Sunday, December 21, 2008

[Message removed for violating bulletin board rules]

Interesting post over on BendBB this past week. Yet another comment by someone that began a chain of events all to familiar:

Smart Creative Solutions said:

What could be smarter or more creative than loaning yourself millions of your clients dollars?

bendbb said:

If you have evidence that someone illegally loaned themselves millions of client dollars give that information to the authorities, but if not I need to remind folks that the public record information posted in this topic doesn't prove any wrongdoing. There may be an innocent explanation for Summit Accommodators's "liquidity problem" so let's wait and see what develops rather than posting innuendos.

Earlier in the thread St Paddy had posted from the County Clerks office this:

TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage CONSIDERATION: $5,000,000 DATE REC: 9/22/2008 8:52:58 AM



So when bendbb tells people to stop posting "innuendo", there's already a fair bit of PROOF that the principals of Inland & Summit are on the grift. They've already removed $10MM in commingled funds. And so it begins:

Smart Creative Solutions said:

Hold on there Mr. Internet Policeman-- I didn't say it was illegal. As a matter of fact 1031 accommodaters are totally unregulated so there is nothing illegal to report to the authorities.

It is a matter of public record, not innuendo, that both of the principals of Summit Accomodators loaned themselves five million dollars from their company recently and that the security for these "loans" have an RMV that is a fraction of the "loan" amount--smart and creative.

bendbb said:

I'm glad to hear you don't think it was illegal, but your post explicitly said they loaned themselves millions of "clients dollars". That's innuendo, and that needs to stop.
Guest said: Oh pleeeease --there is no innuendo that needs to be stopped. It is undisputed that these loans were made by Island Capitol, the company whose sole purpose was to hold "clients dollars".

On their website they confirm these"clients dollars" are missing

Currently, there are significant funds in the exchange fund accounts maintained by SAI. However, the balances are less than the total amount of all currently open exchanges for Summit Customers.

This isn't an alleged incident--it really happened--the clients money isn't reportedly gone, it is gone.

Panda said:

bendbb you need to put the brakes on. I don't see how any of this discussion crosses any lines. People are offering their opinions as to what is going on here. They have a right, perhaps even an obligation to do that, as there is something very amiss here.

I've had personal dealings with some of these principals and I'd be very worried if I had money in their company.

Panda hits the heart of it right here. I'll put to you that at the heart of any thought suppression is SELFISHNESS. Not caring about anyone but yourself. It's how dictators operate, it's how BendBB operates.

I can offer IRREFUATBLE (rhetorical) proof: If BendB was one of Summit Accomodators clients, and had, AT THIS MOMENT, a transaction that he could not complete because of the CURRENT LIQUIDITY ISSUES, that he'd be about as far away as he could be from his current stance:

"Let's presume INNOCENCE of these grifters despite the fact that we have UTTER PROOF that they have VICIOUSLY VIOLATED THEIR FIDUCIARY DUTIES. No, no. Let's give them another chance. Let's see if they CAN WORK IT OUT. They've DIVERTED $10MM+ to themselves, thencly leaving an untold number of people in the Bernie MADE-OFF-TYPE Lurch of not being able to BUY ANYTHING. Yes. The CORRECT thing to do is GIVE THEM MORE TIME WITH OUR MONEY."

But maybe IHTBYB is Too Cynical? Maybe bendbb is protecting people FROM THEMSELVES. He wll permit No Evil against these Reputable 1031 Exchangers:

Freddi said:

[Message removed for violating bulletin board rules]

Guest said:

[Message removed for violating bulletin board rules]

St Paddy said:

[Message removed for violating bulletin board rules]

Freddi said (again):

[Message removed for violating bulletin board rules]

Then St Paddy posts something I used to exclaim on a regular basis when posting on BendBB, something that hasn't happened in over a year:

WTF did I violate?

bendbb said:

I don't keep track of removed messages. Don't take it personally.

Great thing about this, is there is no one who knows WTF St Paddy even wrote. It's all gone. No personal arbitration of truth, only bendbb's idea of What Truth Is. And so it degenerates into Parsing Every Word so as not to be called LIAR:

Hypothetically Speaking said:
How about if we say hypothetically; In a hypothetical situation like that, could people voice their opinion?
bendbb said:

Hypothetical situations are fine as long as they don't morph into thinly veiled allegations about real people.

Ah yes, there's nothing like a spritzer of Oblique Language to put a spring in your step!

"Thinly veiled accusations"? Really?

So, the posting on the county clerks office Just Doesn't Hold Enough Water? Did you go along with If It Doesn't Fit You Must Acquit? I mean, WTF do you need?

Thickly veiled Hypothesis said:

Thanks for that ruling.

To thicken up the veil, how about if we say the town was in Ohio, and that it was 2 astronauts that stiffed their 1031 customers?

Perfect. If this CAN'T possibly indict the character of any of bendbb's Possible Associates in Bend, can we actually have a conversation about it? PLEASE?

Then the sarcasm starts, because people can't believe they're being Shut Down for Stating The Incredibly Obvious:

Queen said:

I can't figure out if you're being sarcastic or if you live in a parallel universe where what these guys did is something less than reprehensible.

The most obscene part of this is they are characterizing the the 10 million dollars they made off with as an investment.

From their site;
The current amount owing from Inland to SAI is approximately $13,706,557.21. The existing real estate investments will be made available to repay the loan balance and satisfy claims,

The security for these 2 five million dollar "investments" that were both made 9/22/08 are third trust deeds on houses that were already seriously underwater.

The second most obscene part of this is that were it not for these 2 "loans" and the opulent livestyle the principals treated themselves to, no customer would have lost any money.

Bendbb; this is not innuendo-- I'm not insinuating these guys are scoundrels, I'm coming right out and saying it.

Guest said:

I'm being very sarcastic with more than a hint of criticism for the way bendbb handled this entire thread.

bendbb said:

So maybe I should make like BEM and moderate messages *before* they're posted -- is that what you want?

My vision for the bulletin board is to keep it focused on issues, not on people or personalities. I don't understand why you find it necessary to call people names like "scoundrels". Can't you find another way to express your opinions without name calling?

You BASTARDS! Besmirching BendBB with your flagrant use of terms like SCOUNDRELS! Jeebus would roll over in his GRAVE!

bearishly happy said:


It seems like you have a bit of a tin ear for rumor. I know you got the Cessna guy to deal with (Cessna closing tomorrow!) and other scurrilous rumors, but not all rumors are false, either. I'm not sure why you and RDC feel it necessary to be apologists for obvious bad dealings. Scoundrels is the least word I would use.

Guest said:

bendbb you're really showing your colors on this thread. Do you have some skin in the game or some other association with people at this firm? Your continual chastising of people throughout this thread, at the risk of being being censored, has been childish and petty.


Guest said:

So here's another hypothetical.

I call you and say, "I'm new to Bend, and I need to invest in a 1031. I hear your'e the expert, here. What do you think of Summit?"

Do you say nothing?

bendbb said:

I ask you, "How did you get my number?"

Considering that Summit has filed for bankruptcy and isn't accepting new 1031 customers your hypothetical seems a little far-fetched, but maybe that's true of most hypotheticals.

Ohhhhhhh.... there it is. "THAT'S TRUE OF MOST HYPOTHETICALS"

Uh huh. Commenters held BELOW CONTEMPT.

"You know what, I run this fucking board, and I'm not going to have the FUCKING DECENCY to even put forth a useful answer. And I am going to ASSUME THE BEST about a bunch of thieving FUCK STICKS and continue deleting posts as I see fit. AND BEST OF ALL, I am going to make THE 100% COMPLETE ASSININE statement that MOST HYPOTHETICALS ARE FAR-FETCHED. And no. I will OFFER NO PROOF. It's true BECAUSE I FUCKING SAID SO!"

Guest said:

Of course you refer them to Summit, that is if you use the same reasoning processes as bendbb-- He has read their website where they confess to relieving their customers of 14 million dollars, but notwithstanding this admission, he sees no wrongdoing.


And what do we have with Summit? My God, the evidence is OVER-FUCKING-WHELMING... but bendbb doesn't have the critical thinking skills God gave a fucking rock, to realize his commenters have PILED UP THE SUSPICION PRETTY FUCKING HIGH, and probably have the RIGHT to make... wait for it:


Yeah. These SUmmit fuckers are as guilty as Hitler in my book. This is FRAUD, and ALL BUT THE SENTENCING is fucking DONE. WTF else do you need? A fucking video where they are sitting around LAUGHING DIABOLICALLY ABOUT COMMITTING FRAUD?

Well, apparently the answer over on BendBB is "YES".

Guest said:

Poor clients....
Gotta do an exchange within 180 days to avoid paying taxes.
Unable to close exchange within 180 days because the money's gone.
Taxes now due. No money to pay them because... the money's gone.



Guest said:

If you're the victim of a fraud it really helps you on taxes. This was discussed several places recently due to the Madoff case.

Whew! Glad to hear about The Vast Upside of Summit's FRAUD.

Guest said:

As a long time reader and a poster a few times, I am in complete agreement with BB admin, If it's not the truth at the time of posting it is only an opinion.

Apparently you and bendbb just aren't getting it.

Does anyone ever know the Truth? Or the facts?

Even when you think you've got Truth in a chokehold it gets away.

I think the complaint is that unless bendbb knows for certain something is true (read above) he accuses everyone of spreading misinformation. If he's in a sour mood he deletes stuff.

Which begs the question "How would you ever become enlightened if you weren't first willing to contemplate facts that you might not be certain of at the time?"

Perhaps the funniest part of this whole debate is this board is edited as though its got the readership of the WSJ. But that's Bend. Everyone thinks they are a BSD.

I like hanging out in smoky dark rooms to get the dirt, then I can follow up and figure out whether or not what I've read here is probable or not.

You shut off that spigot and this board becomes worthless. I've watched over-zealous moderators do that time and time again. Pity. I think its happening here also.

I like this guy. But not everyone did.

bendbb said:

If you think this bulletin board is over-zealously moderated feel free to go somewhere else because it's unlikely that the moderation is going to change.

At this point, I'd suggest you go over to BendBB just to read the posting by "Deep Throat" on page 11 of this thread. I'd give a URL, but since bendbb has admitted many times to IP harvesting, I can only give a description of where to go. Deep Throat posts a pretty lengthy and informative comment regarding the Summit mess.

And luckily this debate is nicely sewn up.

Not Deepthroat said:

[message removed for violating bulletin board rules]

See, if you ARE someone WHO HAS ACTUAL real-World knowledge about the Summit-Inland FRAUD, you actually CANNOT post it over on BendBB. Why? Because it will immediately be deleted as INNUENDO.

bendbb, bless his gristly heart, is one of a Vast Number Of Deluded Dumbfuck Who Thinks: This Is Bend, AND EVERYONE IN BEND IS A CUT ABOVE THE REST. EVERYONE. I am a cut above. I am Better.


"No, no. That business is NOT BAD. It's run by Bendites, so THAT IS NOT POSSIBLE. There can't be any FRAUD in Bend, because NOTHING BAD HAS EVER OCCURED IN BEND. THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO ARE TRYING TO FUCK US ALL IN THE ASS, THEN KILL US. They are The Dissenters. THEY DO NOT think Bend Is Special. You MUST NEVER LISTEN TO THEM. EVER! Now Let Us Go Forth To Jonestown, where we might all partake in a glorious LIFE ENHANCING KOOL FLUID..."

Ahhhhh cults. They systematically try to rob you of your ability to THINK. Because if YOU ACTUALLY KNEW THE TRUTH, they would LOSE ALL POWER OVER YOU. Have no doubt, BEND IS A CULT.

And it is RUN by Real Estate. And this story is about a HIGH PRIEST of the Cult of Bend making off with MILLIONS, mind you they have ADMITTED IT and There Is No Doubt, and bendbb and every other Bend Media Outlet is True To Form, and STILL LEAVING OPEN TO QUESTION whether they are worthy of our suspicion.


OK, MINDLESS FUCKING CULT-FUELED CENSORSHIP aside, this Summit thing is a HUGE STORY. We've seen ReMax go down. There have been untold boutique mortgage shops & realtors & builders already bite the dust. We've even seen suicides.

But Summit, like ReMax is LARGE. Now the CIRCUMSTANCES are totally different. ReMax just bled out & died, cuz RE is over in this town.

Summit is PHASE II of the shutdowns. The ENRONS of The Bend RE Collapse has begun. Yeah, this is the Clusterfuck Black Hole Phase where the tide has gone out & The Big Boys are starting to be exposed for what they are. FRAUDSTERS.

Bend RE is The Largest Ponzi Scheme FRAUD on the West Coast. We're penny-anti shit, so I wouldn't want to say The Biggest In The US, or anything. But as PER CAPITA FRAUD GOES, this town is at The Top Of The Pile.

Have no illusions, this place is DOOMED. Why? Because when you CANNOT TRUST the intermediaries & the principals, you CANNOT DO BUSINESS. People will not give WHAT MONEY THEY HAVE, to ANYONE. This town is like a GIANT WashMu branch right before the SEIZURE: People will begin BAILING LIKE MAD, JUST TO GET ANYTHING OUT OF THIS FRAUD-RIDDEN SHITHOLE.

Our motherfucking newspaper is ON LAND GIVEN TO THEM BY The Biggest Developer In Town. WTF?

OK, I'll wrap this up. On a lighter note. Did anyone notice there was no "What's Going Up" section in the paper yesterday? At least not in the website of The week before it was a picture of The Administrative BARN for the Sunriver Stables. THAT is What's Going Up. A barn. And not a big barn. A small barn.

RIP "Whta's Going Up". You did manage to go out on a high note.

Oh right... and file this under Not Everything Is As It Seems. Dunc filed a post, Why Open Now? He talks about Gottschalks, and some supplier problems and such. But here's the problem:
GOTT, 3yr chart

This company is about to go BUST. This company has lost almost 99% of it's value, and that is ALMOST ALWAYS a harbinger for DOOM.

I expect a BK on GOTT very soon, within a month probably.

GOTT & Summit illustrate ONE SINGLE TRUTH in times like these: Things are NOT as they seem. Bend Bulletin EXPOUNDED on the UNPARRELLELED ATTRACTIVENESS of Bend for setting up shop, by using GOTT's opening a store in THESE TRYING TIMES.

Uh huh. And I suppose Mark Neumans 8,000+ sf mansion is PROOF that Summit is on FIRM FINANCIAL FOOTING.

We've seen time & TIME AGAIN, that This Time It Is Different. THIS FINANCIAL COLLAPSE is a different breed. We've had 30 years built on phantom income built on credit card & home equity INCOME. This country is largely built on a base that DOES NOT EXIST. OK, NOT EVERYTHING in the US Economy is a PHANTOM, but far more than anyone ever thought possible IS.

We're seeing WHOLE TOWNS and whole areas that were completely sidestepped by the bubble runup, and are now doing "fine". Look at Harney & Grant counties for high relief illustrations of this. These communities experienced BARELY A BLIP whether up or down in the past 10 years.

But then there are places like Bend. Contrary to the 0% Exposure of places like Burns, we are Almost Entirely Dependent On Bubble Economics.

Burns, strangely enough is The Wal Mart of The Bust, doing Quite Well Thank You. But Bend is The Office Max, Gottschalks, KB Toys, Circuit City of the bust All Rolled Into One. We doubled, tripled, and then QUADRUPLED down on REd.

We are so ridiculously quadruple beta-positive on RE, that we will NEVER RECOVER. And note, 18 months ago I made similar statements and was chided as a Clap Board Lunatic.

But this town will NEVER RECOVER. The tide is going out like NEVER IN HISTORY, and the Summit's of Bend are being exposed. Folks, it AIN'T FRAUD UNTIL YOU GET EXPOSED. Go ask Bernie MADE OFF. And the motherfucking tide is GOING OUT.

You will NOT BELIEVE the damage that will be done. Medians at $120K doesn't really fully encapsulate it. $120K medians will happen for a reason. It'll be due to FEAR, FRAUD, and FIDUCIARY ASS FUCKING. People will be SCREWED en masse in Bend.

And I mean WORSE than we have been. Look at our Elected City Council.

This place is 100% DOOMED. And if YOU STAY HERE, or BUY A HOME HERE, you deserve everything you get, including being 100% MADE-OFF'd by Bend's FRAUD-RIDDEN RE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX.

Bend will only be worth buying once the Emporers Clothes have been proven to be NON-EXISTANT in a court of law, and The Kingdom HAS BURNED. This place will be AWASH in vacancies, both residential & commercial.

There will be a time to Buy In Bend, but that time will NOT BE FOR AT LEAST A DECADE. ALL THE FRAUD WILL NEED TO BE WASHED OUT. All the SCOUNDRELS will have to be THROWN OUT OF OFFICE. We will have to be cleansed, and that isn't even close to happening, if anything our elected slate of Councilors further delays the timeline to recovery. Probably 5-10 years, yet again.

We're fucked. Bend is FUCKED.


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MrBruce said...

What is BEND?

Here's what I see.

NO centralized Goals.

Just a town of grifter's, and everybody for themselves, and especially at the top.

Nobody intends to stick around, BEND is like a Siberian Russian mining town for Uranium, and the feedstock has run out.

Everybody knows BEND is fucked, but nobody says shit. So instead city-hall spends ten's of millions here and there on whatever they wish. The result is a conflict of interest in every direction.


A town where every fucking city-budgeted plan got the green-light, and I'm talking everything.

Nobody wanted the BUS, we got the BUS.

Nobody wantd JR, we got JR.

I could go on forever.

Bend is the little town that could never say NO to nobody.

Everyone was allowed to steal all they wanted from everyone, there was plenty of money for all.

Now today a few days before New Year 2009, the last MEN standing are facing BK, there is nothing left to loot. All the boondoggles were half-ass and failed.

This is BEND.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Schneider filed a complaint in October against the now-defunct holding company's owner, Debra Edwards, and earlier this month Boulder police issued a warrant for her arrest on suspicion of three felony counts of theft of more than $20,000.

Never happen in Bend. These Summit guys are Heros to Bend City Council, as well as to Jeff & Ray. They pulled the biggest grift of all-time, in The Grifting Capital of The USA.

In Bend, They're HEROES, NOT FELONS.

MrBruce said...

I don't know what Bend is but I can tell you that "dismay" has set in around Juniper Ridge. I'm hearing "what the fuck" about JR.

Disillusionment. "I thought there would be jobs there." "I thought it was going to be a college, not tires and chemicals." "I need a job now! Where are the jobs?" - APU


There is good news on JR.

