Monday, August 13, 2007

Picto-Plummet - A Graphical Novel

Wow, talk about your crazy week. The markets went berzerk over the subprime contagion spreading to the PRIME market; that's code for YOU & ME, Whitey. Seems a lot of stated income "consultants" bought a lot of homes making $180K/year... well, not EVERY year, but certainly once in awhile! But mainly they made a LOT less (and if you didn't lie on your mortgage app, your loan officer was happy to do so for you). But they bought 12 homes anyway, cuz the terms were good. So once that factoid was common knowledge, the Central Banks of the World responded by flooding banks with money, more than after 9/11. I knew the housing market would get bad... but 9/11 bad? THAT'S pretty bad. I'm waiting for this scenario to hit bottom before writing about it.

And BendBB has got the motherload of MLS data, and has made it available on Google spreadsheets. I've put together some interesting data on that. And also have started putting it together in graph form.

And David Fosters monthly summary came out, but has yet to hit the Bulletin.

But I'll write about those things later. Today, I'm going to take a page from Duncan's book, and do my own little graphical novel.

First of all, I was blown away by all the building. They are building every available square inch of this town. Well, either building it or selling it. I don't drive the back roads of Bend too much, but builders are still going nuts out there, building like there's no tomorrow. I saw 2 subdiv's for sale, and I mean wholesale, all lots in one shot.

And there are signs of desperation: Lots of sales of every type, including garage sales, estate sales, car sales, and the increasingly popular fire sale of subdiv's. Remember when those "covered" re-pricing numbers were higher? Yeah, as you can see from Eagle's Landing, it's best to NEVER put the price permanently on the sign to where it cannot be easily covered up. Even Stupid Whitey, who loves a gold starburst, will look down & see how desperate you really are.

Speaking of signs, that pesky sign ordinance that the City has decided EVEN applies to Realtors (la dee da), has gone into effect at Renaissance Ridge. But since they have zero space between the sidewalk & the front door, they just folded 'em up & put 'em on the porch. The upside is that it doesn't look like a cascade of homes for sale.
But the signs that do stay up in Ren-Ridge are for available lots, reading "Stay Bend". What are we, dogs?

There's still some pretty stupid crap going on in Bend. The "GarajMahal", and "Tuscany Pines" both come in near the tops of a race that no doubt has hundreds of participants. Ummm, the GarajMahal is an attempt to sell storage spots for your car at $63,000 STARTING. No car I'll ever own will be worth that much Garajing. Or Garaging. Tuscany Pines has convenient access to the neighborhood juvy jail, so at least you can make mortgage payments selling crack to the guards. "Ranch at the Canyons" is making this idea work. Tuscany Pines, besides being a horribly conflicted name, is just in an awful location. Talk about your Bad Idea.

Well, man doesn't live by bread alone, sometimes you just need a plain sweet ride! That top dude obviously has decided to roll his paycheck into some sweet units, including a vintage International Harvester or something, a pussy-wagon Camaro, and a rusted-out 1954 VW bug converted into a chopped 1945 Ford dually. NICE! That bottom one has decided to go the other route, and has a 1995 Subaru with duct tape rear window, and cardboard underneath to avoid bringing down the house value via oil stained driveway. Now that's smart. The car says, "I'm dirt stinking poor", and the cardboard says, "But I didn't pee on the carpet."

Not everyone is dragging bottom. I drove thru "North Rim" a subdiv on Awbrey for people who like money bonfires. This pic does not do justice to this macro-shack. Holy Crap... this badboy is large & in charge.

After all the gab about NWX-ing being full/empty, I went to look for myself. Saturday afternoon, 1PM. You see for yourself. No kids, no one walking around, no one buying coffee, no one on playground.

And there is just the usual, mile-upon-mile of empty lots and of course, loads of construction, everywhere.

Lots of FSBO Dark Matter out there. BendBB's data shows Coldwell with 4-5 Eagle's Landing listings, but there are at least 50 lots there. And lots of Generic RE Broker signs. No-name nobodies that came out of the woodwork. Everyone in this town is a Realtor.

Plus, this boom has led to some real weird stuff: New mansions next to Fuqua homes, homes about 10 ft wide, and some just plain ugly homes being built. Man, and it is being built in every little corner of Bend.

Here's the upside of a great big juicy RE bubble: poor folks like me can live like a King in some sweet new construction Flipper Bait! This house is BIG!

There's just some funny stuff out there... nice homes with plywoods doors, Realtors with "come-hither" language is just hilarious, and Pahlisch posting a sign at the entry to one of their subdiv's, with some sort of quasi-legal contract about contractors shutting up while building... a sign no one has ever read but the signs typesetter.

Well, like I said, there is liquidity contagion in the credit markets when they found out Cletus was not the only one who lied about his income on his mortgage app. But I figure it was time for a brief drive thru Bend, and then top it off with just a twist of Paul-doh's warped-ass logic.


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Anonymous said...

Isn't the dollar up this month? It remains to be seen if the Euro will hold up if the US goes into recession.

Anonymous said...

Isn't the dollar up this month?
Fuck you,

The dollar has been heading south relative to the Euro (DM) for the past twenty years.

The USA is no different than the UK, a sick country, the only difference is that the UK is 15 years ahead of the US.

Like the CEO's have been doing for the past twenty, buy homes in Italy or Spain. Like the book twenty years ago "America, what went wrong", Bartlett&Steele.

America has been liquidated, sold, and now leveraged.

The reason that the USA stock market will plummet is that all trade during the past twenty has become LBO,CDO,CMO; Just like prior to the great depression when banks could write their own worthless paper, perhaps the sub-prime biz showed that the junk-bond had no clothes ( 'AAA' is really 'ddd' ), the fact is everything has been sold for worthless paper, and today the public pension funds in the USA hold that worthless paper. The charade is now over.

