is run by the securities industry for its own benefit. Studies have shown that it deprives aggrieved investors of a fair hearing. The North American Securities Administrators Association has joined in the call for passage of the Arbitration Fairness Act of 2007 which would eliminate mandatory arbitration in all consumer disputes.

Commissioner Cox's response to this pro-investor call to action? Nothing. Just like the response of his agency to warnings about the Madoff scam.

If the SEC and Commissioner Cox were in the private sector, they could be sued by Madoff's victims for gross and wanton negligence. These investors relied on independent oversight by the SEC. Unfortunately, the SEC is immune from suit. Otherwise, it would be a slam-dunk for investors to get reimbursement.

Shouldn't the government be accountable for the negligence of its agency? We are bailing out financial institutions that caused the current meltdown. We are likely to bailout automobile companies whose poor business decisions brought them to the brink of bankruptcy.

How about a bailout for the Madoff investors who relied on the SEC? How about an overhaul of the SEC to make it serve the interests of investors it's mandated to protect?

The resignation of Commissioner Cox would be a great start.

Anonymous said...

Keep a close fucking eye on their mess, and hopefully they will have jobs that pay more than $12/hr.


Pussy the 'toxic mess' will be at their old site overlooking the old-mill, after years of leaking barrels that site has got to be the love-canal of Bend.

That will be the site to watch, it will sit empty for years with DEQ scratching its ass.

Anonymous said...

"The joy of living without carpocapsa" - Suterra

"Sexual Confusion Deletion the BP Story"

Suterra has ended Argentina contest "Beat the carpocapsa" organized by the National Program for the Elimination of carpocapsa Patagonian Region (ProSave - Senasa), which runs and manages FunBaPa within the scope of the Commission on Plant Health.
Contest involving 60 works of art from elementary schools in the Valley High and Middle Valley.
The first prize went to the triptych of drawing and painting titled "The success of a success for all", students of grade 5 School No. 316, Villa Regina.
The second place went to the box mixed techniques "opposite directions", of 7th grade students of the School No. 223, Chichinales, while the third was the model for "Against the carpocapsa all we can" by students of 3rd grade of School No. 46 of the Colorado River.
The prizes for winning schools, provided by the companies Suterra, and BASF Agro Roca, a multimedia projector and a PC, for the first, a multimedia projector, for the second and a PC, for the third.
In addition, the jury selected 10 works of art whose photos illustrate next to the three award-winning productions, the 2009 Calendar of the National Program on Elimination of carpocapsa Patagonian region.
The Contest "Beat the carpocapsa" was launched during the first days of November, with the goal that students of primary schools known problems with the main pest of fruit and the virtues of technology as a tool of Sexual Confusion deletion.
To do so, the program distributed a DVD of the play with puppets "The joy of living without carpocapsa", so as to facilitate the introduction of the subject in the classroom and work on the part of teachers and students.
The jury that conducted the election of the work was composed by Ing. Dario Fernandez of the Experimental Station High Valley INTA; by Ing. Dora Luna of the National Service of Agricultural Health and Quality (SENASA), by Lic. July Ojeda Patagonia by the Graduate Institute of the Arts (IUPA) and the Program Coordinator carpocapsa Patagonia region, Eng. Agr. Adolfo Garcia Barros.

Anonymous said...

Web forums offer a venue for the most sick, twisted, bitter, vindictive and just plain crazy individuals in society to vent their hatred for other individuals – or the world in general – from behind a screen of anonymity. The ruling essentially means that whatever vileness somebody accuses you of on the Web – embezzlement, child abuse, mass murder – you have no recourse against him or against the business that allowed him to spew his lies. - HBM


But what does he think about this 'group' ??, he's very much part of it.

Anonymous said...

Buster, you should go tell Trudy how you care about my ass more than my brains ;)


She would only nod her head.

Anonymous said...

Here's a good one from Bend Boring board:

Bendbb and the others refusing to acknowledge the obvious:

Summits own website says all but "We made off with your money"

The county clerk has explicit public records of the funds transfer in the amount of $10,000,000 ($5,000,000 each) to Brian Stevens and Mark Neuman (the principals of the company) less than two months ago, plus another $275k to their staff attorney, and you guys chide us for speculating and starting baseless rumors. What the fuck gives man?
You guys slay me with this " There's got to be a good explanation for this"
" We musn't speculate here" They fucking told us on their own goddamn website!!!

Seriously what are you so afraid of?

Are you waiting for a Bulletin article?

To the English Police on here, this is a fucking real estate thread, since you don't have anything to interject that pertains to the subject of this thread go back to the Shakespear blog, what an idiot!

Disclaimer: I've had way too much coffee this morning.

Carry on.

Anonymous said...


Every time I read these admonitions from Bendbb I get a big dose of déjà vu and finally realized where it comes from— the Superman comics of my youth

Here are the characters;
The Bend Economy Bulletin Board is the Daily Planet, a fine publication
Bendbb is Perry White, a good editor who gets pretty agitated about lawbreaking, innuendo, and profanity
The BEBB posters are either Jimmy Olson or Lois Lane depending on their gender-- they’re wet behind the ears need constant reminders from Perry of the editorial rules.

Here’s how it plays out;
Jimmy --- Hey what do you think about Bernie Madoff taking down those people for as much as 50 billion dollars
Perry --- Great Caesar's ghost! Jimmy we won’t stand for that kind of innuendo here at the Dailey Planet.
Jimmy ---Well Chief, he openly admitted to investigators that he embezzled the funds.
Perry---Don’t call me Chief, and if you have evidence that someone illegally loaned themselves millions of client dollars, give that information to the authorities—Here at the Planet we never suggest that someone may have broken the law
Jimmy—Never Chief?
Perry--- That’s right never, and don’t call me Chief. There may be an innocent explanation for Bernie Madoff’s "liquidity problem" so let's wait and see what develops rather than posting innuendos.
Jimmy—Can I report the SOB is under house arrest?
Perry --- No Jimmy, that’s too risky- if he sued us we could lose everything, but forget about that, the hot issue here is you broke the profanity rule—one more time and you get deleted.
Jimmy---but Chief, it’s a matter of public record the SOB wiped out a bunch of charitable foundations-
Perry- I need to remind folks that the public record information posted in this topic doesn't prove any wrongdoing, but forget about that, this is your second profanity violation and I’m afraid you’re fired. Great Caesar's ghost! I’ll have to have Lois cover this story-- she better not call me Chief!

Anonymous said...

Seriously what are you so afraid of?


Fear, its just like Homer, its the anal gate-keeper mechanism.

Homer manifests it with 'nofollow', bendbb(bebb) does it with delete threads and comments.

Anonymous said...

I ONLY had ONE fucking assertion.

It was that if SUMMIT-1031 was true, that BENDBB would delete the thread.

It looks like the deletion will come very soon.

The pattern is always the same.

BENDBB allows a thread only when it lacks substance. If someone personally attacks him, he deletes the post. Once someone points out to him that the entire thread may offend the status quo of Bend, he deletes the entire thread.

The pattern is always the same.

With HOMER its different people can 'yell & shout' all day, but under the 'Cone of Silence' ( nofollow ).

Anonymous said...



I think NOT, the most fearful men in BEND.

HOMER & BEBB: two birds of a feather, Siamese twins sharing a common asshole.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Bend 1031 exchange halts business, citing liquidity

Move is getting attention from state regulator, raising concerns in local real estate industry

By Andrew Moore / The Bulletin
Published: December 18. 2008 4:00AM PST

Bend-based Summit 1031 Exchange Inc., has halted its daily operations and isn’t accepting new business in an effort to resolve a liquidity problem, according to a statement posted on the company’s Web site.

The statement, dated Dec. 15, said the company — which also has offices in Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah and Texas — has less money on hand than what is due to its customers, but it said it’s committed to correcting the issue.

The move has attracted the attention of a state regulator and a national association of 1031 exchange companies, and generated concern among some in the local real estate industry.

Tom Greene, president of the Central Oregon Association of Realtors, said Summit is probably the region’s best-known 1031 exchange company and called the news a “shocker.”

“When you are entrusted to hold money for the public’s benefit and they are coming up short, something’s wrong,” Greene said.

Kevin Anselm, the chief of enforcement and securities for the state’s Division of Finance and Corporate Securities, said the office has begun an inquiry into the company. Anselm said her department first heard of the closure Wednesday morning.

“Anytime money disappears, it’s a big deal, and given the state of the economy right now, it’s a big deal,” Anselm said.

Several attempts to reach the company or its officers to discuss the matter were unsuccessful.

Lane Lyons, the director of legal and tax policy for Summit, wrote in an e-mail Tuesday that the company would “have another update with respect to the situation and what’s being done about it available for release in the very near future.”

The company’s latest statement, posted Monday on Summit’s Web site, reads, in part: “Currently, there are significant funds in the exchange fund accounts maintained by SAI,” or Summit Accommodators Inc., which does business as Summit 1031 Exchange. “However, the balances are less than the total amount of all currently open exchanges for Summit customers. SAI is attempting to address this liquidity problem through the liquidation of other assets and potentially available resources. SAI is committed to making every effort to address and correct these issues.”


A 1031 exchange refers to Section 1031 of the federal tax code, which allows the owner of a business or investment property to sell the business or property and defer any capital gains tax if the proceeds are used to purchase a business or investment property of equal or greater value. The caveats are the purchase must be made 180 days after the sale, and the sale proceeds can’t pass through the owner’s hands, thus requiring a third party to take delivery of the proceeds, hold them until the seller finds another suitable investment and then send the money to the new seller in the buyer’s name.

According to the Internal Revenue Service, these third parties are called “qualified intermediaries.”

They are not regulated by the federal government nor by many states, including Oregon, said Cris Anderson, an attorney and the Northwest division manager of Asset Preservation Inc., a leading 1031 exchange company.

Asset Preservation is a wholly owned subsidiary of the publicly traded Stewart Information Services Corp.

Anderson said he was not familiar with the particulars of Summit’s situation but is worried the company’s predicament could give the 1031 exchange industry an undeserved black eye.

“It’s just sad,” said Anderson. “It’s something we need folks to realize — that they need to ask some questions and get answers before they chose someone out of the blue.”

Where the money goes

The primary concern is what a qualified intermediary, also called an accommodator, does with the seller’s money, Anderson said. It should be someplace liquid, where it can be accessed quickly, and not locked up in long-term investments such as CDs, stocks or bonds.

But it’s not as easy as opening an account at the local community bank branch, said Mike Hoover, who owns the Bend-based 1031 exchange company Crown Equity Inc., and who has worked as a qualified intermediary since 1980.

Through the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., a bank only insures deposits up to $250,000. That amount was only recently raised from $100,000 earlier this fall. But, Hoover asked, if the amount of the exchange account is $1 million, do you put all the money in one bank and hope it doesn’t fail or do you open four separate accounts at four different banks?

Though time-consuming, Hoover said the right thing would be to open four separate accounts, as the money needs to be available when the seller demands it.

“You’re holding (the money) as if it’s in a trust account, which real estate companies do (and) attorneys do,” Hoover said. “So I believe — even though we’re not a regulated industry, and there are very few states that put regulations in place as to exactly how these funds are to be handled — I look at it as they have to be demand funds, or funds available on demand, so a checking account or a money market account not invested in stocks, Treasury bills, CDs.”

Hoover said it’s common for accommodators to keep the interest generated by the seller’s funds, which can keep the accommodators’ fees low.

Both Hoover and Anderson said where accommodators “park” the seller’s money can be negotiable, and accommodators and sellers can negotiate a division of any interest generated on the money.

“You can always review and ask what the (accommodator) does with that money, because in an exchange agreement you can have the (accommodator) tell you where they will invest the funds because it has to be in a liquid account,” Anderson said.

Oregon licenses real estate agents and escrow agents, but it doesn’t license accommodators, Anselm said.

Summit is not a member of the national Federation of Exchange Accommodators, based in Philadelphia. The association’s spokeswoman, Caitlin Middleton, deferred questions about Summit to the association’s president, but he was unavailable late Wednesday.

Middleton said the company’s shutdown “obviously … has an impact on our industry.”

Anonymous said...

Summits own website says all but "We made off with your money"


No it doesn't say that, what it says, is the same problem for everyone today, and why the de-leveraging.

It says that redemptions are difficult. My reading into all of this is the reason for the loans is that they guys are personally trying to cover the redemptions.

This is not a remote event, virtually every business in the USA today that passes money back & forth, cannot return clients money, because nobody has any money. Everything is at a stand-still.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Tom Greene, president of the Central Oregon Association of Realtors, said Summit is probably the region’s best-known 1031 exchange company and called the news a “shocker.”

OK, we ELECTED this observant confused fucker to City Council.

We deserve what we get.

"Real Estate in the shitter? No! It's just a brief slowdown! Pick right back up. Slowdown? What? Who? When? Who are you? What am I doing here?"

Anonymous said...

December 15, 2008

To All Customers of Summit 1031 Exchange:

Summit Accommodators, Inc. ("SAI"), which maintains the exchange fund accounts for customers of Summit 1031 Exchange ("Summit Customers"), is experiencing significant financial issues. As a result, at this time, Summit is not accepting new exchanges, has curtailed its daily operations, and ceased funding existing exchanges until SAI can address and resolve its financial issues.

Currently, there are significant funds in the exchange fund accounts maintained by SAI. However, the balances are less than the total amount of all currently open exchanges for Summit Customers. SAI is attempting to address this liquidity problem through the liquidation of other assets and potentially available resources. SAI is committed to making every effort to address and correct these issues.

Summit sincerely regrets the concern SAI's financial issues presents for Summit Customers. SAI management is devoting all of its attention to finding a prompt resolution of these issues and avoiding detriment to Summit Customers. Further status updates will be provided on Summit's website at as soon as possible.

Anonymous said...

For the third time this year we have a case where an intermediary has stolen the funds from its client's 1031 exchanges. As in the prior instances of exchange theft, the intermediary was able to commit this fraud because the funds were held in a commingled account.


Gary Gorman
by Gary Gorman
Founding Partner,
The 1031 Exchange Experts

Intermediaries can hold client exchange accounts in one of two ways: in a commingled account, or in a segregated account.

In a commingled account, the combined proceeds of all of their clients' exchanges are held in one single account. For example, if the intermediary has 200 clients, all of their money would be pooled into one account.

The alternative way is to hold the money in separate accounts for each client. So in this instance, continuing my example from above, the intermediary would have 200 separate accounts -- one for each client.

Recently, a Boston intermediary lost their funds as a result of speculative securities trading. This was made possible because the intermediary, Benistar Property Exchange Trust Company, held clients exchange funds in a commingled account.

This is remarkably similar to the Minnesota case I reported on about six months ago. In the Minnesota case the intermediary suffered massive day trading losses. And just a couple of months ago I reported on a California intermediary who took her clients' exchange funds and disappeared.

back to articles/index
1031 Solutions
As appeared in...
Colorado Real Estate Journal
October 6 , 2004

The common denominator in each of these cases was the ease in which the intermediary could commit the fraud because the money was held in a commingled account.

By far, the scariest instance was the Minnesota case, because it resulted in a court opinion that said that when an intermediary commingles exchange funds, the commingled account becomes an asset belonging to the intermediary, not the clients!

