Sunday, February 8, 2009

Outrage Exhaustion

I think Dunc used the phrase "Outrage Exhaustion" a few weeks back in the comments to describe the nature of the comments. He just had an entry on Pegasus that there were only 200+ comments over here. I guess I think that's a little funny; I don't know of any local blogs that get that many, but c'est la vie.

But that's probably how this thing will end, especially locally. With a whimper, not a scream.

People will just slowly mentally succumb to this thing. All the Merenda replacing will have failed. The hottest spot in the hottest town in the West will just be laughable. That Subway will probably hold on by it's fingernails, maybe. But the hoity-toity stuff will all go down hard, and finally no one will step up to replace it.

I even think the Old Mill will suffer a long-term erosion. Some big anchors will close. The Money Losing Trophy Property (MoLo TroPro) concept will die a certain death, and that's much of what's there. I can't see REI staying. Greg's Grill gone. Yumm Cafe, Alisons Kitchen, Community Flatbread... all gone.

And there are no jobs here. The nationwide unemployment rate came out this week at 7.6%. As recently as September, we were at 6.0% nationwide, and it appeared things were stabilizing.

No more. This is a statistic that hardly moves one way or another more than .2% in any given month. It's gone up an average of .5% for the last 3 months. Doesn't sound like much, but I haven't seen any similar period in modern history where unemployment has moved so much, up or down.

And here's a graph of recent unemployment figures for the USA, Oregon, and Bend. You don't have to be Kreskin to see where Bend is going.
Unemployment for USA, Oregon, and Bend; Jul 2008 to present.

I mean, look at that; you tell me where you think it's going. The top of that graph is 14%, and if Oregon stays in it's ways of outpacing the nation by almost double, and Bend outpaces Oregon by 50%, it seems like a slam Dunc that we'll hit 15% for this month. 13% for January seems also within reason.

Towns with 15-20% unemployment are just not vital hubs of commerce. Towns like that are usually in long term decline. Those are your little towns out 30-40 miles SW of Missoula or somewhere (ie Burns), that are just in a secular decline. Outdoor mecca? Beautiful? Nice to visit? Oh yeah, all that. But in long term decline nonetheless.

I saw many towns like this on my last vacation. Beautiful spots. Outdoor activities out the ying yang. I had a great time there too. But get on the outskirts, and it was all decay, rot, malaise, and abandoned malls. You could see it on people's faces, they were in existence mode, just surviving day to day.

Not dying, mind you. There was just this perceptible resignation to a fate that had no chance of any "upside". No excitement, no challenges. People had stopped that, because the remnants of failure were all around them.

I think Dunc had it right: The "excitement" of the decline will be replaced by a real sort of despair that things aren't EVER going to bounce right back. We will become like so many other places in the West: Beautiful, activity-rich, but caught in a molasses-like, moribund economic spiral downward.

And I'm not trying to "drag people down" to my way of thinking, or some such bullshit. I'm trying to talk people out of economic suicide. On the slopes of Everest, when Common Sense Caution is not heeded, people die. It's not so dramatic here. Well, except for the people who have died. My point is, the signs are all around us: STOP THE CLIMB.

Many are still not heeding the advice of the environment around them. Everything points to white-out, 100 below, killer conditions; but still people start to climb.

Why is Merenda II even being considered? Why? Because what killed the last guy, won't kill me. I'm better than him. I'll make it. This. Is. Bend.

It's really incredible. Pahlisch Homes has watched as their subdiv's have imploded (from BendBB):
Just noticed today that all Pahlisch signage has been removed from the Fieldstone Crossing development in Redmond. Looks like their model has been shut down completely. Their is no reference to Fieldstone Crossing on the Pahlisch website.

And yet Pahlish announced they have started building The Bridges At Shadow Glen this week.

Ahhh... the power of LLC's. Failure is not an option.

Even our public servants have jumped on the Bubble Bandwagon.

Bend police captain on leave amid FBI probe

Bend Police Capt. Kevin Sawyer has been placed on administrative leave as the FBI investigates one or more businesses Sawyer and wife Tami have been operating, the police chief confirmed Friday. "I am aware of an investigation going on by the FBI into the finances of a business or businesses that Captain Sawyer is associated with,"said Police Chief Sandi Baxter.

And so it goes. Everyday, we seem to find someone with their twig & berries exposed as the tide rushes out. First Summit, now this guy, and there are, like an iceberg, many others that we aren't even hearing about.

The relentlessness of the pain, the disbelief of the corruption, the resignation that we can't beat The Powers That Be, will finally be the nail in Bend's coffin. There won't be anymore excitement, no more challenges. People's outrage will succumb to despondency. We'll all just give up on this place.

Outrage Exhaustion. Great description. Because the vast majority of people in this town will realize at some point that there is an existing "Aristocracy" of sorts (GOB Network), and if you are not part of it, and you have Big Dreams for your life, that you will Not Make It In Bend. This is Not a meritocracy. Things are NOT done "for the People". They are done for a small inbred cadre of well-defined beneficiaries who rig every election.

That's how it is in Bend, Oregon.

Not real people. Not real children. Spending NOT real money, from not real jobs, in a not real place.

OK, enough bitching about that. I just have a teeny-tiny outrage against my own kind.

And I have to preface this with the idea that what is trying to be accomplished and the means by which so many think it will be acconomplished, is just sheer folly.

And it is the passage of The Bailout. It's not a bank bailout. Nor autos. Nor any other particular thing. It's a bailout of this country. We are falling into the Abyss.

And strangely enough there is an unassailable mentality that a BAILOUT will save us. OK, governements can produce nothing. Except money, which they can produce in unlimited quantities. And governments many times think the printing of it can cure all ills. Of course, that's ridiculous.

Our problems will not be undone, until housing hits bottom. The bailout, and many other government measures are doing everything possible to avoid that. Forebearance on loans, delaying foreclosures, loan renegotiations. All these are failed ideas, and simply prolong the pain.

And prolonging the pain, is just what the RePug's intend to do. These hypocritical, lying, thieving, conniving fuckers are as much to blame as the Lib's for this thing.

But what's just classic, is that BOTH parties agree that the bailout is our only salvation (ridiculous, of course, it will only make things worse). But even in their idiotic agreement, they have put partisan politics FIRST, and the perceived needs of the American people a distant second.

BOTH parties have done this. Yes hbm, BOTH.

This is indicative of a country in decline. The elected aristocracy could give a fuck about the rank-and-file. Even when they are implementeing the most ass-backwards stupid plans imaginable, partisan wrangling is far more important than saving their own civilization.

The most depressing part of this implosion will NOT be the dire & near-catastrophic economic consequences, it will be the loss of will, the loss of drive, the loss of cause-and-effect thinking that people have, where if they struggle, work hard, and strive against the odds, that they can make something of themselves in this country.

That is what we are losing. We are rewarding FAILURE, EXCESS and EXTRAVAGANCE, and punishing prudence, thrift, and spending within your means. We're sending a message here with this bailout: Graft, corruption, and theft will be rewarded.

We are a nation in decline.

OK, finally I want to do a little re-print of an MSN article. It's got good info, but I suppose the big shocker is that mainstream press is starting to use The D Word. There is actually starting to be an open debate about whether a modern-ear Depression is possible. Maybe you & I are getting a tin-ear to this, because I have been banging this drum for 2 years.

But you could NEVER find mainstream press even discussing it. NEVER. Until now.

THAT is how BAD it is. All the hopeful sentiment that we are about to bottom imminently, has been replaced by How Low Can We Go? I think the past 60 days have been a wakeup call.

Too late to avoid a depression?

Policymakers are quickly running out of time and room for error. And even a brilliant plan -- which we haven't seen yet -- could fail without some good luck.
By Jon Markman

Over the past week, the world's intellectual, business, government and philanthropic elite emerged from World Economic Forum meetings in Davos, Switzerland, with grim faces and warnings of financial doom.

You'd almost think they'd met to plot a suicide pact rather than global trade, as the headlines were so gory they could have been mulched into meals for vampires.
Are things really that bad? Maybe not.

Your contrarian antennae really have to go up in the face of consensus from a cohort of eggheads, politicos and jet-setters not exactly known for clairvoyance. Their big idea last year: that emerging markets' domestic economies had become so strong that a decline in U.S. and European growth would not derail them. Oops.

Credible economic analysts now say there is still a narrow window of time in which policymakers in the United States, Europe and Asia can avoid a meltdown over the next year by immediately coordinating the injection of real financial adrenaline to banks, companies, households and local governments -- not just rhetoric and indiscriminate spending.

Yet that window is closing fast, and if the right steps are not taken soon it may be shut for years.
But governments don't know which steps work because economic theory breaks down at the level of human psychology.

Given a set of stimuli -- ranging from tax cuts and longer unemployment benefits to new construction jobs and wider broadband access -- economists try to mathematically determine the choices citizens are likely to make, then use the results to recommend a policy mix to legislators.

The problem is that the models often fail to accurately forecast human behavior, and politicians regularly screw it all up by ignoring the data and diverting funds to pet projects.

History is rife with successful financial episodes, such as the New Deal, in which luck and coincidence are later misinterpreted as results of prescient planning.
Slim hopes of an end-zone dance To prove the Davos set wrong, in short, congressional leaders must make the right choices at warp speed under pressure from special interests.

It's a public-policy version of the Steelers' final drive Sunday with time running out in the Super Bowl. Pittsburgh quarterback Ben Roethlisberger, scrambling to elude a rush, had one good shot at throwing the football at an oblique angle to a receiver leaping among three defenders in the corner of the end zone.

In times like these, the result set is stark and binary: hero or goat in football, recovery or disaster in the economy.
The Davos pessimists' case for a severe economic dislocation over the next year -- let's go out to the extreme and call it a potential depression -- is easily made, as four key ingredients are in place.

Their recipe calls for a blend of cyclical recession, severe deleveraging, a shift of demographics favoring savings over consumption, and inappropriate fiscal and monetary responses by policymakers.
The first three are well under way, so the last one is the decider.

Looking back at the Great Depression of the 1930s and Japan's depression of the 1990s, it's clear that government leaders in each case failed to respond quickly enough, then overcorrected, and in general took steps that at the time were considered best economic practices but actually worsened the problems.

Our leaders will likewise now try to do the right thing based on currently popular theories, but we cannot confidently say whether they will turn out to be appropriate.

You just never know.

The only certainty is that measures must be taken immediately, and every day lost on minutiae such as bank executives' pay or Cabinet nominees' tax follies dampens the likelihood of success. Speed is of the essence, like putting up sandbags to stop a levee break, as we can see in daily headlines now that the darkness of Davos is descending.

The incredible shrinking economies
Layoff announcements over the past three months averaged 50,000 a week until they jumped to more than 100,000 last week. In an attempt to outrun revenue shortfalls, businesses are also cutting back on wages, travel and equipment purchases.

But it's a losing battle. ISI Group analysts figure that U.S. corporate profits will decline from their 2007 peak to a 2010 trough by a record 30%, though a 50% fall is not out of the question. They're already down 20%.
Customers are disappearing as wages and jobs falter and families raid their emergency funds. U.S. home equity decline has accelerated to a 30% annual rate, which combined with the stock market plunge, has slashed consumers' net worth by $12 trillion.

The pervasiveness of the plunge in demand that animates doomsayers is breathtaking. Reis, a real-estate research firm, this week said rents nationwide fell in 43% of buildings of all types in the fourth quarter, up from an average of 25% in the first nine months of the year. In New York, where financial layoffs are surging, rents fell in 75% of apartment buildings last quarter. This puts securitized loans on U.S. commercial and apartment buildings on track for a default rate of 6% this year, up from 1.1% at the end of 2008.