I figure for the net gain of ZERO jobs, city-hall spent about $30M on JR, which ALL went to Knife-River, and in return their DIRECTOR a Patricia Moss got about over $1M in MDU ( KR parent also tied to Fidelity ) stock [ Assuming $200k/yr stock for 5+ yrs ]. Moss is also the Secretary of the company Western-Comm that owns the BULL. I'm sure we all be told to good time the merits of JR.

So JR has blessed Bend's MOST beautiful people, did you really expect any less outcome??

This is Bend.

Anonymous said...

No homer you missed the essence of the grift.

Nobody was harmed in BEND.

PDX yes, and all the other states.

But nobody was harmed in BEND?

Well there is horse woman, out by Sisters that says she lost $750K, why has SHE not filed a criminal complaint with Deschutes Co???

This is the SMART thing, that way you don't have to hire a $400/hr attorney, who ain't going to get shit done, other than filing a lawsuit, that will take years to crawl.

You have a point, why has NOBODY in Deschutes Co not filed a complaint? Why are the victims only 'dismayed'?? Rather than angry or vindictive??

My early impression on this was they had been careful to FUCK nobody in the county, but we now know they did.

So perhaps the REAL-BRUCE can contact Mrs. Sister's Horse and ask here WHY she hasn't filed a complaint??

Maybe Marge knows?? Marge was the first to report the story, and lives in the outskirts? Maybe Mrs sisters is marge?

An insider a beautiful person could not file the complaint, as they would be a pariah forever, that is another reason that you don't see it in Bend.

Still my theory is that they were very careful NOT to fuck anybody outside of Bend, they knew they didn't want a COUNTY complaint based on local venue.

They must have known Mrs. Sister's wouldn't file the complaint.

MrBruce said...

Still my theory is that they were very careful NOT to fuck anybody AROUND Bend, they knew they didn't want a COUNTY CRIMINAL complaint based on local venue.


Its the criminal complaints that make good 1031-tax frauds fail, so long as it stays CIVIL, then insurance pays, and the crooks walk away, and the 'victims' get paid off (UBS).

The criminal complaint, throws the whole fucking 'attorney process' out the window, and puts government in CHARGE, and we can't have that. The $500 BK PDX attorney's must be in Charge, hell that's why the BOYZ took out the $10M cash loan in Aug08 was for the PDX BK attorneys.

If somebody was to file a criminal complaint, then that $10M would get frozen, and that would be UN-ameriKKKan.

MrBruce said...

The $500 PER HOUR PDX bankruptcy attorney's must be in Charge,


My guess is that the 'dismayed' got calls and were advised NOT to file a criminal complaint, they have been advised to play the game, and wait for the insurance payoff.

That way EVERYBODY is a winner.

God Bless ameriKKKa.

MrBruce said...

Remember Marge was the first to report here the grift.

Marge deleted her site a few months ago, and has been hunkering down.

But Marge, owns her place and wasn't moving up, so its not marge, but I'll be you folks that Marge knows this Sisters-Horse person.

Anonymous said...

SO when is BP going to update his JR site for new year??

When is HOMER going to update BB2 for new-year??

Anonymous said...

Never happen in Bend. These Summit guys are Heros to Bend City Council, as well as to Jeff & Ray. They pulled the biggest grift of all-time, in The Grifting Capital of The USA.

In Bend, They're HEROES, NOT FELONS.


True this is a mob town, where the bigger the crime, the more respect you get.

Hell yes, I think that BEND-1031 will be a huge story, when the final 'Bend Bubble Book' is written and published in 2016.

Besides OUR attorneys NEED MONEY $$$, if they 1031 was settled by CRIMINAL, then ten's of millions of dollars would be pulled from the BEND lawyer pig-trough, and that will NOT STAND in Bend.

Our Lawyer Pigs MUST be fed, and fed well with 'borrowed' money.

Bewert said...

Re: why has no one filed a complaint?


How do we know they haven't? It wouldn't necessarily be reported. But it is a public record. May be worth checking into on Monday.

Still waiting for the reporter to get back to me with the BK filing.

Anonymous said...

Thinking about the time-line.

Summit-1031 put notice on website 12/15/08,

12/16/08 peter wunch of rock-solid-1031 posts 'and another one bits the dust' on all national RE sites,

12/16/08 picked up by bebb and ran with censoring by bendbb

12/18/08 KOHD picks up story from website, & BULL

12/24/08 BULL mentions ch-11

12/25/08 Oregonian mentions ch-11

12/27/08 AP puts story on national wire


So we know that 1031 got $10M cash back in Aug08, and we know they told public about shortage on 12/15/08. We don't know when they filed the ch-11.

ch-11 I think is a restructure, not a closure.

Normal BK filing (ch-11) from that point further nobody is allowed to directly torment or bother the filer, its meant to keep creditors at bay.

I don't think once the ch-11 is filed you can file a criminal-complaint against an action already recognized by the court.

Thus the time-line here critical was to announce, but most likely pre-file the ch-11, ... by the time the public knew there was no time for a criminal-complaint.

At this point 1031 is protected by the court.

I'm sure insurance will pay, and 1031 will make a good go at selling the RE or make best effort.

IMHO the august 08 $10M was grabbed for the BK-ch-11 payments to the lawfirm handling the bk, which in effect is a get-out-of-jail free card for all involved.

In every case I have studied nationally when executed in this form, the principals manage to walk rather unscathed.

Not much of a story here, just another day in BEND.

1031 is un-regulated, and its caveat-emptor, meaning the fool that hands out his/her money if fucked. That said this is what insurance is for.

On other 1031 implosions like southwest-1031, which UBS covered, I'm not sure if UBS came back after the principals or not? That's where they would really get hurt, but often at that point its an insurance company suing itself, as they have to cover, but the insured is also their client, so they have no insurance company to go after.

Like somebody said bebb or here a few days ago, when you got a dozen cpa's & lawyers involved, you can be sure everybody walks, and everybodys 673 LLC's remain intact, ... this is what makes the US legal system great.

Anonymous said...


Who's holding your money?

How to hold money managers accountable
Madoff case shows need for custodial accounts when working with advisers.

By Thomas Watterson | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor

from the December 29, 2008 edition

Who's holding your money?

As the list of wealthy individuals, institutions, and charities that have lost millions, even billions of dollars in the Bernard Madoff fraud case continues to grow, other investors have been asking an important question: Why was there no independent custodian holding the securities and other assets Mr. Madoff's firm was said to be investing?

In a legitimate arrangement between an individual investor and a money management firm or financial planner, the money manager may buy and sell stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other investments on behalf of the client. These trades are often, but not always, made after consulting with the client.

But the money manager does not – in fact, experts say, should not – have access to the client's money. Rather, it is held in a separate "custodial account." Several large firms, including Charles Schwab, Fidelity Investments, and T.D. Waterhouse, provide custodial services.

Checks from the client should be made out to one of these firms, not to the planner or adviser. Every month, both the client and the adviser receive a statement from the custodial firm showing the current value of the account, as well as a list of any trades. If the client wants, he can even go online every day to check his balance. This arrangement isn't much different from if an investor made trades through Schwab or Fidelity himself; he's just giving the adviser authority to use those firms to make trades on his behalf.

The importance of independent custodians is likely to grow as more investors turn to professionals to manage their money. Many recent retirees, for instance, may have several hundred thousand dollars or more in 401(k) or 403(b) plans that they want to roll over into IRAs, and they're looking for professional money management. In general, a planner's service costs about 1 to 1.5 percent of client assets per year.

In the Madoff case, there was no independent custodian. All client statements and checks came from his office. But, as long as clients could take out money when they wanted to, they apparently didn't ask questions. Of, course, this meant they didn't know that the money they were getting was coming from new investors, which made Madoff's operation a classic Ponzi scheme, and at some $50 billion, the nation's largest.

Another red flag, experts say, should have been the consistently positive returns his firm provided, even in the face of severe market turbulence. For instance, Madoff claimed an average return of more than 10 percent a year, with very little price volatility, in both up and down markets.

That may have been one reason investors didn't ask questions, says Michael Martin, a financial planner and president of Financial Advantage, a planning firm in Columbia, Md. "They may say 'I've got something here that other people don't know about, so I'll keep my mouth shut.' "

In addition, he notes, the financial business is filled with many smart people with good social skills that they use to gain the trust of potential clients. That may be fine, Mr. Martin says, but, quoting former President Ronald Reagan, he adds: "Trust, but verify."

"Madoff ingratiated him­self to his community," agrees Jeanne Sullivan, a financial planner with Back Bay Financial Group in Boston. She points out that in addition to being a former chairman of Nasdaq, Madoff spent many years cultivating clients in Boston, New York, and Florida. "Many of them were people he had known for 20 or 30 years," Ms. Sullivan says. Also, she notes, Madoff would sometimes refuse to take on new clients the first time they asked, "so it increased their desire to be part of his operation." It's also been reported that if current clients asked Madoff too many questions about how he invested, he kicked them out.

But experts stress that there was no financial or legal reason why even these wealthy people and large institutions could not have insisted on having their money held by an independent custodian – except that Madoff would not have let them into his "club."

As difficult as the Madoff case has been, avoiding this problem isn't difficult. Just ask the money manager or financial planner plenty of questions, Sullivan says. Of course, one of the first should be: Do you use an independent custodian, and do my statements and any checks come from you or the custodian? (They should come from the custodian.) "Make sure that the custodian is a well-known independent firm," such as Fidelity, Schwab, or T.D. Waterhouse, Sullivan adds. Several large banks also provide custodial services.

Other important questions to ask any financial adviser:

•Are you registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission?

•Can I see the ADV (adviser) form that you filed with the SEC? This form is also used for state registration and includes information on the adviser's education, type of business, as well as any disciplinary actions within the past 10 years. It also covers the adviser's services, fees, and investment strategies. (It's not foolproof; Madoff was registered with the SEC and had an ADV form.)

•What kind of investment returns have you provided over the past several years? While many managers do "beat the market," their returns should not be wildly out of line. Some managers have legitimately been able to lose far less than the market this year by constructing portfolios that include a fair amount of bond and money-market investments, as well as stocks. But even some of these portfolios fell 20 percent this year, while the S&P 500 is down about 40 percent.

Anonymous said...

So remember the above, and if you ever do a 1031, demand that they use a 'custodial account', and never write a check to their name.

Trudy Truss said...

Re: I don't think once the ch-11 is filed you can file a criminal-complaint against an action already recognized by the court.


Shouldn't make any difference if filed as a criminal complaint. BK is a civil process completely separate.

And it's not unknown to file fraud charges against a BK party. In fact, this story has some similar elements as the Summit story, including being stand up Christians:

Investor accuses Arnold of fraud
Tuesday, February 19
( updated Monday, June 9, 12:31 am)
By Gerald Witt

GREENSBORO — With a fraud complaint filed this month against Guilford County Commissioner Steve Arnold, he may have more than his recent bankruptcy filing to worry about. Should his financial woes make a difference? Join the discussion at the Debatables blog. Hickory attorney Jimmy Summerlin asked a court to make Arnold pay a debt he owes to investors after he and his company, Arcon Inc., filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy in November. Summerlin's Feb. 11 filing, in the Middle District U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Greensboro, also claims Arnold fraudulently gave titles on land and property that he owned to his parents and father-in-law without payment and lists a complaint of unfair trade practices. The complaint alleges that Arnold transferred the property to family members to stop creditors from getting at his land to settle debt. "I signed a note for Steve (Arnold) at the bank and he defaulted," said Manuel Perkins, who said he invested $200,000 in a development that Arnold and his company planned. The complaint Perkins hired Summerlin to file seeks that money, plus $10,000 in punitive damages from Arnold. Perkins invested in Brightwood Farm, a development for which Arnold's company broke ground in 2002. Arnold has said that a string of severe weather events washed out the development and made it difficult to build. In November, Arnold said that streets had to be graded several times and that construction dates were pushed back months because of the weather. "I made a bad decision," said Perkins, a retired private water utility owner. "And I thought he was a man of God, and I thought he would come through. He said he'd pay me back no matter what, and he didn't." Arnold did not return calls Monday afternoon. Arnold's court trouble goes back to September, when he was nearly put in jail over failure to follow Superior Court orders from a civil lawsuit over Brightwood. Earlier in the year, he was ordered to begin payments on $1.275 million he owed an investor. In October, Arcon paid a court-ordered sum of $6,250 and released paperwork to Elkes Development, the company Arnold has battled in the long-running suit over the construction of the Archdale subdivision. Arnold and his company filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection in November. Filings then showed debt at more than $12 million for Arnold and his company, with assets of $250,000. Now, he faces a fraud complaint. Several times since last fall's court proceedings and the bankruptcy filing, Arnold has talked about whether to resign as a commissioner. Arnold, a Republican, has served on the board since 1990 and is its senior member. He has held seats on the High Point City Council and the state House of Representatives. In 1996, he made an unsuccessful run for lieutenant governor.
Staff Writer

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't make any difference if filed as a criminal complaint. BK is a civil process completely separate.


Yes, BUTT the whole point of bankruptcy is protect you from people, so that you can start over and focus on biz.

'Bankruptcy Protection' lets you have a clean start, for instance nobody is allowed to contact you and even ask questions, they would be in violation of the court.

Sure if bankruptcy filer raped a midget say a day after he filed bankruptcy, sure the midget could file a criminal complaint, because that is not germane to the bankruptcy.

BUTT if the court has acknowledged that your trying to crawl out of a HOLE with Bankruptcy, then your protected from mean spirited related BULLSHIT that is germane to the original business for which you have sought bankruptcy protection.

I say this from experience years ago, about 30 yrs I was involved in a similar use of name problem, and a gal in Eugene was using a name that we owned, and we were told to call her and tell her to quit using the name, I called and she said "Leave me alone, I have filed bankruptcy, and your violating a court order by harassing me", I reminded her that that I wasn't calling about her BK, as I didn't know, I just wanted her to quit using that 'name'. ... Later I talked with my attorney and he acknowledged that yes, people who have filed bankruptcy are protected from virtually everything related to their business.

WRT to the above cute little story Greenboro, all I can tell you is Greenboro AIN'T fucking ORYGUN.

The whole point of bankruptcy is protection.

For instance let's say you drive someone out of business, and they file BK, but your brother is sheriff, and you file fictious charges,... the BK is designed to give folks a 'rest' from the pressures of life, a second chance to get shit back together.

My humble opinion is that 1031-BEND was well planned, that the CH-11 was planned prior to the public announcement, and that they always intended to file the BK before the public had a chance to file a criminal complaint. Now everything has to be CIVIL which means it will cost a TON of money to get your money back, or fight them.

Only in ameriKKKa.

Has anybody here called Mrs. Horse of Sisters, and asked her why she didn't a criminal complaint?? She is the ONLY person we know in this jurisdiction.

It seems to me that 99% of the people who lost bend-1031 money were out of State. They wouldn't have known prior to the public 1031 website announcement on Dec 15, 2008, and it took a full week after that for the media to announce that, and by then 1031-bend had already filed ch-11.

We still have not seen the ch-11 filing, so its terms are still subject to debate.

None of us here have any horse in this race.

Lastly, since you brought up the 'good christian' issue, is or isn't the entire bend-1031 TEAM part of west-side christian or NOT? We keep hearing this rumor, but nobody has passed an official church roster proving this assertion.

For all I know "Neuman" is the name of a Bend Rabbi.

Anonymous said...

I ask "what is Bend", well lets talk about what it is NOT, its NOT legitimate, BEND is a Fraud. I don't give a fuck about '1031' Bend was a fraud long before B-1031.


Legitimacy Dwindles

Zounds! Public sentiment toward the accelerating economic fiasco has shifted, seemingly overnight, from a mood of nauseated amazement to one of panicked grievance as the United States moves closer to an apparent comprehensive collapse -- and so ill-timed, wouldn't you know it, to coincide with the annual rigors of Santa Claus. The tipping point seems to be the Bernie Madoff $50 billion Ponzi scandal, which represents the grossest failure of authority and hence legitimacy in finance to date in as much as Mr. Madoff was a former chairman of the NASDAQ, for godsake. It's like discovering that Ben Bernanke is running a meth lab inside the Federal Reserve. And out in the heartland, of course, there is the spectacle of Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich trying to desperately dodge a racketeering rap behind an implausible hairdo.
What seems to spook people now is the possibility that everybody in charge of everything is a fraud or a crook. Legitimacy has left the system. Not even the the legions of Obama are immune as his reliance on Wall Street capos Robert Rubin, Tim Geithner, and Larry Summers seem tainted by the same reckless thinking that brought on the fiasco. His pick last week for chief of the SEC, Mary Shapiro, is already being dissed as a shill for the Big Bank status quo. In a few days we'll discover what kind of bonuses are being ladled out by the remaining Wall Street banks with TARP money and a new chorus of howls will ring out.
This is very dangerous territory. In dollar terms, the numbers being applied to the various problems are so colossal -- trillions! -- that the death of our currency seems assured. And in defiance of congress's express intentions, none of the TARP "money" has been applied to its targeted purpose of buying up "toxic" (i.e. fraudulent) securities hidden in the vaults of banks, pension funds, and municipal portfolios.
George W, Bush's personal bailout of General Motors and Chrysler is designed solely to postpone their bankruptcy and mass job layoffs until after the holidays. Otherwise, the $17.4 billion will probably be used by the companies to underwrite the extensive legal work required for the moment they must declare bankruptcy -- when Mr. Obama is in the White House. Meanwhile, the President-elect has ramped up his job-creation target overnight from two to three million, and some observers are catching a whiff of Soviet-style economic engineering ("...we pretend to work and they pretend to pay us....").
The years since Jimmy Carter have produced an astoundingly flaccid public, sunk in various addictions and distractions, but this is about to change. The darkling mood of political protest and violent activism that saturated my own young adult years is scudding up again on the horizon. Mr. Obama's pick for attorney general, the mild-looking Eric Holder, may be the key figure in the early months of the new government. If he doesn't commence some aggressive investigations and prosecutions -- beginning with Henry Paulson for insider trading when he was in charge of Goldman Sachs and shorting his own company's mortgage-backed securities -- then the whole Obama enterprise could fall under suspicion of illegitimacy. The bums who ran the US banking sector into a ditch have to account for their turpitudes. They can't be allowed to hide under a TARP.
Unfortunately, the legal system, and probably the legislative system, will be so buried in procedural bullshit from the unwind of countless enterprises and institutions, and the sorting out of the remnants, that it remains to be seen whether this generation of people-in-charge can even embark on a fresh start of anything connected to real everyday life in America. All this is starting to alarm the tattered residue of the middle classes, and from here it's a very short path to them being really pissed off.
When legitimacy erodes, anything goes. Nothing is respected including rules and personalities. The center doesn't hold and the new vacuum there is a tumultuous place. The same crisis of authority and legitimacy is spreading from nation to nation now. Soon, China will contend with a discontented army of the unemployed. Greece has been in an uproar for two weeks. Belgium's government just collapsed. Trade barriers are going up. Exports are falling away. The world's energy markets are not immune to these disorders. I would expect problems with the currently seamless supply lines that bring America two-thirds of the oil we use. Even a mild disruption of oil supplies could attach an anvil to the ankle of an economy already falling off a cliff.
Right now, the overwhelming sentiment is to get this country back to where we were, say, ten years ago, when everything was humming nicely: Clinton nostalgia. We're definitely not gong back there, though. It's an idle wish. And any set of policies designed to lead in that direction will prove very disappointing. Our destination is a land of much smaller-scaled local economies. We could retain our federal ties if the federal government can scale back appropriately from the bloated, feckless enterprise it has become. Otherwise, it might only get in the way and make matters worse, and the public in one region or another of North America might reach a decision that they are better off without it. That would be what's called a revolution.