Don't worry, smart folk long ago bought an estate in Italy, or Spain, or Portugal,...

Duncan McGeary said...

I love the spin the Bulletin put on the Coumbia layoffs.

"....possible relief from a virtual hiring drought."

Hey, don't worry about losing your house, it will give you a chance to go camping!

Hey, don't worry about that illness, it will give you a chance to have breakfast in bed!

Anonymous said...

Want to know about the fucking dollar 'TT', and your fucking TV? an how its all related and really how fucked the USA is-is??

What Does the USA Dollar Devaluation Mean to You?

Yahweh said to Israel that they perished for a lack of knowledge (Hos. 4:6). Most Americans, no matter their vocation, are totally ignorant of the current plight of the US dollar, especially in relation to the Euro. In short there is dollar crisis in the world economy due to the level of debt of America, who is the largest debtor in history, owing between $70-$100 trillion.

Americans have no knowledge that the US private control central bank, the Federal Reserve Bank, creates money out of this air and it is the chief cause of inflation in America and the creator of various financial bubbles in stock market and real estate.

The reason that Americans are ignorant of the current dollar and economic crisis is that the US controlled media has not reported on it. The US media is controlled by five or six major corporations; Disney owns ABC, CBS is owned by Viacom, GE owns NBC. In short, the truth is suppressed and kept from the American masses. This is the chief cause of the mind control of 99.0% of Americans.

Although many world authorities, such as the IMF (International Monetary Authority) and World Bank, said the dollar will be devalued. this has not been reported in the US media.

Anonymous said...

>>Fuck you,

So are you at the point where you just want to hear yourself talk then?

Anonymous said...

>>Americans have no knowledge that the US private control central bank, the Federal Reserve Bank, creates money out of this air and it is the chief cause of inflation in America and the creator of various financial bubbles in stock market and real estate.

It's even worse than that. The government creates just a small percentage of the new, inflating dollars. The worst part is they allow banks to create dollars at will.

Anyone who wants a comprehensible outline of how it works should watch the "Money As Debt" video at Google Video. That image you may have of the US printing dollars? Forget it. Banks create money every time they make a loan.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

I like that the layoffs at Columbia are being covered in the Bulletin as a Good Thing:

Columbia layoffs may benefit some

Some Central Oregon manufacturers see Columbia Aircraft Manufacturing Corp.’s temporary layoffs as possible relief from a virtual hiring drought in Central Oregon if some of those workers opt to look for new jobs.

“Having more folks available from a layoff helps.”

Various layoffs this year in the manufacturing industry have put hundreds of qualified workers into a market...

Even though unemployment rates increased in July for Deschutes and Crook counties, Central Oregon’s unemployment rates are at historic lows, said Steve Williams, Employment Department regional economist and author of the unemployment report.

Williams pointed out that in July, Deschutes County broke a four-year record of year-over-year unemployment rate decreases. For the first time since summer 2003, the July rate was higher than the previous July. Williams says it’s too early to tell whether that could signal a change in the employment market — making it easier for employers to find qualified workers.

NOW... higher unemployment is GOOD! Those worthless cogs in the Bend industrial machine... well, Fuck Them. Lost their health insurance? Who cares. House foreclosed on? Big Deal.

But Boss Hogg having to place extra Help Wanted ads each week... well, by God that's the End of the World. Not a syllable about the NEGATIVE IMPACT of UNEMPLOYMENT on those going through it.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Whoa... I just scrolled up & saw Duncan's like-minded comments... sorry to duplicate greatness :-)

Anonymous said...

"Unemployment is Good" - Bull

Yes, IHTBYB our most esteemed leader, I saw that this AM, and left it for you, this is OUR BULL. They take something and put a positive spin. All those layed off Columbia aerospace INGineer's can now finally get a job at walmart, something they always wanted to do with their worthless BS-EE.

I love our BULL. Like TT said earlier, just ignore domestic news source, unless of course your looking for an Orwellian Laugh. Remember Orwell, when there was a shortage big brother would always put a positive spin on the news? Deja-Vu,...

Anonymous said...

>>In a statement, Moody's said those securities are performing far worse than expected.

What is Moody's talking about here? Piggyback loans. Yes, last year Moodys had the nerve to rate piggyback loans (that's loans that augment the 80% "normal" loan so that people without money don't have to put anything down) as triple-A bonds that Mo9ddys marked as highly as the best business bonds and gov't bonds.

Why did Moodys think that piggybacks were safe stuff? Because they get paid to think so.

>>Remember Orwell, when there was a shortage big brother would always put a positive spin on the news?

I don't personally think it's always positive spin. I think it's all about what sheep will pay for. They want harmless yet shocking (Paris Hilton's dog missing!) to bring in the masses. They want happy to pull in the ads. It's not about (usually) deliberate misdirections. It's about laziness. I say this as a former journalist who knows a lot of journalist. they THINK they are telling the truth, when, really, they are just being molded by the forces of circulation and advertising. Even "independent" newspapers fall for this game, and hard.

Never ascribe to malice what can be explained by incompetence.


Anonymous said...

The below is important, much of what we do here is education. Note that the FED had promised NOT TO BAIL the ass-holes that caused the 'sub-prime' problem, since Monday the richest people in Santa-Monica, CA have redeemed all their investments from Country-Wide-Investment-Bank, they should have lost their ass, it should have gone bankrupt, these folks counted on fucking the little GUY, but NO. Now the USA has decided to cover the countrywide ass. The investors, and ALL the harm that has been done by CountyWide, should have punished those who thought they would profit. Now we have created a heads-win/tails-win. They could have made money, and with the slightest downward pressure they get their money back. Not like the millions of Americans that will lose their homes.
Why didn't the FED give the $10 Billion to a fund to put a holiday on foreclosures for five years?