"We haven't seen this speed of decline before," one Reis analyst told Bloomberg.
In Asia, the momentum of deterioration and thus the need for policy speed is even more dramatic. Japan's industrial production is falling at a stunning 63% annual rate; in South Korea, it's falling at a 43% rate.

In China, real gross domestic production was unchanged in the fourth quarter, and ISI analysts expect it to be unchanged in this quarter, which would smash the GDP growth down to just 4% year over year, a stunning comedown for an economy that was growing at better than 10% last year and was once believed to be invulnerable.

In contrast, government leaders appear to be moving in slow motion. The Federal Reserve last week said it was "prepared" to buy Treasurys to push down interest-rate costs even though 10-year-note yields are up a lot in the past two months.

The Obama administration, meanwhile, has dawdled on plans to try to recapitalize the banking system or buy soured assets, and the fiscal stimulus package winding its way through Congress appears by independent estimates to be too small, insufficiently focused on real job creation and overly weighted on fiscal 2010 rather than 2009.

Meanwhile, the head of the European Central Bank is dragging his feet, stating that he would not back an interest-rate cut.
I would love to see the smug Davos crowd proved wrong, but the forces at work may have gone too far to be stopped. The nation may be on track now to spend $4 trillion -- more than on anything short of war -- to prevent the credit hole from getting so big we can't climb out.

It's especially worrisome to see so much money used to shore up the worst-managed banks, a misallocation of resources that could haunt us for decades.
In summary, total ruin can be averted and the Davos prophecy squelched if lawmakers seize the moment, aim true and get lucky.

Even if the result is low growth amid a newly chastened business and social culture, re-ranking of national priorities to celebrate saving over consumption and acceptance of a lower stature in the world, it's superior to depression and chaos.

Cross your fingers.

Oh right, I did want to let you guys in on a little secret: I was one of the attending physicians when Thomas Beatie gave birth to the first goat-human. There's been quite a bit of consternation about how someone could possibly push a goat out through their cock. I am here to tell you that after I, and assisting physician Neil Patrick Harris (aka Doogie Howser, MD) crammed a giant metal spear into that bastards cock, the end result was not pretty:
Asshole: The Other Pussy

I also want to address the delicate topic of where a man holds a baby goat. It's not in the belly, it's quite a bit lower. Here is a never-before-seen picture of Beatie posing completely naked, just prior to birth:
"Hi, I'm Thomas Beatie and there's a mother fuckin' goat in my nutsack! I'm calling Oprah!"

OK, I'll wrap it up by throwing Dunc a Betty Boop Pinup bone'r two here:
Please Dunc, don't hurt me!Dunc, I'm hankerin' for some spankerin'!
And squat, and thrust, and in and out!I wish someone would go apeshit on me right about now...
I wish there was a big strong Comic book retailer here to help me pet my pussy...

I'll give you this Dunc, She Hot. If I was born during the Civil War, I'd also find this 1930's style porno pretty hot. There ain't many chicks that look bad in a ball gag.


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Anonymous said...

He just had an entry on Pegasus that there were only 200+ comments over here. I guess I think that's a little funny; I don't know of any local blogs that get that many.

Yeah, but 80% of your comments come from you and Buster.

Thanks for keeping this week's post short (I actually read it all) and for the Bettie Page photos. Hubba-hubba, she was HOT!

Anonymous said...

The most depressing part of this implosion will NOT be the dire & near-catastrophic economic consequences, it will be the loss of will, the loss of drive, the loss of cause-and-effect thinking that people have, where if they struggle, work hard, and strive against the odds, that they can make something of themselves in this country.

Well, the notion that our system is "fair" is bullshit and always has been (except perhaps for the pitifully brief period from 1945 to approx. 1970, and even then it wasn't fair if you weren't a white male) and the sooner Americans figure that out, the sooner we can do something about it.

No, I'm not asking for "equality of outcomes" or even equality of opportunity -- just for a system in which those who are willing and able to work can earn a decent living for themselves and their families.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

hbm: Please go back and review the addendum regarding Thomas Beatie's cock:

I have included a picture of his thoroughly worn out mangina, after Doggie Howser & I reeled in the first goat born out of a man's cock.

We wrestled that fucking thing for 3 days. It was like Man and The Sea II.

We were celebrated by Libs far and wide when we finally boated that bass. The happy parents will be renting out Beaties asshole as a yurt for parties & bar mitzvah's.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...


Anonymous said...

We were celebrated by Libs far and wide when we finally boated that bass.

You gonna have it mounted?

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

You gonna have it mounted?


Like that?

Anyway, I respect the sanctity of all animals, especially when they have been blasted out the end of someone's dick.

Tony Courtwright said...

Canceled my Bend Bull today. Today's paper was an absolute waste of my money. There was nothing regarding the record high unemployment and foreclosures. However they did provide a worthless article on light bulbs!

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Hubba-hubba, she was HOT!

No joke; Ball gags never go out of style.

Anonymous said...

"If I was born during the civil war..."
That is some funny shit bubble. My sorry, under-employed broke ass always gets a laugh on sunday morning.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

High Desert residents struggling to find work

Posted: Feb 6, 2009 05:46 PM

'How do you look for something that's not there?'

By Amy Easley, KTVZ.COM

Two key unemployment figures are now at highs not seen in a generation. And there are many people on the High Desert who aren't the least bit surprised to hear it.

Friday morning, the U.S. Labor Department reported nearly 4.8 million Americans were continuing to claim unemployment benefits. That's the most since records started being kept in 1967. In addition, 626,000 filed new jobless benefits claims last week.

That means people like Don Jones of Bend have some stiff competition for the few jobs available.

"Trying to find a new career, it takes years and years to do that, and I'm 48 years old," he said. "So it's kind of scary, just that uncertainty."

But it's a challenge many are facing. Last month, U.S. unemployment rose to 7.6 percent. More than 11.5 million Americans are now jobless - that's more than the population of Ohio.

Across the High Desert, people like Jones are feeling the pinch: "There's nothing out there. How do you look for something that's not there?"

The businesses that are hiring are getting more applications than they know what to do with.

Big Country RV in Redmond says people from as far away as Lincoln City and Seattle are asking for work.

"They're willing to take big pay cuts to come to work," a manager said. "Unfortunately, they don't have the experience we're looking for."

So if you're thinking about a change of career, Jones has one piece of advice.

"If anyone out there has a good job, keep it," he said with a laugh, "even if it's a pay cut."

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

My sorry, under-employed broke ass always gets a laugh on sunday morning.

Don't forget "Minimum Wage", Dunc.


IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

The businesses that are hiring are getting more applications than they know what to do with.

Believe me, this is true. I know of low-level, no-skilled, min-wage bullshit jobs that are getting the past Pillars Of Bend Society applying for them.

Believe me, the unthinkable is happening.

Duncan McGeary said...

Please remove that asshole from the proximity to Bettie.

Anonymous said...

I just quit my old job and took a new job for more money. I also took advantage of the tax write off from my mortgage interest to purchase a new car. Sorry to see you fellas aren't doing so well. Maybe things will be better when you move back to Sacramento.

Anonymous said...

Tami Sawyer used to be a waitress, so after she gets out of the pokey she always has that to fall back on.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Please remove that asshole from the proximity to Bettie.

Hey! Hey! The fact that "Beatie" and "Bettie" are so close to each other is not my doing!

And I think that Beaties wife is going to have words for you, after calling her husband an "asshole"! Unfortunately, her jaw is wired shut after sucking the goat out of Beatie's cock for 29 straight hours.

That woman is a hero. I watched her suck that fuckers cock until she almost passed out. Then Doogie & I shocked her with a cattle prod, and she'd keep going.

It brought tears to my eyes.

Anonymous said...

"I just quit my job and took a new job for more money..."
Switching from marijuana sales to cocaine sales doesn't count.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

OK, I have placed a pre-birth pic of Beatie between the loveliness of Bettie, and the terror of Beaties swollen & sore mangina.


IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

It is ironic that the only difference between "Bettie" and "Beatie", is a little T and A.

LavaBear said...

Naked Capitalism

If you have the time and feel like using the brain a tad bit this morning take a look. It's long but worthwhile.

Anonymous said...

However they did provide a worthless article on light bulbs!

And then there was that hard-hitting piece yesterday about the cat that steals people's gloves. Notify the Pulitzer committee!

Duncan McGeary said...

"It is ironic that the only difference between "Bettie" and "Beatie", is a little T and A."


Please desist in tarnishing the sacred memory of Bettie.

Anonymous said...

"But that's probably how this thing will end, especially locally. With a whimper, not a scream."

and in other news regarding this blog...
Noticed that Fireside is opening back up on the 10th like they said they would. And nary a mention nor retraction from previous statements on here guaranteeing permanent closure can been found. Interesting.

Anonymous said...

>>Noticed that Fireside is opening back up on the 10th like they said they would. And nary a mention nor retraction from previous statements on here guaranteeing permanent closure can been found.

It's not the 10th yet, is it?

Anonymous said...

"Noticed that Fireside is opening back up on the 10th like they said they would."

Because conditions are so much better, now?

If they closed to wrap up their other businesses, and to return fully committed with a reboot, then good for them.

But they have already shown their other commitments are more important to them, it seems to me.

The absolute worse thing you can do as a small business is not keep posted hours.

Erratic opening and closing can't be helpful.

Anonymous said...

I 'heard' that the Sawyerfive were the real estate agents for the Shire.

Don't know if they sold to the MacDonalds, or sold for the MacDonalds.

Either way, I'm sure Tami gave them plenty of pep talks.

Bewert said...

Re: Sawyers


"There has also been a probate trust petition filed against Captain Sawyer and his Wife. Thomas Middleton senior died last July, and his next of kin are in a legal battle for rights to the estate. The Thomas S. Middleton trust, lists Tami Sawyer as the successor trustee. Middleton lived at the Sawyer home at the time of his death and changed his will shortly before."


Bewert said...

Re: the elite of Bend


Trudy's comment when I told her about the Council's Friday night move: "Christ, it's like Pottersville around here!"

Anonymous said...


Sounds like a movie. Let someone's grandpa live with you. He dies. What do you know, he had just changed the will.

Anonymous said...

"There has also been a probate trust petition filed against Captain Sawyer and his Wife. Thomas Middleton senior died last July, and his next of kin are in a legal battle for rights to the estate. The Thomas S. Middleton trust, lists Tami Sawyer as the successor trustee. Middleton lived at the Sawyer home at the time of his death and changed his will shortly before."


My reaction exactly. If they took advantage of some poor senile old man I hope the judge shows them no mercy.

rotorman said...

Interesting reference to Everest. Krakauer concluded that egocentricity coupled with burning desire to reach a goal leads to disaster.
I'm not exactly sure how that applies to Bend since in the Everest case the individuals did not start with bad intentions. In Bend, I think greed was one of the principle reasons we find ourselves in such a horrific situation. Anyway both are interesting studies.

Anonymous said...

What a coincidence that he died right after he changed his will. Life can be so strange.

Bend Economy Man said...

A few months after I started my blog, in March 2006, there was a Forbes article about the possibility of the housing bubble taking the shape of other bubbles. It had a great summary of what happens, and I posted it. Re-posting here:

After the initial popping, there is a reflex rally that reignites the hopes and expectations of participants. Then (only after the break through key support levels) investors start to realize the boom is over. Fundamentals start to change, too. The media headlines start to recognize surprises, downside surprises. And while it’s a long time before the headlines turn downright gloomy, investors start looking for any rally opportunity to get out even. Eventually those hopes turn to any rally to minimize losses.