In the Minnesota case the remaining balance in the commingled account was used to pay other company creditors. In addition, all of the exchange proceeds that had been sent out to complete exchanges in the three months before the intermediary went bankrupt had to be returned by the former exchange clients, and used to pay other creditors.

The reason this is so scary is because we now have a case that specifically states that a commingled exchange account is an asset of the intermediary company (the judge made it very clear that separate exchange accounts belong to the individual exchange clients).

Here's what alarms me about this: suppose an exchange client sues their intermediary and wins a large judgment against them. Because the Minnesota case says that the commingled account is an asset of the intermediary, guess where the client is going to go to collect on their judgment? Exactly! From the commingled account. And what happens to the other clients whose money goes to pay the judgment merely because the intermediary held their money in the commingled account? They sue, and the snowball of lawsuits begins.

Take it one step further: let's say you sue your intermediary. Because your intermediary holds its clients exchange funds in a commingled account, you know that that will be your source of collecting if you win your suit. But to block your ability to collect if you win, all the intermediary has to do is break their commingled account into separate accounts for each client. What are you going to do to keep them from diverting the funds? Right -- when you file your suit you are going to attempt to freeze the commingled account. Can you do this? I don't know -- it probably depends on how good your attorney is.

If the account is frozen, what happens to the intermediary's other clients whose money is trapped in the now frozen account? If the freeze lasts beyond the contract date for the purchase of their new property, they could default on the purchase of their New Property. If it lasts beyond their 180 days their exchange is toast since there are no extensions of the 180 day deadline.
...this is scary because we now have a case that says a commingled account is an asset of the intermediary...

Really scary stuff isn't it? The solution, again, is to make sure that your exchange funds are held in a separate exchange account: just your funds in one account and no one else's. And a separate account must be separate not only from other client's monies, but also separate from the intermediary's assets.

My company, for example, holds the funds from every client's exchange in its own separate account because it's obviously the only way to protect our client's funds. Each of our accounts has the clients name on it (i.e., “The 1031 Exchange Experts, as intermediary for Fred and Sue Jones”), AND the client's tax identification number or social security number is also on the account. If something bad happens to us, the Qualified Intermediary, then our client's exchange funds are still intact and accessible.

Another way we give our clients assurance that their money goes into their own account (and stays there) is with a service we call 1031Access (sm), which assigns a secure portal through our web site to each client for their exchange. By using their assigned username, this 'secret' portal allows them to view their money in their account at the bank, 24/7, via a secure Internet connection. Their portal is protected with a password they set themselves. In this way, using their secret portal, clients can see what moneys have come into their account, what's gone out, how much interest the account has earned and what their current interest rate is.

Like the judge in the Minnesota fraud case said, if your exchange money is in a commingled account, “Caveat Exchanger” (or, “Exchanger Beware!”).

Anonymous said...

Tom Greene, president of the Central Oregon Association of Realtors, said Summit is probably the region’s best-known 1031 exchange company and called the news a “shocker.”


Who would have guessed?

Quimby said...

>> “When you are entrusted to hold money for the public’s benefit and they are coming up short, something’s wrong,” Greene said.


Funny shit about the Superman Comic to Buster.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

And I'm not sure how listing what is PUBLICLY AVAILABLE INFO FROM A GOVERNMENT website is "outting" someone.

tim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tim said...

Sorry. Typo. Try again:

Wow. Amazed that Tom Greene said "Shocker." Did don't he was hip enough to be so scatological.

Two in the pink, one in the stink.

Quimby said...

It took me a minute but...holy shit! NASTY TIMMY!

Anonymous said...

“You’re holding (the money) as if it’s in a trust account, which real estate companies do (and) attorneys do,” Hoover said.


Great STATEMENT "IF" its a 'trust', Just like "attorneys do", ...

Oh, and we keep the interest, which means its in our interest to 'park' YOUR money where we can get the MOST interest, just like 'attorneys' do.

Just too fucking funny.

Anonymous said...

I predicted.

That the BULL would print this story long before the SORE.

WHY? Because the BULL has more balls than the SORE.

HBM will say, that they didn't have time, BULLSHIT, HBM is posting on the SORE everyday about storys of Pug's falling off their skateboards.

No the fact is the SORE is always the last place.

This BULL report is hilarious, its like they got the foxes to explain what happen to the chickens.

Quimby said...

I'm really surprised that Tom Green can get elected to ANY public office after this skit....

Anonymous said...

The real question is which paper will print the public documents that show the last loans?


Anonymous said...

Why do you think the loans are important?

Anonymous said...

Because if I were running a 1031 exchange that were running into difficulty, I'd be worried about my own financial condition, and I'd have to make a decision whether to sacrifice my investors or myself.

Anonymous said...

If I were a state regulator looking at the books, I'd be looking very carefully at the last moves made by the operation.

tim said...

It's no wonder that association of 1031 exchanges is pissed. The whole industry is probably going to be taken down my scandals.

Of course, it probably was going to go down anyway.

Anonymous said...

Even Madoff couldn't meet the tiny demand of $7B redemption on a $50B fund.

My reading of the loans is that they tried to raise millions this summer with loans on their own real estate, hell they probably tried to sell to raise cash, but you all know, you can't sell BEND RE to anyone.

So they took out loans to cover their business, personal loans, ...

It still wasn't enough.

A lot of businesses are going down today for this reason, nobody can get money, to cover their business.

The entire post 1980's economy was playing with OPM ( other peoples money ), as long as there was growth, everything was good. As long as BEND grew, and there were new suckers coming to BUY HOLLERN's Awbrey-BUTT, everything would work forever.

But then the sales stopped, the land became worthless, even the banks eventually stopped loaning on the land.

Where is the MONEY?

1030 exchanges who commingle are allowed to keep the interest, thus they 'park' the money where it can get the best interest, that of course means that ALL the money is gone, as SIV's and most money markets that are non-T-BILL are now worthless, well ten cents on the dollar.

So you wake up one morning and your high interest commingled 'money-market' account for $200M has broke the buck, and now you have lost principal.

The business model for all worked for years during the bubble, .e.g. post 1986.


I don't think the loans are important, it shows they tried to use their own assets to keep their business alive.

Anonymous said...

So will HBM put this site on his blog at the SORE so people can see the real Greene??

Anonymous said...

Like the judge in the Minnesota fraud case said, if your exchange money is in a commingled account, “Caveat Exchanger” (or, “Exchanger Beware!”).


Yesterday, I said it was the case of putting your dick in a Rottwielers mouth. We know that 1031-Summit was running a commingled biz, we have a judge here from 2+ years ago that established nationally that only a fucking idiot would park their money in a commingled 1031 account.

This is a 'man sticks dick in dogs mouth story'. Caveat Exchanger, 'beware of where you stick your money'.

Anonymous said...

Like the guy above say's NOT all 1031's are a racket, if you read the BULL story closely they tell you quite a few things about fraud.

1.) That everyone keeps the interest, not true.

2.) That everyone is commingled, not true.

3.) That everyone is as smart and clever as an attorney. Well that part is true, and that is why the money is gone.

The truth is good 1031 people don't keep the interest, because this conflict of interest is what caused the ponzi scheme to happen, and implode. The truth is that the courts have ruled that only a fucking idiot would park their 1031 in a commingled account.

Thus like always what the BULL has said today, is that 'everybody is a fucking idiot', that its impossible not to lose your money, ... the BULL is creating helpless puppy's in BEND by telling them that they can't possibly not get fucked by the people who own the BULL.

The truth is there are 1031 people that offer you to keep your interest, in a non-commingled account. But the BULL would NEVER want you to know that.

NOW the above is what SORE(HBM) should POST, and what the OREGONIAN/OPB should talk about.

This recurring cover-up that the BULL uses to cover the FRAUD of BEND that they have created.

tim said...

Everyone is talking about the loans. What do the loans mean? If the loans were an attempt to save the company, that means they knew the company was in trouble. Were they trying to get funds from investors during the time they knew the commingled account was in trouble? I don't know. It would be interesting to find out. Madoff was still trying for money just weeks ago.

This is probably the death (temporarily) of commingled accounts. You're right about the global nature of the problem. It's happening all over. Whether they were day trading or doing bubble speculating or betting on commodities or going for crazy high yields.

But I can't imagine a more relevant topic. This is Bend. This is Bubble thinking. This is our Realtor Counselor invoking "the shocker." This shows how far down the rabbit hole went. This shows that we really are busting big time.

Anonymous said...

Yes, APU, but I wish you would again post the OPB 'helpless puppy in Bend' video story.

People need to understand that the BULL story today completely told the story from the point of view of FRAUD.

They didn't offer the puppy's of BEND even the iota of a chance of a 'button' to stop the pain.

HOLLER owns the BULL, and HOLLERN owns Awbrey Butte, the loans were all on HOLLERN land, we don't even know if these guys really paid for the land, they could have got it for free like the BULL got from HOLLERN.

Yes, its happening all over, but BEND HAS SO FUCKING VERY FAR TO FALL.

What did the BULL do when it needed money to survive this FALL of 2008? They sold the land they got from HOLLER in 1998 for free to the city.

Today you can't sell anymore land to the city unless your HOLLERN.

Thus you take out loans to cover your biz, like I have said for 2+ years here in this FORUM, soon the banks will no longer even loan on Bend land.

It's worthless desert land, and it always has BEND.

Anonymous said...


Learned 'helplessness' how the BULL keeps the people of BEND in the dark and feeds them shit.

Anonymous said...

This is probably the death (temporarily) of commingled accounts.


It should FUCKING BE APU, a fucking MINN judge ruled 2+ years ago that only a fucking idiot would put his/her money in one.

What does it fucking take??

Anonymous said...

Learned Helplessness: How the BULL & SORE of BEND-ORYGUN KEEP THE PEOPLE DOWN

In early 1965, Martin E. P. Seligman and his collegues, while studying the relationship between fear and learning, accidentally discovered an unexpected phenomenon while doing experiments on dogs using Pavlovian (classical conditioning). As you may observe in yourselves or a dog, when you are presented with food, you have a tendency to salivate. Pavlov discovered that if a ringing bell or tone is repeatedly paired with this presentation of food, the dog salivates. Later, all you have to do is ring the bell and the dog salivates. However, in Seligman's experiment, instead of pairing the tone with food, he paired it with a harmless shock, restraining the dog in a hammock during the learning phase. The idea, then, was that after the dog learned this, the dog would feel fear on the presentation of a tone, and would then run away or do some other behavior.

Next, they put the conditioned dog into a shuttlebox, which consists of a low fence dividing the box into two compartments. The dog can easily see over the fence, and jump over if it wishes. So they rang the bell. Surprisingly, nothing happened! (They were expecting the dog to jump over the fence.) Then, they decided to shock the conditioned dog, and again nothing happened! The dog just pathetically laid there! Hey, what's going! When they put a normal dog into the shuttlebox, who never experienced inescapable shock, the dog, as expected, immediately jumped over the fence to the other side. Apparently, what the conditioned dog learned in the hammock, was that trying to escape from the shocks is futile. This dog learned to be helpless! This result was opposite to that predicted by B.F. Skinner's behaviorism, which argued that the dog must have been given a positive reward (like a yummy dog biscuit) to just lie there. (In order to salvage their position, they even went so far as to suggest that the cessation of pain acted as the reward for the dog to sit, but this was not a very good argument. One could alternately argue that when the shock went on while the dog was sitting, it was being punished for sitting. Reminds me of that old joke, "Q: Why did the man pound his thumb with a hammer? A: Because it felt so good to stop.) These observations started a scientific revolution resulting in the displacement of behaviorism by cognitive psychology. What you are thinking, determines your behavior (not only the visible rewards or punishments).

The theory of learned helplessness was then extended to human behavior, providing a model for explaining depression, a state characterized by a lack of affect and feeling. Depressed people became that way because they learned to be helpless. Depressed people learned that whatever they did, is futile. During the course of their lives, depressed people apparently learned that they have no control.

Learned helplessness explained a lot of things, but then researchers began to find exceptions, of people who did not get depressed, even after many bad life experiences. Seligman discovered that a depressed person thought about the bad event in more pessimistic ways than a nondepressed person. He called this thinking, "explanatory style," borrowing ideas from attribution theory.

For example, lets say you fail a math exam. How do you explain why? You could think: 1) I am stupid. 2) I'm not good in math. 3) I was unlucky, it was Friday the 13th. 4) The math teacher is prejudiced. 5) The math teacher grades hard. 6) I was feeling ill that day. 7) The math teacher gave an expecially hard test this time. 8) I didn't have time to study. 9) The teacher grades on a curve. Seligman found that these explanations could be rated along three dimensions: personalization: internal vs. external, pervasiveness: specific vs. universal, and permanence: temporary vs. permanent. He found that the most pessimistic explanatory style is correlated with the most depression: The statement "I am stupid" is classified as internal (use of I), universal, and permanent. This response conveys a sense of discouragement, hopelessness, and despair. On the other hand, a more optimistic person would blame someone or something else, such as "The math teacher gave an especially hard test this time." The most optimistic explanatory style is external, specific and temporary. Conversely, for a good event, the explanatory style reverses. For example, for a perfect score on the math exam, the depressive would say: "I was lucky that day," discounting his intelligence. The optimist would say something much more encouraging, such as "I am smart." We often learn explanatory styles from our parents.

There are advantages to both optimistic and pessimistic explanatory styles. Certain jobs call for an optimistic outlook, such as inventing or sales. Other jobs, such as accounting or quality control, call for a more pessimistic outlook.

Seligman suggests in his book "Learned Optimism" that one can overcome depression by learning new explanatory styles. This is the basis of cognitive therapy. In such therapies, the counselor challenges the client's beliefs and explanations of life's events. If you feel depressed because you failed that last exam, then dispute the explanation, and learn or search for a more optimistic one according to the above criteria. Or read a few jokes. The whole self-help movement is based on the optimistic belief that we can change ourselves for the better.
Bibliography of Martin E. P. Seligman

tim said...

>>It should FUCKING BE APU, a fucking MINN judge ruled 2+ years ago that only a fucking idiot would put his/her money in one.

Well, no shortage of idiots, are there?

Unless the commingled accounts are made illegal, they will be back with a vengeance later on, when people forget.

And, yeah, the Bulletin is pushing learned helplessness. The reader comes away with a "bad things happen to me and there's nothing I can do about it" attitude if they are not reading with a skeptical eye. It just breeds cynicism and allows people to avoid the hard work of taking control of their destiny.

tim said...

Since the 60s we have been a cynical country. It's not healthy. Be a skeptic, not a cynic.

It's OK to laugh at cynical writers and comedians, but also surround yourself with enthusiastic and happy people.

Duncan McGeary said...

So they borrowed money from the company with client's commingled money with their (Wildly Overpriced) houses as collateral?

Or they borrowed money from their (Wildly Overpriced) houses to pay back into the company?

The first would seem to be fraud and only a moral idiot wouldn't see it.

The second would be an admirable attempt to make amends.

Which is it?

Anonymous said...

Re: the loans


You guys are missing a very important point: the "loans" were made before the Trust Deeds were signed. As far back as Oct/04, according to one of the Trust Deeds.

In the case of the two main principals, the amount of the loans was not given, only the amount the agreed to provide security for.