This is BAD-news bear for the dollar, the world is NOT STUPID. THE USA public is STUPID, but the WORLD is NOT stupid, read the following very carefully.

FOREX-Dollar falls after Fed acts on credit turmoil

Fri Aug 17, 2007 7:12 PM BST144
By Kevin Plumberg

NEW YORK, Aug 17 (Reuters) - The dollar fell broadly on Friday after the Federal Reserve slashed the interest rate it charges on loans to banks and said U.S. economic growth could slow in light of tightening credit markets.

The dollar was pulling back from a seven-week high against a basket of major currencies on Thursday after investors sought the safety of the currency and of U.S. Treasuries during the week in the midst of a global stock rout.

The Fed's action, while alleviating some fears about U.S. lending conditions, dealt a blow to the greenback since many speculated the central bank could be on a path to lower its benchmark interest rate, thereby reducing the dollar's yield advantage.

"By no means is this positive to the dollar," said Gregory Salvaggio, a senior currency trader at Tempus Consulting in Washington. "Actually, this is the two-headed monster for the buck: lower interest rates and slower growth."

Anonymous said...

We're going to have stagflation if the Fed follows the easy path. And it will be pressured to.

Anonymous said...

>>Fuck you,
So are you at the point where you just want to hear yourself talk then?
Like the six blind-men and the elephant we all come from different places in life. I try to be humorous, I'm Bart Simpson.

You said the dollar was up! I say fuck-you, because the dollar has been going into the toilet for twenty years. I don't give a fuck what it did last night, last week, or last month. It's irrelevant the dollar is going down the tubes and has been going down the tubes for 20+ years.
'Fuck You' is a term of endearment, have thou lost thy sense of humor and thy money?
I really think that when we people say stupid shit like "the dollar is UP", they need to look at the BIG picture, e.g. at the real fucking world, and the real place of the USA in that world.

The USA is a third world plantation colony with Nukes. By way of Bretton-Woods and WWII the USA dollar become the FIAT currency by faith originally, and by gun most recently, the rest of the world is now SICK of the FUCKING SHIT, and thus MY FRENCH.

Anonymous said...

The dollar has been going into the toilet for twenty years.

I really think that when we people say stupid shit like "the dollar is UP", they need to look at the BIG picture, e.g. at the real world, and the real place of the USA in that world.

The USA is a third world plantation colony with Nukes. By way of Bretton-Woods and WWII the USA dollar become the FIAT currency by faith originally, and by gun most recently, the rest of the world is now SICK of the USA 'world-cop-police-state' SHIT, and thus MY FRENCH.

All the USA CEO's have been busy buying haciendas in France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal the past twenty years. In a generation white-folk will be a minority in America, and a very large fence will be put around the USA. The USA always was a plantation colony and always will be, thus the constant need to bring in low wage immigrants, the only thing new today, is the rich are planning to NOT live here, nor raise their children here.

I'm talking the REAL RICH. Not the phony HELOC Bend-Rich.

Anonymous said...

>>I don't give a fuck what it did last night, last week, or last month.

Yeah, but what I was talking about was the reflexive boost the dollar STILL gets when the world panics, so I felt like you were just dancing around my real point. I wasn't saying anything about the long term inflation of the dollar.

Seemed like you were just blowing off my safe harbor point to re-make a point of your own. Not that I care, but I'm not going to spend much time responding to your posts if your going to blow off the substance of my posts just to make your own point.

I also posted an EDUCATIONAL link about how the banks create money right after you pointed out that the Internet is shit and no one is bothering to tell people how things really work. Well, guess what, there are great resources on the Internet that tell how things really work.


Anonymous said...

We're going to have stagflation if the Fed follows the easy path. And it will be pressured to.
I agree whether we call it hypo-inflation, deflation, stagflation, ... the fact is we know a couple facts.

1.) That every is selling oil and gold,because nothing else will sell.

2.) That the FED is handing out billions because the guy who runs treasury used to run goldman-sachs, and all his boyfriends sit on the board at country-wide,et-al

3.) The rest of the world will vote USA with their FEET. The only chance the USA had to fix the problem was provide a real-rate of return to foreign investors. The FED has signaled that the DOLLAR must collapse.

Congress, the banking committee and all just a few months ago promised that the sub-prime fuck-heads wouldn't get bailed out, and by that they meant the investors. Since Monday the richest people in Beverley Hills got bailed out.

It's too late now, the investing fuck-heads got their money back, and put it into T-Bills now they're all sitting pretty. Now, its time to watch the niggers, spics, spuds, white-trash, lose their flipper bait while the richest people in America wait to buy it all back for penny's on the dollar.

You all notice that NOT NOW-WHERE in the press are you reading any of the shit above any-where in the USA press?? Its simply because those that own the press, are allowed to get their money out of the bank first. In a few days the masses will be told, and then we'll be told of a need of a bank-holiday.

Anonymous said...

Well, guess what, there are great resources on the Internet that tell how things really work.
Esteemed TT,

I think what you want me to say, and I don't think it needs to be said everyday. Everyone contributes here, we're all thankful for your posts. The goal here is to debate the bend-bubble, and how it effects the bend economy. I think we're all doing a good job.

Keep up the good work. Nobody's opinion is without value, everyone here loves everyone else.

( See a positive message, now lets get back to being a bunch of Simpson's characters at the neighborhood bar )

Anonymous said...