MrBruce said...

Why would Bruce-Pussy play with Trudy-Truss?

It's Trudi folks, not trudy. What is wrong with these people??

MrBruce said...

Kunts that don't know kunstler should visit the above site.

MrBruce said...

Here's a thought on the REAL REASON the US/ISRAEL killed 300 Palestinians the day after xmas.

If GCC goes through, it will be the end of the dollar.

GCC summit eyes common currency

By TAREK EL-TABLAWY – 6 hours ago

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) — In a gathering marred by Israeli attacks on Gaza and pressured by the ailing world economy, leaders of the six Gulf Arab nations are gearing up for a summit in which they are expected to tackle head-on a long-elusive monetary union agreement.

The two-day meeting, beginning Monday in the Omani capital, Muscat, has been touted as a key step in helping the Gulf Cooperation Council's six member states realize a goal of a common currency and broader economic unity. The push is made all the more relevant by the global economic crisis that has hit hard even these oil rich nations.

Officials on Sunday said Israeli air strikes on the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, which have left over 280 Palestinians dead and sparked outrage throughout the Arab world, would not derail the meeting. But the violence would clearly factor into the summit agenda, as well as in the GCC foreign ministers meeting which precedes the main gathering.

Omani Information Minister Hamed al-Rashid said the Palestinian issue is always on the minds of the GCC leaders and "without doubt, the events in Gaza will be at the forefront of the upcoming meetings."

While the leaders are expected to discuss the current financial meltdown, analysts and economists are watching to see what steps the officials will take to push along a plan for a GCC common currency, which is scheduled to be launched in 2010. Also important are their efforts to finalize details for the precursor to the bloc's new central bank.

"This meeting is quite important because they will have to outline what they're going to be doing prior to 2010, and they will also have to come out quite concretely about what is to come of that deadline," said John Sfakianakis, chief economist at the Saudi British Bank.

The GCC, which includes Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain, has been discussing setting up a common currency for years but the issue has been stymied by political bickering and infighting.

While progress has been slow in bringing the nations together, the global financial meltdown has injected renewed vigor into efforts to push the oil-rich members toward closer economic cooperation.

GCC Secretary-General Abdul Rahman Hamad al-Attiyah told the pan-Arab daily newspaper Al-Hayat that leaders were well aware of the need to reach a joint agreement on how to tackle the financial crisis.

In an interview with the English-language Oman Tribune, Bahrain's prime minister, Sheik Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa said the "integration of Gulf countries has become unavoidable."

"At a time when the whole world is moving toward the establishment of economic blocs, it is high time that we accelerated the remaining steps for the economic integration of GCC states," he was quoted as saying.

So far, each country has been taking its own steps to tackle the crisis, adopting measure ranging from cutting interest rates, injecting cash into the economy, guaranteeing deposits and lowering cash reserve requirements for banks.

"At times of economic crisis, you expect that there is great unity, or the attempt to be one voice instead of many voices," said Sfakianakis. "The onus is on the GCC to show how they're handling this and that they are one instead of six voices."

Tumbling oil prices are also a major stimulus for embracing greater cooperation.

Crude prices have plummeted by more than 60 percent since mid-July highs of nearly $150 per barrel, straining budgets and spending in these nations, some of which rely on oil sales for up to 90 percent of their foreign revenues.

Analysts and economists have said the Gulf Arab region's vast oil wealth, and the budget surpluses realized from this past year's surge in crude prices, will help cushion the countries from the worst of the economic downturn that has hammered the rest of the world.

The Institute of International Finance, in a recent study, estimated that GCC countries' economic growth would slow from 5.8 percent in 2008 to 4.2 percent in 2009. The figure is markedly higher than the 0.9 percent global economic growth rate forecast by the World Bank earlier this month.

Even so, the impact has been pronounced. Stock exchanges in the region have plummeted — in Dubai by as much as over 70 percent since the start the year.

Saudi Arabia, the Arab world's economic powerhouse, recently unveiled a budget reflecting projections of its first deficit since 2002. In the last fiscal year, the country realized a surplus of $157 billion, largely on oil revenues.

The kingdom, however, has ramped up spending, allocating more funds to infrastructure development, education and health care as it looks to diversify its economy.

The summit is also being watched closely as a measure of whether the leaders in these Arab countries will act decisively or, as has happened too often in past Arab summits and gatherings, emerge with little more than an agreement to agree at a later date.

"Everybody is talking about the deadlines not being met," said Sfakianakis. "If they move with the 2010 deadline, they will have to announce what concrete steps they will be taking."

MrBruce said...

KUNSTLER if FUCKING AWESOME - He might as well be talking about Bend City-Hall, or a city leaders, or our city-staff.


What seems to spook people now is the possibility that everybody in charge of everything is a fraud or a crook. Legitimacy has left the system. Not even the the legions of Obama are immune as his reliance on Wall Street capos Robert Rubin, Tim Geithner, and Larry Summers seem tainted by the same reckless thinking that brought on the fiasco. His pick last week for chief of the SEC, Mary Shapiro, is already being dissed as a shill for the Big Bank status quo. In a few days we'll discover what kind of bonuses are being ladled out by the remaining Wall Street banks with TARP money and a new chorus of howls will ring out.
This is very dangerous territory. In dollar terms, the numbers being applied to the various problems are so colossal -- trillions! -- that the death of our currency seems assured.

Anonymous said...

I think homer already addressed, but I guess I'll have to, ...

You would have to go to the city, county prosecutors office to file a complaint, which is a political process, its who you know.

It helps if you know someone important if you want to file a complaint with the police or sheriff's office, then they have to take it before the court, and convince the judge, again a very political process. The judge is elected, and cares very much about public opinion, and campaign contributions.

A city/county prosecutor is a political job, they're only going to do shit that helps their career. In a town like BEND you never see good citizens taken down ever, for anything. It just doesn't happen here.

As homer mentioned above, with the majority of the ruling class of BEND rooting for the 'pillage' of investors everywhere, its doubtful they would have one of their own hung out to dry in public.

The other thing before 'EVER' filing a complaint, cuz OUR resident PUSSY is always threatening to file complaints, is that if you lose civil or criminal, and its proven that you filed a false complaint, your fucking life is RUINED, the system will FUCK you bad, so you had better be DAMN sure that IF you file a complaint, you have your ducks in a row, and you know the JUDGE will back you up.

If you EVER file a complaint against anybody whether they're guilty or NOT ( in your opinion ), remember that the average in the USA is that less than 25% of all complaints are found guilty, which means that plaintiff MUST pay the defendants court costs.

In a US court of law the winning party is the one with the MOST expensive lawfirm, we already know that TEAM 1031-B has $10M in retainer, unless your willing to ante $11M of your own money, you'll lose, ... Money is the oil/blood of the US legal system at the county & state level, and federal. Team 1031-B has already hired the BEST BK lawfirm in the State (PDX) to represent them, this means that even if you have unlimited money you can't beat them.

In a case like this where the customers own money will be used to protect the defendants, its a far wiser decision, to minimize the meter, because every hour they defend themselves is less of your money you'll get back.

Welcome to ameriKKKa.

Welcome to OryGun.

Welcome To Bend.

MrBruce said...

Below is an email I received this week from a lady named Cindy regarding my last article about Bernie Madoff:

Mr. Pussy...I just completed reading your article and could not agree with you more...Possibly a word of advice will ease my pain...I am a single mother with 3 children, 23, 19, 16....I am 52, self made, and worked my entire life to achieve a comfortable level of success for my family...For years I ran side by side accounts with Paine Webber, Merrill Lynch and Bernie Madoff. Amazingly, I met an associate of Madoff's at a Church in Fort Lauderdale and entrusted him with $10,000 16 yrs ago....Nothing posh...Simply good.....In the last 5 yrs Madoff out performed all, so naturally I moved my accounts and fed my Madoff feeder...Now, $1.7M later I am destitute...I will begin fore-closure on 3 of my investment properties and loose [sic] my primary home for I can no longer afford it....Why should a little guy like me have to suffer the consequences of an SEC over site...OHHH...I’m sorry, we will do better next time???

Why is it OK for Madoff to sit in his $10M apartment out on bail, watching TV and playing on the Internet?...Why is it OK for him to afford the most powerful former SEC attorneys now in private practice that will delay his trial for 3-5 yrs...How can our government allow this to happen...How is Ok to bail out Wall St with $700B while I stress out and cry like a baby over my loss....

How is it OK for Obama to be spending Christmas in Hawaii with his family staying at a $30M mansion, while my sickly mother flies from NC to Fort Lauderdale to hold and comfort her daughter....How is it OK that we have no Xmas tree or gifts this year?...How is it OK that my and my children's trust in mankind has been shattered....

I suppose we will survive, but how we don’t know....

Anonymous said...

Fear Not: All the bombs used to kill Palestinians & the planes used to drop them were made in the USA.

Israel bombs university in Gaza

Firefighters rush to burning building in Rafah, Gaza Strip -

Israeli officials say the raids have been a success so far

Israeli air force jets have bombed the Islamic University in the Gaza Strip, a significant cultural symbol for Hamas.

Warplanes also struck Hamas government offices as air raids aimed at forcing Palestinian militants to halt rocket fire into southern Israel continued.

Palestinian medics say nearly 300 people have been killed in the air raids that began on Saturday.

Israel has threatened to launch a ground assault and is now calling up 6,500 army reservists.

Witnesses in Gaza said they saw six separate air strikes on the Islamic University just after midnight, followed by smoke and flames, Associated Press (AP) news agency reported.

The university is a centre of support for Hamas - the Islamist militant group which controls the Gaza Strip. Many of its top officials graduated from there.

A BBC journalist in Gaza said the university authorities had evacuated the campus a few days ago as they had been expecting a strike.


Earlier on Sunday, Israel bombed supply tunnels in the southern Gaza Strip used by Palestinians to smuggle food and other supplies - including weapons, says Israel - past the Israeli blockade of the territory.

Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni says the operation has been a success so far and the aim is to "change realities on the ground" in Gaza.

Anonymous said...

What seems to spook people now is the possibility that everybody in charge of everything is a fraud or a crook.

[ Possible? Pray Tell? Tell that to the ghetto man. Tell that to Malcolm-X in the 1960's. No long ago my brothers predicted today. "Just a case of chickens coming home to roost" ]

Legitimacy has left the system.

[ This fucking system never had any legitimacy. It's just that in the past with a wink & nod, everyone assumed that they were too good to go down, but now even the 'good' are going down, that is what has changed. ]

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

>>>>The real issue is WHO can survive 4-6 years here through the down-turn?? How many of YOU will stick around?<<<

>>Bend is a Kluster Fuck...Bruce, I think I said that a couple days ago.

Had breakfest at the D this AM.. They were booming. Folks going back to basics for the real full meal deal.
I sat with a long time aquaintance for a few at the bar. He asked how long I have been here...I said since 78, he asked , then you remember how bad it was. I said can one forget! He you really know how bad this one is gonna be? Of course I do...why do you think I carry and have a morons store of food. He said...keep your defensible space in all matters.
This guy is a self employed contractor that flies around the country to shut down factories and businesses, move out the employees and secure the property. If he was a bit younger he would be Blackwater. We talked about that too. How the bad boyz have been pruged and new ops have been hired to "way too much information" security positions all around the world. Hummmm... including beating off the Somali's. He asked if I knew how many government vessels the Somali's sank? I don't have a clue. He said no more. There are special people that chose to live in Bend for a reason. None, that are here to get rich. Just a low cover place to live.
Bend is dead done this time around. I hope the riff raff leave our old bones alone soon so that we can get on with real life.
Hard times?...Yes
I, for one will be glad to see Bend again.

Side note: Dec home sales stats will be unforgiving. Jan. will pucker your asses. Take cover!

Happy almost 2009 the most memorable year in the next 20.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about all the deletions..I was getting a rules violation message for some reason. I didn't even swear.. maybe it was Blackwater.

Anonymous said...

>>>>Maybe Marge knows?? Marge was the first to report the story, and lives in the outskirts? Maybe Mrs sisters is marge?<<<<

I don't know the Sisters horse person. I have never ever ever ever ever personally done a 1031. I always pais my capital gains so that it didn't haunt me.

Anonymous said...

>>>Why is it OK for Madoff to sit in his $10M apartment out on bail, watching TV and playing on the Internet?...Why is it OK for him to afford the most powerful former SEC attorneys now in private practice that will delay his trial for 3-5 yrs...<<<<

What about bullets spent doesn't someone understand? Shoot the MF.

Anonymous said...

Sussman Shank LLP 2007 ©


Talking about 'Blackwater' for $10M our bud's here in BEND have hired one bad ass fucking bankruptcy law firm.

It is a who is who of National Federation of Jewish lawyers, the best money can buy.

One issue that still bugger's my ass on 1031-Bend is this rumor that the principals were all Westside-Church? No evidence has ever been brought forward.

Neuman & bud's are Jewish, and they have retained one of the best Jewish law firms in the State of Orygun.

We report you decide.

Scary fucking shit coming to your town soon.

Mark A. Neuman, Lane D. Lyons and Tim Larkin . Good ol Jewish Boyz, were they really members of the Westside Church as BENDBB has supported and not deleted? Or is this typical BEND spin? Like the KUNT the other day that said Neuman didn't hold a CPA license??

Anonymous said...

Note the hypothetical is NOT meant to be anti-semitic, which we know is treason and subject to hangin.

The questions are simply to rhetorically ask, is this really our own B-1031 MADE-OFF? It certainly appears so, and it certainly appears that B-1031 is going to get the best just-us money can buy, just like Made-OFF.

Anonymous said...

Had breakfest at the D this AM.. They were booming.


I had dinner tonight at Astro Lounge, now happy hour all the time, and you get a meal for two for $4, and drinks are all $3.

Almost everybody downstairs was couples over fifty, and the kids were all upstairs.

I agree marge, this is the new bend.

My fondest memory's were D&D back in the plywood days of Bend.

Meal for two how pray-tell? $4 will get you coconut-chicken sliders enough for two, or a feta-wrap with frys enough for two, and for $3 they have all the best micros on tap from all over orygun, ... $10 meal & drink for two, and out the door, ... this is the new bend.

$2 pints all the time for wildfire aka J&C is also worth mentioning.

I don't think its surprising that tons of people who have been on the black-water or Texas Cheney money trail for the past 8 yrs will settle in BEND, they're done, at $100k/yr ( or more ) tax free for 8 yrs, they don't have to work, ...

Tons of witness protection people in BEND, why do you think we have all the gated communitys??

Hell yes, Bend is a great place if you don't have to work.

Anonymous said...

Anon, how did you know we were talking about all the two fer's that were oferred back in the time. Is that you? Lone Wolf?

Anonymous said...

I feel that something needs to be said about why neither the BULL or Big-Zero ( Oregonian ) will speak about the $10M that Bend-1031 'borrowed' from their clients.

Of course they do so to hire the best bankruptcy attorneys in the State, e.g. Sussman Shank LLP 2007 ©

The reason that NOBODY will talk about what happened as recently as August 2008, is that the Oregonian is owned by Newhouse, Inc. Which owns the Oregonian Newspaper. Newhouse a large Jewish publishing company owns almost all of the teen-porn publications in the USA. A very profitable outfit, their OREGONIAN is the most profitable newspaper.

There really isn't that much difference between the BULL & Oregonian, as they're all beholden to 'interests', Hamiltonian Interests.

All the people associated with Bend-1031 setup shop here in 1991. They all arrived on the same boat.

They smartly all bailed the BIG SHIP BEND before it went DOWN.

There is a lot more to this story than the missing $12M per the Oregonian ( BIG-ZERO ) or Bulletin (BULL). Most of the investors were all over themselves to provide money to this tax-shelter outfit.

Simply saying that $12M cash is missing, cannot explain the 673 LLC's that are all black-boxes controlled by Lyons.

There are naive newbies in BEND who think that the BIG-ZERO is their friend, NOT FUCKING SO. The OREGONIAN has always been the most corrupt and evil newspaper in the USA.

Thus for those who wait for some newspaper to discuss the recent $10M loan in August 2008, and how only $12M can be missing today, they're never going to see the answer in the press. Nobody in OREGON are ever going to discuss the money in the controlled press. Newhouse owns virtually every newspaper that isn't owned by Patti Moss's "Western COMM", aka the BULL.

Done deal. All this shit was put together in 1991. In 1988 Barlett & Steele wrote the book 'America what went wrong', how NewYork bankers took over the ORYGUN public pension fund PERS, and how they used the money to create KKR the biggest junk-bond firm in the world. Who just happens to own everything today in Oregon.

It's all a small world, and the implosion of BEND-1031 is just a well orchestrated 'de-leveraging' in BEND assets.

Anonymous said...

Anyone that is fool enough to buy RE in Bend since last Jan. forward to 2011, that isn't buying 50-60% off peak is either greedy and stupid or just plain stupid. Both deserve to have their ships sunk.

2009 is almost upon us. Do something nice, few will. All should.

Anonymous said...

bruce said...

Re: why has no one filed a complaint?


How do we know they haven't?

[ It's a PUBIC-HAIR record pussy, that's how we would know. 'Criminal Complaints' aren't secret, complaints are a PUBLIC record. ]

It wouldn't necessarily be reported. But it is a public record. May be worth checking into on Monday.