Let me post the relevant parts of the Trust Deeds, bolding the part you all are missing. From the $5,000,000 ones:

"For instance, from the $5,000,000 trust deed by Mark Neuman(deed grantor, principle in Summit):

"WHEREAS, Grantor has various outstanding commercial indebtedness to Beneficiary pursuant to various loan agreements and promissory notes executed at various dates. (The loan agreements and promissory notes, as they may be modified, extended, or replaced from time to time are collectively referred to herin as the "Note"); and

WHEREAS, Grantor acknowledges and agrees that the proceeds of the loan(s) which are the subject of the Note were utilized for commercial real estate acquisitions by the Grantor, and not for personal or other consumer purposes; and

WHEREAS, as a condition to the making of the loan(s) to Grantor which are the subject of the Note, Beneficiary required, and Grantor agreed to provide this Trust Deed to secure $5,000,000 of the unpaid balance of principal and interest under the Note, the "SECURED INDEBTEDNESS."

And from the individual notes ones to the other insiders and insider LLC's, this one from VSN PROPERTIES, LLC that was executed on April 23, 2008:

"This Trust Deed is for the purpose of securing performance of a promissory note executed by Grantor and payable to Beneficiary, the "Note," as of October 22, 2004, in the principal amount of 403,374.00"

And the wording on one to a individual insider, Tim Larkin, which was executed on Oct. 20, 2005 and actually recorded on April 24, 2008:

"This Trust Deed is for the purpose of securing performance of a promissory noted executed by Grantor and payable to Beneficiary, the "Note," as of October 20, 2005, in the principal amount of $100,000.000."


So, again, let's be clear here--the loans were made long before the Trust Deeds were executed and/or recorded.

Someone copy this over to bebb's board and see if he leaves it up. He's sounding kind of pissed off over this whole mess, or at least any related "speculation".

Duncan McGeary said...

There have been alot of smart people who have been congratulating themselves on having sold their houses in 2005-7, and who have been waiting for prices to go down.

How many of them parked their funds in the 1031?

How many smart people made a bad choice?

How many of the big money guys and wheelers and dealers are going to get caught by this?

Anonymous said...

>>So, again, let's be clear here--the loans were made long before the Trust Deeds were executed and/or recorded.

And that means? Spell it out for us idiots.

Anonymous said...

BTW Timmy, that T-shirt was hilarious. That site has some other good ones, too. Particularly apropo these days is the "Plain Clothes Criminal" one. There is also my personal fave, and this one that would be perfect in an XXL for Buster :)

Anonymous said...

>>So, again, let's be clear here--the loans were made long before the Trust Deeds were executed and/or recorded.

And that means? Spell it out for us idiots.


That's a recurring problem here, I think people who start these threads are incapable of saying what they mean.

First rule of thumb here on this rock is to assume that all the other dogs are first graders, so what the fuck is your point.

I don't think any of us have studied the 'timeline' of these property's their loans, or their fucking deeds, I myself think its a complete fucking boor, so whats the fucking point, if in fact you have studied all the dates.

Anonymous said...

How many of the big money guys and wheelers and dealers are going to get caught by this?


A lot, and even if they are insured its only $250k that will not even cover a coffee-cup in BEND-assbend.

Anonymous said...

Re: And that means? Spell it out for us idiots.


That would be speculation at it finest.

So, to speculate, they used commingled funds to buy property over the last several years. This property may or may not have been intended to be sold to clients at a profit, so the client could conclude a 1031 exchange.

Promissory notes may or may not have been written internally to provide documentation of these loans.

At several points in 2008, including April 22-24, May 15, Sept. 22-24, Oct. 15, and 11/10, a bunch of promissory notes were properly secured by recorded Trust Deeds with property listed.

In most cases it seems to be with the land that the notes were originally used to purchased. In other cases, most notably the two main principals $5,000,000 trust deeds, the actual individual notes are not disclosed, but rather are described as "...various loan agreements and promissory notes...".

These cases are the most problematic, as the property is likely not worth $5,000,000 and/or there are other prior mortgages on the property.

In the case of Neuman, the total current RMV is only $3,328,530. And the largest asset listed, with an RMV of $2,103,650, already had three prior mortgages totaling $4,545,000 on it before this last $5,000,000 Trust Deed was recorded on 9/22/08.

To speculate even further, even if buyers could be found the likelihood of recovering all the funds from sales of the listed properties is slim. Especially as many were purchased at bubble prices.

And Buster, I'm just kind of a curious, detail oriented guy. I couldn't give a fuck what you think about it.

Anonymous said...

You guys are missing a very important point: the "loans" were made before the Trust Deeds were signed. As far back as Oct/04, according to one of the Trust Deeds.


Pussy your a renter, it was YOU who made the BIG FUCKING POINT ABOUT the loans in first place.

Someone has asked you why its important, and you have ignored that request. Like your last money about the dentist committing suicide out on HWY20, it was just more bullshit, he simply had an accident.

The fact that men have taken out loans on their own fucking property in BAD TIMES is the ONLY fucking way to raise cash these days. You wouldn't know that CUZ your fucking renter loser.

Now whats your fucking point pussy.

You always do this here, this is your PUSSANDUS-OPERANDUS, to create fucking issue, and then distance yourself from it when it becomes a klusterfuck.

All we knows is what 1031 has said, that at this time they're taking no new customers, ...

The principals have taken out loans on their land, so fucking what, this is BEND.

Anonymous said...

Re: How many of them parked their funds in the 1031?


As you only have 180 days to conclude a 1031 exchange, only those folks that have sold property and gave their money to Summit to start an exchange in the last six months.

Anonymous said...

So, to speculate, they used commingled funds to buy property over the last several years. This property may or may not have been intended to be sold to clients at a profit, so the client could conclude a 1031 exchange.


This is what I'm talking about DUMB FUCKING RENTER BULLSHIT, please PUSSY read the above by GORMAN and learn something about 1031's.

A 1031 is a limit in time when you sell property, to buy another, and the money goes into ESCROW, now if there was enough FLOAT over time, I could see someone doing a PONZI and BUYING BEND RE, but that would be statistically IDIOCY.

What the PUSSY is suggesting is one of two things, he thinks these idiots were day trading RE in BEND with commingled money, which I think is BULLSHIT, the pussy has TO PROVE that there are deeds show the same property flipping every 180 days.

PUSSY please before you send this group out on a tangent, with your stupid fucking IGNORANCE, will you please go to wiki and read about 1030's. PLEASE its just an IRS tax dodge, and you don't appear to know that.

Anonymous said...


To qualify for Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code, the properties exchanged must be held for productive use in a trade or business or for investment. Stocks, bonds, and other properties are listed as expressly excluded by Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code. The properties exchanged must be "like-kind", i.e. of the same nature or character, even if they differ in grade or quality. Personal properties of a like class are like-kind properties. Personal property used predominantly in the United States and personal property used predominantly elsewhere are not like-kind properties.

Real properties generally are of like-kind, regardless of whether the properties are improved or unimproved. However, real property in the United States and real property outside the United States are not like-kind properties.

Taxpayers may wonder whether items such as equipment used on a property are included in the lump-sum sale of the property, and if they are able to be deferred. Under treasury regulation §1.1031(k)-1(c)(5)(i), property that is transferred together with the larger item of value will not exceed 15% of the fair market value of the larger property. So for equipment with a fair market value of $15,000, as long as the qualified like-kind property sells for >$100,000, the equipment can be included in the exchange of property and any gain realized can be deferred.

Cash to equalize a transaction cannot be deferred under Code Section 1031 because it is not like-kind. This cash is called "boot" and is taxed at a normal capital gains rate.

If liabilities assumed by the buyer exceed those of the seller (taxpayer), the realized gain of the seller will be not only realized, but recognized as well. If however, the seller assumes a greater liability than the buyer the realized loss cannot offset any realized and recognized gain of receiving boot such as cash or other personal property considered boot.

Originally, 1031 cases needed to be simultaneous transfers of ownership. But since Starker vs. U.S. (602 F.2d 1341), a contract to exchange properties in the future is practically the same as a simultaneous transfer. It is under this case that the rules for election of a delayed 1031 originated. To elect the 1031 recognition, a taxpayer must identify the property for exchange before closing, identify the replace property within 45 days of closing, and acquire the replacement property within 180 days of closing. A Qualified Intermediary must also be used to facilitate the transaction.

Anonymous said...

Somebody would have to have $100's Millions of 'float' on their 1031 commingled funds to BUY RE.

Like I said when you brought this up pussy, the logical reason for loans is to personally cover funding.

My PERSONAL GUESS is what happened here, is they parked the CASH in high-interest money-market, and it got marked to market and its GONE.

ONLY the pussy thinks that people would take short-term money 180 days, and use it to BUY BEND RE.

IF the pussy's theory is correct, then you would see deed's flipping in less than every 30 days by strawmen, do you see that pussy?

Lastly, the recent SUTERRA city of BEND RE deal @ JR was a 1031 deal, my guess is the reason for the stall is that money is MISSING, that is the story you should pursuing.

Anonymous said...

F the pussy's theory is correct, then you would see deed's flipping in less than every 30 days by strawmen, do you see that pussy?


Whoops 180 days.

Anonymous said...

You always do this here, this is your PUSSANDUS-OPERANDUS, to create fucking issue, and then distance yourself from it when it becomes a klusterfuck.


Hell this is BEND, what will it be tomorrow BP, Santa killing himself?

Anonymous said...

That would be speculation at it finest.

And Buster, I'm just kind of a curious, detail oriented guy. I couldn't give a fuck what you think about it.


First lets be clear that its 'pussandu operandus think' at its finest.

OK, SO WHAT I hear the pussy saying, in plain fucking english, is that he thinks the 1031 birds took the cash out as personal loans from the commingled 'pool' of 1031-float, and that they secured those personal loans with worthless real estate. This is what the pussy is saying, so why didn't he just say it, ...

The trouble I have is that in order to carry forward these $5M personal loans, you have to assume that your always have 10X of constant float, now on paper it would always appear that all FUNDS are present, and the state board of 1031 people would be happy.

We don't know if this really happened, its PUSSANANDUS-OPERANDUS thinking, that said, if this is what they did, it was BEND STUPID.

I could honestly see this logic in 2004, ...

Hey GOOBER, Yea joe-bob, .... me got the 100M pool of 1031 CASH-ola, ... Heres the deal, we pull say $5M out in increments held by $2M bend worthless desert, and in a year that land is worth $10M, so we get $5M now, and everybody wins, and they we get $5M later when we take our land back out of the 1031-bank...

So does the PUSSY really think that joe-bob & goober drank this much fucking kool-aide?????????????

HOMER do you think that joe-bob & goober were this fucking stupid??

Let's see what really happened, ..

Anonymous said...

Let's see what really happened, ..

This is what I think really happened.

Up until 2006 1031-summit probably saw 100 deals a month coming in, and with the six month float, at an average of $500k that be $60M float, so yes they may have taken personal loans from the float held by very valuable bend desert land.

Then along comes 2007/2008, and the deals drop to one per month.

By fall of 2008, they owe MILLIONS of dollars, but nobody wants to BUY land, the city don't want awbrey-butt lots.

They're fucked.

Just another case of the old BEND kool-aide MYTH that BEND RE only goes UP.

In any case it would be game over PUSSY-THEORY or not,

Nobody can survive going from $60M in the til, to zero, its game-over for all.

Anonymous said...

Nobody has addressed my issue.

Suterra is at a standstill.

The Suterra JR deal with the city of Bend was a 1031.

1031 deals are 'frozen' in Bend.

Very interesting.

Anonymous said...

How often are BEBB logs purged? Smile



The company that owns BEBB, is an east-coast data accumulator, that sells data about subject interest by area, of sociological interest to advertisers.

Everything on BEBB is logged, if you bother to study the HTML here, you'll see that everytime you vistit this site your IP is logged, even if you don't post. Its a little .js (javascript) routine, that sends your IP home to the folks in New Jersey who own

This is not new info.

All this has nothing to do with BEBB, or bendbb, if something is free, there is usually a price.

Anonymous said...

Buster, my dad has done several 1031's, hence I know a fair bit about them.

The client has 180 days to close their individual 1031. According to you own fucking posting, they have to send the money to qualified intermediary and then use that money to acquire another property. The second property must be identified within 45 days, and acquired within 180 days.

Qualified intermediaries are completely unregulated-there is no 1031 Board at either the state or federal level. Kind of like deriviatives. So they can legally commingle funds, and use them as they see fit, as long as they can supply funds in a timely manner to complete a 1031 exchange.

There are 50-plus properties listed in all those Trust Deeds, both residential and commercial.
My speculation is that they were buying properties with the intention to flip them to 1031 clients. This would make it easier for the client to identify and acquire a property within the required time, and also make more money for Summit.

It would be seen as creative and smart business by some, as long as the market keeps going up. But this year they ended up holding over 50 properties while the client base dried up.

Anonymous said...

I'm just kind of a curious, detail oriented guy. I couldn't give a fuck what you think about it. - BP


That wasn't the point BP, the point was we asked you to explain why you think its important.

Of course this is a dead horse, because long ago BP the 'reporter' told us he don't care about WHY.

Anonymous said...

There are 50-plus properties listed in all those Trust Deeds, both residential and commercial.
My speculation is that they were buying properties with the intention to flip them to 1031 clients. This would make it easier for the client to identify and acquire a property within the required time, and also make more money for Summit.

It would be seen as creative and smart business by some, as long as the market keeps going up. But this year they ended up holding over 50 properties while the client base dried up.


My god well said, I failed to mention that BEM was my son.

Well fucking written and exactly what I think.

These guys were fucking geniuses just like Madoff, until the bubble went south.

Glad to have BEM back as the 'real bruce'.

My son, I love it.

Glad someone hear has the ability to see the trees through the snow.

Did anyone here read the above about the 1031 gal in CO the killer herself? Anyone?? Note that what did her in was criminal complaints.

There are none in this case.

I complete concur 'son', people were selling stuff in CALI and begging folks in BEND to find them the next 'big deal', with only 180 day's time is of the essence, got to defer those fucking taxes. Right? That's what life is all about.

So what If I lose all my principal. I didn't have to share with the IRS.

I hate fuckign living your life around tax avoidance, and playing the 1031 life-style has always been such.

That said, there is a reason that Resnick who just bought JR did so for Suterra as a 1031, this is how billionaires stay billionaires.

Anonymous said...

I think that 1031 is now a dead horse we have killed.

BP, what about santa, what do you know about santa??

Is he coming to BEND?? Is true that his reindeer have been repo'd?? Did he really put his sleigh into a pawnshop and now can't get it back??

Anonymous said...

Boy you guys think we're mean, they're just fucking butchering BENDBB today over at the honey-pot.

Duncan McGeary said...

Merry Christmas!

I lost all your money, but you'll be happy to know I gave myself a nice bonus.

tim said...

Judge Lance Ito: Mr. Simpson, you are charged with two counts of first-degree murder. How do you plead?

O.J. Simpson: Your honor, I am now a registered investment adviser.

Ito: Ah. In that case, you are free to go.

Anonymous said...

Re: Suterra is at a standstill.


The contract may be stalled, but onsite construction was going strong the last time I was in the area, about 10 days ago.

Bet you a burrito the Suterra sale contract is brought up and voted through in January, under a new CC regime.

Anonymous said...