Somehow I don't believe the Fed is going to solve the credit problem and thus the housing problem and thus the stock market problem (Well, maybe the stock market, who can understand their thinking?) with a wave of their interest rate wand. - duncan
I will in my humble opinion express a rhetorical answer to this premise of rescue by the FED.
First of all JUST LIKE BEND Oregon, the government cares most for the beautiful people ( The Owners ). On Monday Merrill Lynch put out a call to those who held paper in Country-Wide of an imminent bankruptcy, because they can no longer get cash from investors. The richest people in Beverly Hills rushed to the Country-Wide-Bank offices and demanded withdrawal. The FED stepped in Tuesday with cash to handle that withdrawal.

By lowering the interest rate today, the FED has bailed out the stock market.

Don't worry about what the FED thinks, only watch what they do.

The FED has now fixed the credit problem ( for the rich ), it has fixed the stock-market problem, the housing problem is going to take 5+ years to work out as 2006 homes will not default on their 5/1 ARMS until 2011.

The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. There is NOTHING new here.

Welcome to America.

Anonymous said...

Never ascribe to malice what can be explained by incompetence.
I agree, but I like to phrase this towards the so called 'conspiracy argument'.

Like Malcolm-X used to say "Don't give whitey credit for a conspiracy, he ain't smart enough".

Like Von-Clausewitz wrote on war, its not who is best, but who fucks up the least, what in WWII they called FUBAR.

All this said, what we're seeing is carefully crafted greed, neither malice, nor incompetence. Everyone profited, and thus everyone went along with the program.

Like the blind-men and the elephant, we really are saying the same thing, but we do come from different backgrounds and/or perspectives.

I really do think that the so called housing bubble and its consequences were well planned, as the fall is being well managed and well orchestrated. There is incompetence, and if so its lack of management and ass kissing.

You as a broker know, that had BEAR taken better care of its boyfriends during LTCM that most recently the boys' would have take care of bear, what goes around comes around, AHM didn't bailed out, but country-wide DID, watch what they do and NOT what they say.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

All those layed off Columbia aerospace INGineer's can now finally get a job at walmart, something they always wanted to do with their worthless BS-EE.

Columbia must be in a very, VERY tenuous position to shutdown at the first hint of every supply disruption. Garmin said No Other aircraft maker they know of was shutdown because of G1000 supply disruption...

If something of this magnitude happens with every supply disruption, Columbia can't survive. Can't run a business like this.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

I'm not going to spend much time responding to your posts if your going to blow off the substance of my posts just to make your own point.


Anonymous said...


And bust, I don't need praise. I'd just prefer you don't slime all over my point to get to your own.

And everyone should watch the Debt as Money video. Even if you know it all, it's a great thing to point other people to.


Anonymous said...

I'd just prefer you don't slime all over my point to get to your own.


We all give each other shit in this forum, but I have never been accused of sliming someones substance.

You must be having a bad day, my Pavlovian trigger word was your use of "dollar up", your a broker, so you say, you depend on the system, and its commission basis. I can give a shit about Wall Street I just want to know is who screwing who, on a daily basis.

Please to quote Rodney Kind, can't we all just get along?

Anonymous said...

Columbia must be in a very, VERY tenuous position to shutdown at the first hint of every supply disruption.
Yeh, we're not being told the truth. They might as well said that the reason was their toilets were backed up. Besides Garmin isn't the only supplier. Since when does a biz lay off highly skilled work force because of a shortage of generic component, note every few months these guys have a different reason for putting their people on the State Dole.
NOTE ALL this is reason 101 why Bend is never going to have REAL JOBS ( to quote hollern ), why move to bend with your BSEE if your just going to get jacked around. People want to work, not sit at home watching Oprah.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday changing subjects, we brought the issue of those non-real kids in Bend.

How they made poor worker bee's because they preferred to spin on bar stools with their cell phone, and/or play video-games and consume METH.

I think this is a real problem, that is NOT discussed, especially WRT the calis who bring junior-bastard to bend with the hope that he'll get off his ass.

This place is going to be WORSE than LA-PINES when economy tanks and these little bastards lose their allowance, nothing worse than a spoiled lazy kid on meth, who is dogmatic, and too good to work.

Then what do you expect they don't respect their RE-HO parents who are just Brown Nosing Cheerleaders. We got a REAL mess on our hands.

There are ton's of these 22+ year old kids in Bend living with their retired parents.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I was having an awfully good day.

But my point was that you seemed to be having a monologue day. I'm trying to figure out where you're going.

1) You say the Internet is shit, but I often see the sources you're quoting from in my own travels through blogs and alternative news sites. Is it such shit that you can't find items that illuminate your understanding?

2) Granted that the US dollar has fallen against strong currencies for years. I claim that the dollar and Treasuries still pop up in times of stress. Do you disagree with that? Or do you just not care about those short-term reflexive movements of panic?

I'm always interested in what everyone is saying. It's OK if you want to insult everyone here, including me. But I wat to get your responses to my questions and comments. You're not nearly as useful to me if you ignore my questions and go out on a rant of something you already covered yesterday.

Anyhow, this is getting a bit too touchy-feely for me. And that's my fault. Feel free to ignore my request. :-)


Anonymous said...

What is one to make of the fact that The Bulletin advertises on COBA's website -- and that Bulletin Ad Director Martha Tiller is chair of COBA's public and community relations committee?

"Conflict of interest"? What's a "conflict of interest"?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1:58: Lazy 20-somethings who sponge off their parents are hardly unique to Bend -- or anything new. Years ago I cut out a New Yorker cartoon captioned "Rosemary's Baby Turns 27." It showed a kid with little horns and a tail sitting on the couch drinking beer and watching TV while Rosemary (who's put on a few pounds) says: "I don't care WHO you are -- it's time to get a job and move out!"

Anonymous said...