[ Yes, get all the CH-11 filing's from the BIG-ZERO on monday. ]

Still waiting for the reporter to get back to me with the BK filing.

[ You got three contacts, work them all separately. They all got a different angle on the story. ]

Anonymous said...

Interesting post over on BendBB this past week. Yet another comment by someone that began a chain of events all to familiar:


You only need to know two things about BENDBB, I call that site the canary in the Bend Coal Mine.

1.) That if the subject is true, and is an embarrassment to the status-quo it will be deleted.

2.) If a story is fabricated, and supports the status quo it will stand.


Case in Point, ...

a.) Suterra topic was deleted months ago, even though it had over 2,000 views, and 50 reply's and the entire thread was only public documents that were irrefutable. Bendbb deleted the entire thread "Suterra Buys Juniper Ridge".

b.) Bendbb continues to claim that Summit-1031 principals were all part of grand conspiracy from Westside Church. Total bullshit, but Bendbb allows it to stand. "And Another One bites the Dust, and another one bites the dust".

MrBruce said...

Today's WALL ST Journal Reports that USA will collapse by 2010

* DECEMBER 29, 2008

As if Things Weren't Bad Enough, Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S.
In Moscow, Igor Panarin's Forecasts Are All the Rage; America 'Disintegrates' in 2010


MOSCOW -- For a decade, Russian academic Igor Panarin has been predicting the U.S. will fall apart in 2010. For most of that time, he admits, few took his argument -- that an economic and moral collapse will trigger a civil war and the eventual breakup of the U.S. -- very seriously. Now he's found an eager audience: Russian state media.
[Prof. Panarin]

Igor Panarin

In recent weeks, he's been interviewed as much as twice a day about his predictions. "It's a record," says Prof. Panarin. "But I think the attention is going to grow even stronger."

Prof. Panarin, 50 years old, is not a fringe figure. A former KGB analyst, he is dean of the Russian Foreign Ministry's academy for future diplomats. He is invited to Kremlin receptions, lectures students, publishes books, and appears in the media as an expert on U.S.-Russia relations.

But it's his bleak forecast for the U.S. that is music to the ears of the Kremlin, which in recent years has blamed Washington for everything from instability in the Middle East to the global financial crisis. Mr. Panarin's views also fit neatly with the Kremlin's narrative that Russia is returning to its rightful place on the world stage after the weakness of the 1990s, when many feared that the country would go economically and politically bankrupt and break into separate territories.

A polite and cheerful man with a buzz cut, Mr. Panarin insists he does not dislike Americans. But he warns that the outlook for them is dire.

"There's a 55-45% chance right now that disintegration will occur," he says. "One could rejoice in that process," he adds, poker-faced. "But if we're talking reasonably, it's not the best scenario -- for Russia." Though Russia would become more powerful on the global stage, he says, its economy would suffer because it currently depends heavily on the dollar and on trade with the U.S.

Mr. Panarin posits, in brief, that mass immigration, economic decline, and moral degradation will trigger a civil war next fall and the collapse of the dollar. Around the end of June 2010, or early July, he says, the U.S. will break into six pieces -- with Alaska reverting to Russian control.

In addition to increasing coverage in state media, which are tightly controlled by the Kremlin, Mr. Panarin's ideas are now being widely discussed among local experts. He presented his theory at a recent roundtable discussion at the Foreign Ministry. The country's top international relations school has hosted him as a keynote speaker. During an appearance on the state TV channel Rossiya, the station cut between his comments and TV footage of lines at soup kitchens and crowds of homeless people in the U.S. The professor has also been featured on the Kremlin's English-language propaganda channel, Russia Today.

Mr. Panarin's apocalyptic vision "reflects a very pronounced degree of anti-Americanism in Russia today," says Vladimir Pozner, a prominent TV journalist in Russia. "It's much stronger than it was in the Soviet Union."

Mr. Pozner and other Russian commentators and experts on the U.S. dismiss Mr. Panarin's predictions. "Crazy ideas are not usually discussed by serious people," says Sergei Rogov, director of the government-run Institute for U.S. and Canadian Studies, who thinks Mr. Panarin's theories don't hold water.

Mr. Panarin's résumé includes many years in the Soviet KGB, an experience shared by other top Russian officials. His office, in downtown Moscow, shows his national pride, with pennants on the wall bearing the emblem of the FSB, the KGB's successor agency. It is also full of statuettes of eagles; a double-headed eagle was the symbol of czarist Russia.

The professor says he began his career in the KGB in 1976. In post-Soviet Russia, he got a doctorate in political science, studied U.S. economics, and worked for FAPSI, then the Russian equivalent of the U.S. National Security Agency. He says he did strategy forecasts for then-President Boris Yeltsin, adding that the details are "classified."

In September 1998, he attended a conference in Linz, Austria, devoted to information warfare, the use of data to get an edge over a rival. It was there, in front of 400 fellow delegates, that he first presented his theory about the collapse of the U.S. in 2010.

"When I pushed the button on my computer and the map of the United States disintegrated, hundreds of people cried out in surprise," he remembers. He says most in the audience were skeptical. "They didn't believe me."

At the end of the presentation, he says many delegates asked him to autograph copies of the map showing a dismembered U.S.

He based the forecast on classified data supplied to him by FAPSI analysts, he says. He predicts that economic, financial and demographic trends will provoke a political and social crisis in the U.S. When the going gets tough, he says, wealthier states will withhold funds from the federal government and effectively secede from the union. Social unrest up to and including a civil war will follow. The U.S. will then split along ethnic lines, and foreign powers will move in.

California will form the nucleus of what he calls "The Californian Republic," and will be part of China or under Chinese influence. Texas will be the heart of "The Texas Republic," a cluster of states that will go to Mexico or fall under Mexican influence. Washington, D.C., and New York will be part of an "Atlantic America" that may join the European Union. Canada will grab a group of Northern states Prof. Panarin calls "The Central North American Republic." Hawaii, he suggests, will be a protectorate of Japan or China, and Alaska will be subsumed into Russia.

"It would be reasonable for Russia to lay claim to Alaska; it was part of the Russian Empire for a long time." A framed satellite image of the Bering Strait that separates Alaska from Russia like a thread hangs from his office wall. "It's not there for no reason," he says with a sly grin.

Interest in his forecast revived this fall when he published an article in Izvestia, one of Russia's biggest national dailies. In it, he reiterated his theory, called U.S. foreign debt "a pyramid scheme," and predicted China and Russia would usurp Washington's role as a global financial regulator.

Americans hope President-elect Barack Obama "can work miracles," he wrote. "But when spring comes, it will be clear that there are no miracles."

The article prompted a question about the White House's reaction to Prof. Panarin's forecast at a December news conference. "I'll have to decline to comment," spokeswoman Dana Perino said amid much laughter.

For Prof. Panarin, Ms. Perino's response was significant. "The way the answer was phrased was an indication that my views are being listened to very carefully," he says.

The professor says he's convinced that people are taking his theory more seriously. People like him have forecast similar cataclysms before, he says, and been right. He cites French political scientist Emmanuel Todd. Mr. Todd is famous for having rightly forecast the demise of the Soviet Union -- 15 years beforehand. "When he forecast the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1976, people laughed at him," says Prof. Panarin.

tim said...

I think that says more about Russia than it does about the US.

Trudy Truss said...

Great blog post about Florida RE crash and it's impacts. Where are we--18-24 months out?:

December 28, 2008

There Was So Much Money To Be Made

The Atlanta Journal Constitution reports from Georgia. “State regulators issued a prescient warning to Georgia banks three years ago. If they kept lending mostly to real estate developers, the banks were told, they risked huge losses, or even failure, if the housing bubble burst. The warning, however, was just that. Coming from the Georgia Department of Banking and Finance, it carried no weight. Many banks merely broadened their pool of borrowers to include more developers. Others disregarded the admonition altogether.”

“State officials say they knew that certain banks were vulnerable to failure. Some had devoted 80 percent or even more of their loans to real estate development, by its nature a speculative venture. Rob Braswell, the state banking commissioner attributes Georgia’s disproportionate number of bank failures to the explosion of new banks that accompanied the region’s housing boom.”

“Dozens of financial institutions formed in recent years —- 21 in 2006 alone —- as Georgia ended up with more banking companies than California, Florida or New York, among many other states. Many of these new banks were created by developers for developers. Few wrote mortgages for individual homeowners. Instead, their lending enabled the construction of entire new communities, many of them sprawling across the outer ring of Atlanta’s northern suburbs.”

“Braswell doesn’t fault the banks for following this business model. Housing prices, he said, were still increasing, despite nagging concerns about inflated values. ‘It was very difficult for many banks not to become overreliant on these loans,’ he said, ‘when there was so much money to be made.’

The Pensacola News Journal from Florida. “From the devastation on Wall Street to the struggling mom-and-pop store on Main Street, the epitaph for 2008’s economic meltdown might well read: ‘They never saw it coming.’ Where were the politicians, the federal banking regulators and the jet-setting CEOs when Wall Street’s gravy train jumped the tracks?”

“‘Looking back at 2008, I think the speed with which it (the financial crisis) hit was maybe not shocking, but certainly the most surprising thing to me,’ Pensacola banker Tommy Tait said. ‘It made us look back and say, ‘Were we really asleep?’”

“University of West Florida economist Rick Harper, says that Pensacola’s housing inventory — like the nation’s — is fundamentally out of line with the underlying population dynamics. ‘We’ve had a huge overbuilding of the housing sector,’ Harper said. ‘There was just too much investment in residential structures. And the only way that’s going to get back into a demand-supply equilibrium so that prices can begin to appreciate, so that builders can begin to see there is a market out there, is when population catches up with the supply built. If we don’t stimulate population growth, based on our existing growth, it’s going to take 10 years or more to recover from this recession.’

From Florida Today. “Melbourne officials estimate that one in every 10 homes is abandoned or has been foreclosed on. The properties are as diverse as a mobile home in Colony Park, which is on the north end of the island, to an unfinished $500,000 custom home less than a block from the barge canal. Its owners abandoned the unfinished house months ago, owing money to the building contractors as well as to the bank.”

“‘I’ve got a jungle surrounding my house,’ said Ed Hunter, who lives next door to an abandoned house on Merritt Island. ‘Could be a bobcat hiding back there.’”

The Naples News. “A few months ago, Park Shore beach was one of the only spots in Collier County that had showed resistance to price reductions over the past two years. ‘Park Shore was a bastion of price stickiness,’ said Ross McIntosh, founder of The Bidder’s Broker in Naples. The mantra, he said, seemed to be ‘if you want it you are going to have to pay my price because I’m not going to accept less.’”

“The median price for homes sold with the help of a Realtor in November fell to $194,000 in Collier County, excluding Marco Island, according to NABOR. That was down nearly 40 percent from $325,000 in the same month a year ago.”

“The seller of penthouse 102 paid the developer $4,350,000 for the unit and had nearly two years’ worth of carrying costs that he didn’t recover. ‘Effectively, the investors in that penthouse unit in Aria lost money,’ McIntosh said. ‘That is a new phenomenon on Park Shore beach. I think it’s a harbinger of future pricing behavior in Park Shore.’”

“Uncertainty remains for WCI Communities as the developer reaches the halfway point in its reorganization efforts. The Bonita Springs-based home builder, failing under the weight of about $2 billion in debt, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in August.”

“Earlier this month, billionaire investor Carl Icahn and his affiliates dumped most of their WCI stock, about 6 million shares in exchange for two cents total. He had paid an average of about $16 a share in 2007. Also in 2007, Icahn had offered WCI $22 per share in a move to take over the builder. WCI rejected that offer.”

“‘I think it presented a tremendous loss for him and he decided to remove himself and look forward to taking a huge write-off on capital gains,’ Jack McCabe, CEO at Deerfield Beach-based McCabe Research and Consulting, said of the two-cent transaction.”

The St Petersburg Times. “High-profile developer Grady Pridgen and former NBA player Matt Geiger are delinquent in their property tax payments, both squeezed by the grinding recession. Three years ago, Geiger said, lots at his planned Bison Creek Estates project sold for $800,000. Now the former Miami Heat and Philadelphia 76ers player said there are no buyers, even though he has slashed prices by half.”

“‘It’s just tough on my company right now to make it,’ Geiger said. ‘I’m trying to bust my tail to do everything I can to move property.’”

The Sun Sentinel. “The lure of a big bargain continued to drive Broward County home sales in November. Buyers scooped up 507 existing homes, a 26 percent increase from a year ago, the Florida Association of Realtors said. Year-over-year sales have risen every month since July. Prices keep falling and now are what they were in 2003. The median price plummeted 34 percent last month, to $229,100 from $348,100 a year ago.”

“Broward’s condominium market is seeing a similar trend. November sales increased 3 percent from a year ago, while the median price slid 34 percent, to $109,400 from $166,700. Many of the homes and condos changing hands are distressed properties owned by lenders or desperate sellers.”

“‘At a certain point, prices get so low that people think they’re irresistible,’ said Brad Hunter, a housing analyst in West Palm Beach. ‘But in a sense, these increased sales is a sign of weakness in the housing market rather than a strength.’”

“Bob Tucker recently bought a five-bedroom South Florida house in foreclosure for $743,000, a $250,000 discount off market value in the neighborhood. Tucker said he spent $100,000 on renovations after the previous owners gutted the kitchen and damaged other parts of the home. Despite the hassle, including tough negotiations with the bank that owned the property, he’s glad he made the deal.”

“‘There were a lot of sleepless nights,’ said Tucker, a public relations director and the married father of four who moved here in April from Southern California. ‘But I think it’s a good investment because this is such a desirable area.’”

The Herald Tribune. “In 2007…Joe Long, a New Jersey entrepreneur, tried to raise $700 million to buy 1,500 homes from Southwest Florida builders and developers for about 70 cents on the dollar. But Long was unable to raise to the cash from hedge funds and other institutional investors. He got in the game much too early and was offering too much money for properties, real estate experts say.”

“In Southwest Florida, it is people like Elizabeth and Michael Thrasher, Michael Averbuch and Peter Arguelles who have started buying. The Thrashers have spent $11.6 million to buy seven properties on Anna Maria Island since April. Averbuch spent hundreds of thousands more to buy condos and raw land in North Port and Sarasota. Arguelles has paid $1.6 million to buy 19 houses in Sarasota and Manatee counties.”

‘If you can buy houses where the cash flow more than covers the operating costs, why wouldn’t you buy?’ Arguelles said. ‘We are able to do this now. We can buy houses for less than the freakin’ cost of nails and wood. If you can buy dollars for dimes, then you should buy all you can.’”

” Joseph Kandel is eager to buy. The real estate firm he works for is seeing investors and end users close on 35 bank-owned properties every month and another 25 short sales, in which buyers negotiate with banks to buy properties for less than what banks are owed by the former owners. Kandel’s problem is money.”

“Though he bought and sold five properties for $440,000 more than he paid during the boom, his fortunes changed in the bust. He has defaulted on four loans totaling $2.4 million since the beginning of the year. But that apparently is not stopping him from going ahead with his public offering.”

‘I was flipping and made a nice living for while, but I got caught with my pants down like everyone else,’ Kandel said. ‘The problem now is there is just too much inventory and not enough end users. So the same investors who were buying up properties during the boom are needed to help with the resurrection.’

“In his registration statement, Kandel does not oversell his company’s prospects. He clearly points out there is a good chance 1st & 10 will have to punt. ‘Since the incorporation of 1st & 10 Properties, we have not generated revenues. With limited financial resources, we may not be able to continue as a going concern,’ the registration statement says.”

“Despite those very strong negatives, Kandel remains optimistic. ‘We’re at the bottom,’ he said. ‘Anyone who knows real estate knows this is a great time to get in.’”

“Four counties — Sarasota, Charlotte, Lee and Collier — are projected to account for more than 40 percent of the erosion in Florida’s tax base in 2007 and 2008. While the state’s tax base is projected to shrink by $120 billion, these four Southwest Florida counties will account for $52 billion of that hit.”

“The area relies on the more cyclical tourism and construction industries, which have sunk with the real estate market,
said Sean Snaith, director of the University of Central Florida’s Institute for Economic Competitiveness. ‘So when the boom went bust, there was no safety net to fall back on,’ Snaith said.”

“While governments will struggle, it will be worse for homeowners, (consultant) Jack McCabe said. Southwest Florida suffered from ‘false appreciation’ during the boom, a mixture of speculation and real estate fraud, he said.”

“That led to the market being overbuilt and so many vacant or available properties that no one can predict when demand and supply will again be in balance. ‘People will be making high payments on values you may not see for years and years to come,’ McCabe said.”

“The historic drop in interest rates will help some people whose adjustable-rate mortgages are scheduled to reset in the near future, enabling them to remain in their homes and avoid foreclosure. John O’Neill, CEO of Sarasota-based Century Bank… and others noted that the rate drops have done nothing to address a fundamental stumbling block in the housing market: Most people who sought ARMs during the boom did so with the idea of refinancing or selling their homes before their mortgage rates reset to higher levels.

“When the real estate market ended its historic climb with a swoon, many owners found they owed more on their houses than they were worth. They began to ask whether it made sense to keep making payments. ‘Half of the problem is interest rates and the other half is value,’ said Peter Lyddy, a mortgage broker with Gulf Coast Mortgages of Southwest Florida. ‘If people don’t have the wherewithal to stay with the market and wait for home values to rise, then a drop in interest rates is not going to help them.’”

The problem with the adjustable rate mortgages offered during the boom is that they were issued to people with more of an investor mentality than a homeowner mentality, said Jack McCabe. Those people were expecting their homes to appreciate in value. When the opposite happened, they wanted out. ‘Many will default regardless of how low rates go,’ McCabe said.”

“The fundamental attitudes toward home ownership have changed and far more people are willing to default on their mortgages than they were ten years ago, O’Neill said. ‘There is not as much sentimental attachment to a home,’ he said. ‘People see it more as an investment, and if the investment has gone bad, they are willing to walk.’


Lots and lots of people saw it as an investment here. Lots of parallels out there with here. Starting with being the most overvalued RE in the nation. There market is several multiple larger than ours, though.

One of my best friends is a banker in Miami, on the commercial side. I haven't talked to him in a while. Might have to give him a call and say Merry Christmas.

Bewert said...

Whoops, I was still logged into Blogger as Trudy. She's working on a couple of blogs...

tim said...

Bruce, either you or Trudy needs to learn the difference between it's and its.