Also, Santa got married to Prancer last week. Since he is on his honeymoon. presents are iffy unless they are purchased for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Welcome dis-illusioned guests from BEBB.

LavaBear said...

>>>"Too bad for all the profanity on that website; otherwise, it might actually make some sense. Whoever hosts that blog needs a psychiatrist and possible institutionalization. Sad." - Guest on BEBB discussing bendbubble2

It's really funny because he sites all of the reasons I read this fucker.

Here I get to enjoy the intellectual back and forth of whether Bend is PUG or not debated by immature 12 year olds.

Over at BEBB it's close to the same thing but it's pretty much like middle school with a dickhead assistant principal who doesn't get laid anymore and he takes it out on the kids.

Mindless assistant principals suck.

Anonymous said...

HBM is feeling bad about being ignored.

Ok, he doens't have BP's ass, and he's fucking 'death' old, but this ole fart needs attention, so I say we move the eye of sauron from BP to HBM, it seems that HBM is not getting accused of enough virtual crimes in the blogsphere, his fucking ego needs more, he is jealous of our pussy.

Anonymous said...

I hear you lava, but with HOMER 'no-follow' there is really no difference between BENDBB & HOMER both fucking are the kind of guys that pick up BP's turds.

Anonymous said...

Sure you can do uncensored topical debates above, but it would be still better if BP fucked HOMER in the eye-socket until he disabled the 'nofollow'.

But, then that would be asking homer to quit being like HOLLERN, HBM, BP, and all other KUNTS in BEND.

OH, I forgot the KING-KUNT of them all BENDBB, but he & homer are one.

Anonymous said...

Mindless assistant principals suck.


Homer is a mindless principal.

BENDBB(BEBB) actually devotes his entire life to picking that what gets deleted, on BB2 everything is sent to the NULL bit bucket aka no-follow.

Anonymous said...

Listen up Einstein's!! The reason properties are fucking parked there is that fucking clients buy their exchange properties in advance, IT'S CALLED A FUCKING REVERSE FUCKING EXCHANGE!!! DUMB CUNTS!! Come on Buster haven't you done one? considering you own 50,000fucking houses?

Listen Fuck's THEY STOLE THE MOTHERFUCKIN MONEY!! They do 1031 exchanges, how much money does it fucking cost to hold peoples money? Liquidity? Get the fuck out of here! They were entrusted to hold peoples money and they stole it! plain and simple. There isn't much overhead to hold hundreds of millions of dollars! All this fucking drivel!! " There must be a logical explanation" Pull your head's out of your godamm asshole's

The biggest bunch of Fucking blow hards the blogosphere has ever had right fucking here!!



Anonymous said...

Tom Greene, president of the Central Oregon Association of Realtors, said Summit is probably the region’s best-known 1031 exchange company and called the news a “shocker.”

Who would have guessed?

LOL! Yes, who would have guessed that bidnessmen could ever behave in ways that are less than totally honest, ethical and truthful? This reminds me of Greenspan saying he was shocked that Wall Street didn't police itself.

Can it be that these people actually BELIEVE the right-wing propaganda about the decency and honorableness of business leaders?

Anonymous said...

My PERSONAL GUESS is what happened here, is they parked the CASH in high-interest money-market, and it got marked to market and its GONE.

Seems likely.

Anonymous said...

BIG FUCKING NEWS TODAY all over the world, PR Worthy, Mike HOLLERN has released his 2009 CALENDAR ...


Brooks Resources Releases Annual Calendar; Celebrates 40 Years in ... (Pressemitteilung), Austria - 6 hours ago
Bend, Oregon, December 19, 2008 -- Brooks Resources Corporation today announced that its annual wall calendar is now available to the public. ...

Anonymous said...

Bend is where some materials thought to have been used to make the bomb were purchased at a Wal-Mart.

According to police document(s) Bend Walmart Purchases Included: a welding machine; Tovex, a highly-explosive gel often used as a substitute for dynamite; a badly burned laptop computer; angle iron; sheet metal; metal grating; wiring; bolts; and, plywood spray-painted green, matching the color of the green box that contained the bomb that exploded at the Woodburn bank.

Some of the components were found at a nearby river, where fresh tire and shoe tracks could been seen in the snow, the court statement said.

The statement also said that Janet Turnidge, the wife of Bruce Turnidge, contradicted information that her son, Joshua, had given police when he said he had traveled to Bend alone.

Anonymous said...

That's great--you've got to read the whole thing:

Brooks Resources Releases Annual Calendar; Celebrates 40 Years in Bend, Oregon

Bend, Oregon real estate company features NorthWest Crossing on iconic wall calendar

Bend, Oregon, December 19, 2008 -- Brooks Resources Corporation today announced that its annual wall calendar is now available to the public. The 2009 calendar, which the community looks forward to each year, features a view of the Cascade Mountains at sunset from the NorthWest Crossing Bend, Oregon neighborhood center and a timeline of Brooks Resources’ projects in Central Oregon over the last 40 years.

“We are looking forward to celebrating 40 years of doing business in Central Oregon in 2009,” said Romy Mortensen, vice president of sales and marketing for the company. “Our annual calendar was the perfect medium to kick off our celebration and we hope our loyal calendar collectors will enjoy this new edition.”

The calendar is being distributed to local businesses by non-profit group CORIL (Central Oregon Resources for Independent Living) in exchange for a donation from Brooks Resources. Individuals are also welcome to visit the Brooks Resources corporate office in downtown Bend, Oregon to pick up a calendar for free.

For more than 20 years, the calendar has featured a beautiful landscape photo from the Central Oregon area. This year’s photo is by Chris Mather of Dog Leg Studio.

Brooks Resources is located at 409 NW Franklin in downtown Bend and will be open to distribute the calendars from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on all business days (closed week of Christmas). Call 541-382-1662 to find out more.

About Brooks Resources Corporation
Brooks Resources Corporation, based in Bend, Oregon, is a real estate development company that delivers quality real estate products and services in Central Oregon. With roots in the original 1916 Brooks-Scanlon lumber company that sparked a boom in Bend’s growth for the next half century, Brooks Resources is one of the oldest and most respected developers in the area. Offering a diverse choice of premier neighborhoods in Central Oregon, Brooks Resources Corporation is committed to the preservation of natural environment around home sites, positive growth of communities and an active relationship with the communities of Central Oregon.

Its current developments include North Rim on Awbrey Butte, RiverWild at Mount Bachelor Village Resort, Awbrey Park, Century Washington Center, IronHorse, NorthWest Crossing (a joint venture with Tennant Family Limited Partnership) and Yarrow in Madras through a joint partnership with JELD-WEN Communities and Taylor Northwest. In addition it operates Awbrey Glen Golf Club, Mount Bachelor Village Resort, Botanical Developments and Brooks Resources Realty. For more information, visit

Valerie Yost
Brooks Resources Corporation
Bend, Oregon

I've got to get me on of them iconic calenders. Any of you loyal calender collectors?

Anonymous said...

#1 Bend YOY always #1 the Aspen of the PNW, why?? Cuz we're #1 in food-stamps. So fucking Aspen.

More than 500000 Oregonians on food stamps
Mail Tribune, OR - 5 hours ago
The Bend area was the only region in Oregon to record a larger percentage increase in food-stamp recipients — 28 percent. Also Wednesday, the state said ...

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

From BendBB2:

Too bad for all the profanity on that website; otherwise, it might actually make some sense. Whoever hosts that blog needs a psychiatrist and possible institutionalization. Sad.

Gat Damn It! yet another rant completely invalidated by FUCKING PROFANITY.

OK, I have to go see my psychiatrist regarding my awful profanity, YOU SMELLY MOTHERFUCKING CUNTS.

tim said...

Wal*Mart sells badly burned laptop computers? I'll have to pick a few of those up for gifts.

Anonymous said...

Valerie Yost
Brooks Resources Corporation
Bend, Oregon


Just a month ago valerie said that "The Economy in Bend is killing Broooks Resources".

I think they have found the magic bullet to SAVE BEND, BROOKS, HOLLERN, and City-HALL from BK.

Calendar sales, I can see it now everyday, every week, every month a different clinical view of Bruces love-canal.

I love Bend.

Anonymous said...

Finally the 'real news' has hit the street.

Summitt 1031 Exchange Closes Doors Little People in Bend Get Fucked

12/18/2008 - Bend
by Matt McDonald

With potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars on the line, an upsetting message for local real estate investors, as Summit 10-31 Exchange in Bend suddenly closes its doors.

An excerpt from their phone message:
"Summit Accomodators Inc., which maintains the exchange funds for Summit 1030 Exchange is experiencing significant financial issues"
At its Bend office, I found a locked door in front of a dark office. Which has sent a wave of concern through the local real estate community.

"We're all shocked, none of us saw this coming," said Gary Everett from Steve Scott Realtors. Everett teaches classes in 10-31 exchanges. It works like this. If one of his clients sells an investment property, we'll call rental house 'A' for a one hundred thousand dollar profit, the client will owe capital gains tax, 21% in Oregon. To avoid the tax, the seller can use a 10-31 exchange company, like Summit, to hold the money from the sale. The client can then find another rental house and instruct the 10-31 company to use the money to buy it, no tax is due.

But the message from Summitt, there's not enough money for everyone to buy their next property.

"If the money is not there to close the transaction, that's a major problem," said Everett.

The clock is ticking for their clients, exchanges have to be done within 180 days. With the doors closed, customers could run out of time, making the tax money due, $21,000 in our example. But for some clients, the concern is more basic.

"Essentially, everything she and her husband had was being held as funds for an exchange."

Anonymous said...

"We're all shocked, none of us saw this coming," said Gary Everett from Steve Scott Realtors. Everett teaches classes in 10-31 exchanges.


I love the FACT that none of our EXPERTS ever see this coming.

I'll say one thing, this 'instructor' in 1031, you know he was feeding the biz, getting IDIOT's hyped, and then going to 1031, and then they send biz to him, now he's SHOCKED.

I wonder if this FUCKING instructor taught his students.

1.) Never let them commingle your money.
2.) Don't let them keep the interest on YOUR fucking money.

The trouble here in BEND is its clear that 1&2 were being done, as we were told yesterday by the BULL (HOLLERN) that 1&2 were STANDARD-OP in BEND, but they are NOT standard OP, for years REAL 1031 INSTRUCTORS had told 'students' to RUN LIKE HELL from 1&2 1031 rackets.

Thus once again, "WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED".

Like the Judge say's above, "Anyone that let their money be commingled, deserved to lose it", or as I say, "Anyone who puts their dick in a Doberman s mouth will lose that member".

Anonymous said...

It's important to discuss 1&2 above.

1 make sure the money isn't frozen, now that its all commingled its ALL frozen

2 if they get to KEEP the interest, then the incentive is on them to MAXIMIZE that interest with RISK, and given its OPM ( other peoples money ) they don't give a fuck about risk.

Clearly the ENABLERS here that allowed THIS FUCK to transpire were the people teaching the 1031 classes.

Anyone that wants a proper 1031 lesson only google "1031 exchange fraud".

Anonymous said...

Brooks Resources Releases Annual Calendar; Celebrates 40 Years in ... (Pressemitteilung), Austria - 6 hours ago
Bend, Oregon, December 19, 2008 -- Brooks Resources Corporation today announced that its annual wall calendar is now available to the public. ...


Best calendar in 40 years, best time to BUY BEND RE in 40 years, Most people FUCKED in Bend in 40 years.

Why is this fucking press release in Austria? Do they really think that Austrian tourists are the next SUCKER BAIT to BUY SHIT in BEND??

Anonymous said...

>>"We're all shocked, none of us saw this coming," said Gary Everett from Steve Scott Realtors

I hate it when people say this. To me, it always sounds either like, "We all knew this was going to happen, but we don't want to admit it," or "we are idiots."

Why would you be shocked? Do you have a TV, newspaper, magazine, Internet? Have you ever talked with other human beings on the phone or in person?

Anonymous said...

Hey Realtors, how many years of being wrong can you handle before you start listening to people who have been right?

Anonymous said...

>>"We're all shocked, none of us saw this coming," said Gary Everett from Steve Scott Realtors


HEY KUNTS let's be HONEST here, this is fucking COVA,CORA,COBA CODE.

These KUNTS have been pavlovian trained to say 'who would have guessed', 'nobody saw it coming', I mean this is the fucking town where all our leaders and expert are ostriches.

Anybody that says any of these words has been trained, this is the safe legal thing to say.

If they were to admit that they were suspicious of a crime, then they could be legally responsible to have reported the crime.

Thus nobody saw anything, or suspected anything, ... who would have guessed?

Just like above, EVERYTHING they were doing in BEND was FRAUD-101.

BEND is a FRAUD. Now it is all imploding.

You really think that the folks responsible are going to say anything else other than what COVA,COBA,CORA LAWYERS have told them to say to cover their ASS?

tim said...

These people are shocked every time they see the moon.

Anonymous said...

Pulled Draft Six of the last Summit newsletter out of the Google cache:

CDARS, Summit and Your Money!

Today, many exchangers have a heightened degree of concern about the safety of their exchange funds resulting from recent bank failures. In addition to bonding and professional liability insurance, Summit 1031 Exchange uses a variety of measures to protect exchange funds. They include utilization of multiple depository institutions, insistence on access to the highest level executives at those institutions, and continual monitoring of the key financial ratios of the institutions.

Perhaps most significantly, Summit seeks to protect exchange funds through the use of the Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service (CDARS). CDARS provides Summit with the ability to obtain FDIC insurance on ALL deposits made through this system (not just up to $250,000). However, because Certificates of Deposit are illiquid, all funds can not be placed in the CDARS program. So, Summit seeks to maximize the funds invested in CDARS while maintaining adequate liquidity to meet the day-to-day cash flow requirements of exchangers.

I wonder if this went out or not. It's dated 4th Quarter, 2008

Anonymous said...

Just like above, EVERYTHING they were doing in BEND was FRAUD-101.

BEND is a FRAUD. Now it is all imploding.


Bend is a FRAUD for 40 fucking YEARS BROOKS has been running a REAL ESTATE PONZI scam, and now its imploding.

Everybody feeds from the tit. They can't tell the truth, or say what they saw for fear of losing their job in a one employer town.

Like the all these land-sales, around juniper-ridge that 1031-exchange bought, and a person at bebb2.informe today has a good 'summit' info on water rights, this was Brooks land that had water rights, which were stripped and sold for federal dollars, once the water-rights are gone the land is worthless, except to an out of town fucking cali idiot.

Bend is a FRAUD, we all know that, we have always known that.

The BULL is a FRAUD, the SORE is a FRAUD.

Bend city hall is a FRAUD.

Did anyone see a crime?? Hell NO.

This place is like Dachau, everyone was involved in cremating and killing jews, but nobody knew. Here everybody was involved in the FRAUD but nobody knew.

What will come of this is the SHIT will be RUBBED in everyone's face, just like the good citizens of DACHUA post WWII.

Just like SUTERRA, the SHIT will be rubbed in their face, nobody knew that BEND was the source of zyklon-b to be sprayed on CALI's, ... nobody in BEND knows shit.

If you tell the truth then KUNTS @ BEBBB delete you, or KUNTS at BB2 NO-FOLLOW you so your yelling into a hole in the ground.

Anonymous said...