"well [Paul Krugman has] got about the worst prediction record I can think of."

Really? What has he been wrong about, specifically? I know he predicted the bursting of the real estate bubble at least a year ago.

Anonymous said...

It's not really Krugman's fault. He's got twio strikes against him. 1) He's an economist, and they don't have a good record of predictions. 2) He's a columnist, and they don't have a good record of predictions (and they are forced to go blah blha blha more than the typical economist). I've been reading him for ages and any specific predictions he makes don't happen (at least not on time).

I much prefer Shiller, who makes his case, shows his data, and doesn't get tricked into making specific predictions. The really smart guys don't. (Witness: Nassim Taleb.)

But for more on Krugman, just search "Krugman prediction".

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Anyhow, this is getting a bit too touchy-feely for me.

Homer: Marge, I'm feeling a lot of shame right now.
Marge: I'm hearing that you feel a lot of shame.
Homer: And I feel that you hear my shame.
Marge: I'm feeling annoyance and frustration, but also tolerance.
Homer: I feel validated by that.

Anonymous said...

"I don't care WHO you are -- it's time to get a job and move out!"
Today in USA they're NOT moving out.

With insurance, car, rent, its NOW like MOST of the world, too expensive for junior to move out.

In our day on $1.20/hr job, you could live just fine, no insur, had a car $5 full tank ( 20 gal tank ). Now kids will live home forever.

In Bend the little video game monsters go straight to METH. Cali's moved here to retire, assuming junior would mtn-bike, at some point after video games he discovers METH.

Bend is far worse than were they came from, the kids in Bend turn to METH because they're bored out their mind, and they have no desire to emulate their RE-HO parents. Who they despise.

Anonymous said...

1) You say the Internet is shit,

{Yes, I have said the internet & TV are shit [ I DONT OWN A TV ], and "I also said RE-MEDIAN doesn't mean shit", there is a lot SHIT in Bend. I have also said that if Bend doesn't fix our infrastructure problems in time we'll all be wallowing in shit. The internet is just a new version of TV, once we ALL go broad-band for real the two will be indiscernible. Eventually the internet will replace TV, then we'll only have TV, deja-vu }

but I often see the sources you're quoting from in my own travels through blogs and alternative news sites.
{ so we wipe our ass with the same toilet paper, and your point is? I

Is it such shit that you can't find items that illuminate your understanding?

{ Is this a question? I thought you had a question? }

2) Granted that the US dollar has fallen against strong currencies for years.

{Yes, this is all I said, don't put anything else into it }

I claim that the dollar and Treasuries still pop up in times of stress. Do you disagree with that?

{ The dollar is just worthless paper that is held up by the power of the US miltitary industrial complex. Treasuries are your obession. }

Or do you just not care about those short-term reflexive movements of panic?

{ I only care about LONG TERM trends }

Anonymous said...

The internet is just a new version of TV, once we ALL go broad-band for real the two will be indiscernible. Eventually the internet will replace TV, then we'll only have TV, deja-vu

TV content is 100% BULLSHIT 24-7

Internet content is 99.99% BULLSHIT, problem is find the 0.01% good stuff, it ain't easy.

Sure we can post insipid stuff from the BULL or SORE, and poke fun, ... But real info?... I think all you can is have a hunch, and then seek validation. If you don't even a hunch, well isn't that the definition of an education?

Anonymous said...

Here is a good example why FED bailouts will not fix the problem.

A difference between crises of liquidity and crises of insolvency

There are, however, crucial differences. In the 1990s, there were financial crises, but the flashpoints were in developing countries. This time the problem is in the US itself. Moreover, it is a problem that has been brewing for two decades. In the 1990s, the Federal Reserve, the US central bank, provided cheap money to get the economy going and helped create the biggest stock market boom in the country's history. When the bubble burst, it solved that problem by creating the US's biggest housing bubble to date. The bubble burst about a year ago, but the pain will last for a long time.

Liquidity crises are those in which firms and individuals have a cashflow problem; interest rate cuts help them through the tough times. Insolvency crises are much more serious; slashing rates makes no difference when people are going bust. The LTCM collapse was a liquidity crisis, and what's happening now is an insolvency crisis.

Anonymous said...

Hundreds of thousands of households are insolvent, mortgage lenders are going belly-up, construction firms are going out of business, hedge funds that traded complex securities backed by sub-prime loans are going bankrupt. Conclusion? This has the potential to be very serious indeed.

Anonymous said...

OK. Obviously I have to make it a dare for anyone to watch.

I DARE all of you to watch the excellent "Money as Debt" video at Google Video.

It's worth your time to know how money is really created in the US.

Money does not work the way people assume it works.


Anonymous said...

I DARE all of you to watch the excellent "Money as Debt" video at Google Video.


Fuck YOUR MOVIE, Go read a book, and give it a night.

Read one book, "grand popular delusions, and madness of the crowds", and then give it a break.

Anonymous said...

It's worth your time to know how money is really created in the US.


You say your in your forty's but you write like a ten year old. Back in the 1960's the congress wrote a little book called "The US monetary system", still available from the US Printing office. There is NO reason to watch a movie.

Learn to fucking read.

Kill your TV, and KILL your google-video ( TV Rev B ).

Anonymous said...

>>Read one book, "grand popular delusions, and madness of the crowds", and then give it a break.

That's a great one. The first book on bubbles I ever read. It's a fine book to read before Shiller's Irrational Exuberance. Have you accidentally eaten aa tulip today? (Allegedly, for those who don't remember the reference, a house guest during the tulip mania ate a tulip bulb worth a great deal of money, thinking it was an onion.)