Right now we've reached the point where the headlines are "downright gloomy." Media are noting a lot of "downside surprises," because as Paul notes, every little overoptimistic scam and scheme is being unintentionally (because no one seems to be actively investigating these things before the fraud hurts people) exposed by the lack of returns and credit.

But you look at RE listings in Bend and still see people looking for an "opportunity to get out even."

That is just so not going to happen. It's what makes you realize that there is still plenty of downside left. Capitulation has not yet happened yet. I agree with Paul that people have an irrational belief that somehow the bailout will trickle down to people who bought 3 Bend "investment properties." It won't.

Maybe it's a good thing - part of the natural process as the Forbes article says - that people aren't doing the truly rational thing and just walking away en masse from their albatross mortgages that have no hope of being bailed out. Prevents more economic chaos, perhaps?

But when you're not just lapping at the edges of double-digit unemployment, but firmly thrust into 12-15% territory, like Bend is, the number of problems that have to be solved before anything positive happens in residential real estate, well, the fact that people are still trying to get over $400K for a house in Newport Hills shows that human optimism and capacity for denial has no bounds.

Anonymous said...

Slim hopes of an end-zone dance To prove the Davos set wrong, in short, congressional leaders must make the right choices at warp speed under pressure from special interests.


I think for the 'davos' crowd, their way of life is over, educated people making a lot of money, in the USA post WWII came a new time where a college degree meant you could 'make it big', ...

I remember when I went to college in the 50's, my granny said "Why the fuck are you going to college buster, unless your going to be a doctor theres no point", that was the attitude then, but post WWII and a solid science education, you could make something of yourself, aka post 1960's high-tech startup's, much of the DAVO's crowd is such, all you need is $5K admission, and they'll let anybody in, thus for these people the PHD's, and techies who have only known a good easy life, ... What I see now is the end of RISK capital.

Things will move on, like they were pre WWII, an education will now have little real meaning, except to be a doctor, lawyer ( too many ), or cpa ( too many ), doc's will get socialized, which means they'll get fucked, eventually we'll do a CUBA, which is let anybody who wants get into med-school, but pay them less than $500/mo.

There will always be ways to make 'money', granny came from a family of 1920's millionaires, not a one went to college, they made it all in candy, and pharmaceuticals, and oil.

Bend will revert to its former self, just like any old high desert ghost town, slowly folks will move away, and slowly the people running all these $100/plate food joints will find ZERO risk-investors. There is no money.

Us old farts who have money don't need to spend any.

Regarding the comments who gives a fuck if there are 200, 20, or 2,000? I sure in the hell don't what matters is comment quality. When 99% of the comments are about bruces pussy, or hbm's weather, or bendbb's asshole, who cares?

So on the debate of BEND move's pay no attention to this fucking 'theory' of shock and boredom and pain, today the basic issue is not much can be said, as the BULL has given us virtually NO FODDER for weeks.

100% of what we discuss here originates from our media, and comes out of are assholes ( an asshole is like an opinion, every rectum has one ).

Keep pissing on the rock, and maybe, just maybe somebody will say something interesting.

Lastly, one year I went to DAVOS, I paid the $5k, and it was a fucking boor.

Glad to hear these fuckers are down and out, a better group of people couldn't be fucked, my humble opinion is that 60% of the were MADE-OFF investors.

Anonymous said...

A few months ago I posted the 'graph', while for the stock market, yes BEND is still just past denial, and ready for the rebound, and lot of KUNTS like dunc, think the OREO is going to 'stimulate' the BEND-COCK.

Thus were in for a little bull-trap like's on the graph.

From there we fall into the abyss of despair, but first capitulation. Now is spring, and the few realtors who are still alive in BEND, will promise this spring to be the time to unload those toxic STD's at break-even, ... of course they'll NOT sell, cuz soon now that all these 2nd homes of Bend is fucked our listing will go astro,

"Capitulation refers to surrendering or giving up."

By summer of 2009 folks will give-up, and then by fall of 2009 there will be despair, perhaps in 2010 we might see some nice bottoms, but again, there will be NO rebound until 2014, it will be until 2012 to clear the ARM resets. Then add in the BEND two year lag from national.

By fall of 2009, all these food joints will have gone BK for good, by then NO BANK will even think about loaning to open a restaurant in BEND, unless is a min-wage soup kitchen.

Duncan McGeary said...

"and lot of KUNTS like dunc, think the OREO is going to 'stimulate' the BEND-COCK."

You keep saying this buster.

I don't think Obama's likely to fix much of anything, and certainly not Bend.

I think we're in for a world of hurt.

I remember saying he was a better choice than McCain, and Palin was a disaster....

Anonymous said...

Dunc I have the memory of an elephant, and I remember back in Aug of 2008, when you had the great mental break down, one of your main argument for OREO was that he would fix Bend.

Nobody is going to fix Bend, McCain is OVER Palin is GONE, quit being a KUNT like HBM & BP, and lets focus on today, palin never had a fucking chance, nobody can fix anything, but it was one of your arguments for 'OREO' back in 2008, they he was going to bring change, and hope to Bend.

Duncan McGeary said...

I think I've come to the conclusion that any stimulus package likely to come out of Congress will be a boondoggle, just as the bailout was a boondoggle.

I no longer believe the 'experts.' Including Krugman.

I think that we just need to take our lumps and emerge out the other side.

I might be wrong.

Maybe doing nothing may be a disaster.

But it looks to me that we're going to spend a whole lot of my kids future, and STILL have a disaster.

Anonymous said...

Lastly, one year I went to DAVOS, I paid the $5k, and it was a fucking boor.[sic]

Yeah, right, Buster. I think that was the same year I went to Stockholm to receive my Nobel Prize. In fact I believe we flew over to London together on the Concorde. John Lennon and Paul McCartney were in the seats behind us.

With all your money and all your wisdom I find odd that you choose to spend your days (and nights) hanging out on this blog.

You, sir, are completely full of shit. And a bore. AND a boor.

Duncan McGeary said...

I think I probably said there might be a Obama bump, a hopeful moment, a honeymoon.

I no longer think so.

But yeah, I hoped...

Anonymous said...

except perhaps for the pitifully brief period from 1945 to approx. 1970, and even then it wasn't fair if you weren't a white male


Life ain't fair, even Africa most alive critters you see near rivers are missing a leg, as all rivers have crocks, and you lose both legs, and that's it game-over, life has never been fair. Not even in the ameriKKKa.

But in Bend we try to keep score on the game of life, and who is fucking who, and who is getting the chips, and who is fucking whose trophy wife.

Who are the boss-hoggs and what is 'smart' money in Bend doing, ... we report you decide.

1945-1970 was only good for GM/FORD white, cuz the rest of the world had its auto factorys blown-up by WWII, by 1980's Japan had the HONDA, and took ameriKKKa by storm, and GM-FORD never retooled for expensive-gas, just ran the new post 1960's factorys into the ground, now today even JAPAN's factory's are sitting idle.

Yes, the 1960's were good for UNION AUTO boyz, but that life was short-lived in their cheap little LEVITTON STD's.

Then came the 1980's and all the white-folk were told they could retire at 55 and never work again, that they were entitled to 10%/yr on their savings, ... everybody and anybody if they just put away 10%/yr during their working years say 25-55, could retire as rich folk. Then along came the 1980's and CORP-USA already figured out how to loot that retirement savings, by 2000 the money was gone except for public retirement, and soon with city's and states in BK, the public retirement will be gone.

The USA will once again be just like prior to the great-depression where parents expect to live off their kids when they can no longer work.

Anonymous said...

No HBM its true, I don't know what it is this year, but it was about 15 yrs ago, and it was $5k for the door, and you had to pay for the hotel, and there was NO fucking requirement than paying the fee.

You ought do some homework, anybody that wants to go to DAVOS can, and that's why its so fucking boring with all these gadflys trying to make connections. Sure you get Madeline Halfbright there, but up close she's ugly, very ugly. Like Janet Reno.

You must have DAVO confused with the Bilderberger Meetings, now those you have to be invited, but any shithead with lots of money can go to DAVO's.

Anonymous said...


Above is the link if you want to join davos, and go the WEF, they'll let anybody in, even you, if you pay the fee.

Anonymous said...

With all your money and all your wisdom I find odd that you choose to spend your days (and nights) hanging out on this blog.


Now that's an interesting point, first of all we let you in, and who are you, but one of the worst toy-reporters that the BULL ever hired, but lets not take things personal.

We all come from different walks of life to piss on this rock.

One of the reasons that DAVOS get's so much recognition and press is that it is open to everyone, sure there are special 'governor' meetings there that only special pass ( MORE MONEY $$ ) gets you in, but back when I went 15 yrs ago, I just signed up as a high-tech individual entrepreneur, and they were rather glad to have people like me there, as to be honest there are too many reporters and gad-flys that don't know how to start companys and make payrolls.

Why does BEM come here, why does homer, why does dunc? I think its the freedom to say what we want, I come here to rub shit in the nose of people like HBM.

Why does HBM waste his valuable fucking sacred time at this rock?

Anonymous said...

>>But it looks to me that we're going to spend a whole lot of my kids future, and STILL have a disaster.

We're going to TRY to spend our way into disaster. The question is whether China and Japan will let Obama be that dumb.

Anonymous said...

This is cute, a local CEO that has a 'home' in Bend has destroyed his company, and still gets $54k/mo, ... only in ameriKKKa!!!

Sunwest's ex-CEO is highly paid -- $54,000 a month -- for failure

by Jeff Manning, The Oregonian
Saturday February 07, 2009, 5:27 PM

What's the going rate in these troubled economic times for a bankrupt corporate executive accused of fleecing investors, stiffing creditors and running his company into the ground?

Try $54,000. A month.

That's what Sunwest Management agreed to pay its founder and former CEO Jon Harder, even as the senior housing company struggles to survive a debilitating cash crunch. Furious investors and creditors have filed dozens of lawsuits, and many aren't buying the idea that paying big bucks to Harder could bring them more money in the end.

Harder built Salem-based Sunwest into one of the country's largest assisted living operators. But the company spun out of control in 2007 and 2008 when it ran out of cash, couldn't get any more bank credit and defaulted on numerous loans.

Harder filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy Dec. 31 and resigned as Sunwest CEO three weeks later. He turned the helm over to a corporate turnaround consultant. The company's future now hangs in the balance as lawyers for Sunwest, Harder and hundreds of investors and creditors engage in one of the most complex bankruptcy cases ever to take place in Portland.

Harder, who became a lightning rod for angry creditors, assigned all of his economic interest in Sunwest and hundreds of affiliated businesses back to the company. Clyde Hamstreet, the respected Portland turnaround consultant hired to salvage the operation, positioned Harder's move as a significant personal sacrifice made for the good of the company and its creditors.

But the deal that Hamstreet cut makes sure that Harder and two other Sunwest executives are well taken care of.

In addition to the $54,000 monthly allowance ($648,000 a year), Harder will continue to get his previous annual salary of $48,000. In past years, Harder took the vast majority of his compensation in cash distributions from the individual retirement communities that Sunwest managed.

As part of the same deal, senior Sunwest executives Darryl Fisher and J. Wallace Gutzler got comfortable compensation packages of their own. Fisher will get $360,000 a year, Gutzler $180,000. Sunwest also agreed to pay the trio's tax obligations, legal and accounting fees and other expenses, including car allowances.