Re: we were all shocked


From the About Summit 1031 Exchange, a sidebar:

""I have had the pleasure of successfully closing several commercial exchanges using the expertise of Summit 1031 Exchange and their staff. Mark and Brian have been instrumental in assisting me with advice about income taxes and structuring ideas. They have always made themselves available to the local Real Estate Community by giving valuable training sessions. Their staff is knowledgeable and friendly and it is a pleasure doing business with them."

Gary Everett CCIM
Associate Broker
Steve Scott & Co Realtors
Bend, Oregon"

I wonder who got the commission on those 56 properties listed on all the 2008 Trust Deeds.

I've got to think that the lawyers will be billing by the minute real soon, asking for the CDARS records to start with.

Anonymous said...

CDARS® is the Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service®. And it's the most convenient way to enjoy full FDIC insurance on deposits of up to $50 million. With CDARS, you sign one agreement with a participating local bank or other financial institution of your choice, earn one interest rate, and receive one regular statement. It's that easy.

Anonymous said...

So CDARS had up to $50M in aggregate, like I said yesterday here in Bend the float was at least $60M just using basic assumptions.

It sounds like no matter how comfy that it might sound to have been using CDARS, they only have to cover $50M.

On an individual they only have to cover $250k.

In all these cases, like SPIC or CDIC it take a lifetime to recover your funds.

Lastly, when the clock ticks past 180 days, you still have to PAY FULL TAXES on your profit, but now you don't have access to cash for the taxes which means 100's of thousands of people will BK.

Anonymous said...

Unintended Consequences and Deposit Insurance - CDARS
by: Paul Kedrosky December 18, 2008
Paul Kedrosky

I'm working on a longer piece about the unintended consequences of current policy -- e.g., ballooning deposit insurance allowing small banks and others to end-run the Treasury bailout via CDARS -- so you can see why this new OECD chart struck me. There has been an incredible sea-change in the world of global deposit insurance, and the consequences, while not entirely knowable, will also not be what regulators currently expect.

Anonymous said...

In terms of NEW ways to create a nightmare CDARS are right up there with CDO's ( credit swaps ), they're new, but they're only as good as the people who claim to be diversifying your money.

Again, this is ONLY an issue for those who have MORE than $250K, and think they're entitled to above average INT, with NO-RISK, and that is the PROBLEM, there is always RISK, if your INT is above AVG.


Problem worries

BradleyHarold Bradley One of this week's most widely read blog posts is Steve Rosen’s commentary on the growing list of problem banks. This brings a number of topics to the front of my mind, including the safety net for all of us, socialization of risk, and the ever-expanding pool of moral hazards.

You have no worries today if you have $250,000 or less in a CD at the local bank (as long as the U.S. can crank up the printing press). The government’s got your back. If you have a lot more dough than that in a single bank, like many non-profits, then you should clearly understand the Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service (CDARS).

In 2003, the FDIC issued an advisory opinion that validated this new investment placement service designed to allow FDIC-insured depository institutions to accept deposits of greater than $100,000 (recently expanded to $250,000) and still retain full coverage for the depositor. The first bank spreads the funds among as many separate FDIC-insured institutions as necessary within the electronic depository network to gain government protection for all of the deposits. A depositor with up to $50 million earns an interest rate determined by the initial depositing bank, maintains a single point of contact, and basically hires the bank to be the custodial agent for his funds.

Like many of the financial innovations of the last 20 years that I most distrust, this one came from inside the Beltway. Former Fed Vice Chairman Alan Blinder, former Comptroller of the Currency Eugene Ludwig and former FDIC Chief of Staff Mark Jacobsen received permission to vastly extend a system originally designed to protect our economy from a run on the bank. These Washington insiders put all of us taxpayers on the hook for the misbehavior of banks everywhere.

How so? The relatively low government insurance accorded depositors before our economy’s latest plunge into drunken spending and bad hangovers was intended to make investors assess the risk of institutions where they deposited their money. If a bank was reckless in lending, lent to cronies, or just didn’t understand that a Kansas bank shouldn’t be lending to Arizona real estate developers, then it was assumed that depositors would help the regulators govern the lender’s behavior.

The system as concocted today does no such thing. Those of you screaming about the government’s bailout of Citigroup have the same benefit right down the street. Last week, a number of outlets reported on a growing trend of troubled banks bidding higher for deposits and new technologies make it even easier.

Click here: NY Times Banks Bid for Your Cash

This behavior last occurred just before 747 S&L institutions failed nationwide in the last financial crisis. The next institution to fail almost always pays the most for deposits weeks or days before the feds close the doors. Remember the Douglass National Bank? That bank was in the CDARS program and one of the first to fall in this newest wave of failures. If a depositor knows that in the CDARS program he can earn the highest rate possible on his money AND have it completely insured, then that’s the most rational course of action. And it’s a huge moral hazard.

A bank depositor expects to earn more interest from a bank that lends money to businesses and individuals because of the extra risks involved. If the government now underwrites all of these deposits, then why shouldn't the government dictate that the depositor earns no more than the so-called risk free government rate. On Tbills right now, that's about zero.

Today, market discipline has been entirely replaced by a blind, and misguided, trust in government regulation. The notion that one can insure (or hedge away) all unwelcome risks led to the mortgage crisis, the commercial mortgage backed securities meltdown last month, and the crisis in the credit default swaps markets. This move into state-guided capitalism mimics the effect of a numbing agent on a bad tooth. In the end, the pain will only stop when the tooth is removed. And the government has never proved to be a very good dentist.

Anonymous said...

I've got to think that the lawyers will be billing by the minute real soon, asking for the CDARS records to start with.


CDARS are very controversially they're and end-run around the $250k limit on FDIC per bank, normally rich individuals ( or 1031 comminglers ) would run around and put $250k in different banks, but along comes the CDAR who does the service FOR you, but and heres the BIG BUTT, how do you know your CDAR is not a MADOFF??? How do you know that if you got say $25M that they're really are 100 different banks with your $250k and that your the insured?? How do you know that in a real US default that the US will even cover MORE than one individual??

We KNOW that FDIC reserves are almost wiped out.

In my humble opinion, the ENTIRE CDAR biz, is just another fucking PONZI.

It's what is interesting with these times, with so many 'rich people', only the rich get robbed, ok sure little people got robbed on subprime mtg's, but today the RICH are getting hosed.

Anonymous said...

A bank depositor expects to earn more interest from a bank that lends money to businesses and individuals because of the extra risks involved. If the government now underwrites all of these deposits, then why shouldn't the government dictate that the depositor earns no more than the so-called risk free government rate. On Tbills right now, that's about zero.

Today, market discipline has been entirely replaced by a blind, and misguided, trust in government regulation. The notion that one can insure (or hedge away) all unwelcome risks led to the mortgage crisis, the commercial mortgage backed securities meltdown last month, and the crisis in the credit default swaps markets. This move into state-guided capitalism mimics the effect of a numbing agent on a bad tooth. In the end, the pain will only stop when the tooth is removed. And the government has never proved to be a very good dentist.

Anonymous said...

OK, I can think we can all agree, if Summit 1031, had their money in CDARS the money is gone.

Like HBM agreed this AM, the money is gone.

Anonymous said...

CDARS: The notion that one can insure (or hedge away) all unwelcome risks led to the mortgage crisis, the commercial mortgage backed securities meltdown last month, and the crisis in the credit default swaps markets.

The CDAR is nothing more than another package like the CDS where an artificial mechanism creates the illusion of 'safety'. Like the MADOFF fiasco everything is sound, until you ask, I should say DEMAND return of your money.

tim said...

Financial insurance leads to recklessness. This ends up leading to a much more painful end because the bubble can grow so large laboring under the delusion of safety.

That's how it always is for financial insurance.

Anonymous said...

'Risk' is a thing of the past.

All insurance companys now have 'risk managers'.

Risk is a thing of the past.

No worry all your money in Bend is safe, the BULL&SORE on behalf of Brooks has said so.

Bend is 'risk free', Bend only goes up, and always has 25%/yr APR it has, and always will. Risk Free.

Anonymous said...

The OREO has picked the most right wing nut-case bible thumping jeebus freak in ameriKKKa as his invocator at the CORONATION. More BUSH than BUSH is the OREO, all things to all people.

Rick Warren fallout: Do LGBT Americans Fit into Obama's Vision for Change?

Like many lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans, I have spent the last six weeks eagerly watching President-elect Obama create his new Administration. Throughout his remarkable campaign, Obama was more inclusive of our community than any presidential candidate in history, and we worked hard--pounding the pavement, working the phones, and writing checks--to ensure he would become our nation's next president. As a religious leader I have also been heartened by his ability to speak to people of faith across our diverse communities. The euphoria of Obama's victory raised our community's hopes like nothing before, especially after eight long years of simply struggling to stand our ground.

And it couldn't have come at a better time. The elation of Obama's victory was tempered by the devastation of heartbreaking defeats in Arizona, Arkansas, Florida and, of course, California. Our lives, our loves, and our families were put up to a popular vote--and we lost. A successful campaign for California's Proposition 8, based on lies and fear, put 18,000 married same-sex couples into legal limbo and stripped thousands more of the fundamental right to marry. But with Obama's place in the White House secured, at least there were prospects of some legal protections on the horizon.

But today, we don't feel hopeful anticipation of a new day in our country, and we don't feel optimism. We feel betrayed.

I had planned to join the estimated millions on the Mall here in Washington next month, to look up at the steps of the United States Capitol and watch history be made when an African-American man swears to uphold the Constitution of the United States. But now, this momentous day will be tainted. It will begin with a prayer uttered by Reverend Rick Warren, a man who has equated our relationships to incest and pedophilia and who strongly supported the passage of Proposition 8, the greatest blow struck against our community in 40 years.

Reverend Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in California and a prominent voice in the evangelical community, strongly and publicly endorsed Proposition 8, calling it "not a political issue... [but] a moral issue that God has spoken clearly about" and minimizing the struggle for marriage equality as an alteration of "the universal, historical definition of marriage to appease 2 percent of our population".

And only days ago, he equated the marriage of a loving, same-sex couple to "having a brother and sister be together... to an older guy marrying a child and calling that a marriage" and parroted the deliberate falsehoods of Proposition 8's proponents, suggesting the measure would have limited the free speech of religious leaders who spoke against homosexuality.

Yesterday, our last hope of an openly-LGBT cabinet appointee faded away. President-elect Obama has said he aimed to build a Cabinet that reflects the diversity of America. But after all his bold, first-time-ever mentions of LGBT equality--in his legendary address at Invesco Field, during his historic first speech as president-elect before a rapt crowd in Chicago--have we now disappeared? Are we not part of his America?

What can we conclude from Reverend Warren's presence other than that inflammatory anti-LGBT viewpoints are - unlike racism, sexism or religious intolerance -- an acceptable part of President-elect Obama's vision of political discourse? Let's face it: a religious figure - admirable works fighting poverty or disease notwithstanding - who had advocated that the California Constitution should bar interracial marriages, or women working outside the home, or Jews holding public office would never share the inaugural stage with the President of the United States. But for LGBT people, the standard remains different.

On January 20, 2008, early in his candidacy, then-Senator Obama gave a remarkable speech at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, in which he took the African-American church to task for scorning "our gay brothers and sisters" instead of embracing them. This was a powerful message in a symbolically powerful place - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's church--that LGBT people of all faiths and colors heard and knew hope.

On January 20, 2009, the man who has been asked to raise up his hands and invoke the blessings of the divine on the historic beginning of the Obama Presidency believes that that same Supreme Being condemns the equality of LGBT people under law.

That message on the steps of the United States Capitol will, I dare say, have greater power and symbolism than last year's words from Dr. King's pulpit, and will say much more to LGBT people about how an Obama Administration truly values them

Anonymous said...


Game-Over no pun intended.

Electronic Arts Zaps Workforce
Forbes - 37 minutes ago
Electronic Arts is demonstrating that the videogames industry is not, as all believe, recession proof. After warning earlier this month that its sales next year would fall below expectations, Electronic Arts announced new details of its plans to reduce ...

Anonymous said...

It's what is interesting with these times, with so many 'rich people', only the rich get robbed, ok sure little people got robbed on subprime mtg's, but today the RICH are getting hosed.


1920's WHY DO YOU ROB BANKS?? cuz that's where the money is.

2000's WHY DO YOU ROB RICH PEOPLE?? cuz that is where the money is ...

So much has fucking changed.

Bank robbery of $1,000 can get your 20 years, but a $50M robbery of a hood, get can you 5yr i your lucky, ... ahhh the pleasure of modern USA law ( a good lawyer can get anybody off $$$ ), and white-collar crime.

Anonymous said...

Like HBM agreed this AM, the money is gone.


If it's in CDARS, then some will become liquid as the CD's mature. But, as noted above, that may be too late for the client to avoid capital gains tax, plus the client better have the tens of thousands he needs to pay the tax without counting on getting it from the CDARS account.

tim said...

I don't think EA's cuts affect anyone in Bend in any meaningful DIRECT way.

EA's problem is they are selling sports games instead of guitar hero or rock band or wii fit. Last I checked, videogame sales are up.

It does throw more developers out into the cold, which is a problem for Bend techies INDIRECTLY as they try to hunt down jobs.

Anonymous said...

It's indirect Apu, I knows 1/2 a dozen small firms with a few dozen folks each.

The TROUBLE is this is the shoe that will 'bitch slap' the game investor, this one will BUSH-HIT them in the head, its been EASY-MONEY for 10+ years, anybody who says 'game' has been able to get money, whether they deliver a product or not.

This is the beginning of the end for easy game startup money.

This completely terminates new jobs in this single area of hope.

Anonymous said...

"If its in CDAR's" ...

But we have already been told the money isn't there.

Perhaps the 'insurance' is already picking up, but that is just diversified FDIC, and can take a lifetime to recover. The CDAR is back by FDIC by diversification, but the fact is there isn't enough FDIC money to cover even a tiny run on claims, in the last few months their reserves are down by 1/2, last I looked they only had $30B left.

Another thing that BUSH did, is let the banks pay less into the FDIC reserve fund, again another bet that the US banks could never go down.

CD's are NOT safe.

I know people who just got their money back this year from Ben-Franklin an ORYGUN bank that went BK post 1980's recession, during the keating/cain S&L cris, over 20 years to get their money, its something like 99 years the FDIC has to get your money back. ...

Again with all these people in BEND teaching about 1031's too bad they don't mention RISK.

Of course all realtors and real-estate is a confidence game, and thus nobody will ever tell you the truth.

Anonymous said...

Dunc, over at min-wage dude, says that he isn't going to talk about 1031, until the BULL tells the whole story, shit we're just dogs pissing on a hydrant, is dunc going to quit urinating until the BULL tells the WHOLE STORY??? That be a cold day in BEND.

Dunc was amused that the blog's were a day ahead, but in what direction? On what planet? What does it mean to have left the barn early if in fact your walking away from the food??


I'm not sure you'll ever have the full story on 'Bend' 1031, at least not from the BULL.

Given that over 80% of the blog folks don't even know what a 1031 is, its been a rather boring frenzy.

You'll never know the full story. I'm sure the BULL waited for the same reason as you. I find it most interesting that across the country when 1031's blow-up, its because of a criminal complaint. Here there was none. Instead it was simply that the 1031 outfit announced they were closed, on their website. That left tons of un-educated bloggers to guess what it meant, again given the BULL is a source of information, they could at the very least educate people about 1031's.