I believe you brought up the customer's yacht book, as well (or was that someone else?). It's still funny (and a great indictment of the business) many decades after it was written. I think of it every time I go into a high-end broker and see those mahogony desks.

Anonymous said...


I see your "Fuck" and raise you a DOUBLE DARE.

Anonymous said...

I'd be glad to read the US publication. I've looked for it all over the government printing office site, but they don't list it as available. Do you have any info you can pull out of it to help me track it down, if you still have a copy?

Anonymous said...

Timmy Twat,
Does your mother even know you play with bendbb? Does she know he is registered?

Anonymous said...

Guys here is the single best source on 'money'. It was written for congress in 1964.

"A Primer on Money"
Subcommiteee on Domestic Finance, Banking & Currency
House of Rep, 88th cong, 2d session
August 5, 1964

This is a book, this is a gold mine of real information,it is a book written for those that run the country, who MUST understand how the country really works. It is mandatory reading for all those that sit on the banking subcommittee.

Anonymous said...

I have an original bound version from 1964 I keep near my bed. There claim to be links on the net, I'm very often not trust-worthy of anything coming from the NET 'for free' 99.99% BULLSHIT, and I'm reluctant to verify that every sentence has not been redacted.

Buy the real thing for $15,
A Primer On Money
Washington: US Government Printing Office, 1964. Not Stated. Soft Cover. Fine.8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall.

or use online, if your a tight ass and have to get everything 'for free', personally I think this book is an extreme requirement for a physical library, fuck the internet, and TV.
Primer on Money
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat

Anonymous said...

Ah, thanks. A Primer on Money. I'll track down the real thing. I love those old govt books. I used to have a lot of the booklets NASA sent free to kids who wrote in. Skylab missions and the like. Also have a terrific preparing for nuclear war booklet from the early 60s. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I believe you brought up the customer's yacht book, as well (or was that someone else?). It's still funny (and a great indictment of the business) many decades after it was written
Yes, that's why I brought up "Grand Delusions", I have a hardcopy in my library, and "Where are the customers yachts". I really think that not much needs to be read after "Grand Delusions" all asset bubbles are the same. Our Bend-Bubble is the same, humans have changed one iota, and never will change.

A few years ago there was a eddie-murphy movie called 'trading places', he comes to wall street and they explain how it works..."You mean I make money whether the customer wins or loses?". Hell even the street crooks don't have the wall-street 'heads-I win/tails-YOU lose".

Then there is our TT who claims to be a broker, and also claims to be in his fortys, and claims to be a renter. All highly inconsistent and dubious, yet consistently refuses to read and always references TV ( gen X ). The fact is wall-street has always been a rigged game.

A game designed to enrich the house, exactly like the gambling BIZ.

"Where are the customers Yachts?" They don't have any, only the brokers have homes in the Hamptons.

Currently we have 100's of trillions on junk-bonds trading for the past 20 years all stamped 'AAA' by moody and S&P, the big houses have literally made 100's of billions on commissions during the past years.

The show MUST go on, and thus the FED who basically beckons to wall street, look at the success of reacting to Cramers scream ( no I don't watch TV ),

Lastly, on the subject of 'money' I don't give a fuck about the detail, but for reference it is documented in 'A primer on Money'. What we do know, and I know is that the dollar has been consistently falling like a rock for the past 20+ years.

Given that the FED has now signaled that it will DROP rates during a time of insolvency, this will cause the INTL folk to dump our dollar, it should be interesting. USA doesn't save ( neg savings rate since 1998 ), INTL folk loan us money for or war, and everything else,...

Regarding the FED, they're basically they're own branch of government, if you read "Primer on Money" you'll see that congress tried, and failed to reign the FED in years ago.

A lot of people use information for there own agenda, most like the "Primer" I found that it has a anti-IRS banner on the beginning from some nut-case group, obviously this group is using the work on money, to prove that the IRS is irrelevant, that kind of thinking will leave you destitute.

The Primer was written so congress could understand the USA monetary system, and for no other reason.

Anonymous said...

Skylab missions and the like. Also have a terrific preparing for nuclear war booklet from the early 60s. Thanks.
There is one other must have that is floating around the NET at college history sites, and that is "NSC-68"

That is the blue-print for jusabout everything that happened post WWII.

NSC-68 was ultra-top-secret until a few years ago, the historians demanded it be public, because it is essentially OUR USA POST WWII constitution.

"NSC 68: US objectives & programs for National Security"
April 1950 TOP-SECRET

Anonymous said...

>>Then there is our TT who claims to be a broker, and also claims to be in his fortys, and claims to be a renter. All highly inconsistent and dubious, yet consistently refuses to read and always references TV ( gen X ). The fact is wall-street has always been a rigged game.

I'm the last year of the boomers, but an oldest child, so I'm familiar with GenX trivia, but am a bit more comfortable with boomer stuff. Plus, grew up with Dad's DooWop and Elvis, plus the great "stroll" songs of the black groups of the 50s. Ended up mostly listening to the blues.

Not a broker, that's the series 7. I don't ever remember saying "broker." I'm more a series 60-something guy.

I owned a house for about 15 years and yes I rent now.

I don't refuse to read. Where do you get that? I read all the time. I have shelves of financial books. I've read all the classics of finance and economics. Also read tons of English lit, the Russian novels, most major short story writers. Also read major poets.

As for Wall Street being a rigged game, I guess that's true. There's a lot of skimming. Just when people think they are safe in mutual funds, they find out that the funds are playing games with hedge funds and pensions to screw the little guys.

BUT, there are a lot of people who have accounts that move up through the years, even if that's mostly just enforced saving.