For investors who stand to lose all or some of the $400 million they poured into individual Sunwest retirement homes, learning that the executives they suspect defrauded them are getting lavish financial packages is a bitter pill.

"It's so outrageous. He needs $54,000 a month to live on, and there's nothing filtering through to the rest of us," said Jerry Wiseman, 55, of Portland, who invested about $1 million in Sunwest.

Wiseman is one of about 1,200 individual investors who bet on Sunwest. When the monthly interest checks stopped flowing last summer, he lost the bulk of his personal income.

Despite their outrage, some investors and their lawyers find themselves in an uneasy alliance with Hamstreet, now in charge at Sunwest. Hamstreet argues that his plan of liquidating Sunwest's assets in a methodical, orderly way offers the best chance for investors to recover any of their money.

Hamstreet has said repeatedly that if the courts give Sunwest the time to stabilize and improve operations at its more than 230 remaining assisted living centers rather than unload them in a chaotic fire sale, the company could realize an additional $400 million or more in proceeds.

Money for lenders

The alternative, Hamstreet said, is turmoil as dozens of lenders proceed with their efforts to foreclose against individual Sunwest affiliate companies that own the retirement homes. Lenders have already filed foreclosure actions against 69 Sunwest-affiliated retirement facilities. The company has sold more than 50 others, raising nearly $400 million, the vast majority of which will go to lenders.

The Sunwest legal brawl involves many of Portland's biggest-name business and bankruptcy lawyers. In its scope, complexity and cast of characters, the Sunwest case reminds many of the players of another of Oregon's notorious investment scandals -- the 2000 collapse of Portland money manager Capital Consultants.

Steve English, who represented union pension fund trustees in the Capital Consultants case, is one of Harder's lead lawyers. At English's request, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Trish Brown has allowed all sides to go into mediation overseen by two federal judges.

The same kind of mediation was used in the Capital Consultants case, which recovered tens of millions of dollars for investors. The two cases even have the same mediator -- U.S. Appeals Judge Edward Leavy.

But Sunwest, because of its tangled corporate structure, is considerably more complicated. Each of Sunwest's retirement homes is owned by a separate limited liability company with a different set of investors and, often, a different lender.

Within Sunwest, which managed the retirement homes, there was a personnel company that paid employees, a construction company that built new facilities, an interior furnishings company, an ad agency, a captive insurance provider and a broker/dealer that raised money from investors.

"This is Capital Consultants on steroids," English said.

English's mediation plan is deeply unpopular with some lenders, as it has put their individual foreclosure actions on temporary hold. They want to kill English's plan, arguing that it's not proper to try to restructure the Sunwest empire through Harder's personal Chapter 11 filing.

English's request for a longer-term stay that would keep the banks at bay was the subject of a three-day trial in late January. Judge Brown is scheduled to issue her verdict Feb. 13.

Harder's generous compensation package could give additional ammo to critics of the restructuring proposed by English and Hamstreet.

Harder, who has declined repeated interview requests, built an economic juggernaut, at least while it lasted, and he rewarded himself handsomely. Details of Harder's personal finances have emerged as his case winds through bankruptcy court.

Six homes

He and his wife, Kristin, own six homes: the family home on a 140-acre ranch east of Salem, weekend homes in Bend and South Beach on the central Oregon coast, a condo at the Pronghorn resort outside Bend and two rental properties in Silverton. He could lose much of his property, which is burdened with debt, in his personal bankruptcy.

His monthly mortgage for the homes exceeds $20,000.

Among his other expenses: $12,600 a month for a nanny and four teachers for his home-schooled child.

Making the payments wasn't a particular strain when times were good. Harder took $21 million out of his company in 2006 alone, he confirmed at a court hearing last week. Most of that money came from cash distributions from individual Sunwest retirement homes, in which Harder maintained a significant ownership stake.

Last week's hearing was one of the few times the buzz-cut Harder has appeared at a court hearing since the collapse of his company.

"I was unable to meet my obligations; I have lots of debt outstanding," he said. "I put a lot of people in jeopardy, and I apologize for that."

His words mean little to investors. Said Wiseman: "He wants $54,000 a month, when the little people who helped him get there have lost everything."

-- Jeff Manning:
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COMMENTS (23)Post a comment
Posted by jimg1126 on 02/07/09 at 3:54PM

Harder took $21 million out of the company last year and claims he has No Money? LOL!!!

You might want to check the Cayman Islands and Swiss bank accounts.

This guy is Crooked as a 3 dollar bill in my opinion.

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Posted by tacobell888 on 02/07/09 at 4:13PM


Think outside the bun.
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Posted by ore2008 on 02/07/09 at 4:30PM

sad thing is, is that he is not alone. we have long focused anger at the CEOs of the oil companies, but the bonus train has to stop. bonuses should go towards the people that make the company work, and that is not always the person in charge. pay the grunts more, offer them incentive for better work and you end up with a better company.
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Posted by darcforest on 02/07/09 at 4:38PM

I've known Jon Harder for almost 25 years - since before he started the company. I had the "pleasure" of working with him at a summer camp for several summers. He has always been a jerk who only thought about himself (and was as lazy as the day is long) - not surprised that nothing has changed over the years.
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Posted by jk99 on 02/07/09 at 4:54PM

Outlaw bonuses. Outlaw insurance instruments devised explicitly for executive compensation (there's an entire boutique industry built up around this nonsense). Execs get a salary, period. Taxed like the rest of us. The only reason for all these other shenanigans is to avoid taxes and get around legal restrictions. Pure and simple.
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Posted by sjl4540 on 02/07/09 at 5:16PM

$54,000 each month.

Man, that's a lot of blow for one guy.
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Posted by ore2008 on 02/07/09 at 5:34PM

it just amazes me that someone could have financial problems making that kind of money. We make a fraction of that and are doing pretty good. I guess it's kind of like the lottery winners that are bankrupt in a few years. Some people just do not know how to handle money and should not be in charge of it.
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Posted by theyardgroup on 02/07/09 at 5:43PM

Greed got the best of him. Maybe if he didn't take $21 million last year, he might have had cash to keep the biz afloat. Take some lessons from Warren Buffet. The guy is worth more than god and he lives in a modest house in Omaha. I hope they take all six of his houses and leave him to fend for himself flipping burgers at McDs.
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Posted by jexpat on 02/07/09 at 5:45PM

Bigtime Republican donor- no surprise.

Forensic accounting looks to be a major growth industry for the next several years....
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Posted by CNSROWE1941 on 02/07/09 at 5:51PM

AND THEN HAD THE NERVE TO YANK UNION WORKERS AROND FOR " not earning there money" it just teed me off so much I stopped the talk..It was obvious he was one of thEM or just plain stupid.


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Posted by westwoodman on 02/07/09 at 6:05PM

It's all about ME! This Bob Nardelli clone needs to learn what the rest of us already know.

Let's see here.

You failed.
You lost a whole lot of money.
You lost a whole lot of other people's money.

No nanny. You and your wife chose to have the kids. They're your kids. You need to start acting like parents.

Kids cost money. Your choice. If you can't pay the home school teachers, then I guess you send the kids to school with everybody else's kids. Maybe they'll learn about the real world, where you go to work or you don't get paid.

6 houses? We all seem to do just fine in 1. Sell the other! More than a couple cars (no doubt). You don't need them. Sell them.

You're a stay a home dad, doing nothing since you lost (you weren't laid off or fired, so I have no mercy for you) your job. You take care of the kids.

It's time people like this got a serious dose of reality. Real reality.


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Posted by jexfat on 02/07/09 at 7:59PM

Bigtime Democratic donor- no surprise.

Forensic accounting looks to be a major growth industry for the next several years....

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Posted by kilchisriver on 02/07/09 at 8:33PM

What's all the excitment! This and other situations are regulated (or supposed to be) by our legislature and elected officials. Are some of you implying they haven't done their jobs? Why do you elect them then? Why do you return them to office? Whose fault - perhaps you had better look long in the mirror
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Posted by thinking11 on 02/07/09 at 9:17PM

The guy provided how many jobs to this region?

The guy takes care of how many of our older family members who we don't have the decency to take care of?

He built this company from the ground up. None of this would exist without him. If he gets a few bucks for a while let him. He may not be a saint but he's done a lot more for this community then you or I. Investors can't put their money on the line like they do and cry foul when something goes bad. It's a risk, deal with it.

p.s. good thought kilchisriver
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Posted by BanterOn on 02/07/09 at 9:42PM

It is Time! The IRS meeds to investigate CEO's of every company, starting with the CEO's that make the most money, first.

How in the world can you justify a CEO making more than a Million in one year? And many make over 5 Million.

It is time, every CEO of every companies needs to be audited by the IRS, regardless of the size of the company; yet start with the largest companies first.
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Posted by BanterOn on 02/07/09 at 9:51PM

Wow "thinking11"

"The guy provided how many jobs to this region?" At the same time he BROKE the Law; but does that matter? Does that matter to you? I'm thinking from your post the answer is No to both.

CEO's are rapeing this country and you want to defend the greed and avarice and law breaking, with "He's creating Jobs!" The only jobs he creating now are the ones's from all that stolen money, is in the Courts, with the Lawyers and Judges and the Counselors.

If you want to know why the economy is in the gutter, it's these crooked CEO's that YOU support.

Nice, you are a Patriot, a greedy lying theifing Patriot. We used to call those people Pirates.
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Posted by dougpdx on 02/08/09 at 6:51AM

Interesting that Clyde Hamstreet recommended such a large monthly pay out. Birds of a feather flock together. Mr. Hamstreet was involved in his own bankruptcy and that of the Embarcadero in Newport Oregon. Like in this instance many innocent people have lost substantial sums, but those responsible seem to always make out ok. Sad
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Posted by darcforest on 02/08/09 at 7:10AM


So your saying that as along as no one catches me its okay for me to be unethical. There's a book entitled "Character is what you are when no one's looking". If someone is an honest, upstanding person no one should have to be standing over them watching to see that they do the right thing - they would do the right thing regardless of who knew. And yes, there are people in our society who do that. Jon Harder (and the rest of the top people at SunWest) could have made the choice to do the right thing - they did not. So why should they get paid anything?

Thinking11 - you make it sound like JH was such a compassionate soul that was concerned about the older members of our society - far from it - he say this as a huge cash cow to advance his own interests nothing more. That is obvious from the way he ran things - if you read all the stories (and talk to some of the people at the facilities) you will discover that conditions were less than idea - both for residents and for workers. JH was all about cutting corners, not paying vendors, telling lies. And yes, the investors took a risk, but does that mean its okay for JH to lie to them and scam them? Obviously he thought so, I think not.
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Posted by troyprouty on 02/08/09 at 7:53AM

I hate to say this - BUT given the fact that the avg CEO makes over 400 times more money than the avg employee compared to only 13 times more prior to Clinton in office; and with all the deals going on outside of salary. $54,000.00 per month might seem a lot and in reality it is - BUT.. it is nothing in the Corporate world that we now have found ourselves in. The world where these Greedy only myself people have destroyed and the consequences for our economic downturn.
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Posted by nr1942 on 02/08/09 at 8:26AM

A crook is a crook is a crook. This one belongs behind bars.
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Posted by hotrockboy on 02/08/09 at 12:02PM

I've known Jon Harder for almost 25 years - since before he started the company. I had the "pleasure" of working with him at a summer camp for several summers. He has always been a jerk who only thought about himself (and was as lazy as the day is long) - not surprised that nothing has changed over the years.