So does Butter, but I've given up on him.

tim said...

Oregon would like to tax you on mileage via satellite.

Bewert said...

Re: Bruce, either you or Trudy needs to learn the difference between it's and its.


Mea culpa--pass the coffee ;)

"...its impacts."

Bewert said...

That is one thing the Guv Ted is going to have a really hard time shoving down the throats of Oregonians. Besides, the payment scheme actually penalizes you the more over 20 mpg you get.

As many of the comments state, if revenues for transportation infrastructure are becoming smaller, just raise the gas tax a few cents.

Now, while it seems cheap.

tim said...

I'll agree with that. I've always been for an increase in the gas tax. In fact, I want an excess tax for vehicles that get poor gas mileage. Give them a special pump (like we had with leaded/unleaded) where gas is 25 cents more.

Bewert said...

Deschutes officials gather a wish list for the Legislature

"County officials also hope the Legislature will change a rule that has limited some new development. The rule requires developers to make road improvements if their projects will increase traffic, and it is currently preventing construction on about 100 acres at Juniper Ridge in northeast Bend because of congestion at the Cooley Road and U.S. Highway 97 intersection."


Yep, that solves everything. Just turn 97 into a parking lot on the northside.

Anonymous said...

I want an excess and special tax for 'ugly' people.

Hell & I want people like HBM to pay 10X for their gas 'Just Because'.

If I were king!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that says more about Russia than it does about the US. - apu


No its about the USA, the US already collapsed years ago.

Bewert said...

CT: Last week, I seemed to have had my Google password found out and a couple of things were posted here that I didn't do.

My password was the same as my BULL password...

And now someone is posting regularly with the same name as me. Although judging from the writing style it's Buster.

Anonymous said...

Lots and lots of people saw it as an investment here. Lots of parallels out there with here. Starting with being the most overvalued RE in the nation. There market is several multiple larger than ours, though.


Pussy I have some SWAMP-LAND to sell you in Florida.

This is exactly what happened in the 1920's.

What was more interesting is the Atlanta, GA collapse. Shit is down from $350k to $50 and sitting.

Like CALI selling $750K stockton STD's to strawberry pickers, GA was selling $350k mcMansions to modern day black cotton pickers. Now these same homes go unsold for $50k.

Fuck Florida, it is what always was.

bart said...

Interesting post over on BendBB this past week. Yet another comment by someone that began a chain of events all to familiar:


You only need to know two things about BENDBB, I call that site the canary in the Bend Coal Mine.

1.) That if the subject is true, and is an embarrassment to the status-quo it will be deleted.

2.) If a story is fabricated, and supports the status quo it will stand.


Case in Point, ...

a.) Suterra topic was deleted months ago, even though it had over 2,000 views, and 50 reply's and the entire thread was only public documents that were irrefutable. Bendbb deleted the entire thread "Suterra Buys Juniper Ridge".

b.) Bendbb continues to claim that Summit-1031 principals were all part of grand conspiracy from Westside Church. Total bullshit, but Bendbb allows it to stand. "And Another One bites the Dust, and another one bites the dust".

Anonymous said...

Sussman Shank LLP 2007 ©


Talking about 'Blackwater' for $10M our bud's here in BEND have hired one bad ass fucking bankruptcy law firm.

It is a who is who of National Federation of Jewish lawyers, the best money can buy.

One issue that still bugger's my ass on 1031-Bend is this rumor that the principals were all Westside-Church? No evidence has ever been brought forward.

Neuman & bud's are Jewish, and they have retained one of the best Jewish law firms in the State of Orygun.

We report you decide.

Scary fucking shit coming to your town soon.

Mark A. Neuman, Lane D. Lyons and Tim Larkin . Good ol Jewish Boyz, were they really members of the Westside Church as BENDBB has supported and not deleted? Or is this typical BEND spin? Like the KUNT the other day that said Neuman didn't hold a CPA license??


Note the hypothetical is NOT meant to be anti-semitic, which we know is treason and subject to hangin.

The questions are simply to rhetorically ask, is this really our own B-1031 MADE-OFF? It certainly appears so, and it certainly appears that B-1031 is going to get the best just-us money can buy, just like Made-OFF.

MrBruce said...

And now someone is posting regularly with the same name as me. Although judging from the writing style it's Buster.


Its not buster, its mother bruce, and then it was father bruce, and I decided it was just bruce.

MrBruce said...

On the subject of Made-Off I don't see it here, but it was all over the Indian Press this AM.

It turns out that Made-Off is going to plead insanity.

So tops will be 1-2 years house arrest in a $20M condo, and then release under supervision.

The deal has already been made so said the Indian press.

I love ameriKKKa.

Now lets wait & see if Lyon's & Neuman follow through and please insanity on their BK Ch-11.

In retrospect, for Neuman & Lyons to have been building a Noah's Ark in Bend since 1991, and to have today's rain just wash it all away....

Have you folks seen what he's asking for his Highlands@BT lot #35? ( They don't sell for $800k, they were $400k in 2004 ) Have you seen what he valued it for collateral? ( $5M ). He's also got the the house next door for sale, and its fucking ugly. Tossed in the $5M collateral is a tiny lot at Awbrey that ain't worth nothing.

What's interesting is that 1031-Bend reports via Oregonian, who says its in the CH-11 filing that they're short $12M, but obviously all these books are CPA FUNNY given that all the loans collateral are only worth ten cents on the dollar.

I still want to know whats inside of the 673 LLC's that Lyons has. They seem to be black-boxes.

The rumor today on Made-Off is that he might have taken in at best $10B in deposits in the last 20+ years, and reporting to his 'investors' that he was doing 12%/yr, that be $50B in appreciation. It's understood that almost all the REAL $10B was kicked back to BOOSTERS, so called 'Made-Off' sales-force that got 20% of 'profit' & 1% of gross. Made-Off was essentially just making money for himself off management-fee's. All the incoming investment money was going to the distributed sales-force, e.g. wining and dining rich Jews all over the USA. Ben Stein has a good NY-Time article about how he was approached.

So Made-Off has NO REAL MONEY left, the $50B never existed, it was ALL in the minds of the 'investors', they essentially lost what they were told they had appreciated. It will be funny if they are made good on money that never actually existed. If this plays out then it in itself will be the greatest scam on the US Taxpayer of all time.

Back to 1031-Bend, where is the fucking money??? Certainly with all the LLC's ( 673 ) that all have name(s) of developments, you know there is a SHIT-LOAD of worthless Central-Oregon land on their balance-sheet.

Bewert said...

Its not buster, its mother bruce, and then it was father bruce, and I decided it was just bruce.


Now that clears things up.

tim said...

I've seen the "crazy Madoff" story all over the place. Cool that you went to find it in India.

Here's a good short rundown...

Anonymous said...

Back to 1031-Bend, where is the fucking money??? Certainly with all the LLC's ( 673 ) that all have name(s) of developments, you know there is a SHIT-LOAD of worthless Central-Oregon land on their balance-sheet.


They were certainly doing something else than just running a 1031-biz, ...

They simply didn't have enough 1031 float to account for almost 1,000 LLC's between the lot of partners.

They had to be doing some kind of Real Investment Pool.

Most of these LLC's are fronts for Developments. Perhaps they were 'canning' new developments, and prospective 'developers' could buy a turn-key legal package?? I mean names like Reagan Canyon LLC, where the FUCK was that supposed to be?? The only one I could find is in Tennessee.

We'll never really know what's going on until Simple-Bruce finds all the CH-11 filing(s) and then post's them, then perhaps we can get a picture of what is going on.

MrBruce said...

For 40+ years an Insane man ruled Wall Street and gave talks to Rich Jews all over the world and wined and dined them and nobody suspected.... Hmmm

Like the new movie "Tropic Thunder" where legal Jew Ben Stiller is told by Downey JR, "NEVER GO FULL RETARD".

I guess that after Dec 12, 2008 MADE-OFF has gone "FULL RETARD", before that he was only mildly austic for 40+ years ruling Nasdaq and the Jewish financial world, ... yeh ....

Madoff To Use Same Defense As Certain Mustachioed Austrian

Posted by Bess Levin, Dec 29, 2008, 11:45am

Picture 328.pngAnd Bernie Madoff gets off yet again! Four words: untreated case of syphilis. Didn't think Bernie Madoff's spotted sexual history was going to play a part in his defense of the greatest Ponzi scheme of all time? Think again! As you all know, some personally, when syphilis enters the symptomatic tertiary stage, "it becomes a very serious medical condition" that can cause a person to go crazy and do crazy, illegal shit, against their own wills. From the Daily News:

Lawyers for the accused scammer are exploring an insanity defense, we hear.

"Bernie's family and his attorneys may argue that, somewhere along the line, he had a mental break," says a Madoff acquaintance. "They may even say he has a multiple personality disorder."

Madoff's grip on reality does show signs of slipping. The 70-year-old financier, now a prisoner of his East Side penthouse, wore a weird smile when he was photographed shortly after his Dec. 12 arrest. He's also said to be taking a heavy dose of anti-anxiety medication.

"He seems really out of it," says a source, who believes Madoff's family fears he'll follow the example of Rene-Thierry Magon de la Villehuchet, the Madoff client who slit his wrists last week. "He has a very low affect. Bernie barely speaks. His wife, Ruth, and his sons, Andrew and Mark, do most of the talking for him."

"He might try to argue that Madoff suffered from dementia or a bipolar disorder," says the psychiatrist, who has served as an expert witness in high-profile criminal cases. "

He could argue that Madoff committed the fraud during manic, euphoric periods and that he never found the equilibrium to correct his crime. Or that he was so delusional that he convinced himself the investment returns were real. You might also plead that he was incapacitated by some character disorder, like a malignant narcissism stemming from an early-life trauma.

Anonymous said...

So who in the Bend-1031 group will go retard?? Will the whole group go collective retard?

Will all of Bend City-Hall go retard??

How will this play out???

MrBruce said...

With 14.2 million "missing" and with 10 million "lent" to the principals just 2 months ago, it seems like the Oregonian missed the heart of the story.

Maybe they are wigged out about innuendo also?


The $10M has been earmarked for the attorneys fees ( Sussman Shank LLP best bankruptcy firm in Oregon ).

The Oregonian is not going to get between a law firm and money.

It would be a conflict of interest if law enforcement 'Froze' these assets before they were transferred to Sussman Shank and given power of attorney to disburse.

Anonymous said...

Today's WALL ST Journal Reports that USA will collapse by 2010

The WSJ isn't reporting it; some Russian crackpot is predicting it. Slight difference there Bruce.

Of course he may be right.

I'm inclined to think that our creditor nations (China especially) can't afford to let us collapse. We're not only their biggest debtor but also their biggest customer.

It's like the old saying goes: "If you owe the bank $1,000 it's your problem; if you owe the bank $100,000,000 it's the bank's problem."

Of course I may be wrong.

Anonymous said...

Hell & I want people like HBM to pay 10X for their gas 'Just Because'.

I love you too, shithead.

MrBruce said...

Can you imagine if the system actually 'worked' and all that 'borrowed investor' money got 'froze' before the law firm got power of attorney over the money??

It would mean no CH-11, which costs about $10M if you have almost 1,000 LLC's to protect.

You all pick your own theory. I have mine, and that is unlike Made-Off, ... Jews don't fuck Jews.

Oregonian is owned by Newhouse Publishing ( JEWISH ), the 1031-Bend boyz are Jewish, and Sussman Shank is the best Jewish bankruptcy law firm in the State of Oregon.

In a bad economy, if the public pressure cut off these funds to the law firm, there would be a lot of pissed off beautiful angry people in PDX, and that just ain't going to fucking happen.

Welcome to Orygun,

Welcome to Bend.

MrBruce said...

Of course I may be wrong. - HBM


I think we all need to dwell on that for awhile.

It would create cognitive dissonance in my world just thinking that the Brain behind the BULL&SORE for the past 20 years was anything but RIGHT 24/7/365.

Anonymous said...

What seems to spook people now is the possibility that everybody in charge of everything is a fraud or a crook.

That's pretty much the case.

Back during the Nixon administration, when I was working at Newsday, my little daughter would sit on my lap as I read the NY Times and I would point at photos of Nixon on the front page and say: "That's Nixon -- he's a crook."

Pretty soon every time she saw a photo of Nixon she would point her tiny finger at it and say: "Nixon -- crook!"

And then before long every time she saw a picture of a man in a suit and tie she would point at it and exclaim: "Crook!"

She was usually right.

MrBruce said...


When are you going to do a 'wandering eye' on the Bend-1031 scandolo??

Sheet the BULL has done two storys, and you have been "Suterra Silent" on this whole thing.

That said, I'm sure that the 1031-Bend boyz are all good friends of A-Switzer, and he ain't going to ruin nobody's laundry.

Still its surprising, as normally your all over 'Bend Stupid' Shit.

Common Ground: Remember we all agree that Olive-Garden ain't Italian. That Bend is a town of red neck Neanderthals, ... we have more in common, than not.


Anonymous said...

It would create cognitive dissonance in my world just thinking that the Brain behind the BULL&SORE for the past 20 years was anything but RIGHT 24/7/365.

I am not the brain behind the Source and I wasn't the brain behind the Bulletin and I have only been working for the Source for about 10 years and the last four of them have been part-time.

But this blog is a reality-free zone so say what you like.

MrBruce said...

Pretty soon every time she saw a photo of Nixon she would point her tiny finger at it and say: "Nixon -- crook!" ... before long every time she saw a picture of a man in a suit and tie she would point at it and exclaim: "Crook!"

She was usually right.


I always have said ...

"If black men organize we call them gangs"

"If white men organize we call them unions"

"If white suits organize, we call them businessmen"

Taking care of 'bizness' means what it has always meant, taking care of yourself, and fuck everyone else.

So much common ground, so little time.

MrBruce said...

But this blog is a reality-free zone so say what you like.


That's why all the boyz here created the new 'mirror' for this site called ...

We be Bend.

Bewert said...

Re: Slight difference there Bruce.


Ahhh, that's the fake bruce, hb...

One sentence paragraphs are usually the key. It is way confusing, which is probably the intention.

MrBruce said...

I am not the brain behind the Source and I wasn't the brain behind the Bulletin and I have only been working for the Source for about 10 years and the last four of them have been part-time.


But, But, ... HBM you be the only person in this fucking town with a heart & soul.

Without you, this town would only be Becky Breeze, ... and 60k other Stepford wives shopping at Walmart.

You be the only breath of fresh air in Bend.

Ok, so your the only person at the SORE & BULL during the last 20 years that used their brain.

MrBruce said...

Ahhh, that's the fake bruce, hb...


All Bruce's are Fake, this is Bend.

Fake titty's, fake dicks, fake asses, and fake bruces.

MrBruce said...


I thought Mr. Russia was right on.

What part don't you agree??

HBM, this story has been floating around for six months, in its current form, and what is significant is today WSJ put it on page-one!!

I find the arguments to be completely correct. The prediction is by Spring 2008, it will be completely clear that Obama can do nothing.

Yes, HBM is right China needs us, but it is also NOT true, if you bothered to read Jim Rogers, he points out that 90% of CHINA internal infrastructure jobs & needs really have nothing to do with the USA. Sure they would export less iPods, but the infrastructure still needs to be built, China is going to grow like hell the next 20+ years, while the USA implodes.


p.s. I used to live in CHINA, and know it very well.

MrBruce said...

The worst thing for China if the USA implodes is not that bad, with deflation it means CHINA can BUY more US real estate. Which is how China will purchase California, & Oregon,... PNW as predicted by Mr. Russia.

Bend to become part of Calif is quite obvious, even rich Chinese tourists would enjoy Bend in the summer, in contrast to their Stockton STD's.

CHINA for the most part is filthy polluted country, having been abused by mankind for 8,000 years, virtually everything is polluted, that's why the Chinese word for USA means 'Beautiful Place', the Chinese will have NO problem buying USA real estate at bargain prices with their dollars when the USA deflates.

I can see Bend being a resort town for rich Chinese, and all the white folks be prostitutes, just like the Russians flat-back along the China/Russia border.

I remember a few years ago in China along the border, you could get a Russian women for a water melon. They like white-women, even though white is the symbol of death.

tim said...

>>I thought Mr. Russia was right on.

I didn't say he was wrong. I just said the story tells more about Russia.

This Russian has been predicting this for 10 years. He's getting traction now because a) the US is stumbling and b) Russia is in such bad shape that its people are eating up the idea that the US could fall as the Soviet Union did. They are jealous of us, and so wish the worst upon us.

To me the interesting part of the story is not the prediction but the reason it captivates the Russians. After all, that's what the story is all about.

And it's really not predictive. It's about what's already happened. Almost no one listened to Peter Schiff until AFTER the credit crunch.

People always pluck out the guy who had it right (y luck or intellect) AFTER the fact.

Anonymous said...

Utah-Wisconsin Bruce said:
"One sentence paragraphs are usually the key. It is way confusing, which is probably the intention."

It's easy to distinguish between the origianl Bruce and the fake Bruces. The original Bruce has a northern Wisconsin accent.

Anonymous said...

Taking care of 'bizness' means what it has always meant, taking care of yourself, and fuck everyone else.

Amen, Brother Bruce!

The thing that depresses me the most about living in America circa 2008 is the sense that everybody is always trying to stick his/her hand in your pocket. Everybody is constantly trying to get over on everybody else. Every business is constantly out to extract more money in return for shoddier products and/or inferior services.

This is Capitalism Triumphant, the social Darwinist jungle, survival of the fittest (or crookedest), nature red in tooth and claw, the war of all against all.

Some like it this way; to them I say "Fuck you." Others say it has to be this way. To them I say bullshit, because I can remember a time when it wasn't this way. At least, not to this degree.

tim said...

Companies stealing our present money and government stealing our future money. Hell of a system.

Bewert said...

Re: I can see Bend being a resort town for rich Chinese


So I've got this picture in my head of a wrinkled chinese guy wandering the Walmart parking lot with a watermelon under his arm and Viagra in his pocket. There's a funny video in there somewhere.

bart said...

Good Work BP,

Bewert said...

Thanks, bart.

$28M sounds low to me now. We know there are about 38 victims based out of Austin, with only four listed on the BK (plus another two from Texas). The lowest amount of the top 20 is $492K. It would only take 14 or so open accounts of $250K to break $28M. That just seems really low considering what we know so far.

Anonymous said...

Well to quote our leader 'dunc' we still don't know anything.

What we do know.

$24M is a bigger number than the $14M reported.