I think a well-rounded person should own a business, own income-producing RE (bought cheap, not now), and a basket of stocks an bonds. (I'm not fond of mutual funds.) People can do fine with just two of those. And some people do fine with just one. I'm agnostic about HOW people make their money. Most people now don't make money, they spend it. They do the opposite of wealth creation for themselves, with everything from Rent-To-Own to Payday Loans to plastic. I think it's ridiculous.

You can insult me all you want. It doesn't much bother me. I have a happy life and I get a kick out of living in the world, even with all its flaws. I'm a born optimist.

But I do have a weakness for cranky old people. They are the most entertaining people to listen to. Anyone who sounds anything like H.L . Mencken is doing well. I hope to sound roughly like him when I'm old and cranky.

In fact, I'd rather talk to you in person to get the full impact of your crankiness, but that seems unlikely.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who sounds anything like H.L . Mencken is doing well. I hope to sound roughly like him when I'm old and cranky.
HL-MENCKEN is my favorite, the bamboozled class is doing fine and well in Bend, Oregon.

That said, many say 'TT' here, and many times 'TT' has said he(it) was a broker.

"The government is a gang of men, exactly like you and me. They simply are people who know how to win elections by promise, 9 times out of 10 that promise is hollow. The tenth time is made good by looting A on the behalf of B. Thus all elections are an advance auction of stolen goods". HL-Mecken

Today 'A' is the little home-buyer schmuck in Bend, 'B' is the boss-hogg Hollern.

Anonymous said...

I cannot ever recall saying I was a broker. I would think I'd remember than, because it would be a lie, and I'm not in the habit of lying. I have been vague about my identity because I am a private person. Perhaps my vagueness confused someone else who then called me a broker.

But enough about me...More TV!

Anonymous said...

There's a little law firm in Bend that does all the legal work for Brooks, its called Miller-Nash doing a little google on "brooks bend solvency", I hit this, note these folks are 'super lawyers', not just lawyers.
It made me feel warm in the tummy. Every time I at city-hall or county in Bend at a public hearing those that speak on the behalf one of Brooks 100's of holding company's in County-Brooks ( central oregon ) is always Miller-Nash.
I never even knew there was such a thing as 'super lawyer', DUNCAN where the hell are you? This could be one hell of a comic book series about how Brenneke waves his and wand and super-lawyers shoves sub-divisions up the ass of Central-Oregon.

Miller Nash Attorneys Recognized as ''Super Lawyers''

Last Update: 6:45 PM ET Jun 4, 2007
Washington Law & Politics, a bi-monthly public affairs and legal publication, selected four attorneys from Miller Nash LLP as 2007 "Super Lawyers" in its June issue. "Super Lawyers" lists Washington's top lawyers as chosen by their 17,000 active attorney peers and through the independent research of the magazine.
James R. Dickens, Geoffrey Groshong, Brooks E. Harlow, and Robert J. Walerius, all firm partners, received the honors. Only the top five percent of Washington attorneys in more than 60 practice areas are selected.
"These four partners are recognized throughout our firm for their dedication to professionalism and client service," said Tom Sand, managing partner. "But it is rewarding for us as well to see them recognized by their peers for their outstanding achievements."
Dickens is a partner in Miller Nash's labor and employment litigation group, where he represents employers in employment discrimination and wrongful-discharge litigation, along with other employment-related matters. Previously selected as a Super Lawyer from 2002 to 2006, he has written and lectured nationally on employment discrimination and wrongful-discharge issues and is active in various local, state, and American Bar Association committees on labor and employment law. Dickens has argued employment cases before the Washington Court of Appeals, the Washington Supreme Court, the Alaska Supreme Court, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and the United States Supreme Court. He is also a 2005-2006 selection for The Best Lawyers in America.
Groshong is a partner in Miller Nash's business department, where he focuses his practice on bankruptcy matters, insolvency, workouts, and restructuring. In Chapter 11 cases, he represents debtors-in-possession, creditors, creditors' committees, trustees, and examiners. Groshong helps businesses arrange out-of-court workouts and turnarounds, and he represents companies and individuals who purchase assets out of bankruptcy estates. He served as a Chapter 7 panel trustee for ten years and is also co-chair of the Public Companies and Claims Trading Committee of the American Bankruptcy Institute. In 2001, Seattle Magazine named Groshong one of Seattle's best attorneys and he has also been listed as a "Super Lawyer" for every year since 1999.
Named a Super Lawyer in 2002, 2003, and 2004, Harlow is a partner in the firm's Regulatory and Government Affairs practice group, where he focuses his work on matters relating to telecommunications, electric energy, and other utilities. He has handled a number of different types of matters in these fields, including antitrust, breach of warranty, contracts, finance and secured transactions, franchise issues, intercarrier disputes, Internet issues, licensing, mergers and acquisitions, real estate, rights-of-way, rate cases, interconnection arbitration and negotiation, regulatory proceedings, and unfair competition. Harlow also provides general business advice to start-up companies in the telecommunications, Internet, and electric energy industries. He is on the Executive Committee of the Federal Communications Bar Association (FCBA) and serves as its delegate to the American Bar Association's House of Delegates. Harlow is also on the Executive Committee of the Western Chapter of the Energy Bar Association and a member of both the Seattle-King County Bar Association and American Bar Association (ABA).
Walerius focuses his practice on corporate, transactional, regulatory, and medical staff issues relating to health care. Providing legal advice to health care and educational facilities professionals for more than 30 years, Walerius has worked closely with health care providers and governing boards in establishing and monitoring compliance plans, joint ventures, certificate of need, contracting, quality improvement and peer-review systems, reviewing medical staff bylaws, and consulting regarding corrective action when limitation or suspension of clinical privileges is appropriate. He is a member of the American Health Lawyers Association, the Washington State Society of Healthcare Attorneys, and the National Association of College and University Attorneys. Walerius has been selected by his peers for inclusion in the publication The Best Lawyers in America for more than a decade and previously received the Super Lawyer designation.
As one of the Pacific Northwest's largest multispecialty law firms focusing on business and litigation, Miller Nash LLP serves clients locally and worldwide from its five offices in Portland and central Oregon, and Seattle and Vancouver, Washington

Anonymous said...