Darchorse - that is funny stuff, I did the same thing, worked with him at camp. Karma is a.....
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Posted by voodooboo on 02/08/09 at 12:18PM

I am in no way defending this guy. But the way so many people here have railed against "every" CEO is not rational. I think CEO compensation needs to be fixed, but you also need to ask why shareholders and/or boards of directors approve the compensation packages given to many.

I'll also say for the record that NOT ALL CEO's are crooks. There are just as many "crooks" in the rank and file as there is in management.

Any of you who say all CEO's are crooks need to try running a company sometime. Deal with the responsibility. It's not a 9 to 5 job where you go home and forget about it. When you run or own a company you live it 24/7. How many of you accusers can say that about your job?

I hope this guy gets what he deserves. But to generalize and say every CEO is bad is wrong.

How would you feel if I said every rank and file worker is lazy, complains about money, and lives for their next coffee break? Or how about those union workers who get those great benefits that drive cost through the roof, and their unions argue for shorter work week. They all want more benefits for less work. All of them, every last one of them is trying to get more for less.

Doesn't make sense does it. We all know that the vast majority of rank and file workers are decent hard working people. Generalizing like I just did is wrong, just like generalizing about all CEO's.
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Posted by Bikedude on 02/08/09 at 3:27PM

Yo Banter - recent history has shown the IRS would do very well auditing Democrats - start where the harvest is sweetest. Heard possible Senator Franken is back due around $70k. Another to add to the list.

CEOs - near everyone of you could be one. You're not because of how you think and the company you keep. So much for the "I'm entitled" because "I breathe" generation. You'll never succeed when envy is your friend.

Think just a little different, do what you do just a little different. You may be shocked at what happens. And choose your friends more carefully.

Anonymous said...

See the above is the kind of stuff that really hurts Bend, cuz these are these rich we have heard so much about, ... like S1031, or BEND-CITY Captain of POLICE meet's FBI, this is just the beginning, all of BEND's finest people going to jail, who is going to be paying the MTG? Better yet, these are the people who finance BEND's best eatery's and school teachers, and STAR'Z who is going to toss 100 dollar bills at the titty bar?

Anonymous said...

We're going to TRY to spend our way into disaster. The question is whether China and Japan will let Obama be that dumb.


More of the same, its all a ponzi.

Look at it this way, our purchasing (walmart) keeps china busy, and then china 'invests' those dollars, on paper it all looks good. Given that the USA is still paying the worlds police-man bill, and given that the USA consumer still wants chinese crap @walmart, ... its a good bet that china will go along, now yes japan is really hurting, cuz long ago they made the shit like USA to have everything made in CHINA, now today japan has no jobs, just like the USA, ... no the country that can produce crap the cheapest, ... will be just fine, ...

Here's the deal, the dollar is not worthless, and we're chinas #1 customer, nice place to be for USA.

The real issue is that the USA gets used to 25% un-employment, that in palin english means 90% of the USA NEGROES on the street, and that means martial-law, and WWIII very soon.

Now that KUNTS is the real issue, ...

- buster.

Anonymous said...

The real issue is that the USA gets used to 25% un-employment, that in palin english means 90% of the USA NEGROES on the street, and that means martial-law, and WW-III very soon.

Now that KUNTS is the real issue, ...


Yes "PALIN ENGLISH", plain & simple from ameriKKKa's 21st century betty-page.

This is WHY they had to have the OREO prez during this econ down cycle, they ( old white boss hoggs who own USA ), knew they had a have a nigger in the white house to placate 90% or USA nigger unemployed. Only a nigger can send other niggers to their deaths without being called a 'honky'.

Anonymous said...

Given that the USA is still paying the worlds police-man bill, and given that the USA consumer still wants chinese crap @walmart, ... its a good bet that china will go along, now yes japan is really hurting, cuz long ago they made the shit like USA to have everything made in CHINA


Look at it from CHINA's point of view. Islam is their enemy as well, but its USA treasure and lives that will be exhausted destroying the MUSLIM world. Thus China gets a two-fer, they get jobs, and they get the entire islamic world scorched, eventually the USA will collapse, but by then the they'll OWN the USA, and have their SHIT made here!!!!! The Asians HATE black-folk as much as whitey, so off to IRAN/IRAQ/AFGHAN/PAKI goes darkey to die.

This his how it plays, I can't stress enough that the USA has military bases worldwide, the US is the worlds fucking RENT-A-COP!!! Thus the whole world goes with the pogram ( yes I meant POGRAM, at least its a POGRAM for muslims ).

Nobody cares, cuz ALL fucking CEO's in the USA bought their ITALIAN VILLA back in the 1980's, nobody intends to be here in the USA in 10-20 years, USA goes back to being a penal colony, and those luck devils who don't want to work, can go die in foreign wars.

Think I'm cynical? NOPE, I just know US/world history.

That said the US will have lots $20Trillion from the $20k 911 investment by Saudi back in 2001. So eventually the USA goes BK, but so fucking what the CEO's all have gotten out!! Thats why the BIG bailouts in 2008, so that those who didn't have their off-shore homeland bought could get it while they could.

Once the US hits paydirt then all 300-400M US souls will be glad to go off to war and kill muslims for the OREO.

Anonymous said...

Cynical? Is any of this really cynical homer posted quotes from 'davos' about people being cynical, but the shit I write about his how these people see the world. Is it cynical? NO, its just reality, its the world we live in.

Cynicism, don't mean fuck, like everybody has been writing here including HBowelMovement, that positive-thinking is irrelevant bullshit. We must deal with what IS, IS, IS!.

Too much of BEND is 'learned helplessness', then there is the HBM-STUCK, and then there are the observer's that can leave at any time and just watch the show.

Even today DUNC has admitted the awful truth, that it will get bad, but he'll survive, and he has planned, and he's not going to be a victim.

HBM, is still the victim, he's a deer on a road, and he sees the head-lights ( weather ), but just stands their bitching, ... eventually he'll get taken out, cuz he's a darwinian candidate for extinction. Event the PUSSY will move-on, ... his wifes bike-shop will not make 2009.

Anonymous said...

There a little truth, the problem is that BEND KUNTS, can't handle the truth.

Anonymous said...

Why does HBM waste his valuable fucking sacred time at this rock?

I come and take a leak on it once in a while but you're pissing on it 40 times a day, Buster. Have a bladder control problem? They have medications for that nowadays.

Bewert said...

Re: Event(sic) the PUSSY will move-on

I'm getting heavy pressure from Trudy. Since going back and skiing with her old friends at Alta, and with her parents getting older, she wants to be close to them their last few years. We are both big on family, her even more than me.

And SLC has an unemployment rate near half of ours. Logan, fucking Utah is in the top ten or so. The home of Icon Fitness, a company I've worked off and on with for ten years.

And after this latest CC crap, I'm reaching the end of my rope as well.

The one thing that really tears at me is all these US cycling national championships being here. I love riding, and, if there wasn't so much fucking dust gumming up your lungs, this place is great.

Steve Johnson, the CEO of USA Cycling, is an old friend. And I've done my share of "lobbying".

We've beat on each other too many times to count. He is smart and ruthless. The kind of guy who could ride his trainer for an hour in a dark closet. Something I couldn't do. Which is why I invented Exerscape. A way to enjoy training indoors.

But that pressure to leave is there. The shop will survive, but it's been hobbled by the general economic mess around here. When your town is well over 10% unemployment, you have major problems.

And with the Gold Old Boy/Girl network firmly in charge, there is not much to look forward to.

Anonymous said...

I really hope all of you and the readers have a way to survive Bend if you are staying. If you don't have a large pantry that can feed you and yours for a month (min) you can look forward to being hungry at some point in the future.
With the unemployment going to 20+% shortly you can look forward to more B&E and it might be your home that has anything grabable taken from it. It has already started. No home is safe if it has a window or a pickable lock... Get some powder and pack it.


Anonymous said...

>>>We are both big on family, her even more than me.<<<<

Puss, you really don't need a reason to leave Bend..just go!!

One more open bike space downtown.

Hope you hook into the LDS cannery there.

Bewert said...

Re: Hope you hook into the LDS cannery there.


Already hooked into the Homer AK fishery. And a great garden in the SLC family property.

tim said...

See ya Bruce. I won't blame you if you just disappear from here one day. Place is silly.

LavaBear said...

>>>See ya Bruce. I won't blame you if you just disappear from here one day. Place is silly.

I'd blame him. Bruce if you are gonna go then go out a blazing. Cut and paste and flame on your way out the door. I expect nothing less.

Bewert said...

I'll finish and file my Bendover Opus before I go-already told Clinton that-as a "present" before I leave. If I do.

Working on it right now. And hopefully, you guys will get a little more transparency in local government.

I knew this Eckman clique would shoot themselves in the foot, but I never imagined how spectacularly ineptly they would do it.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

I'd blame him. Bruce if you are gonna go then go out a blazing. Cut and paste and flame on your way out the door. I expect nothing less.

Yeah. Let us have it. Man up & make us wonder whether it's you, or that asshole jerkoff Fake Bruce.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

And I have to say Brucey, I am starting to get a little of the same familial pressure. Not overwhelming, nothing imminent... but it's there.

A year ago I wouldn't consider leaving for many years... now, not so sure. I'd have to get a good offer elsewhere, it'd have to be timed right with school, and so on... but I'm thinking about it.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

tim said...

See ya Bruce. I won't blame you if you just disappear from here one day. Place is silly.

Where you been Timmy?

tim said...

I've been anonymous. :-)

Anonymous said...

All of yous have one reason or another to leave and you will.

Dunc and I are the only real long termers that I really know of.

So, Dunc, it's you and Linda and I for the long term.

All the Butter, Busters, Bilbos, Pauls, HBMs and all the rest of the NOBS may you RIP. At least for now.

Maybe the future Bend will rise and shine above the ashes that lie to fertilize Bend.

Thanks boyz for all your shit.

tim said...

I'll probably still be here. Y'all can just call me "the last newbie."

Anonymous said...

That's an essential truth of this place, the three biggest 'victims' of liberal failure are BP, DUNC, and HBM, and they all be our only non-anonymous, and you know what? They don't really tell the fucking truth. The rest of know, and you know what? We don't fucking fear, cuz we be anonymous.

For 1-1/2 yrs the Big Pussy himself as begged us all to go stupid pubic like himself, but to no fucking avail. HOMER knows the fucking essential truth, then when things get fucking bad, that folks will commit suicide, or take out anyone whom they think brought their fucking malaise, but no fucking problem cuz our PUSSY-3, never fucking said anything, like our HBM, is the weather-man going to come after him??

BP will go, and Dunc is doing what I told him to do 2+ years ago "Get rid of your fucking employees & overhead", its done, dunc will survive. BP's feeder unit ( wifey ) will move-on, remember BP came here to be loved, he got involved in city-hall to be loved, cuz people who care get loved, well guess what? No love from city-hall towards BP! Why? Cuz this city only fucks people, and the list of fuckers is already too long, and they see BP as competition, and they're NOT going to let him join the club.

The last outsiders to push their way in were Garzini, and JEFF&RAY, since then Oran-Teater got back involved and shut the fucking door courtesy of Bend Chamber-Pot-of-Commerce.

Who is left? Oh HBM, you got to admit, WHY? Why isn't the fucker living in Kauhi, or Hawaii, or Molakai? It's fucking pathetic, all these places have little rags like the SORE that would love to have him be their editor. HBM go to the fucking HI's before your dead, before your Bend dead, I'm saying this as a friend not an enemy.