We don't know what the 673 LLC's of Lyon's are for, or hiding.

We don't know if Bend-1031 pardners were running some kind of Real Estate investment pool. I mean these guys have just too many LLC's, there is just too much going on, ...

We still got the WATER issue, as its a real issue.

Putting this entire puzzle together will be as hard as putting together the MADE-OFF puzzle.

It will take time, for now just get all the CH-11 filings publicly available, and get more people looking at them.

Anonymous said...

People always pluck out the guy who had it right (y luck or intellect) AFTER the fact.


I agree, but I enjoyed this OP-ED six months ago, and the fact that its page-one today on the WSJ is big fucking news.

Traction, that means it will be everywhere in a week.

Six months ago it was just obscure blogger shit floating around.

Now that more people are hurting, more people realize that yes "Something is terribly wrong with this country", ... V for Vendetta

Bewert said...

Jim Rogers calls most big U.S. banks "bankrupt"

By Jonathan Stempel

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Jim Rogers, one of the world's most prominent international investors, on Thursday called most of the largest U.S. banks "totally bankrupt," and said government efforts to fix the sector are wrongheaded.

Speaking by teleconference at the Reuters Investment Outlook 2009 Summit, the co-founder with George Soros of the Quantum Fund, said the government's $700 billion rescue package for the sector doesn't address how banks manage their balance sheets, and instead rewards weaker lenders with new capital.

Dozens of banks have won infusions from the Troubled Asset Relief Program created in early October, just after the Sept 15 bankruptcy filing by Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc (LEHMQ.PK). Some of the funds are being used for acquisitions.

"Without giving specific names, most of the significant American banks, the larger banks, are bankrupt, totally bankrupt," said Rogers, who is now a private investor.

"What is outrageous economically and is outrageous morally is that normally in times like this, people who are competent and who saw it coming and who kept their powder dry go and take over the assets from the incompetent," he said. "What's happening this time is that the government is taking the assets from the competent people and giving them to the incompetent people and saying, now you can compete with the competent people. It is horrible economics."

Rogers said he shorted shares of Fannie Mae (FNM.P) and Freddie Mac (FRE.P) before the government nationalized the mortgage financiers in September, a week before Lehman failed.

Now a specialist in commodities, Rogers said he has used the recent rally in the U.S. dollar as an opportunity to exit dollar-denominated assets.

While not saying how long the U.S. economic recession will last, he said conditions could ultimately mirror those of Japan in the 1990s. "The way things are going, we're going to have a lost decade too, just like the 1970s," he said.

Goldman Sachs & Co analysts this week estimated that banks worldwide have suffered $850 billion of credit-related losses and writedowns since the global credit crisis began last year.

But Rogers said sound U.S. lenders remain. He said these could include banks that don't make or hold subprime mortgages, or which have high ratios of deposits to equity, "all the classic old ratios that most banks in America forgot or started ignoring because they were too old-fashioned."

Many analysts cite Lehman's Sept 15 bankruptcy as a trigger for the recent cratering in the economy and stock markets.

Rogers called that idea "laughable," noting that banks have been failing for hundreds of years. And yet, he said policymakers aren't doing enough to prevent another Lehman.

"Governments are making mistakes," he said. "They're saying to all the banks, you don't have to tell us your situation. You can continue to use your balance sheet that is phony.... All these guys are bankrupt, they're still worrying about their bonuses, they're still trying to pay their dividends, and the whole system is weakened."

Rogers said is investing in growth areas in China and Taiwan, in such areas as water treatment and agriculture, and recently bought positions in energy and agriculture indexes.

(For summit blog:


Rogers, the font of truth. rdc, you reading him?

Anonymous said...

More Layers Of Management Coming For JR
From the Bend Bulletin:

Manager sought for Juniper Ridge
Bend hoping to find development specialist for project

With a large amount of infrastructure work to complete, ongoing transportation-related holdups and a second business set to move in, Bend officials are looking for some outside help with the commercial development of Juniper Ridge.

Currently, the city’s 1,500-acre project in northeast Bend is managed by a large and sometimes confusingly structured group of people that includes the Bend City Council, city officials, the project’s former master developer and the Juniper Ridge Management Board, a five-member volunteer group of residents with experience in business, development and government.

But now, city officials are looking to bring in another person to serve as Juniper Ridge’s development manager, a contract position city officials said will be key in helping to organize future land deals with businesses interested the project and oversee other elements of its development...

This will be the fourth or fifth group brought in to move JR forward, depending on if you count the Juniper Ridge Management Board (JRMB). We are still paying Juniper Ridge Partners i.e. Ray Kuratek and Jeff Holtzman (JRP) 6% of every sale of the first 50 acres sold beyond the 20 acres that Les Schwab bought and optioned, per the Option Agreement. This is on top of the $2,515,000 paid to JRP for turning over the Master Plan they developed with Cooper-Robertson.

Three firms were interviewed on a full blizzard of a day in Bend: "James “Jim” Carnahan, a Bend development manager and engineer who formerly worked with David Evans and Associates; Dike Dame, the president of Williams & Dame, the Portland firm that developed the Broken Top golf resort; and David Ditz, a Colorado-based development company owner."

According to John James, Chair of the JRMB:

“The city wears two hats — the city’s normal situation is the regulator, which they do well, and also the developer, and they don’t do that as well,” James said.

“The idea is to get someone independent, from the development community to report to Eric (King) and this board and try to get all the infrastructure and entitlement issues taken care of, which are significant in 2009.”

City manager Eric King indicated the Development Manager would be paid from money budgeted for Juniper Ridge operations.

Due to the blizzard, I stayed home after seeing five accidents within six blocks of Brookswood. More when I speak with Mr. James and read the meeting minutes.

Unfortunately the minutes will probably not be available until after the selection vote by the City Council.

Bewert said...

The funniest thing I read at the BBoard recently was some guy saying that all public companies HAVE to mark to market. That's so far into la-la land I didn't even bother to respond.

Lot's of experts over there. I really like the ones that keep explaining why our RE is coming back real soon now.

Anonymous said...

Somebody is very upset about the following CACB connection to Moss getting dumped wrt MDU(Knife-River), West-Comm(BULL), ....

Patricia Moss of CACB is the Secretary of Western Communications that owns the BULL.

Would would have guessed??


Patricia Moss is a very busy Girl Win's the LLC award.



Elizabeth McCool another busy girl runs all of our favorite PNW newspapers.


Bewert said...

Although I suddenly have a deadline contract, I'll try to update the JR blog with the facts of the Bend City Council voting to sell City land at JR to Pacific Power with absolutely no notice.

Big boo-boo.

Anonymous said...

WTF does this have to do with BEND-1031???

ALL the CASH for your girlfriend has been coming from sale of a 'MDU', which just happens to be owned by KNIFE-RIVER, they VERY people who get all the FUCKING MONEY on Juniper-Ridge make-work projects, ... Who would have fucking guessed

MOSS PATRICIA L: Declared Holdings
Company/Relationship Reported Shares Ownership
Cascade Bancorp
(historical quotes, profile, SEC, other insiders) 8-Aug-08 135,577 Direct
(historical quotes, profile, SEC, other insiders) 10-Dec-08 35,910 Direct

Insider & restricted shareholder transactions reported over the last two years
Date Shares Stock Transaction
10-Dec-08 2,360 MDU Acquisition (Non Open Market) at $20.97 per share.
(Value of $49,489)
8-Aug-08 7,500 CACB Option Exercise at $5.74 per share.
(Cost of $43,050)
28-Apr-08 4,050 MDU Acquisition (Non Open Market) at $28.52 per share.
(Value of $115,506)
3-Mar-08 11,500 CACB Acquisition (Non Open Market) at $10.13 per share.
(Value of $116,495)
24-Jan-08 3,120 CACB Disposition (Non Open Market) at $12.98 per share.
(Value of $40,497)
31-Dec-07 1,878 MDU Acquisition (Non Open Market) at $27.94 per share.
(Value of $52,471)
26-Oct-07 6,626 CACB Option Exercise at $6.04 per share.
(Cost of $40,021)
27-Apr-07 4,050 MDU Acquisition (Non Open Market) at $31.07 per share.
(Value of $125,833)
1-Feb-07 16,568 CACB Option Exercise at $6.04 - $6.04 per share.
(Cost of about $100,000)
1-Feb-07 7,111 CACB Acquisition (Non Open Market) at $27.32 - $27.32 per share.
(Value of about $194,000)
29-Dec-06 2,047 MDU Acquisition (Non Open Market) at $25.81 - $25.81 per share.
(Value of about $53,000)

tim said...

What I find fascinating is that the Russian story of the demise of the United States is shockingly similar to the John Titor backstory.

Clearly it resonates, perhaps at a Jungian level.

LavaBear said...

18 NOD's today to bring the monthly total to 211. High of the year was 212 in Oct. We are over 1900 with two more days to go. Previous yearly high was 590 which happened to be 2007.

Bewert said...

Don't forget these talking points against our Israeli brothers-in-arms!:

Wartime in Gaza: The worst anti-Israel charges you'll hear
By Bradley Burston, Haaretz Correspondent
Tags: Hamas, Gaza, Israel

better terms than the one just ended.
For Hamas, this largely means easing Israeli economic sanctions against Gazans. For Israel, this centers on ending shelling by Qassam and Grad missiles and mortar shells. For both sides, this means a prisoner exchange, centering on Gilad Shalit and hundreds of jailed Hamas members.

Leftist 2: The Palestinians have no recourse but to defend themselves, and the makeshift rockets they fire are nothing compared to the world's most advanced warplanes and munitions, which the IDF is using against them.

The Human Rights Watch organization has been unequivocal in condemning the use of Qassam rockets as a direct violation of international humanitarian law and the laws of war. The firing of Qassams and mortars against civilian populations also
constitutes collective punishment
against hundreds of thousands of innocent Israeli men, women and children.

Moreover, the firing of Qassams began not as a response to the siege against Gaza, but as a marathon celebration by armed Islamic fundamentalist groups following Israel's withdrawal of its troops and settlers from the Strip. To purposely add insult to injury, Islamic Jihad and other organizations used the ruins of settlements as launch platforms.

Leftist 3: All that Hamas is asking, is recognition as the democratically elected government of Gaza, and an end to the Israeli economic embargo. Were they to attain these goals, there would be calm on both sides of the border.

It is both unrealistic and dangerous to believe that Hamas has abandoned its clearly stated and often reiterated goal of establishing an Islamic Palestinian state in all of the Holy Land, including all land claimed, annexed by, or in any way occupied by Israel.

Beyond that, Hamas has strong alliances with the Egyptian opposition Muslim brotherhood, as well as working partnerships with the Iran-dominated Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad.

Israeli restraint, when practiced, has been met with contempt and additional Hamas and Hamas-tolerated strikes against civilian populations.

Leftist 4: The Israeli blockade against Hamas is state terrorism and any means to fight it are legitimate.

There is every reason to believe that Israel's economic siege against Gaza is misguided, but not for an essential cruelty, rather because Hamas taxes collected on the influx of goods imported through tunnels from Egyptian territory have subsidized and cemented Hamas rule.

Leftist 5: The world overwhelmingly sympathizes with the Palestinians against Israel, and unreservedly backs their struggle for independence.

In an era of global revulsion against radical Islamic terror, Hamas' protracted program of suicide bombings, drive-by murders and shelling of civilian populations, coupled with its refusal to renounce violence, recognize Israel, or accept past peace agreements, coupled with its ideology of militant jihad, have drained the Palestinians of international sympathy and have, in fact, legitimized Israeli arguments of military self-defense.

Nothing has been more instrumental in harming the cause of Palestinian independence than Hamas, with its brutal take-over of Gaza in a war with brother Palestinians, and its frank efforts to build a large-scale regular army force in the Strip.

In Part Two, in the coming week: The second five will be newer claims, the Alpha-male displays of the Israel-bashing right, the group which constantly berates the government and the IDF for not bombing Gaza into a parking lot, for not shooting and starving and freezing innocent civilians to death.

Bewert said...

Re: High of the year was 212 in Oct.


LB, that's the historical high.

LavaBear said...

>>>LB, that's the historical high.

If you take out the last couple months of 2007 and all of 2008 then the high is about 56.

Hockey Stick graph

Anonymous said...

Israelis are the most EVIL people on the face of the earth, next are the StepFord wives of Bend.

I pity the Palestinians.

Anonymous said...

Titor described the time machine on several occasions. In an early post, he described it as a "stationary mass, temporal displacement unit powered by two top-spin, dual positive singularities", producing a "standard off-set Tipler sinusoid". The earliest post was more explicit, saying it contained:

* Two magnetic housing units for the dual micro singularities
* An electron injection manifold to alter mass and gravity micro singularities
* A cooling and X-ray venting system
* Gravity sensors, or a variable gravity lock
* Four main caesium clocks
* Three main computer units


Me & patti moss went for a spin tonight, and I can tell you we didn't need any singularity's or Cesium Cocks.

Anonymous said...


I was cleaning out my pussy tonight after a long night at the D&D and I found four lumps of coal.

They be yours??

Anonymous said...

There is every reason to believe that Israel's economic siege against Gaza is misguided, but not for an essential cruelty, rather because Hamas taxes collected on the influx of goods imported through tunnels from Egyptian territory have subsidized and cemented Hamas rule.


Fuck you Israel BUSH apologist.

The tunnels are a product of your management, Hamas is a product of Israel suffocation.

Anonymous said...

I was on craigslist tonight, and a girl name patsy offered herself. It was erotic services Bend, ...

Now I can't fnd her andy ideas??

Meo so fucking lonoly, me want a patsy.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Deep is latest local restaurant to go under

Bend eatery’s owner cites economic downturn

By John Gottberg Anderson / For The Bulletin
Published: December 30. 2008 4:00AM PST

Deep, a Japanese fusion restaurant in downtown Bend, will permanently close its doors early Thursday morning, executive chef Jody Denton said.

Denton said the restaurant will close and its staff will disband following a New Year’s Eve celebration. Some of the staff, he said, will transfer to jobs at his Merenda Restaurant and Wine Bar.

Denton said economic conditions dictated the decision to close Deep, which opened to much anticipation in June 2007. The first six months of business, he said, exceeded expectations. But he said the restaurant has struggled in 2008, particularly in the last three months of the year, and an attempt to recapitalize was not successful.

Deep features a sushi bar, a main bar with imported and domestic sakes, a main dining area and additional seating in an upstairs balcony. The restaurant contains an unusual water feature suspended from the ceiling.

One of Deep’s signature dishes is Northwest Kobe beef and a hot river rock, which is heated to 700 degrees, allowing the customer to grill thin slices of beef at the table.

Deep opened several months before a half-dozen other restaurants opened, or retooled their menus, in downtown Bend.

Volo, a restaurant on Bond Street with fish, seafood and meat entrees ranging from around $20 to about $40, closed earlier this month, although its future plans were unclear. And Bluefish Bistro, which was on Franklin Avenue near Wall Street, closed earlier this year.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Some of the staff, he said, will transfer to jobs at his Merenda Restaurant and Wine Bar.

Don't get comfy. Either one of you. Cuz Merenda is next.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Some of the staff, he said, will transfer to jobs at his Merenda Restaurant and Wine Bar.

Their plans are only unclear to The Bulletin.

They're going to strip mine the property & leave... but first Bledsoe is going to celebrate the New Year by jerking off a donkey into Costa's mouth.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

will permanently close its doors early Thursday morning...

After we done partied, drank all the good stuff, watched Costa swaller some donkey spunk, ate the food, throwed it up & stoled ever-motherfuckin-thing we could find... welp, then we closin'.

They closing after the New Years morning rush to eat sushi.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Of course The Bull had to run a "restaurant opening" piece to balance things out:

Local flavor in a national chain
Subway owners adding a restaurant – and Sisters Coffee

I actually think this place will do well.

Locals working downtown who are sick of blowing $12 on lunch will go there occasionally. Current owners are going ape-shit trying to convince people the "Subway is LOCAL"... seems dubious, but could work. And mainly, it's the sort of place that appeals to low-end travellers on a tight budget... which is exactly the sort of people Bend is going to attract with its unpaved, rutted streets & pumice dust storms.

This place could also be a big draw for teens who have just snorted an 8-ball in Drake Park.

I'll say this; they have blown a huge wad on the interior furnishings. A lot. Probably could have gotten Deeps fixtures for next to nothing...

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Case Shiller out:

Home prices plunge record 18 percent in October: S&P
42 mins ago

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Prices of U.S. single-family homes in October plunged a record 18.0 percent from a year earlier, according to the Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices released on Tuesday that indicated a U.S. housing market in the throes of a deep recession.

The composite index of 20 metropolitan areas fell 2.2 percent in October from September. The price drops, both on a year-over-year and month-over-month basis, came in worse than expectations based on a Reuters survey of economists.

S&P said its composite index of 10 metropolitan areas declined 2.1 percent in October from September for a 19.1 percent year-over-year drop, also a record.

"The bear market continues; home prices are back to their March, 2004 levels." David M. Blitzer, Chairman of the Index Committee at Standard & Poor's, said in a statement.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

December consumer confidence drops to all-time low

Tuesday December 30, 10:07 am ET

By Ellen Simon, AP Business Writer

Consumer confidence falls unexpectedly in December, hitting all-time low as job market worsens

NEW YORK (AP) -- Consumer confidence hit an all-time low in December, dropping unexpectedly in the face of layoffs and deteriorating markets for housing, stocks and other investments.

The Conference Board's Consumer Confidence Index fell to 38 in December from a revised 44.7 in November. Economists surveyed by Thomson Reuters had expected the index to rise incrementally to 45.

The separate Present Situation index, which measures how respondents feel about business conditions and employment prospects, fell to 29.4 in December from 42.3 in November. It is now close to levels last seen after the 1990 to 1991 recession.

The dismal job market appears to have outweighed declining gas prices in consumers' minds. Those saying jobs are "hard to get" rose to 42 percent in December from 37.1 percent in November, while those claiming jobs are "plentiful" decreased to 6.2 percent from 8.7 percent.

The proportion of consumers anticipating an increase in their incomes decreased to 12.7 percent in December from 13.1 percent in November.

Those claiming business conditions are "bad" increased to 46.0 percent in December from 40.6 percent in November, while those saying business conditions are "good" declined to 7.7 percent from 10.1 percent.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Well, if anyone is interested, you can buy Gottschalks, all 59 stores, for about what a decent mega-shack out at the Highlands would run you.

For sale now, it can all be yours for only $2.26 million! 59 stores! $640 million annual sales! Less than Neuman wants for his Fraud-Shack!