What's the matter? Brooks can't even afford to hire an ultra lawyer? Has to settle for a super lawyer?

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

I cannot ever recall saying I was a broker. I would think I'd remember than, because it would be a lie, and I'm not in the habit of lying. I have been vague about my identity because I am a private person. Perhaps my vagueness confused someone else who then called me a broker.

But enough about me...More TV!

Geez... maybe BendBuster is right! ME, ME, ME! My request for hamburger talk was COMPLETELY IGNORED!

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

And besides... without BendBust, we would be without vocab expanders like "Twat", and "Nigger". Seriously, I can't really imagine a blog about Bend RE busting without those words.

Can any of you Nigger Twats?

Anonymous said...

>>Geez... maybe BendBuster is right! ME, ME, ME! My request for hamburger talk was COMPLETELY IGNORED!

Look again. I posted...

Anonymous said...

The gov't publication bendbart mentioned is great. very similar to the movie I posted.

This is another good one, from Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 1961...

Anonymous said...

>>Geez... maybe BendBuster is right! ME, ME, ME! My request for hamburger talk was COMPLETELY IGNORED!

Oh sure, you go hang out at bendbb and leave me here with bust. Thanks a lot Paul.

Have a heart and start another entry, wouldya?

Anonymous said...

>>Oh sure, you go hang out at bendbb >>and leave me here with bust. Thanks >>a lot Paul.

Guys tonight is the party. This time its at busts trailer park. Remember condoms, K-Y Jelly ( or any Personal Lubricant of your choice ), and clean underwear. - TT

Anonymous said...

Can any of you Nigger Twats?

Vocab Defn

Nigger - All non-plantation-owner in Bend are nigger. Synonymous to non-placement-bound. Not meant to denigrate black folk. Intended to denigrate white folks that are still on the plantation.

Twat - Only 'TT' or Timmy Twat.

Anonymous said...

Hey fake me, you got the "its" wrong, didn't make "busts" possessive, got the parentheses wrong, and the sign-off wrong. Otherwise, pretty convincing.


Anonymous said...

My request for hamburger talk was COMPLETELY IGNORED!
You need to start the thread.

I think the best burger in Bend is at the St. Francis from 4pm-6pm everyday for about $3, including frys.
They have a nice beer selection with the happy hour.
I have never been fond of Pilot.

The above said, Bend is burrito ville. We lost super, but we still have taco-shack.

St. Francis McMennamins has happy hour everyday seven days a week from 4-6pm.

Anonymous said...

For burgers, I like Dandy's Drive-In, but not that other drive-in.

Anonymous said...

How was bendbusts party last night? We couldn't make it.

Did TT & BENDBB 'dry gulch' it again? Did they bring the K-Y?

Hey IHTBYB. The best bugger in Bend is Brooks Buggery, near the Old Mill.

Anonymous said...

Well its started. Remember those 4,000+ condos/homes that Brooks built in Prineville? Now they're rent-to-own, or lease-option to-buy.

Can't BUY? Nobody can buy? So rent to own,... No job, no problem. Poverty with a view? Yes, you can see the Crooked River.

At the end of every building-bubble this is how it always ends, rent, rent-to-own, or contract sales. This means one year or less for the contractor. They're bleeding and cannot pay the loan, they cannot sell, thus they just get in a warm body that improves the cash flow. Often with a rent-to-own you can get a token wad of cash like $5k which helps as a 'down', in event you exercise your option to buy,...

What in the hell is a golf view? People I know that have such proximity, just tell me about balls knocking out their windows. A golf view? Are they talking about watching turf grow? Are they reminding us that todays golf course is tomorrows strip mall and/or housing tract??


Can't Buy? New Construction Rent to Own!
Reply to:
Date: 2007-08-18, 9:23PM PDT

Buy now or later @ $259,999.

New Construction 3BR + Den Nearly 1,800 SF with golf course and crooked river views.

Hurry, it will not last!

Anonymous said...

>>What in the hell is a golf view? People I know that have such proximity, just tell me about balls knocking out their windows. A golf view? Are they talking about watching turf grow? Are they reminding us that todays golf course is tomorrows strip mall and/or housing tract??

I would never live on a golf course. My wife's aunt does and balls rain down on her house.

I personally have hit a lot of roofs on errant drives. Once even on an approach shot. I've not broken any windows, but I've hit some exterior walls, umbrellas, and once a Weber BBQ. Any dogs or kids in the yard are in danger when I come along. I should be made to wear a flashing light on my hat.

But not all golf course houses are on the course. Broken Top has some of its best and mos beautiful houses off the course. Those are the only ones I'd consider buying.

Anonymous said...

Broken Top has some of its best and mos beautiful houses off the course.

Highlands at Broken Top, has no golf course. All the houses are large and beautiful and on ten acres.

Today living in a gated community without a golf course is an exclusive home site.

Living in a gated community with a golf course means strangers coming going, as HOA's never pay for the actual cost, and thus outsiders have to be brought in to pay for maintenance which destroys exclusivity.

Anonymous said...

Too bad that guy that cut down the trees along the river is going to get fined. He wanted a better view of the river. Now they are going to fine him for it, but I guess if you are a big time developer you can cut down as many trees as you want, anything is ok as long as you build a million plus McMansion. I personaly think nobody has the right to cut those trees down period. Goes to show you money talks bull shit walks.

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