Anonymous said...

Bewert said...
I'll finish and file my Bendover Opus before I go-already told Clinton that-as a "present" before I leave. If I do.

Working on it right now. And hopefully, you guys will get a little more transparency in local government.

I knew this Eckman clique would shoot themselves in the foot, but I never imagined how spectacularly ineptly they would do it.



LOL (or as the hbm looser would say ROTFLMAO)

No, really Bruce Pussy, that was funny.

Is SLC hiring comedians? Knock 'em dead, funny boy, with your sense of humor.

The rest of the animals on this rock didn't get your joke Ewert, but not all who wander around here are deadheads.

Anonymous said...

>>tim said...
I'll probably still be here. Y'all can just call me "the last newbie."<<<

K.O. Tim Bob, the last remaining NOB.. If your staying, I hope you have some food stores in your pantry.

I am assuming at least 4 friends/family will be moving in here this year. They will eat more than I can afford in the future, so I have been putting more in the pantry for the past year to be able to feed the family.

Anonymous said...

You guys are kiling me with this sappy goodbye bullshit. I think I'm gonna cry:(

Anonymous said...

Oh HBM, you got to admit, WHY? Why isn't the fucker living in Kauhi, [sic] or Hawaii, or Molakai [sic]?

One word: Money. I'd love to live in Hawaii, but not in a tarpaper shack.

It's fucking pathetic, all these places have little rags like the SORE that would love to have him be their editor.

But you can't live on what they pay.

HBM go to the fucking HI's before your dead, before your Bend dead, I'm saying this as a friend not an enemy.

Thanks, I appreciate it. I would if I could. And someday I may.

tim said...


You'll never get ahead in Bend, you want to end up in Hawaii, you'll have to go live someplace cheap for a few years.

Bend will suck you dry.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Go to, rants & raves, and type "Bulletin" in the search box. Whew! Mutha Fucka's are pissed!

I can't find the story in the Bulletin about the Cop and his Realtor Wife. Is there any wonder why the nations newspapers are going bankrupt? They are way to liberal and corrupt to fairly give us all of the news. That's OK Bulletin because I know that I can always find the real news on the Internet. Even CL does a better job of providing me with up to date and accurate news. I'd like to think that the story broke too late to make it in today's print, but I watched it on the 5 PM news yesterday.

Bulletin, I hope you guys haven't succumbed to the corruption that has infiltrated our local police dept.


The media was all invited to be informed by the Bend Police Chief at 9 am yesterday! No excuse for the Bulletin! They only write about their favorite topics only. Oh heck they probably have money with the Sawyers and figure they better play nice to get theirs back.


The Bulletin is "lite" news. For those who like to keep their news on the lite side.
I have relatives in Eugene who get all the news about this area from the Eugene Register Guard, then call me and ask what the hell is going on over there? I'm sitting right in the middle of it and don't have a clue until they fill me in. Redmond cops strip searching teen girls, sexual harassment, all kinds of stuff involving our finest but never reported locally.
The local news couldn't get a story right anyway. They have printed stories that were so twisted that if I hadn't been privy to the facts I would have never recognized the story. They are an absolute joke. Don't waste your money unless you want the ads, there is no NEWS in the thing.


The Bend Bulletin has absolutely no porblem doing a hatchet job on someone IF they don't like that person or IF they feel that person will not fight back.

We've lived here 30 years and watched that rag pick a new traget and run them into the ground with speculation and rummor. But they are careful to pick their battles. If it is a story that has any chance of causing the editorial board discomfort in the community they supress it.

No matter now. They won't be around much longer and I don't know a person in this town who will miss them. The only time we have found use for the Bulletin was when our son was moving and we used the paper to pack his dishes. Even then we had reservations about the worth of the paper as it made poor packing material!

Funny how things have a way of working out.


I moved out of Central Oregon nearly 4 years ago. I come to R&R occasionally to see what is happening in the court of public opinion. I see where folks are still figuring out that The Bend Bulletin is , by far, the most crooked outfit in C.O.. They had their head so far up Eagle Crest`s and Jen Weld`s ass, it was obscene. Crooks...politically motivated crooks. I would`nt let my parakeet shit on their newspaper. They are bought and sold by the mucky mucks, and everyone knows it.


A Few years back a local community figure was accused of stealing money from the organization he ran. When no evidence could be found of any theft after an extensive forensic accounting review we waited for some clarification from the Bulletin. I asked the editor at the time who lived near my home if they intended to run a retraction or at least something to say that hey, it looks like this chap never stole anything after all. His response to me was as shocking as the original story itself. He simply looked at me and said "well, it’s not really news any longer" and went on his jog. I lost all respect for my neighbor and the paper that day.

If they go belly up it will be too bad because good people who work there will lose gainful employment however I will never forget the cavalier attitude one of their key executives showed with respect to the ruining of a man largely at the hands of their paper.

Anonymous said...

Paul Krugman today:

What do you call someone who eliminates hundreds of thousands of American jobs, deprives millions of adequate health care and nutrition, undermines schools, but offers a $15,000 bonus to affluent people who flip their houses?

A proud centrist. For that is what the senators who ended up calling the tune on the stimulus bill just accomplished.

Even if the original Obama plan — around $800 billion in stimulus, with a substantial fraction of that total given over to ineffective tax cuts — had been enacted, it wouldn’t have been enough to fill the looming hole in the U.S. economy, which the Congressional Budget Office estimates will amount to $2.9 trillion over the next three years.

Yet the centrists did their best to make the plan weaker and worse.

One of the best features of the original plan was aid to cash-strapped state governments, which would have provided a quick boost to the economy while preserving essential services. But the centrists insisted on a $40 billion cut in that spending.

The original plan also included badly needed spending on school construction; $16 billion of that spending was cut. It included aid to the unemployed, especially help in maintaining health care — cut. Food stamps — cut. All in all, more than $80 billion was cut from the plan, with the great bulk of those cuts falling on precisely the measures that would do the most to reduce the depth and pain of this slump.

On the other hand, the centrists were apparently just fine with one of the worst provisions in the Senate bill, a tax credit for home buyers. Dean Baker of the Center for Economic Policy Research calls this the “flip your house to your brother” provision: it will cost a lot of money while doing nothing to help the economy.

All in all, the centrists’ insistence on comforting the comfortable while afflicting the afflicted will, if reflected in the final bill, lead to substantially lower employment and substantially more suffering.

But how did this happen? I blame President Obama’s belief that he can transcend the partisan divide — a belief that warped his economic strategy.

After all, many people expected Mr. Obama to come out with a really strong stimulus plan, reflecting both the economy’s dire straits and his own electoral mandate.

Instead, however, he offered a plan that was clearly both too small and too heavily reliant on tax cuts. Why? Because he wanted the plan to have broad bipartisan support, and believed that it would. Not long ago administration strategists were talking about getting 80 or more votes in the Senate.

Mr. Obama’s postpartisan yearnings may also explain why he didn’t do something crucially important: speak forcefully about how government spending can help support the economy. Instead, he let conservatives define the debate, waiting until late last week before finally saying what needed to be said — that increasing spending is the whole point of the plan.

And Mr. Obama got nothing in return for his bipartisan outreach. Not one Republican voted for the House version of the stimulus plan, which was, by the way, better focused than the original administration proposal.

In the Senate, Republicans inveighed against “pork” — although the wasteful spending they claimed to have identified (much of it was fully justified) was a trivial share of the bill’s total. And they decried the bill’s cost — even as 36 out of 41 Republican senators voted to replace the Obama plan with $3 trillion, that’s right, $3 trillion in tax cuts over 10 years.

So Mr. Obama was reduced to bargaining for the votes of those centrists. And the centrists, predictably, extracted a pound of flesh — not, as far as anyone can tell, based on any coherent economic argument, but simply to demonstrate their centrist mojo. They probably would have demanded that $100 billion or so be cut from anything Mr. Obama proposed; by coming in with such a low initial bid, the president guaranteed that the final deal would be much too small.

Such are the perils of negotiating with yourself.

Now, House and Senate negotiators have to reconcile their versions of the stimulus, and it’s possible that the final bill will undo the centrists’ worst. And Mr. Obama may be able to come back for a second round. But this was his best chance to get decisive action, and it fell short.

So has Mr. Obama learned from this experience? Early indications aren’t good.

For rather than acknowledge the failure of his political strategy and the damage to his economic strategy, the president tried to put a postpartisan happy face on the whole thing. “Democrats and Republicans came together in the Senate and responded appropriately to the urgency this moment demands,” he declared on Saturday, and “the scale and scope of this plan is right.”

No, they didn’t, and no, it isn’t.

Mission Accomplished! The Republicans did what they set out to do. They didn't want to block the stimulus bill -- they wanted to gut it so it doesn't have a chance of being effective and they can then blame Obama and the Democrats for failure.

Obama is also to blame, of course; he went along with them for the sake of "bipartisanship." The Repubs played him like a goddamn violin.

I'm starting to wonder if Obama is up to the job. He has the smarts, obviously, but does he have the requisite mental toughness and ruthlessness? Did he think he was going to get his agenda through Congress by having everybody hold hands and sing Kumbaya around the campfire?

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

And that's just 2 days. There must be a pretty steady stream of vitriol about The Bully. I never go to that section of CL... can't believe it's just a coincidence that there are that many complaints.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

There's good stuff for you hbm: Lot's of RePug's doing their thing.

illegals sucking the life out of taxpayers

why can all the illegals just waltz into the welfare office w/out s.s.#'s, no citizenship documentation and get on every free program america offers? They suck the life out of every tax paying citizen of america and laugh their heads off about it to everyone in their homelands. then the ones they tell come over and join the programs too. they overcrowd our schools with their over abundance of children and they don't pay taxes to support the schools. our schools even pay for tutors and translators because their parent's can't teach them english because they don't speak english. they even go to the bend park and rec and use up all of the scholorships available and their kids get into all the programs for free, while all the taxpayers kids have to pay full price. notice that on the giving tree's at christmas, about 60 to 70 % of the names asking for gifts were mexican names. whose all at the bend community center getting free cloths, backpacks and supplies for their kids for school? you got it! mexicans. now, go take a look at whose been pulled over for drug trafficking, duii's,etc. so what exactly do mexicans have to offer america? why are our doors open to so many who are not coming here to prosper but instead to live free and die.

re: illegals sucking the life out of taxpayers

hey, you forgot to mention the fact that 80% of the mexicans you see in the welfare office and handout lines, are wearing brand new nikes and filas, wearing designer jeans, and drive up in new expensive cars and then hold there hand out and say "me no understand english" ...."me need help". why dont you put those nice shoes and pants on your kids you mexican parasites.


IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Personally, I am sick of all these illegals driving Lamborghini's to their country mansions! What, with their GOLD CHAINS, THEIR NEW SHOES, and THEY HO'S.

Those fucking hordes of rich motherfuckers...WTF! Getting filthy stinking rich off our WELFARE SYSTEM!

I've had it with that shit! Next time I see one of those fuckers hanging out in front of Home Depot in their Lambo, I'm going to start KICKING ASS!

Anonymous said...

You'll never get ahead in Bend

I couldn't care less about "getting ahead." I'm retired (mostly) and I'm a man of simple tastes and limited ambition. (If I was worried about 'getting ahead' I wouldn't have left a job as a columnist for a metro Bay Area paper to come here and be city editor of The Bulletin for 1/4 of the money.)