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Feels like the bad old days
Commentary: Christmas week sales slip to lowest levels in decades

By MarketWatch
Last update: 10:26 a.m. EST Dec. 30, 2008

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Remember the 1970s?

We were in the midst of an unpopular war, the environmental movement was on the rise, the economy was in the doldrums and often compared to the Great Depression, and there was an escalating energy crisis.

Sound familiar?

Well, we've got another comparison to those troubled days. The International Council of Shopping Centers and Goldman Sachs said chain-store sales for the week ended Dec. 27 fell 1.8% from the year-ago period. On a week-over-week basis, sales fell 1.5%.

Michael Niemira, ICSC's chief economist, said a combination of the 2008 recession, widespread heavy discounting and bad pre-holiday weather all came together to produce the weakest holiday season since at least 1970.

Snowstorms certainly curbed some spending, but the main culprit seems to be shoppers cutting back amid a crumbling job market, tanking retirement savings, and plunging home values. Read more on declining home prices. Read more on record low consumer confidence.

Results this bleak during Christmas week are a disconcerting sign for what lies ahead for retailers. After a dismal back-to-school shopping season, retailers marked down merchandise early to lure in holiday shoppers.

And post-Christmas shopping, which in past years has been a good way for retailers to make up for slack earlier in the season, isn't expected to be much of a help. Retailers said sales were more promotional than planned, Johnson Redbook said in its weekly survey. Markdowns are expected to deepen in the final week and throughout January since missed sales targets imply inventory overhangs which must be cleared before the spring season begins. This spells desperation to stimulate sales volume for the month and subsequent profit worries for retailers, come the end of the fiscal quarter.

Decades ago, we managed to recover from the '70s. Let's hope we can dig ourselves out again.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

And for every Deep-style closure (publicly acknowledged), there are several non-public Fireside Red-style closures...

Like The Speedshop, right next to Deep. At first it was a Christmas "hiatus" ala Fireside, but now they have admitted that the holiday closure to allow "Let's Make A Space" redo the place was a big sham. No more Speedshop, no more nuke paste, no more boars head meat sangwiches. But thank God, we now have a Subway.

RIP Speedshop, we hardly knew ye.

Anonymous said...

Pucker up... Home median price in Bend sittin at $242k...Back to spring 05' Back to the future of Bend.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

I think these Waiting For Godot home sellers are FINALLY going to give up on a recovery & list their shit shack soon... I think this Spring will be an onslaught of inventory.

You Realtors, it's your job to open these peoples eyes to reality, dismiss Bulletin Kool-Aid, and Get Real on price.

If you don't you DESERVE WHAT YOU GET: Nothing moving, nothing selling, you going bust.

Believe it or not, a price COLLAPSE is The Best Thing That Could Happen To The Bend Housing Market. It'll get us OFF the overvalued reports, it'll reintroduce some sanity in getting prices back in line w/ local wages, and there will be some volume again. Worrying about the losses some dumbfuck is going to sustain just prolongs the pain. They're going to sustain the losses anyway... just don't let it drain YOUR time & money.

I'm telling you: Face reality NOW. A massive & rapid collapse of Bend home prices will actually be The Single Best Harbinger for coming out of this thing.

I then EXPECT EVERY ONE OF YOU, to go buy an Arnie Swarens plaque swearing you'll never "waste" another RE bubble. Won't happen, but it's a nice sentiment anyway.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Home median price in Bend sittin at $242k...

Damn margie, that is brutal!

Let us all thank young marge for her tireless statistical efforts!

Anonymous said...

No homes over $599k sold yet in Dec., that's 243 in untouched inventory. If we end up selling 50 in Dec. then we have 25 months inventory as there are 1263 active today. Long cold winter. Soup lines, starving children of Realtors. Ramen being served at lunch in RE offices.

Bewert said...

Re: GOTT at .17, $2.26M cap


Makes you wonder what the balance sheet looks like. Liquidating the inventory would bring a lot more than that.

Bewert said...

Marge, what was median in Feb or Mar '03?

Anonymous said...

The Chapter 11 Debtor in Possession

Chapter 11 is typically used to reorganize a business, which may be a corporation, sole proprietorship, or partnership. A corporation exists separate and apart from its owners, the stockholders. The chapter 11 bankruptcy case of a corporation (corporation as debtor) does not put the personal assets of the stockholders at risk other than the value of their investment in the company's stock.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

2008 may go down as the 3rd worst year for the DJIA in the past 102 years.

1931: -52%
1907: -38%
1930: -34%
1920: -33%
1937: -33%

We closed Dec 31, 2007 at 13264.82, and we're currently at 8,550, or down 36%. A bad end to the year, and we might hit #2!

Bewert said...

Couple more closures out by me: the Toy Shop(sp?) and that place that rented out various motor toys on Parrell.

bart said...

All those Summit-1031 loans were for 'personal use only', thus they cannot be touched in the CH-11.

The Corp is short ten's of millions, but the principals have ten's of millions of 'personal cash'.

Homer is right Bend city-hall is all over itself in pride.

Bend has finally figured out a new line of bizness. Grifting people who don't even live near Bend.

Who would have guessed?

Anonymous said...

March/April 05'medians were in the $240's range.

bart said...

Makes you wonder what the balance sheet looks like. Liquidating the inventory would bring a lot more than that.


I wonder linens&things have been trying to dump shit for a month here now at ten cents on the dollar, and they still have a clown out at hwy-20&27th waving a sign.

It's harder to put cash value on inventory than you think, nobody is buying, even at 90% off.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Liquidating the inventory would bring a lot more than that.

Shit dude, they got a $90+ million Net Worth! Unfortunately they have $280MM in debt, and they're not even close to being able to make the payments. So that $90 mill, like much in retail, is a accounting fiction. Many, MANY companies go BK with a HUGE net worth. Most of the recent gov't takeover were of companies with many BILLIONS in "net worth".

Plus they gotts a payroll of 4,800.

Bewert said...

Re: I wonder linens&things have been trying to dump shit for a month here now at ten cents on the dollar, and they still have a clown out at hwy-20&27th waving a sign.


No, there problem is it's still not low enough. Last time I checked it was "up to 40% off".

Bewert said...

"their" being Linens & Things

You know what would probably make it here is a Big Lots.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

You know what would probably make it here is a Big Lots.

I thought Shop-Ko was BigLots sleezy crack-whored out step-sister-inlaw? Is ShopKo making it?

Anonymous said...

"Governments are making mistakes," he said. "They're saying to all the banks, you don't have to tell us your situation. You can continue to use your balance sheet that is phony.... All these guys are bankrupt, they're still worrying about their bonuses, they're still trying to pay their dividends, and the whole system is weakened." - Rogers ...


Gee, Obama has put the same people in charge. They are the government. The Federal Reserve is the Banks, and they are the Government.

Perhaps Rogers is doing the right thing by riding out the storm in Singapore.

All of Bend is a Fraud, and the entire US economy is a Fraud. Rogers is suggesting that Banks are what makes the Government a Fraud. That said, Social Security, Medicare, ... are today the biggest Ponzi Schemes, all enabled by the government.

No western civilization in the history of the world has lasted much over 200 years, the mercantilists always make the money worthless. It's the economic nature of a democracy.

Perhaps Singapore not being a Democracy will protect Rogers during his lifetime?

bart said...


I mean DAD, are you going to put up a new post for New Year??


Anonymous said...

Last time I checked it was "up to 40% off".


We got some Cuisinart prior to xmas there that were $200 items for $20, so you call it what you want, but when I can get Cuisinart for -90% I snapped a few items.

The problem is lack of cash for most people, and no balance on their cards.

Bewert said...

Re: All those Summit-1031 loans were for 'personal use only', thus they cannot be touched in the CH-11.


From the two principals $5M Trust Deeds:

"WHEREAS, Grantor has various outstanding commercial indebtedness to Beneficiary pursuant to various loan agreements and promissory notes executed at various dates. (The loan agreements and promissory notes, as they may be modified, extended, or replaced from time to time are collectively referred to herin as the "Note"); and

WHEREAS, Grantor acknowledges and agrees that the proceeds of the loan(s) which are the subject of the Note were utilized for commercial real estate acquisitions by the Grantor, and not for personal or other consumer purposes; and

WHEREAS, as a condition to the making of the loan(s) to Grantor which are the subject of the Note, Beneficiary required, and Grantor agreed to provide this Trust Deed to secure $5,000,000 of the unpaid balance of principal and interest under the Note, the "SECURED INDEBTEDNESS."

Bewert said...

Re: We got some Cuisinart prior to xmas there that were $200 items for $20


I'll have to go check it out. I've been watching for a great deal on a little food chopper.

And skate skiing gear.

I figure pretty soon craigslist is going to have stuff people are desperate to raise cash from.

Anonymous said...

Shit dude, they got a $90+ million Net Worth! Unfortunately they have $280MM in debt, and they're not even close to being able to make the payments. So that $90 mill, like much in retail, is a accounting fiction.


The 'accounting fiction' is the problem with everything in Post 1970's ameriKKKa.

A negative net worth is common in Corporations, debt is the rule. Then in 1998 the average consumer went negative in savings.

You cannot have a future with everyone and everything owing more than they're worth.

People like to think that ameriKKKa is great, or that the Russian is WRONG, that the USA can not implode, but the fact is the USA is kept together by Fraud, and Sophistry. It's a Ponzi Scam of unlimited magnitude.

I'm sure like our Deep or Merenda, poor Jodi has Debt to the ceiling, ... so they let it go. The banks just love to loan on this shit.

So back to the Rogers editorial above by Bruce. Rogers says that all banks are BK, hell yes, as all banks show they have collateralized their loans, with companys that have a negative net worth.

Right NOW, they way I see it, and have seen it since 1980's is that ALL CEO's are doing a BEND-1031, .e.g. taking the CORP CASH with personal loans (IOU's) held with worthless assets and moving the CASH to save places. This has been the way for 25+ years.

Then there are still some of you that don't see the USA imploding as described by the Russian.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

13 of the 20 greatest one-day point declines in DJIA, were in 2008.

Anonymous said...

WHEREAS, Grantor acknowledges and agrees that the proceeds of the loan(s) which are the subject of the Note were utilized for commercial real estate acquisitions by the Grantor, and not for personal or other consumer purposes;


So you think they borrowed $10M cash in Aug 2008, to BUY more real estate?

In this case the Grantor & Grantee are the same person.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

DAD, are you going to put up a new post for New Year??

I'll try Son, I'll try.

Anonymous said...

TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage CONSIDERATION: $5,000,000 DATE REC: 9/22/2008 8:52:58 AM



So Neuman borrowed $5M twice a few months ago from his own company to purchase more real estate? Using collateral worth much less than the amount borrowed to BUY more worthless Bend land?? Or was Newman going to buy bargains in Detroit with this money??

tim said...

>>13 of the 20 greatest one-day point declines in DJIA, were in 2008.

Dude, you know point declines are bogus. Do you have the numbers for percentage declines?

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Wanna lock up your money for 30 yrs in our governments hands?

You'll get 2.61% on your money EACH & EVERY YEAR they are empowered to print it.

Can't beat that!

tim said...

>>Or was Newman going to buy bargains in Detroit with this money??

I'd say "maybe," but there aren't 5 million houses in Detroit.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Do you have the numbers for percentage declines?

Rank Date Close Net Chg % Chg
1 10/19/1987 1,738.74 –508.00 –22.61
2 10/28/1929 260.64 –38.33 –12.82
3 10/29/1929 230.07 –30.57 –11.73
4 11/6/1929 232.13 –25.55 –9.92
5 12/18/1899 58.27 –5.57 –8.72
6 8/12/1932 63.11 –5.79 –8.40
7 3/14/1907 76.23 –6.89 –8.29
8 10/26/1987 1,793.93 –156.83 –8.04
9 10/15/2008 8,577.91 –733.08 –7.87
10 7/21/1933 88.71 –7.55 –7.84
11 10/18/1937 125.73 –10.57 –7.75
12 10/9/2008 8,579.19 –678.91 –7.33
13 2/1/1917 88.52 –6.91 –7.24
14 10/27/1997 7,161.14 –554.26 –7.18
15 10/5/1932 66.07 –5.09 –7.15
16 9/17/2001 8,920.70 –684.81 –7.13
17 9/24/1931 107.79 –8.20 –7.07
18 7/20/1933 96.26 –7.32 –7.07
19 9/29/2008 10,365.45 –777.68 –6.98
20 7/30/1914 71.42 –5.30 –6.91

Still pretty amazing, most of the Big Action took place over 50 years ago.

tim said...

So we have 3 in 2008. That is pretty big deal. 9/17/2001 is the only other big drop in this century.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

If you take out 1974 & 1975, the WORST & BEST DJIA % return years in modern history, ALL the other 10 BEST & WORST years for DJIA were over 50 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Another one bites the dust. Westside Video will only be open for another two or three days. NetFlix taking down the local boy.

Anonymous said...

WHEREAS, Grantor acknowledges and agrees that the proceeds of the loan(s) which are the subject of the Note were utilized for commercial real estate acquisitions by the Grantor, and not for personal or other consumer purposes; and


The bankruptcy is filed "Summit Accomodators", aka Summit-1031, Bend, OR.

"Opulent lifestyles, ... yet not for consumer or personal use" ... which one is it?? Like Made-Off is the owner of INLAND lying to the owner of SAI?? Are we watching 'Blazing Saddles' and black guy saying "I'm going to shoot the nigger who stole my money"??? [ Pointing is own gun at his own head ]

The current amount owing from Inland to SAI is approximately $13,706,557.21. The existing real estate investments will be made available to repay the loan balance and satisfy claims,

The security for these 2 five million dollar "investments" that were both made 9/22/08 are third trust deeds on houses that were already seriously underwater.

The second most obscene part of this is that were it not for these 2 "loans" and the opulent livestyle the principals treated themselves to, no customer would have lost any money.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

2008 will be the first year to go into the WORST ANNUAL RETURN TOP 5 RECORD BOOKS in 71 years, when DJIA lost 32.82% in 1937.

bart said...

Westside said he wanted out two years ago, he tried to find a buyer and there was none.

If he had ran a 'dunc' and worked it himself it might have survived. But the owner had employees, and you can't pencil a business model like that,

If your going to run a small business in BEND, the owner must be there 24/7 working for free.

There is NO other way.

Anonymous said...

2008 will be the first year to go into the WORST ANNUAL RETURN TOP 5 RECORD BOOKS in 71 years, when DJIA lost 32.82% in 1937.


Homer are you giving us a BUY signal??

Anonymous said...

The security for these 2 five million dollar "investments" that were both made 9/22/08 are third trust deeds on houses that were already seriously underwater.

The second most obscene part of this is that were it not for these 2 "loans" and the opulent livestyle the principals treated themselves to, no customer would have lost any money.


The way I'm starting to see this with the 673 LLC's just for Lyons, and the other guys with 100's of LLC's.

Is that they gave themselves loans to BUY Bend RE, and they bought more RE, and they borrowed against that RE with HELOC, FIRST, SECOND, ... basic leverage to the hilt, and then borrowed more money on the new RE they bought.

Until finally they couldn't borrow anymore, because the CASH @ INLAND & SAI was gone, then it was game-over, without cash-flow (BLOOD) you die.

Yes, the lifestyle was opulent, the homer lot-36 @ Highland's @BT is the most expensive HOOD, and most expensive homes in the city. These guys were our Made-Off's of BEND.

Bruce was probably being 'sarcastic' as all the above is from this site. On the one hand you have some borrowing from himself saying that the money wasn't for "Personal & Consumer use", yet its very clear that's how the money was used.

HOW? Well the money is to be used for 'Real Estate', so you pay the person who holds the RE ( himself ) the money. Then they can use the money for 'personal or consumer use'. Or better yet INLAND or SAI pays a nice salary or bonus to the principals, but the salary is paid for 'real estate' services, ... It's endless, and meaningless.

Anonymous said...

The [second] most obscene part of this is that were it not for these 2 "loans" and the opulent livestyle the principals treated themselves to, no customer would have lost any money.

- homers post above, probably from BEBB


This is pretty much what its ALL about, a little CPA guy, could have never bought a lot and built a MANSION at Highland's@BT without doing a funny business. Not fucking possible. Not even a BEND lawyer can buy up there, the only people up there are MILLIONAIRES from STOCK gains of the 1990's, and sport's people, and a few FAMOUS RICH.

So the issue for bruce to figure, is did these guys violate their own loan terms?? Will they sue themselves??

Many people were playing the big league in BEND 2004->2007, ... a lot of money was spent at the DEEP & MERENDA. A lot of wine was bought, and drank, and cocaine snorted in BEND during the years.

It was all done on RE gains, some people were spending $1,000's, other $100,000, and some $1M's, and others $10M's, ... It was a hell of a party.

Bewert said...

So you think they borrowed $10M cash in Aug 2008, to BUY more real estate?


The actual timing of the loans is pretty murky. As the clause above that one states: "...Grantor has various outstanding commercial indebtedness to Beneficiary pursuant to various loan agreements and promissory notes executed at various dates."

The two main principals, Stevens and Neuman, each filed $5M Trust Deeds in the fall, identical except for the properties backing them up. You have to search on CAPITAL CORP to find Stevens, as it was filed under that name in error.

tim said...

>>The second most obscene part of this is that were it not for these 2 "loans" and the opulent livestyle the principals treated themselves to, no customer would have lost any money.

People who think Bend is coming back in 2010 are ignoring the domino effect that comes from all these businesses dying. When the businesses die, the owners and employees stop shopping and more businesses die. The owners of the buildings all of the sudden see a stop in their income, or a dramatic drop in their income.

For instance, Duncan now has acquired the amazing comic book superpower of "ultranegotiation."

Duncan can get his rent reduced by 25% more more. Dunc's owner knows he doesn't want to go through the hassle of moving, but with all the storefronts nearby closing up, Duncan may actually be recruited by a nearby building at a glorious discount rent.

Bewert said...

Re: Bruce was probably being 'sarcastic' as all the above is from this site. On the one hand you have some borrowing from himself saying that the money wasn't for "Personal & Consumer use", yet its very clear that's how the money was used.


Yep, for two reasons:
1) That clause looks like it was inserted for a very specific legal reason and
2) there are no commercial properties backing the notes up.

There are going to be discovery subpoena's flying looking for all those notes that haven't been recorded, as well as the notes between INLAND and SUMMIT.

Bewert said...