When a community makes no attempt to educate its citizens the result of misinformation, should be a surprise to no one.

What we do know is that the here in BEND, the way the 1031 racket was played, was 1031-101 on HOW NOT TO DO IT, e.g. Never Commingle Funds, and NEVER let the 1031-agent keep the interest. Given those two items which are ripe to fraud and well documented its rather surprising that so many folks in Bend got duped.

When a 1031 fund collapses a lot of people are hurt. Many of these people are Bend renters waiting for a purchase, now with the down payment gone they're stuck renting. Insult to injury the tax on the gain is now due ( 180 days ), and they don't have the cash to cover the IRS bill, and they don't have the home to use as equity to raise the cash. The pain.

To me there doesn't appear to have been a crime. Too many professional realtors in this town were teaching too many '1031 classes' and getting too many non-sophisticated people signed up to avoid taxation. All one has to do is google "1031 fraud", and you can get a good idea of the racket. It seems that Bends bubble years produced endless seminars on how to avoid taxes, but none on how to prevent losing your principal.

Just another small item on the Bend Bubble. Bubbles always end this way.

The end result of this Bend fiasco is less able buyers to purchase Bend real estate, which means that its only going to take longer to recover.

The other tangents on this story are suspicious real estate transactions, loans for over-priced property, and peeling away water rights and selling them from the purchased propertys. If these other items were in fact true, then it could even make the 1031 story more convoluted.

I'm only laying out stuff, because in my humble opinion nobody will ever in Bend tell the whole story, and thus you triggered me to lay out a little. I surely know the BULL will never cover the issues above nor will any other Bend media.

Instead we'll get "Who could have known?", "Who could have guessed?"
That's all we ever get from the people who run this town.

In summary it will be a cold day in BEND ( HELL ) before you ever can speak up DUNCAN, because if your waiting to be told you'll die of old age, until then OMERTA.

Duncan McGeary said...

As I said over on my blog.

"Nah, I'll just let you tell it, Bilbo.

Good post."

Anonymous said...

BILBO don't know shit about 1031BEND, all bilbo knows is what the 1031 summit has on their website. Which says that their customer money is not available, and today the TV folk reported their doors are locked. That's all we know.

We ONLY write this blog SHEEET cuz the BULL & SORE refuse to, perhaps if we really did have media in this city that covered what is going, then we wouldn't have to hang around this water-cooler ( rock ) waiting for rumors.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, all I know from the paper is that Realtors are stunned. Since they've been stunned for two years, that's hardly news.

Anonymous said...

Part of the Summit story is going to include the national association Federation of Exchange Accommodators. Summit claims on their About page that

"Summit is an active member of the Federation of Exchange Accommodators (FEA), the only national organization for the exchange industry, formed to promote ethical standards of conduct in the exchange profession as well as innovations in the industry. Summit was one of just ten original FEA members to advocate and qualify for bonding insurance. In addition, Summit was one of the first Qualified Intermediaries in the country to provide errors and omission insurance protection for clients."

I noticed in the BULL article that it stated that

"Summit is not a member of the national Federation of Exchange Accommodators, based in Philadelphia. The association’s spokeswoman, Caitlin Middleton, deferred questions about Summit to the association’s president, but he was unavailable late Wednesday."

And if you look at the FEA's list of Oregon members, Summit is not listed, although several other local firms are.

However, if you look at this Google-cached version from 12/15/08 of the Oregon listing, Lane Lyons of Summit in Bend and David W. Chambers of Summit in Lake Oswego ARE listed.

Same with all the other states they had offices in.

Something funny going on.

I just emailed the FEA asking about the scrubbing of Summit after Dec. 15.

BTW, the FEA lists Sanna Phinney, Paulette Byers and Glenda Sibbald in Bend, and A. Craig Brooks in Redmond, as members. Anyone know any of them, might be worth asking about Summit. They can get on the members-only section of the FEA site and see if Summit has had any charges of misconduct filed against it.

Anonymous said...

real-bruce, any way you can double post this stuff over at bebb2 so that people can follow the thread on summit-1031 into time,

first of all because of no-follow nobody can ever find anything here, and its very difficult to follow-up this topic in a week, as nobody can go back to these old threads,

You have brought up a lot of good points, but each subject should be its own thread.

A permanent thread that doesn't go away in time, and that is easy to find in the future.

Anonymous said...

From FEA Code of Ethics:

Upon a finding by the Board of Directors that the Respondent has failed to meet the standards of conduct imposed by the Code of Ethics and Conduct, the Board of Directors shall impose a penalty or penalties from among the following: (i) private letter of reprimand, not to be made part of the Respondent's file; (ii) private letter of reprimand to be made part of the Respondent's file, which file shall not be disseminated to the public without appropriate Court Order; (iii) public reprimand to be listed on a publicly accessible portion of the Federation of Exchange Accommodators website, and to be made part of the Respondent's file; (iv) suspension of the Respondent's membership in the Federation of Exchange Accommodators including any and all rights and privileges associated therewith, said suspension to be listed on a publicly accessible portion of the Federation of Exchange Accommodators website and to be made part of the Respondent's file (such suspension may include conditions imposed by the Board for reinstatement; or (v) permanent expulsion from the Federation of Exchange Accommodators, said expulsion to be listed on a publicly accessible portion of the Federation of Exchange Accommodators website and to be made part of the Respondent's file.

So we should be able to find out at a minimum if Summit was suspended or expelled, as it will be public info according to the FEA's own rules.

Anonymous said...

Ok, all debates are setup and running.

Heavy shit, lets see what is true.

One of the biggest RUMORS here, and is fascinating, ..

But there is speculation here that 1031 money was used to PURCHASE the Deschutes River, so the water could be diverted to CALIF, which just happens to be owned by Stewart Resnick who owns Suterra.

Stewart Resnick owns the CALIF water bank, and CALIF wants the DESCUHTES RIVER.

Interesting SHEET, and you would never see the KUNT HBM touch this with the Pussy's Dick.

Anonymous said...

I personally don't buy this crap about the water sounds to me like another pussy detour.

The fact is the people in Madras, and Redmond, ... and all the dams like Culver .. need the deschutes water, while its technically possible to move the water from Wickiup to K-FALLS I just don't see NE orygun putting up, it would be war.

That said, LA (resnick) stole NO-CAL's water, so for LA to steal Oryguns water, would be a slam-dunk.

Lastly, I don't think that HOLLERN has enough land.

There is only one way to test this theory, and that is to get the state of oregon water master records in salem, they used to be all on 3by5 cards and told who owned the water rights for each section of land.

Get that data and see if the water-right have been transferred and when and to whom?

The person here spreading the RUMOR mentioned the 'conservancy' those people in fact are trying to save the deschutes down-river, and thus this could be a PUG made up conspiracy, typical of the pussy to create stuff or his handlers to take the blogger's eye off the real ball.

Anonymous said...

What that womans name and email at the Oregonian that is always trying contact us??

I think that this story would interest her.

Anonymous said...

What's the FUCKING point of 'bruce' or 'real bruce'

ANY FUCKING post here that is blue is invisible to the world.

What is the fucking point you fucking idiot??

I say that everytime 'blue' boys post here, somebody double posts there post as anon, so the google cache picks it up.

Anonymous said...

Real Bruce said...

From FEA Code of Ethics:

Upon a finding by the Board of Directors that the Respondent has failed to meet the standards of conduct imposed by the Code of Ethics and Conduct, the Board of Directors shall impose a penalty or penalties from among the following: (i) private letter of reprimand, not to be made part of the Respondent's file; (ii) private letter of reprimand to be made part of the Respondent's file, which file shall not be disseminated to the public without appropriate Court Order; (iii) public reprimand to be listed on a publicly accessible portion of the Federation of Exchange Accommodators website, and to be made part of the Respondent's file; (iv) suspension of the Respondent's membership in the Federation of Exchange Accommodators including any and all rights and privileges associated therewith, said suspension to be listed on a publicly accessible portion of the Federation of Exchange Accommodators website and to be made part of the Respondent's file (such suspension may include conditions imposed by the Board for reinstatement; or (v) permanent expulsion from the Federation of Exchange Accommodators, said expulsion to be listed on a publicly accessible portion of the Federation of Exchange Accommodators website and to be made part of the Respondent's file.

So we should be able to find out at a minimum if Summit was suspended or expelled, as it will be public info according to the FEA's own rules.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys! What's this thread about?

Anonymous said...

Just checked the source and you're right--nofollow on the made up name, too. I'll post as anon from now on...

Oregon Water Right Information Search

Anonymous said...

pages and pages of Deschutes River rights

Anonymous said...

"while its technically possible to move the water from Wickiup to K-FALLS I just don't see NE orygun putting up, it would be war."

Yeah, especially since ORegon doesn't even have enough water to fulfill everybody's potential claim.

That is, if everone with irrigation rights turned the tap full on, there wouldn't be enough to go around in an average year.

Anonymous said...

Oregon Water Right Information Search


So why don't you take the physical addresses associated 'allegedly' with 1031, and tell us WHO they sold the water-right too??

There are two angles here you have spread.

1.) That the water is going to cali
2.) That the water is going to the 'conservancy'.

If its #2, its not a big story, as I'm sure HBM would agree that the little fish need water.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, especially since ORegon doesn't even have enough water to fulfill everybody's potential claim.

That is, if everone with irrigation rights turned the tap full on, there wouldn't be enough to go around in an average year.


Yes, a recurring problem on this board is that 99% of the folks are newbies and don't know the history of the canals, and WHO owns the water.

Where the fuck is MARGE?? Did she die??

Anonymous said...

BP, you can still put your name in by HAND like HBM does as a name/url, its just that you don't want to be logged on as a google user, that is when HOMER's NO-FOLLOW kicks in on BB2, and he has set this up for himself, and that his posts are invisible or any other 'blue' coward.

Anonymous said...

Clint has a good graph today, and it shows that Bend is still one of the most un-affordable RE places in the USA.

Bend was 6X over income, and now its still 5X over income, in Bend 'affordable' is 2X, at $40k/couple, that be $80k for a home.

Anonymous said...

"It’s amazing to think that people were paying 6.5 times their annual income for a home in Bend. The historical ratio is usually between 2.5 and 3.0."

And it's not sustainable, no matter how much Kool-aid gets drank.

Anonymous said...

On the nofollow issue--it gets put in when a URL is associated with your name. I think (and I'm sure Buster will disagree) that it means not to follow the link it is associated with.

Want to make sure these comments get followed? Link to them in other blogs, etc. Like from Bend Economy board. Google will follow the links and these comments will get indexed more often.

Anonymous said...

The link that is explicit has the no-follow, if a 'bruce' has a no-follow, then it means what it say's no-follow.

Learn to read HTML pussy.

Anonymous said...

Biggest news today

Drug agents make meth bust at Bend Pizza Hut

KTVZ, OR - 5 hours ago
Central Oregon Drug Enforcement Team detectives had determined that someone was going to deliver drugs in the area of Northeast Third Street, near Robberson ...

Anonymous said...


If you google 'bend oregon 1031', you'll get all kinds of bilbo '',

But not a fucking hit on BB2, and the reason is cuz of the no-follow.

HOMER has BB2 setup to be invisible.

If you google '1031 bend oregon', you'll get blog-search hits on suterra & 1031, aka city of Bend.

Why cuz BendBubble ( the real one ) has no no-follow's.

ALL of BB2 is invisible to google searching courtesy of HOMER KUNT.

Anonymous said...

And it's not sustainable, no matter how much Kool-aid gets drank.


BEND IS Aspen, we're worth 10X of income.

LavaBear said...

>>>If you google 'bend oregon 1031', you'll get all kinds of bilbo ''

I just googled 'bend oregon 1031' and I didn't get a single hit to (nor any here as well)

Anonymous said...

Re: Learn to read HTML pussy.

Learned back in 1994.

Like I said, the nofollow is to links from these comments.

But these comments will be crawled of we all link to them from other places.

Anonymous said...

Simply cut and paste this far and wide:

Check out the comments here to learn more about the unfolding 1031 scandal based in Bend:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I didn't get any bilbo either.

LavaBear said...

>>>Why cuz BendBubble ( the real one ) has no no-follow's.

Ok. Your homework for the weekend (I know, homework over the weekend fucking sucks but in this case it will be beneficial to all of us) is to go out and research what the nofollow actually does. We will make this a multiple choice test.

A) Nofollow completely shuts down all spiders from recognizing this site and makes it invisible to all web search engines.

B) Nofollow makes it so anyone that posts a URL or even has a link to a different page (like they are logged into google and they have a profile setup) then the spiders and such don't bother with following those links because that really is a waste of time.

C) Nofollow was designed so people that spam the comments sections of blogger with URLs to then just ignores the spam.

D) Some combo of the above.

Sorry for the multiple choice. I know you are much better at writing the essays. I'm just trying to get an idea of your understanding of WTF the nofollow actually does.

Anonymous said...

December 19, 2008

To All Customers of Summit 1031 Exchange:

In a prior website posting dated December 15, 2008, Summit Accommodators, Inc. ("SAI") reported it was experiencing significant financial issues, had ceased funding open exchanges, and had curtailed its daily operations until those issues could be addressed. This letter will provide you with updated information and report the actions SAI has taken to address and resolve its financial issues.

SAI currently has approximately $ 27,831,363.00 in open exchanges for customers of Summit 1031 Exchange ("Summit Customers"). However, the total cash in SAI’s exchange funds related accounts is $ 13,600,212.88, which is a cash shortfall of approximately $14,231,151.00. Although SAI has other assets that it hopes will be sufficient to pay all Summit Customers, those assets are unfortunately illiquid at this time and not immediately available to fund open exchanges.

On December 19, 2008, SAI did the following to address these issues:

1) SAI filed a petition under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Oregon, Case No. 08-37031-rld11. All of SAI’s assets, including the exchange funds, will be preserved intact pending decisions to be made by the Court. SAI’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy attorneys are Susan S. Ford and Thomas W. Stilley at Sussman Shank LLP, located in Portland, Oregon. Summit Customers are listed as creditors in the case and are entitled to appear, be heard and file claims with the Court. You will receive further notices regarding SAI’s Bankruptcy Case in the mail. Should you desire or require bankruptcy advice to protect your rights, you should contact a qualified attorney to assist you with this process.

2) SAI has replaced its existing management to provide transparency, independent decision-making and control. Tyrell B. Vance LLC, ("Vance") has been retained as SAI’s Chief Restructuring Officer ("CRO") for all purposes in the Chapter 11 case. Vance is a recognized business crisis manager and court receiver in multiple jurisdictions with over 30 years of such experience. Effective immediately, Vance has been given independent authority to investigate all transactions and to manage SAI and all of its assets for the exclusive benefit of SAI and its creditors, specifically including all Summit Customers, until all debts are paid in full or all assets have been appropriately liquidated and paid to creditors, subject to the direction of the United States Bankruptcy Court. Vance will take possession of and preserve all exchange fund accounts maintained by SAI for Summit Customers. Vance will further assume control of SAI and all of its assets, books and records, and will have the power as CRO to propose a plan for SAI to pay creditors, to bring claims against third parties, and to do all other acts as may be necessary in the interests of SAI and its creditors or as ordered by the Court.