My reasons for wanting to leave Bend are (a) the climate and (b) the fact that the place has lost its small-town charm and become an ugly sprawling mess. Not necessarily in that order.

Anonymous said...

There's good stuff for you hbm: Lot's of RePug's doing their thing.

The Repugs always need to find scapegoats (illegals, gays, blacks, envirowackos, feminazis, Hollywood, "the elitists," etc. etc.) to blame for America's problems so people won't see who's really to blame -- the Repugs and their corporate owners and masters.

Personally, I am sick of all these illegals driving Lamborghini's to their country mansions!

Last June I went down to Labor Ready to find somebody to do some gardening work and there were about a dozen Lambos, Ferraris, Bentleys and Jaguars parked around the place. I had no idea welfare paid that well.

tim said...

>>I couldn't care less about "getting ahead."

Then try Mexico if you can't afford Hawaii.

Looking forward to your posts in Spanish about how hot it is.

Anonymous said...

An archive search of The Bullshittin's site shows that their most recent news about Tami Sawyer was published in 2006.

OTOH, today's paper offers this journalistic gem:

The road to Westminster
How a pampered poodle from Central Oregon made it into the running to be top dog

By Ben Salmon / The Bulletin
Published: February 09. 2009

There are two sides to Dolly the miniature poodle, a pup who lives in Oregon but will be in New York City today to compete in the Westminster Kennel Club’s 133rd annual dog show.

The Bullshittin seems to have given up even pretending to be a real newspaper. It's a disgrace to the profession and an embarrassment to Bend.

Anonymous said...

Then try Mexico if you can't afford Hawaii

We're giving that serious consideration. We've vacationed there and liked it. Not sure we'd want to retire there year-round, though. Might just buy a condo to live in during the winters.

Looking forward to your posts in Spanish about how hot it is.

Jesus y Maria, estoy muy calor!

Anonymous said...

Uh, that should be "estoy muy caliente." Obviously I need to work on my Spanish before moving to Mexico.

Bewert said...

Beaner's have computers, too:

RE illegal's draining the system (Beaners rule!)

Hey ignorant anus, go look at the welfare office. You will notice that there is not as many mexicans as you think. Actualy when I was there (yes I did go) I noticed fat white trash women with thier brood of WHITE trash babies were the norm.

Im guessing they are the "lifer" welfare trash that are tapping the system. It makes me feel bad for the real working class that have to lower themselves and be surrounded by the WHITE TRASH when they walk in to try to get assistance for the first time.
You need to come to tearms with the fact that most the Mexicans that are here take the jobs the the trailer trash think they are above, or to F#(&n lazy to do. I guess this is good for employers, as the majority of the Mexicans will work circles around the thieving crack heads.

Im still waiting for the INS to come remove my Mexican employees you douchbag. Then I will have to hire the worthless whites again.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

So has Mr. Obama learned from this experience? Early indications aren’t good.

For rather than acknowledge the failure of his political strategy and the damage to his economic strategy, the president tried to put a postpartisan happy face on the whole thing. “Democrats and Republicans came together in the Senate and responded appropriately to the urgency this moment demands,” he declared on Saturday, and “the scale and scope of this plan is right.”

No, they didn’t, and no, it isn’t.

Uhhhhh... you might have a talk with your Grave Dancing Lib buddies, hbm. WTF did you think was going to happen? You backed RePug's into a corner, and they did what ANYONE would do... they snapped at their captors.

Dem's would have done the same. THIS is why PLURAILTY GOVT'S do not work. A house divided is just fine, in Govt.

You INSIST that RePug's Are The Problem. That's a HALF TRUTH, as Lib's are just as maniacal & insane. Why you can't see & admit that is beyond me.

And I have to say that "MY REPUBLICAN PARTY" is long gone. I don't know WTF the current party is, but it ain't mine. My is about fiscal restraint, and allowing near anarchy.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

You guys got a CLEAR MANDATE, hbm. But Pelosi dangling it out there for all to see & shaming the RePug hordes is going to get her EXACTLY what she deserves.


Anonymous said...

I don't know why marge think's I'm leaving. I have been here since the 1960's, its just that unlike dunc & marge, I'm NOT here 50% of the time, Bend is a base-camp, but not a place I can live 24/7/365. I have been here since the 1960's and relish the return of the slow times.

With regards to the BEND PIG FARM imploding, let me just say that only two years ago the BEND PIG's & City Court were MORE aggressively ticketing locals for letting their dogs swim in the Deschutes River ($400 fine), than they were for people or Knife-River dump trucks running 50 mph down Newport from the quarry at Tumalo.

No FUCKING sympathy for the BEND Pigs. The priority of this town the past five years was real estate, e.g. selling condos to tourist suckers and nothing more. Its not surprising that the Pig's too got involved in the BEND PORK. Human see, Human Do, and in Bend what's good for the GOB's&GOG's(good ol gals) is good for the Pig's. The PIG's had only ONE fucking goal post 2000 and that was to rid Bend of red-necks, and make Bend salable as ASSPEN, no fucking surprise that the PIG's imitated their owners.

The other element that you folks are missing is the implosion of Redmond, the City Manager too was a crook, and they had to have him arrested by the County Sheriff, because he had hired the new Police Chief who was told the that the city manager was 'untouchable'. Such is BEND. So when the shit gets UGLY and even County Sheriff is involved and State Police, then you MUST get the FBI involved to clean-up the local racketeering of Real Estate loans & extortion.

WRT people renting homes they don't own and NOT paying the MTG, this is an old story from early 1980's in ORYGUN. This is not even close to the bottom folks.

Bilbo reporting from Campbell River, British Columbia. So close to heaven, far enough from Bend.

There are ton's of cheap ways to live in the Hawaiian Isl's hbm, I have been to most, and lived in the bush on the BIG-ISL, and Kauhi, what you call a shack is how people live, you don't need a fucking CALI-STD there, you just need to tree house to keep you out of the occasional tsunami. It's NOT just the rich that live in Hawaii, I just used to go there a lot, but to be honest I get bored from the beach, and the weather is fairly consistent. I like Kauhi the best desert on the south side, and rain forest on the north, lots of hiking, in Luahe there are cheap stores, and fruit & veges grow wild in post places, there wild boars and goats easy to snare. Life is good. Just to fucking boring for me, I much prefer living on boats during the time of the year Bend Sucks. Up here in BC people live, and when the shit hits the fan in the USA, up in Canada nobody will even notice, as everybody up here already lives OFF the grid. Growing their own food, and making their own beer and power, its the US city's that will be fucked, and the BEND... Too many 'learned helpless' in Bend.

I'll keep Bend as my basecamp, but if the city does a PDX to Bend, which I see coming and taxes the shit out of everything. For instance in PDX the city charges $1k/yr for city business license for each DBA, plus 1/2% of the gross on each biz, ... if Bend starts doing that shit, and I know they will, then they'll have killed the goose. Bend is a good place to mtn-bike, hike, xc-ski,, ... But like HBM says in the last twenty years its more like a CALI strip-mall, than a mtn resort town.

Bend has NEVER been a place to make money, Bend was always a place to 'camp' and play. I never made a fucking nickel in Bend in terms of real-money wouldn't even think about it, like doing a real business in BEND, you can't hire 'real people'. In many ways HOLLERN is right, Bend is a town of non-real people, and non-real jobs.

But Bend is a great place if your content to hike, bike, or walk the dog. Spring SUCKS in Bend if it ever comes.

When I talk about BP's wifey's bike SHOP, I'm not insulting her, its just that there are a 100 bike shops in BEND, and only hutches, sunnyside, and pine-marten will survive, sunny&pine cuz they do all year sport, hutches with a dozen stores will have to close 1/2 or more, but I see the other 97 stores closing. Just the facts.

Good to see BEM back actively making comments.

Whats interesting is how fucking QUIET the BULL is, in the past two week there is NOTHING that they have made public to the outside world. They're hunkering down for the storm.

BP should update his JR site, with "where the money went", and make sure that its well known that the BULL got $5M for nothing on the free HOLLERN land deal sold to the city.

What church are the SAWYERS tied to? We fucking KNOW here that S1031, and Sisters Bank, and MOSS CACB are all 'christian zionist' nutcase groups, what church does SAWYER family belong too?

Anonymous said...

A house divided is just fine, in Govt.


This is the ONLY safe government to have in our two-party system.

We all said this last fall, GET RID OF BUSH, but don't give the DEM's a majority.

So now we got an OREO nigger in a empty-white-mans kmart suit as prez, and we got the dem&pug's fucking each other. It's perfect, it means NOTHING will pass. What more could a mother want?

Sorry to pick on the OREO, but this fucker has NEVER had a real job in his life, he never made a tough vote, ... he talked non-specific language, he was never a doer, he never stood up for anything controversial, and what is he? 45 yrs old? It's over the OREO is what he is, and anybody that expects 'change' is insane.

Just hold on, and minimize your DEBT folks, cuz when VOLCKER starts doing his magic, and we see 18% interest rates sometime in the next few years those with any debt will get wiped out, that said once again will be a great time for retired folk in money-markets.

Anonymous said...

Go to, rants & raves, and type "Bulletin" in the search box. Whew! Mutha Fucka's are pissed!


Homer, why don't you invite the CL kunts to come over the dark-side @ BB2?

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

hbm said: Obama is also to blame, of course; he went along with them for the sake of "bipartisanship." The Repubs played him like a goddamn violin.

Funny that after 8 years of UNILATERAL ASSHOLE IN CHARGE, and the fact that you guys got elected on a ANTI-UNILATERAL PLATFORM, that you are so anti-bipartisan, hbm.

Everytime I feel like I've reached some sort of self-introspecting Lib... well, out the window it goes.

Anonymous said...

Funny that after 8 years of UNILATERAL ASSHOLE IN CHARGE,


I still say that these 'unilateral' praetorian 'waivers' that OREO has been blessing on his annointed crooks makes BUSH look tame.

Bush didn't have the balls to say "I'm cleaning up government", but then issue "waivers to the crooks", had he done that the opposition would have gone wild, but now will its DEJA-VU, this is how CLINTON operated, BUSH-1 could NOT pass NAFTA/GATT neither could RAYGUN, but along came CLINTON who got all the favorite PUG causes passed.

OREO is the same, lets REMEMBER that GEITHNER is the dream-boy of team-bush & paulson, he was the brains behind the 8 yrs of BUSH @ Fed-Res. So OREO says he's cleaning up government, but everyone dirty so he issues waivers to the PUG crooks to stay on board. Then NOBODY says shit, cuz its win-win for all.

You can see that OREO is going to have two government the public 'liberal' make-believe, and then 'waivered' PUG-ENABLED real-politik. Pay NO fucking attention to this MYTH that partisanship has failed, there is NO left or right. Calling Pelosi left, or Schummer, or Clinton, or ... these are ALL rich people, there is NOTHING left about these pro's, they're all about making sure the elites stay in power.

I think what's going on is that the OREO is creating a narrative of blaming the PUG's for his failure to deliver all the PORK he promised on the campaign trail, so long as OREO lets GEITHNER run the US treasury, all the PUG's have to do is go along with whatever, ... Big US corporations, and the people who created our DEPRESSION have been rewarded, head's then win, tails we lose.

Bewert said...

Re: Homer, why don't you invite the CL kunts to come over the dark-side @ BB2?


I don't know. They make Buster seem rational and levelheaded.

Although the posts about cattle prods and fat white trash at Walmart are pretty funny.