Hmmm, a familiar name comes into the 1031 mix somehow:

2008-038589 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage CONSIDERATION: $5,000,000 DATE REC: 9/22/2008 8:51:54 AM

Note that last line, SUBDIVISION: PP 2002-90 LEGAL: PARCEL 2

Do a search on that and what pops up?

Not only a Trust Deed to Umpqua backed by the same parcel, but a neighbor that has a very familiar name with which some business was being done:

2007-012897 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Deed DATE REC: 3/2/2007 2:46:48 PM

And there are five more recordings between the Taylor Brothers LLC and Stevens on 1/17/2007, a month and half earlier.

MrBruce said...

Not a good time for music. Anti-Obama music to be labeled 'anti-semitic' says ADL.


Flap Over 'Magic Negro' Song Roils RNC

by Liz Halloran

Former Tennessee GOP Chairman Chip Saltsman (left) announces his bid for chairmanship of the Republican National Party with Tennessee Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey by his side Dec. 8 in Nashville, Tenn. The Tennessean/AP, December 30, 2008 · In the search for someone to lead the Republican Party out of its political wilderness, the winnowing has begun.

Former Tennessee GOP Chairman Chip Saltsman appears on the brink of elimination from the competitive race for the national party chairmanship after sending GOP committee members a Christmas CD that contained the parody song "Barack the Magic Negro."

Saltsman most recently ran Mike Huckabee's presidential campaign.

Anonymous said...

2007-012897 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Deed DATE REC: 3/2/2007 2:46:48 PM

And there are five more recordings between the Taylor Brothers LLC and Stevens on 1/17/2007, a month and half earlier.


Yes, and for those who are 'homer' impaired Taylor-Brothers aka Knife-River aka MDU aka Fidelity is 'code' for Patricia Moss aka "CACB".

Knife River was the 'exclusive excavator' for all of highlands@bt.

Anonymous said...

Duncan can get his rent reduced by 25% more more. Dunc's owner knows he doesn't want to go through the hassle of moving, but with all the storefronts nearby closing up, Duncan may actually be recruited by a nearby building at a glorious discount rent.


That video store location would be a cool place for dunc, but at his age, moving sucks.

He'll stay, but if he was really smart, he would buy the building at a bargain price, and then sell his business on contract to some young buck, and then lease the building, and then he could 'retire', or go work at his wifes shop.

Bewert said...

Anyway, as far as that particular property backing the $5M note, Upmqua has a prior $825,000 Trust Deed on it that was due 9/19/2008 that doesn't appear to have been paid. Umpqua also has filed an Assignment of Rents, plus a UCC filing that gives them everything from the ground to any development plans to the tools onsite.

The $5M Trust Deed is dated 9/22/08.

MrBruce said...




Is 'capital corp' a different entity than 'inland capital corp' ???

There seems to be a lot of mis-spelling going on ... I have now found Patsy Moss, Patricia L. Moss, Patti Moss, and Patty Moss, I'm looking for more permutations.

In a business sense all real property held by a corporation is 'commercial'.

Bend is a small town, Knife-River ( Taylor Brothers ) got almost all the work during the boom, and now city-hall courtesy of Moss keeps them alive with Juniper-Ridge gravy.

I concur that the NEW layer of management @ JR is to insulate JRMB (BOARD-MOSS) from the selection of Knife-River.

God have pity on that poor fucking manager. I hope he knows the snake pit he's entering, that said, How many jobs in Bend over $150k/yr are there these days?? You got to take what is offered.

Bewert said...

OK, the business between Taylor and Stevens is simply a lot line adjustment trading a few acres so both have contiguous property after a planned road goes in. They both also deed land for the road. It's presently called Mainline Rd. Looks like a high end development being planned.

Bewert said...

No, same thing if you read the actual filing. I thought it was rather "funny" as well.

Anonymous said...

Anyway, as far as that particular property backing the $5M note, Upmqua has a prior $825,000 Trust Deed on it that was due 9/19/2008 that doesn't appear to have been paid. Umpqua also has filed an Assignment of Rents, plus a UCC filing that gives them everything from the ground to any development plans to the tools onsite.


That is what is BEAUTIFUL about personal loans between two corps owned by the same person there is no title search or due-diligence. The county just records what they're given, even if its shit.

Record anything you want for $30, thank you very much.

It smells like the loans were getting called, you couldn't fuck around,

Poor fucking Umqua so fucked.

A good search would be CACB affiliates back to our boyz, note above the list of all P L MOSS holding companys.

Anonymous said...

OK, the business between Taylor and Stevens is simply a lot line adjustment trading a few acres so both have contiguous property after a planned road goes in. They both also deed land for the road. It's presently called Mainline Rd. Looks like a high end development being planned.


Could be one of the 1,000+ LLC subdivisions owned by Lyons, Stevens, Neuman, ... so many LLC's so little time.

Anonymous said...

A look on all the SAI/INLAND property's would be to see if any first or second are tied to CACB, ... below is all their aliases

Too bad that the CH-11 filing for Bend-1031 doesn't go past twenty, there must be some good shit in the under $500k, that's where the little people got fucked.

Patricia Moss is a very busy Girl Win's the LLC award.



Elizabeth McCool another busy girl runs all of our favorite PNW newspapers.


Duncan McGeary said...


I should hire you to negotiate for me.

I hate negotiating.

But....I do it.

Anonymous said...


Regarding Taylor( Knife-River or MDU ), it really doesn't matter, they got all the work on all the LLC subdivisions.

They were the reaper of all the busy times.

Now they're kept alive by Juniper-Ridge.

MrBruce said...

I should hire you to negotiate for me.

I hate negotiating.

But....I do it.


Dunc, just tell the owner that he's fucked, and you'll buy it from him and relieve his pain. If he doesn't bother to sell, then ask around downtown, and find someone willing to sell -80%, so that your contract price will be less than what your paying now for lease. This way in 5-10 years you'll have something to show for your work.

Anonymous said...


That might be interesting to search on DIAL.

Anything that says 'cascade'.

Bend Leasing sounds 'very interesting'.

We have already found the MDU connection, there has got to be many more hands in the candy-jar that makes Bend run.

Bewert said...

Just for the hell of it, let's see what's filed against those other properties backing the $5M Trust Deed to Inland.


2006-048409 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Deed DATE REC: 7/14/2006 2:56:00 PM
This conveyed 70% to Neil Spencer for $0.

This property shows an interesting timeline from Edgar Parker (the original owner) to Touchstone Properties LLC to a 59% interest to Frank Jacobsen as part of a 1031 exchange to Park City Investment LLC to Touchstone Properties I LLC to a 70% interest to Neil Parker as part of a 1031 exchange.

At last count it looks like Neil Parker owns 70% of it, leaving maybe $50,000 to back the $5M.

I'll take the time to walk through it all later, but I've got some real work to get done now.

tim said...

"I should hire you to negotiate for me.

I hate negotiating.

But....I do it."

What you have to remember Dunc is you're going to have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity here. You can take it as far as you like. You could buy a space. If you can't stomach that you can negotiate your rent down hard.

Your long history as a going concern is going to give you a lot of street cred. Any of those buildings would love to have you because they can't trust 90% of the businesses downtown to stick around.

Anonymous said...

Park City Investment LLC


Is that tied to our own Mt-B (powdrz), or different cluster-fuck of boyz in the real park city??

I say this cuz Powdrz is owed by a Park City Investment firm.

It would be a small world, if all this cluster-fuck went full circle.

MT-B is the king of failed REAL-ESTATE cluster-fucks.

Bewert said...

Actually, DIAL shows Neil Spencer (not Parker) as associated with Touchstone.

Anonymous said...

What you have to remember Dunc is you're going to have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity here. You can take it as far as you like. You could buy a space. If you can't stomach that you can negotiate your rent down hard.


Dunc knows that but its like the video guy, the ONLY FUCKING WAY you can end up with anything after 30+ years in BIZ is if you own the property, often these little ma&pa biz ain't worth shit.

Dunc's old, but its never too late, and people are going to be giving these downtown locations away in six months when all of downtown is plywood.

Anonymous said...

MT-B is the king of failed REAL-ESTATE cluster-fucks.


POWDRZ bought MT-B in the first place to build a condo village up in Dutchman Flats, ... a complete fucking failure, didn't think to figure that the USFS in the area could be bought out.

Bewert said...

Maybe, as they are doing business in PC as well.

Summit County, UT records:

Use Public Login.

9 records for Park City Investments LLC

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

People who think Bend is coming back in 2010 are ignoring the domino effect that comes from all these businesses dying.

Yeah, I was going to write a post on this soon... the business equivalent of the Money Multiplier Effect... in reverse.

I've heard that 26% of all retail is a BK candidate by end of 2009 (NBC nightly news last 2 days). That means even more marginal players in other industries will go out...

Duncan McGeary said...

Geez, (hack, hack, weeze, weeze) I'm not THAT old!

Middle aged, you know.

Buying property? What part of 'miminum wage' don't you get?
Besides, downtown property values got about 10 times too high, not just double.

I think there will be some buying opportunities down the road about 3 or 4 years, a year or two after the housing buying opportunities.

Not sure I want to be a landlord.

I'd like to stay, if it's reasonable.

But it's nice to have options.

I could confound everyone and go "Large" with, gasp, advertising and a huge space. (I'll wish I could've got my hands on the Linen's and Things racks and such. But there will probably be many such opportunities over the next six months.)

Or I could wrap my store into my wife's store. We've figured out how we could do that....

Or...just hang in here. That would be my preference as long as it isn't outrageous.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Or I could wrap my store into my wife's store. We've figured out how we could do that....

A man who has never been a business partner with his wife in close proximity all day long...

Duncan McGeary said...

We've always gotten along well. I turn into a teddy bear with my wife, and I have great respect for her judgement.

We'd do all right.

But we'd probably try to have two businesses under one roof, to avoid too much misunderstanding.

It would work, but...I don't know, I like having my own space.

Anonymous said...

We've always gotten along well. I turn into a teddy bear with my wife, and I have great respect for her judgement.

I figured out long ago that I could either try to win arguments or I could have a happy and peaceful marriage. I chose the second option.

"A perfectly happy marriage might be possible between a blind wife and a deaf husband." -- Montaigne

Anonymous said...

Geez, (hack, hack, weeze, weeze) I'm not THAT old! Middle aged, you know.

How old are you, Dunc? 55? 60?

Yeah, there are LOTS of 110-120-year-old dudes walking around out there.

tim said...

If I had to guess I'd say Dunc was 50.

Bewert said...


Duncan McGeary said...

57. Got a good ten years to go...and even then, I'd probably keep doing the used books.

I like doing this. I wouldn't retire even if I could -- which I can't, not by a long shot.

Yeah, but moving is a lot less appealing to me, nowadays.

Anonymous said...

2007-012897 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Deed DATE REC: 3/2/2007 2:46:48 PM

Brian Stevens...married to Janet Stevens, Deputy Editor of
the Bulletin! The plot thickens.

tim said...

57? You're that old? According to most reference books, middle age is 40-60. Make haste! You're almost an old man.

MrBruce said...

Summit 1031 Exchange
Posted by Ryan Frank, The Oregonian December 29, 2008 11:37AM
Categories: Bend

I got a request for the Summit 1031 Exchange bankruptcy filing and realized there's probably a lot of people interested. So here it is.

You can find the back story after the jump.

Bend land deal firm goes bust
By Brent Hunsberger And Jeff Manning
The Oregonian

Wednesday,December 24, 2008
Edition: Sunrise, Section: Business
SUMMARY: Bankruptcy | Oregon begins an inquiry after Summit spent millions on its owners' ventures, and clients say they were misled

Bend's Summit 1031 Exchange goes bust Oregon begins an inquiry after clients say they were misled

Bend land deal firm goes bust

Principals had

good standing

in the field



A Bend firm specializing in tax-sheltered land deals has filed for bankruptcy after using millions of its customers' money to fund its owners' ventures, allegedly without permission.

The owners of Summit 1031 Exchange acknowledged publicly this week that they are $14.2 million short of the $27.8 million in cash owed to clients in at least eight states.

Summit's liquidity crisis stems from loans it made during the real estate boom to Inland Capital Corp., which in turn lent the money to various companies and individuals in central Oregon, the company said this week on its Web site.

Inland Capital is owned by the same people who own and run Summit.

State regulators are investigating the matter, said Kevin Anselm, enforcement chief at the Oregon Division of Finance and Corporate Securities. Customers and business partners have hired attorneys, saying they were misled about where Summit was holding customers' money.

"This is just horrible," said John Tennant, a prominent downtown Portland landowner whose family is owed $1 million. "We've hired an attorney, and we'll be filing a lawsuit."

Summit specialized in 1031 tax-deferred exchanges, a type of real estate investment that allows investors to defer paying federal taxes on gains from property sales. It joins several other large 1031 exchange companies nationwide that have filed for bankruptcy or simply folded in recent months as the real estate market has collapsed.

The largely unregulated exchanges are tax-deferred as long as sellers quickly reinvest their proceeds in similar properties.

So-called "accommodators" such as Summit hold proceeds from a sale for up to 180 days while the customer closes on a second purchase. The accommodators make money on fees and interest earned off the proceeds.

Summit's customers and business partners say they were led to believe Summit had deposited their proceeds in bank accounts insured by the federal government, as most accommodators do.

"They didn't do that as you can see," Tennant said Tuesday. "They made loans to the four principals, and they invested that money into different real estate ventures to benefit themselves."

Danae "Nye" Miller of Bend said they engaged Summit when they sold their 34-acre cattle farm near Bend to buy a much larger farm so they could raise beef organically. Summit now owes them $750,000.

"It's potentially devastating to us," said Miller, 50. "It's the first time we've ever done an exchange. I don't know how in our lifetime we could ever recoup that money."

Company officials were unavailable for comment Tuesday. A message on their telephone answering machine said the company has "curtailed operations" after suffering "significant financial issues."

"(Summit Accommodators Inc.) deeply regrets the distress and detriment that Summit customers are currently experiencing," the company's statement says.

The revelations have stunned investors and business partners alike. Summit's principals --Mark A. Neuman, Brian Stevens, Lane D. Lyons and Tim Larkin --had built a strong reputation in the field and in the Bend business community. Summit had branch offices in Bend; Portland; Austin, Texas; Salt Lake City; Incline Village, Nev.; Jackson, Wyo.; Kalispell, Mont.; and Yakima.

"They were very well regarded," said Dave Chambers, an accountant in Lake Oswego who ran Summit's local office. "These guys in Bend got really good at this. These guys got too successful."

Chambers and his partner, Jamie Hammock, say they first learned Summit was in trouble Dec. 12. In monthly meetings, Summit officials in Bend detailed their exchange holdings and average rate of returns at banks but never mentioned any real-estate loans, they said.

"It was all very much understood that it was with a bank," Hammock said.

But through 2006, according to Summit's Web site, Summit had been lending 1031 exchange funds to Inland Capital. After central Oregon's real estate market tanked, those borrowers defaulted. Inland Capital, in turn, now owes Summit $13.7 million, Summit says.

Summit's largest creditors hail from Texas, California, North Dakota, Idaho, Utah, Montana and Washington. In Oregon, they include Home Valley Bank in Grants Pass, Tenneson Engineering Corp. in The Dalles, the Millers near Bend and Tennant Investors, the family partnership held by John Tennant and his brothers.

Summit said it has replaced management with Portland turnaround consultant Tyrell Vance and will try to sell land and other assets to repay customers and creditors. But that process will take time, and it's unclear its assets will fetch enough to satisfy all its debts, the company warned.

Its customers hope otherwise.

"We're expecting to get our money back," Miller said. "We can only expect that's what's going to happen because that's our dream."

Brent Hunsberger: 503-221-8359; brenthunsberger@,

Jeff Manning: 503-294-7606,

Anonymous said...

Deputy editor of the BULL Stevens and Patricia Moss is the Director of the company that owns the BULL, no conflict of fucking interest in this fucking town.

Who would have guessed??

This Bend-1031 could be the nail that shuts the coffin on the BendBubble.

Bewert said...

Re: Brian Stevens...married to Janet Stevens, Deputy Editor of
the Bulletin! The plot thickens.

Can't find any confirmation of that, but Janet sure does give money to Republicans. Especially for the deputy editor of newspaper.

Bewert said...

Rather interesting, as Costa has given nothing to anyone.

Bewert said...

I'm curious--how many regulars have an extensive life history? Like you are 45 or more? How many with a medium experience range, like over 30?

Me? Just turned 50 in September.

tim said...

Butter, you're way behind on your RIP list.

tim said...

I'm about 90% of you age, Bruce.

Anonymous said...

Patricia Moss gave $1,000 to the Knife-River 'Good Business' association, and a bundle to the RNC.

MrBruce said...

This is interesting, because what Ryan has now done is made the CH-11 filing nationally available to anyone who google's Bend-Oregon, ...

Summit 1031 Exchange
Posted by Ryan Frank, The Oregonian December 30, 2008 11:37AM
Categories: Bend

I got a request for the Summit 1031 Exchange bankruptcy filing and realized there's probably a lot of people interested. So here it is.

MrBruce said...

Patricia Moss (MDU Resources/Director), (Zip code: 97701) $1000 to MDU RESOURCES GROUP GOOD GOVERNMENT FUND on 01/02/08

Could there be anything more Orwellian?? I mean how does a PUG define a good Government?? Good Government Roll over. Good Government Sit, Good Government play-dead.

MrBruce said...

SHARON STEVENS (SELF/HOMEMAKER), (Zip code: 97701) $500 to FRIENDS OF GORDON SMITH on 04/30/07

Related? A lot of money for a home-maker to be giving to a PUG.

Mr. Lane D. Lyons (Summit 1031 Exchange Owner Also), (Zip code: 97702) $300 to NATIONAL REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE on 10/02/07

MrBruce said...

HB Miller, there is a SORE article for you,

Make the RNC return the LYONS money to the CH-11 pool, that defrauded widows nationally.

That is the kind of fucking story YOU FUCKING LOVE.

Mr. Lane D. Lyons (Summit 1031 Exchange Owner Also), (Zip code: 97702) $300 to NATIONAL REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE on 10/02/07

MrBruce said...

HB Miller, there is a SORE article for you,

Make the RNC return the LYONS money to the CH-11 pool, that defrauded widows nationally.

That is the kind of fucking story YOU FUCKING LOVE.

Mr. Lane D. Lyons (Summit 1031 Exchange Owner Also), (Zip code: 97702) $300 to NATIONAL REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE on 10/02/07

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