3) Vance as CRO of the Company has retained Obsidian Finance Group, LLC ("Obsidian") as financial consultants to provide advice with respect to all tax issues affecting Summit Customers and a plan to mitigate damages to the maximum extent possible of currently unfunded exchanges. In addition, Obsidian has been retained to review substantial real estate investments and recommend the best method to realize the value of such investments to satisfy claims. Obsidian is a national financial consulting firm, which specializes in distressed enterprises and assets.

This situation resulted from loans of exchange funds made by SAI over a period of time ending in approximately the year 2006 to Inland Capital Corporation ("Inland"), which in turn loaned funds to various entities and individuals that were involved in real estate investments located primarily in central Oregon. Inland is owned by the same persons who own SAI. The members of the entities and the individuals to whom Inland made loans are in most cases one or more of the owners of SAI.

Although liquidity was not an issue for many years and much of the outstanding loan balance from Inland to SAI was repaid, the recent crisis and downturn in the formerly profitable real estate market caused the entities and individuals who owe Inland to be unable to repay loans in a timely manner, which in turn caused Inland to be unable to repay SAI. The current amount owing from Inland to SAI is approximately $13,706,557.21. The existing real estate investments will be made available to repay the loan balance and satisfy claims, in addition to any and all other available assets and resources of SAI. However, it will unfortunately take time to determine, realize and reduce the value of such assets to cash to pay Summit Customers and creditors. SAI is hopeful that its assets will be sufficient to satisfy all customers’ and creditors’ claims, and is committed to doing so under the independent direction and control of Vance, as CRO, and the United States Bankruptcy Court.

SAI deeply regrets the distress and detriment that Summit Customers are currently experiencing. The foregoing actions have been voluntarily taken by the existing management to assure Summit Customers that SAI is committed to complete transparency regarding these issues, to ensure that all of its actions will be exclusively for the benefit of Summit Customers and creditors, and to eliminate any uncertainty that SAI’s assets will be preserved.

Anonymous said...

"This situation resulted from loans of exchange funds made by SAI over a period of time ending in approximately the year 2006 to Inland Capital Corporation ("Inland"), which in turn loaned funds to various entities and individuals that were involved in real estate investments located primarily in central Oregon. Inland is owned by the same persons who own SAI. The members of the entities and the individuals to whom Inland made loans are in most cases one or more of the owners of SAI."

Now that's fucking rich. But at least they are coming out and admitting it. Still haven't heard from the FEA.

Bewert said...

And they've retained financial consultants!

Anonymous said...

Reading that over a couple of times, it sounds like Daddy stepped in and gave the boys a spanking.

Anonymous said...

A fine member of the Turnaround Management Association.

You couldn't make this stuff up.

"SAI has replaced its existing management to provide transparency, independent decision-making and control."

So someone tell me who is in charge. Is it the founders? Or Vance? Or someone else?

Anonymous said...

Who is ...

black bruce

blue bruce

blue Bruce

blue real bruce??

Are we all now bruce??

Anonymous said...

All me. Lack of coffee.

But I'll admit that I got the link off of BEBB.

Anonymous said...



22 Oct 2008 by BilboBend
I was extremely concerned when a friend in your community forwarded me an article printed in your paper regarding pesticide manufacturer Suterra’s attempted acquisition of 1500 acres of land in Bend, Oregon. ...
BendBubble -

Anonymous said...

What is interesting that BB2 never shows up searches.

Why pray Tell?

Because homer has no-follow enabled.

End of fucking story.

Now do we want to be invisible or NOT??

Think Lava.

There are three no-follows by default post spring 2008 in blogger html default template, they must be removed. The only KUNTS in Bend that have NOT removed the no-follow are dunc-kunt, and homer-kunt.


IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Get any shopping done you need to at the New bend Gottschalks, cuz they will soon be doing a BK shutdown.

Or maybe wait for the Chap 11, and get good deals.

Either way, this is the first, last and ONLY Christmas for this store.

Anonymous said...


I love this, I mean we still don't know if its true, but let's assume that is it.

We're told that $14M is missing. That be about 28 Bend homes.

We're told that the funds will be covered by the sale of real-estate investments. Which proves the assertion here that they were using commingled funds to invest in real estate in Bend.

Of course now $25M worth of BEND desert is now worth $2.5M or less so good fucking luck raising $14M from the sales of desert land on Awbrey BUTT, and near Juniper-Ridge, with all the water-rights peeled away.

Ahhh, but there is good faith here, just the result of a bubble going down.

Still its like a textbook case of everything that can go wrong in 1031 land. Too bad our 2,000 realtors in Bend teach '1031 exchange' seminars didn't teach anybody how to avoid losing their money.

tim said...

So it sounds like they viewed the exchange money they had as float and invested it in things that turned illiquid.

So it probably worked as long as the money was coming in hot and heavy.

tim said...

Maybe the people with money at Summit can just buy the real estate being held by summit. :-)

Anonymous said...

Re: What is interesting that BB2 never shows up searches.


You have a point--it's downright fucking weird.

Anonymous said...

This gives me the chills.

Anonymous said...

OK, I just added BB2, and that is the only result from the search.

This is fucking wierd.

Anonymous said...


It's a fucking FACT that no-follow tell's the 'public search' engines to ignore.

The law-enforcement folks have their own version of google that searches all, and public version doesn't. This way the government/google can decide what the public see's and doesn't see.

Homer thinks he's being clever, but the people that he should really fear can see him.

This is an old NAZI story, to make sure the little people can't see you, but the big people do see you, then one day you disappear and the little people never even know your missing.

Anonymous said...

I can't figure out if you're being sarcastic or if you live in a parallel universe where what these guys did is something less than reprehensible.

The most obscene part of this is they are characterizing the the 10 million dollars they made off with as an investment.

From their site;
The current amount owing from Inland to SAI is approximately $13,706,557.21. The existing real estate investments will be made available to repay the loan balance and satisfy claims,

The security for these 2 five million dollar "investments" that were both made 9/22/08 are third trust deeds on houses that were already seriously underwater.

The second most obscene part of this is that were it not for these 2 "loans" and the opulent livestyle the principals treated themselves to, no customer would have lost any money.

Bendbb; this is not innuendo-- I'm not insinuating these guys are scoundrels, I'm coming right out and saying it.

Anonymous said...

Are BB2 KUNTS the stupidest KUNTS in BEND??


Anonymous said...

Buster, read the entire head section of BB2.

Nothing there prevents robots from spidering.

Quimby said...

>> The law-enforcement folks have their own version of google that searches all, and public version doesn't. This way the government/google can decide what the public see's and doesn't see.

Why do you think the Dynamic Duo of Google can land their G5s and 767 Party Planes at Moffett Airfield? Because they're helping NASA do some hot research with their planes? HA fucking HA. BULLSHIT. They are in the tank with the Govt, feeding them shitloads of data and in return, the Govt scratches their backs with landing rights at a US Military installation.

Something is stinky there.

Anonymous said...

That's odd.

Anonymous said...

Yahoo finds BB2, no problem.

Quimby's right, something stinks.

Duncan McGeary said...

Why is everyone being so oblique and cute all of a sudden?

Say what you think!

Most of you are anonymouses anyway.

Anonymous said...

>>>>Where the fuck is MARGE?? Did she die??<<<

I am not dead...just reading the retards nofollow crap. Who really cares if this blog is invisible?
If you remember, I did post last Monday something about Summit not able to close deals that gave you all a lot to talk about this week.

Don't worry if I don't post. I read all the shit here and if I have something to say I will post. Now let me get back to my new pressure canner.

Anonymous said...

What, you mean that a local company that is short $14M+ in client funds hires PDX folks to clean up things. And the financial consultant seems to be currently non-existent as well?

About Obsidian Finance Group

Obsidian Finance Group, LLC, is a private equity group bringing a multi-disciplinary approach to finding and creating value through solving difficult and complex financial problems. Obsidian typically brings capital as well as creativity in the search for the optimal solution. For more information on Obsidian, please go to

Sounds like just the sort of folks you want to bring in to milk a little more cash out of a giant fucking mess like this. One's you can only find in Google's cache. Unlike BB2, which can't be found on Google.

Christ, Dunc, Neumann's fucking garage is 2650 sq. ft. Maybe he could start a fucking church and house some homeless in there. And start up a new porn site, fliming on location: Bend's Homeless Ho's.

Hell, you could fit in about four Pegasus' in that garage ;)

Bewert said...

Marge, what are you canning these days?

tim said...

What the hell do you keep in a 2650sqft garage? A fleet of Partridge Family buses?

Bewert said...

More on Obsidian from Google's cache:

Obsidian is uniquely able to exploit high rate of return opportunities.

Obsidian, whether advising clients or acting for its own account, is frequently sought to assist in the structuring of complex financial transactions, providing extensive experience in various industries, including aviation, energy, forest products, equipment leasing and real estate, and access to major financial institutions, private equity funds, hedge funds and other intermediaries. Obsidian specializes in addressing complex investment and financing requirements with specialized structures and developing unique, efficient solutions. These solutions often involve complex income tax matters utilizing a particular area of knowledge and experience within our firm.


* In the emerging Very Light Jet (VLJ) market, manufacturers are encountering customers desiring deposit and long-term financing. Obsidian has designed a mutually advantageous structure to handle these financing demands.
* After developing a structure to acquire a public timber REIT and separate its manufacturing assets, Obsidian was able to propose a transaction resulting in no tax cost to either the REIT or the acquiring company.
* Obsidian created a structure used to successfully effect early termination of an off-shore securitization of medical equipment receivables in Brazil.

So what do you think they bill? $250/hr?

I feel sorry for Summit's clients.

PS, I'm going back to blue bruce

I don't think the nofollow BS has anything to do with Google not finding BB2.

Anonymous said...

>>>>Marge, what are you canning these days?>>>>

My world famous beef barley mushroom stew. Next will be hamburger then fresh tuna.

Bewert said...

I know this will piss Bilbo off, but it made me spit coffee through my nose laughing:

My vision for the bulletin board is to keep it focused on issues, not on people or personalities. I don't understand why you find it necessary to call people names like "scoundrels". Can't you find another way to express your opinions without name calling?


Bewert said...

Marge, if we ever end up living in igloos in the wilderness, mine is going to be right next to yours ;)

tim said...

How many people do you think are in Summit's 1031 limbo? Could be a couple dozen?

Could this gum up sales even worse than they are gummed up now?

Duncan McGeary said...

"Marge, if we ever end up living in igloos in the wilderness, mine is going to be right next to yours ;)"

Me too. She could feed us and protect our liberal wussy asses with her arsenal.

Quimby said...

Free Carbon Offsets

In case any of you are facing financial ruin, yet still have that nagging GUILTY feeling about merely existing....

Merry Christmas from Quimby!

Bewert said...

Billionaires’ Ski Club in Montana Stiffs Florists, Blacksmiths

By Anthony Effinger and Amy Linn

Dec. 19 (Bloomberg) -- Builders, florists and blacksmiths are counting their losses along with financiers and hedge-fund managers in the bankruptcy of the Yellowstone Club, a private ski-and-golf enclave in the Montana Rockies.

The club, where Persian rugs line the ski lodge and a trail is named “Learjet Glades,” sought protection from creditors on Nov. 10, brought down by the founders’ divorce, profligate spending, and a real estate slump. Members like investment banker Robert Greenhill, founder of Greenhill & Co., want to know where their $250,000 deposits went. A local wastewater company wants its $5,472.

Many small towns in the U.S. Rocky Mountain region rely on rich people who come to fish, ski and play golf. Now some destination spots are becoming desperation spots. Idaho’s Tamarack Resort is being run by a court-appointed manager after defaulting on a $250 million loan at the end of 2007. Creditors forced The Promontory in Utah into bankruptcy in March.

“It’s a pretty big impact on all the people who got stiffed,” said Todd King, owner of Advanced Wastewater Specialists, who hasn’t been paid for treating effluent at the Yellowstone Club. With the recession, the timing couldn’t be worse, he said. “We definitely don’t want to work for free.”

The pain is acute around Bozeman, Montana, about 45 miles (72 kilometers) north, where many of the club’s workers live. The club employs 400 to 600 people, depending on the season, and has a monthly payroll of $882,000.

Gates a Member

It remains open after getting court approval on Dec. 12 for an emergency $19.8 million loan from club member Sam Byrne, founder of CrossHarbor Capital Partners LLC, a private equity firm in Boston.

Almost all members, including Microsoft Corp. founder Bill Gates, built lavish houses at the site, creating work for local contractors. For years, cement trucks thundered up the narrow road to the club, and a parade of pick-ups lined up at the security gate each morning.

The list of 700 creditors filed in federal bankruptcy court reads like a Yellow Pages of Bozeman and the surrounding area. A local florist is owed $17,285 and a blacksmith $1,095, for shoeing horses. Scenic City Portables, which provides portable toilets, is waiting for $12,430. Even Montana’s utility company is out in the cold: NorthWestern Energy is owed $247,000.

‘As Whole as Possible’

Mary Warmoth’s company, We Dust Control and Deicing Inc., sprayed dirt roads along the 18-hole golf course to control dust last summer. The club owes her $4,147.

“The thing that was the most shocking to us was that they knew they couldn’t pay the bill when they asked us to do the work,” said Warmoth. “One of the guys up there told our driver, ‘Good luck getting paid.’”

Yellowstone Club spokesman Bill Keegan said the club is doing what it can to repay all the creditors. “The intent is to make people as whole as possible,” he said.

When Tim Blixseth and his ex-wife Edra opened the club, they billed it as the most exclusive ski resort in the world. The Blixseths signed up ski-film director Warren Miller to be director of skiing, and brought in a former U.S. Secret Service agent to be “director of privacy.”

The rich piled in, paying as much as $10 million for plots of land. Property owners also had to put down $250,000 to $300,000 for a membership.

Assets listed in the bankruptcy filing include a bronze bison ($8,260); a carved Louis XV buffet ($29,395); a Steinway piano ($13,399); and an “upright bear” ($13,708).

Dashed Hopes

The trouble started well before the U.S. recession. Cyclist Greg LeMond, an early investor and homeowner, sued the club in 2006, saying the Blixseths borrowed $375 million from Zurich- based Credit Suisse Group and took $209 million for themselves as a dividend, jilting him and other investors.

Credit Suisse spokesman Duncan King said the bank arranged the loan to the club and is acting as an agent in the bankruptcy for holders of the debt.

The Blixseths used the money to buy boats, cars, and a 16- bedroom chateau in France for $28 million, LeMond alleged. The parties settled the suit earlier this year for $39.5 million, though Edra Blixseth missed a Nov. 15 deadline to pay the $13.5 million balance still owed, according to a filing by LeMond in Montana state court.

Edra didn’t return an e-mail seeking comment.

Brett Mauri, who runs custom homebuilder Bitterroot Group in Big Sky, is among those whose hopes were dashed by the club. He put down a $250,000 membership deposit and built a 7,800- square-foot house there that he planned to sell to a wealthy club member.

Bitter Divorce

He listed the home last year, just before credit market crashed and prices tumbled. At about the same time, the Blixseths were embroiled in a bitter divorce dispute that raised questions about the club’s future and spooked buyers, Mauri said.

Edra wrested the club from Tim in July, resolving the issue of ownership, and Mauri found a buyer who offered him $6 million, $2 million less than the assessed value, he said. The sale was supposed to close in November. When the club filed for bankruptcy, the buyer walked.

“We used our kid’s college fund for that membership,” his wife Michele said, fighting back tears in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Butte on Nov. 25. Their son, 17, is scheduled to start school in the fall.

“Now the money’s gone,” she said.

The case is In re Yellowstone Mountain Club LLC, 08-61570, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, District of Montana (Butte).

Anonymous said...

Is There a Mormron in the house??

I don't want to get on the wrong side of the Almighty or cast dispersions on anyone's religion, but it is surprising how many times when these scandals unfold, you find out that the players are members of the Westside church. As I understand it, both the Summit-1031 principals, and nearly all of their upper management go there.

Anonymous said...

My vision for the bulletin board is to keep it focused on issues, not on people or personalities. I don't understand why you find it necessary to call people names like "scoundrels". Can't you find another way to express your opinions without name calling?


Does this mean that no matter how much fecal matter is on my unwashed finger's, and the fact that it reeks of 'Bruce' that I can't mention it when I hear his name??

Anonymous said...

My vision of this bulletin board is a 'cone of silence' where pederasts bitch & moan but nobody ever has to hear or see them.

Good job HOMER, the no-follow is just the fucking ticket.

Can't we all just get along? Go back to the old days of trailer partys at Bendbb's trailer on the westside of town every night??

Rubber gloves, condoms, ky-jelly, ... those were the glory-hole days of bend pre 2007.

Anonymous said...

Yahoo finds BB2, no problem.

Quimby's right, something stinks.


NO-FOLLOW is a google invention, why in the FUCK would yahoo use something that google invented?

This is the kind of thing that will remove google form #1 search engine, when people find out that google is hiding stuff, based on complaint. Note the default 'nofollow' mark of BB2 didn't happen until the spring of 2008.

Today google-search is something like +90% of global search, as google&nofollow matters.

Anonymous said...

[April 2008 eCon Update] EDCO - Economic Development For Central Oregon
Suterra LLC (Bend, 55 employees), environmentally-bioengineered pest control products. Summit 1031 Exchange (2006) INDIVIDUAL. Cornerstone Realty, Eric ...

Used 'altavista' to search 1031,bend,oregon,suterra, ... magic summit show's up, simply amazing.

Let's all remember that we were using altavista for years before google came around.

Anonymous said...

Search google blog search for

'bend oregon bubble'

You'll get a 1,000 fucking 'bilbo' hits, but NOT one fucking BB2.



Anonymous said...

The true story now avail, by a well know jewess.

Welcome to Aleshia
'BILBO'S BEND' - A Novel. Coming Soon. SYNOPSIS. Aleshia and Gina are transsexual... But you don't know their story, you just think you do. ...

Anonymous said...

An xmas story by 'bilbo bend baggins'

A short history of cascadia, from a hobbits point of view.

The fundamental premise is that only evil lays outside of the central farthings of cascadia.
This article is largely concerned with Central Oregonians, or Hobbits as we call them in Cascadia.

In the old times there were three kinds of Sapiens that roamed the old earth, Hobbits in Cascadia, Goblins in Mordor { south and east of cascadia }, and Man { sometimes called people } in the old Arab world to the east, and the Asean world to the far-west, both across great oceans. Long ago man ruled the old earth, but he nearly became extinct and thus forgotten until the great oil wars. During the great oil wars the arab men and women of the east were completely wiped out by great diseases created by the Nazgul of Mordor. The people of the far-west { aseans } survived as they did not physically partake of oil wars, only financed them, thus in time they held most of man's paper money which of course was ultimately without value.

Concerning Cascadian-Hobbits, they're gentle creatures more concerned with the earth, .e.g. hiking, biking, generally being outdoors, and near things green that grow from the earth. They love children, micro-brew, and southern-cascadia grown pipe-weed. The simple things in life, they're despised by the Goblins in California/Mordor. The cascadian hobbits love to be outdoors. The goblins love prisons, their homes are like prisons, they build schools like prison's. The prison and killing industry was the basis for their economy.

The goblins south of cascadia they call themselves Californians { Mordorians } are only concerned with themselves, money, and their car- keys. They prefer metal or plastic, and live only for accumulation. They hate the natural earth and crave to cover it all with concrete and/or asphalt. The Mordorian's have completely covered their own native lands with asphalt and such, and they seem only happy when doing so in new lands.

Middle Earth, or should I say cascadia is now past its third age. The dark lord Sauron { Cauron in cascadia } of Mordor long ago forged the one car-key to rule them all, today californians all consider their car keys their 'precious', as the evil of long ago once worshipped the ring of power.

Mordor ( california ) has once again awoken, the californians have erected an Issengard right in Bend Oregon calling it "Franklin Crossings". The hobbits of bend didn't seem to notice change, until the sun was blocked by this new Issengard. This alerted the hobbits of bend, the Bend council long taken over by Goblins, Orcs, and Gollum like creatures spoke of more Issengards in Bend, and of great Mordorian subdivisions in the north called "Juniper Ridge". It is said that the Bilbo of Hobbiton was the first to notice the Issengard {Franklin-Crossing} monument from the Kanes of St. Francis while having a pint, at first it was thought that he had one too many, but in time others saw, and found that he was correct. The cascadian shire of Bend had forever changed.

The Nazgul or in Cascadia we call them the "Mercedes Driving Goblins" are trying to re-unite all the car-keys, they believe in the One Car-Key to rule them all of the old legend. The Mercedes has always been the greatest phallic icon to wealthy Goblins since the darkest times of the third age. When a hobbit see's a mercedes with mordorian plates they are taught as children to run seek shelter. The old legend speaks of Sauron not a goblin or man, but a spirit that oversaw the oil burning machines and all the business associated with its financial system.

To the old people there was the Farthings, there was west, middle, and east, the Hobbit people of Eugene were most west, and the desert dwelling of Hobbits in Bend were the most east. In the second generation after the great war goblins from the south or mordor, e.g. California came to plunder the land. Over the years the word got back to mordor that hobbits in Bend were weak creatures, that could easily be confined to small lots in mordor type subdivisions.

By the third generation, before our times the goblins had taken over Bend { desert cascadia }, and many hobbits you would not recognized they became like the gollum of the old legend. Legend says that Hobbits that adopt Californian and/or Mordorian habits become vile and ugly creatures.

Today the sun shines over hobbit Shire-Bend and many cascadian hobbits see a chance to take the one car-key that rules them all back to california-mordor. In this age it has been become more difficult for those that built Issengard { franklin-crossings }, as the the banks that funded these ventures were they themselves houses of sand. Once all around Issengard was destroyed, the young Goblins of California no longer came to cascadia for there was no hobbit blood to draw, as they're elder's had sucked the land dry. For generations the goblins descended on cascadia like locust in search of gold, oil, and trees, eventually there was nothing left so they moved on.

To the far east across the great ocean's in the east the gobllin's of mordor had turned their attention to pillaging the great arab lands of the old earth the land of man, where the ancient ones are of said to have invented algebra & Law. For long the the goblins of Mordor thought their car-keys were the source of power but they learned in the times that oil, was the source of power, so they destroyed the old world of the Far-East. They killed and killed for generations, in time, the children returning killed thier own, for this is all they knew of life. The returning goblins of the great oil wars killed their own family's upon returning to Mordor. In the end of their times they resorted to eating one another where the strong orc's ate the goblins, and nazgul ate the orc's.

The goblins of Mordor had become sicker and sicker by this third generation having wasted the land of the so called country of california, that which we hobbits call mordor. The Goblins of Mordor in the late third age discovered Oil. The Goblins consumed the oil, and bathed in the oil, and in time became Orc's. Millions of Orc's were bred in Mordor, and they were used for the great oil wars that went on for generations, until at last the oil was gone, and there was nothing left to steal in the arab-lands of the far east.

In thus doing as they struggle to build more Issengard { Franklin Crossing's ...} like monuments in cascadia they could no longer borrow from the people of the far-west, the so called Fourth-Age people {aseans}. During this time the hobbits of Cascadia saw an opportunity to once and for all rid themselves of those that worshipped the car-keys { californians, aka mordorites }.

The hobbits of cascadia banned the goblin-mobile, that foul spelling monstrosity that burns fossil fuels. Soon the Goblins had no means of transportation, as they had long ago lost the means to walk on their own. Generations of long wars of killing for the sake of killing for oil, and land left the Goblins without children, and they became gradually extinct. The Nazgul rules of californian had enacted a children's-service's, so called CSD, where all Goblin children were taken at birth and placed in Military Training Camps. In time the Goblins out of loss, simply quit breeding among themselves. This left only the NazGul to breed the Goblins and Orc's of California or as we call Mordor.

The hobbits of Cascadia tried to teach their young of the old ways of gentle earth loving folk, when the goblins lost their health they created television, that they broadcasted into hobbit homes with the hope of making hobbits love the things that goblins love, but the wise old hobbits simply unplugged the tv's. With the loss of the propaganda machine, the Goblin ideology's became legend.

In the fourth age hobbits reverted to simple life of old, as all the treasure that the goblins of california could take had been taken, but the hobbits still had a little water, some earth, and their love for things green. Hobbits had always known that the simple life was the best life, a completely different outlook on life than that held by the Goblins to the South and East of Cascadia.

The Nazgul leaders of california, unable to borrow wealth from the new age people of the far west { asean new world } wallowed in filth, and became extinct. They could not rape and rob as they had done in the far east { arab old world }, as they're great killing machines had long been destroyed by attrition. The people of the Far-West { aseans } would no longer finance the the great oil wars. In the final act of desperation the NazGul created a great disease which the people of Mordor called "aids", which was a combination of orc-blood from orcs that had leukemia and wild pigs. This concoction was found to be transmitted sexually and released in the Dark Conentinent of Africa far south of the Arab lands of the Great ancient east.

The Nazgul called land where the orc-blood and pigs were harvested "Litton-Bionetics". In time all of the black men, women, and child Africa was wiped out, it is thought that the goblins had intended to settle in Africa having destroyed Mordor and making it un-inhabitable. The so called 'aids' was unleashed in the Arab world, but failed, as they not being promiscious people, thus the nazgul resorted to creating millions of orc's who slaughtered the arab man, woman, and child by hand. Not since the slaughter of the Tasmanians in the second age, had entire population been wiped from the old earth. During the end times the goblins attempted to unleash their aids weapon upon the far-west aseans, but they being a clever people quickly developed an antidote. By these times the goblins of Mordor had become nearly extinct.

Eventually the returning children of Mordor all children who were killing machines, turned on their own familys, bringing an end to Mordor. Eventually the great tribes of far eastern Mordor fought those on the west, .e.g. the two great mordorian tribes of the west-coast and east-coast annihilated one another.

Most recently the surviving Goblins of Mordor have built 'The Shire" near Bend, a monstrosity that is supposed to be like Bree, but is just another Mordor SubDivision of the third age. Only a few homes in "The Shire" have sold, and those only to rich Goblins and a few Gollum like hobbits. Most of these new homes will never be built as the Goblin financial system had collapsed making it impossible to get easy money to build Mordorian structures near Bend. The goblins financed everything with credit, for they never worked, once the great credit systems that were made available by the great Aseans tribes of man in the Far-West quit financing Mordor most Goblins in Cascadia starved to death.

Hobbits prefer to live on a few acres, where they can have animals, and the children can play. The Goblin's preferred little 50by50 concrete lots where the home's actually touched each other, this was thought a way to as the Goblin Leaders { NazGul } could have the goblins keep an eye on each other.

All of the above is distant legend, its important that this legend be passed down. Even though the Mordorians have wiped themselves out, their spirit lives, the times of greed, war, rape, and pillage could return if the young hobbits are not educated. Those that not know their past are destined to repeat.

Hobbits will always prosper, for the Mordorians have nothing, they say our micro-brew and pipe-weed makes us lazy and unfit for war, they say that ours lands being absent of malls makes their lives boring. They say that our dislike of the oil burning horse makes their lives unbearable. We must never again allow Cascadian Hobbit Lands to become like Mordor to the South and East. So long as we're unfit for war, and our lands contain no wealth for Californians we can live in peace. May our lives always move at a slow pace.

Anonymous said...

The best of 2008, so says google news ...

BioChem Spray Owner & Maker visits Monterey 3/13 Rally
Bay Area Indymedia - Mar 13, 2008
Stewart Resnick owner of Suterra the spray company is speaking at 8:45am. ... Suterra will be there too, hosting a info table at the conference too! ...
Related web pages

Pesticide maker owned by political donor
San Francisco Chronicle - Mar 8, 2008
Roll International's holdings also include Suterra LLC, a fledgling pesticide company in Bend, Ore., that makes CheckMate, a pheromone pesticide that is one ...

Anonymous said...

Calif Moth PesticideTesting to be done in . . . TEXAS
by repost
Saturday May 3rd, 2008 10:54 AM

Texas -- who'd have guessed? There's apparently no place in all of California qualified to do the testing for the spray for the light brown apple moth (LBAM). So it has to happen in the Bush/Execution state? Home of Enron, that the gropernator let off with our money? Just more that stinks about all this. Remember, each spraying costs millions and a large chunk of the millions goes to Suterra. The planes are a surveillance company out of Virginia that does work in Iraq. All Rethug donors and appointees. Likely this has almost zero to do with a moth

Anonymous said...


Low-life criminal element of the republican party;
See republican/repugliCON. 'On-the-take', liars,
cheats, thieves, hypocrites, sneaky, assholes,
scoundrals, self-serving, self-righteous, scumbag,
indicted, in-office, criminal, disreputable,
unethical, unscrupulous, shyster

Anonymous said...


Intermediary Fraud In 1031 Exchange

Ok so you have done everything right in getting your property through a 1031 exchange you got a mortgage, found a replacement property and all before the stipulated time is up. Nothing can go wrong now right? I’m sorry to say you may still head for a loss and still end up paying capital gains tax!

This usually happens when your funds from the first property are entrusted with an intermediary who is dishonest. It has happened several times that intermediaries have scooted with the funds leaving out nothing but capital gains tax as.

Sometimes intermediaries can get into contracts or deals which they may not be able to honor and end up with frozen accounts, which may include your money. This is pure catastrophe in 1031-exchange dealing.

1. You are unable to touch the money till your intermediary’s accounts are released.
2. The stipulated time - 180 days, allowed in finding a replacement property will be over.
3. And your 1031 exchange will be self-destruct

How does this happen? This problem arises when intermediaries hold the funds in commingled account, which is along with the intermediary's other accounts, and not separate.

In a recent case the court opinion said that when an intermediary commingles exchange funds, the commingled account becomes an asset belonging to the intermediary and not the client's

So how can you prevent such happenings?

Do extensive research on your intermediary his professional record the number of exchanges done each year and his success rates etc. Ensure that your account is held separately as for example ‘Mr. John Smith as intermediary for Ms Anne Robinson’ will suffice. This will keep your money safe in case your intermediary is struck with bankruptcy or other default charges.

Let me warn you that intermediaries on like-kind properties set for a 1031 exchange have joined hands to de-fraud people and have even taken off with money from both sides. So don't forget to do background checks on these people before entrusting your funds to them.

Did you enjoy this post?

April 10, 2006

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

merry xmas

happy jeebus

have a good 1031

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