And this, from Marge, Jr.:

To the Stupid Pricks In the McDonald's Drive Thru... (Redmond)

First of all, while I am an attractive woman, I was with my equally as attractive boyfriend. I might be able to overlook your attempts to get my attention if I was by myself. But, no, you had to hoot and holler and wave until you pissed a nice girl off. I don't appreciate that behavior at all, so I had every right to flip you off. Then you started getting all mouthy about that, calling me rude and things. Of course a stand up man, like mine, is going to get out and see what your problem is. But, I swear to God, if I ever see you M***** F****** again and you pull a gun on my boyfriend, I will not be unarmed. You were so lucky last night, little boy, because had I been armed like usual, you would have been scared sh******. Don't pull it unless you're prepared to use it. I am, a******, I am. And don't think for one second that I won't.

Anonymous said...

Bilbo, I may just try that 50% in Bend next year. How's the fishing up there?

Anonymous said...

( Sorry marge, but I'm the kind that if you ask the time, I tell you how to build a time-machine. )

Not much fishin in US waters but in high BC waters, once up in the johnstone-strait or about anywhere in one of the 1,000's of fiords/inlets you'll never see a soul, crabs, oysters everywhere, prawns, ... most of the water north of Port-Hardy is open all year to salmon. Rockfish is always good, and most places are open.

South of vancouver,bc, .e.g. US water there isn't much fish, and its all closed this winter, folks are quite bored down there near the San Juans.

Right now I mostly work on boats, and get stuff ready for long passages up north in a few weeks.

I usually outfit in Nanaimo, or Port Hardy, this time in Campbell River, but the fishing is fine anywhere north of Big-Bay, BC there are fish, its seems to me anywhere south they're extinct, I remember 10-20 years ago most fish down south ( US waters ) went extinct. The action is all in the north, about +100 miles north of US waters.

Right now campbell & hardy are good saltwater fishing, for me its the journey, and the process, seafood to me is just food. I only fish for dinner. Sometimes I CAN ( mason jar ) what I'm out on the ocean in my pressure cooker, that way I don't waste a 20LB fish. I don't bother with much refrigeration, too much maintenance and energy.

Usually what we do is go out in a dinghy near eve and catch din-din on a daily basis.

Spring is here, perhaps in Bend spring will arrive by June, and summer by August. I did like Bend this past year we were mtn-biking in above tumalo falls a week before xmas. But then that fucking ice-fog comes to BEND, and I'm outta there.

Anonymous said...

I don't know. They make Buster seem rational and levelheaded.


SO BP, why don't you invite the clowns to BB2, I only visit CL to list rentals or to view BEND's 'escort services' when I need to view some Bend Meth skank.

LavaBear said...

>>>Spring is here, perhaps in Bend spring will arrive by June

Buster your idea of "spring" would put hbm in his grave. Can't wait to see Campbell River "summers".

Forecast for Campbell River, Canada

10-Day Forecast
High /Low (°F) Precip. %
Feb 09 Rain / Snow Showers 38°/34° 30 %
Feb 10 Rain / Snow Showers / Wind 37°/32° 90 %
Feb 11 Showers 41°/29° 40 %
Feb 12 Mostly Cloudy 41°/26° 10 %
Feb 13 Partly Cloudy 42°/26° 10 %
Feb 14 Partly Cloudy 42°/27° 10 %
Feb 15 Few Showers 42°/32° 30 %
Feb 16 Few Showers 44°/31° 30 %
Feb 17 Showers 44°/34° 60 %
Feb 18 Showers 45°/32° 40 %
Last Updated Feb 9 10:09 a.m. Local Time

Anonymous said...

Sweetheart Donuts is gone.

I don't eat donuts often, but when I did I would get them at Sweethearts.


Anonymous said...

"minimize your DEBT folks, cuz when VOLCKER starts doing his magic, and we see 18% interest rates sometime in the next few years those with any debt will get wiped out"

Ummm, wait a minute, if you've got fixed rate loans, you will BENEFIT from inflation.

It makes your debt seem cheaper day by day.


To the extent you've got fixed rate debt, what you fear is deflation.

I've already made all the big purchases that I need to, so please bring on the 18% interest rates!

Anonymous said...

BB said>>Sometimes I CAN <<<

Nothing better than your own canned fish.. We usually do 50 lbs of tuna every year. Now I have started canning burger, stew meat and chicken breasts. Just so it's on hand and not in the freezer.
I am jealous, to some degree, of your adventures up there. Now that I am not working I hope to get more real outdoor experiences around North America.

Quimby said...

BP, if you leave for the land of Mormon, please leave your blogger password for us so we can periodically login and perpetuate your being here at BB2.

Anonymous said...

Regarding The Bullshitten, Boom Times and the Sawyer Police Captain/FBI Investigation, go rent "LA Confidential". Makes you wonder.

If T. Sawyer was involved in the Shire, and somehow Doc McDonald wound up at the bottom of the Falls...

Anyone know if Sawyers were involved in Dorn's affairs, or Pine Meadow Village (Doug Sokol), or Audia?

Anonymous said...

Regarding The Bullshitten, Boom Times and the Sawyer Police Captain/FBI Investigation, go rent "LA Confidential".

Or "Chinatown."

I guess all boomtowns are the same.

Anonymous said...

What church is Sawyer tied to? In all our crime of Bend, there are churches involved.

Anonymous said...

Zillow updated their city data for Bend to reflect Q4 08

% buyers with negative equity by year:

2004 - 15%
2005 - 37%
2006 - 73%
2007 - 72%
2008 - 44%

Almost 40% of homes last quarter sold for a loss:

Anonymous said...

The Shire was ran by "Sunriver Real Estate", from the old-mill office. But now that is GONE, and 'sunriver RE' is back doing only sunriver.

I think you can be sure that the BEND PIGS did what they could to keep quiet the suicides, for its in everyone favor in Bend, to bring the real estate BULL back ASAP, trouble is it ain't coming back for years.

Anonymous said...

Funny that after 8 years of UNILATERAL ASSHOLE IN CHARGE, and the fact that you guys got elected on a ANTI-UNILATERAL PLATFORM, that you are so anti-bipartisan, hbm.

Democrats got elected on, among other things, a promise to end the partisan wrangling. But the Republicans started the partisan wrangling before Obama was even sworn in.

Bipartisanship only works if both sides are willing to meet each other halfway. If you offer to meet the other guys three-quarters of the way and their response is "Fuck you," I say "Fuck them."

The RepubliCONs are not interested in compromise or bipartisanship or saving the economy. They are interested in (a) pandering to Rush Limbaugh and his mouth-breathing followers, aka "the base"; (b) wrecking Obama's presidency and (c) setting up Sarah Palin to run in 2012. Not necessarily in that order.

Anonymous said...

Sawyers were involved in Dorn's affairs, or Pine Meadow Village (Doug Sokol), or Audia?


All belonged to the same golf clubs, and were buddy's of Costa. This is why Costa will never report on Sawyer, history shows that Costa never talks bad about his golf buddy's.

MrBruce said...

They are interested in (a) pandering to Rush Limbaugh and his mouth-breathing followers.


Its well established that OREO got elected by painting BUSH as retard. Now he's painting the entire PUG party as Limbaugh.

Limbaugh ain't the RNC mentor or leader, thats a OREO theme, now that OREO can't win elections by bashing BUSH, he creates a straw-man, namely Limbaugh. Its rather sad because Limbaugh could of, and should of gone away by now, but OREO keeps him alive.

On the other hand times for Limbaugh have been as good as the Lewinsky days. Best fodder for his show, is OREO's 'waivers' and hypocrisy.

Yes, HBM the DNC is handing the RNC the next election, so that the RNC will take back congress, and Gingrich will return. It's funny that OREO keeps us retard troops focussed on Limbaugh, and not Gingrich and the PUG house.

What if the PUG's started trying to make everyone think that Al Franken really ran the US government?

It's the ultimate show of idiocy when history of these times are written that OREO used Limbaugh as his straw-man, that only make Limbaugh stronger.

But everytime OREO bashes Limbaugh shit-eaters like HBM,BP,... eat that shit up, so OREO keeps feeding them the shit.

MrBruce said...



The bailout will go down as the biggest waste of money in US history and Gingrich knows it, that's his plan is to let OREO pass the stimulus, and make sure OREO gets the credit.

There is no bipartisanship, but its essential for OREO to create the idea so that he can deflect the blame in the next election.

Nobody wanted 'bipartisanship', its silly in a two-party system, all owned by the same people to even discuss such a notion.

MrBruce said...

The owner of the CALI political system is Stewart Resnick, the man who owns Suterra of Bend, OR.

Resnick is a billionaire and gives equally to both party's, and is the leading king-maker in Cali.

The notion of bipartisanship is insane.

Anonymous said...

Limbaugh ain't the RNC mentor or leader

The hell he ain't. After the last election he's the closest thing they've got to one. You don't think that token black guy they got to chair the RNC actually runs things, do you?

Many Republicans see this moment as equivalent to 1993, when the party handled a new Democratic president by resisting and capitalizing on any perceived overreach.

The party, these Republicans say, need only hold true to its small-government principles for a center-right electorate to gravitate back. That means rejecting the stimulus package and offering in its place an alternative package centered mostly on tax cuts, as House Republicans did last week.

It also means focusing the stimulus critique on relatively small slivers of the package that echo old culture wars, such as spending for contraceptives and for the National Endowment for the Arts.
And it means rallying to Rush Limbaugh, who has put himself forward as a de facto party leader, penning an op-ed article in the Wall Street Journal and accepting the on-air apologies of Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.), who criticized the radio host and paid for it in a deluge of angry calls. -- Washington Post today

Here's a photo of Flush Rimbowl, the de facto head of the Republiscum Party:

He looks real old and really, really fat and not at all healthy. Hopefully he will drop dead soon. I never wish that on people, but in his case I'm making an exception. The fat drug-addicted pervert has polluted American politics far too long.

Anonymous said...

Yes, HBM the DNC is handing the RNC the next election, so that the RNC will take back congress, and Gingrich will return.

With Sarah Sockpuppet as president and Joe the Plumber as vice president.

That's when I DEFINITELY leave for Mexico. If I'm gonna spend the rest of my life in a Third World country it might as well be a warm one.

Anonymous said...

>> All belonged to the same golf clubs, and were buddy's of Costa. This is why Costa will never report on Sawyer, history shows that Costa never talks bad about his golf buddy's.

Funny, we start talking about this kinda stuff and then fake-bruce and hbm start spewing politics.

Bewert said...

Very unhappy council member:

"I just got this one line email from the City:

"Oran Teater will be sworn in as City Councilor on Tuesday, Feb. 10 at 9 a.m. in the City Council Chambers."

Looks like more of the same: quick backroom deal to get it done to avoid public participation and possible disturbance. According to custom, new Councilors are sworn in at a regular meeting with full public and media inclusion."

Bewert said...

Couple other things I found out today:

There were three media, Clinton's wife, and COAR lobbyist Bill Robie, present at the emergency meeting.

Clinton was notified by phone 40 minutes prior to the meeting, by Kim, city PR, and she refused to tell him the subject of the meeting.

Capell originally called Teater, to ask him to persuade Kathie, Jeff or Tim Greene to accept a coint toss. This morphed into Kathie begging Oran to come back to the council.

Interesting listening:

Bewert said...

Media has been noticed about the swearing in, but I can find no public notice on the web site.

Bewert said...

One other thing: the only recourse is a lawsuit. The Ethics Commission does not bother with public notice issues.

Bewert said...

St. Charles cutting 75 caregiver positions

Posted: Feb 9, 2009 12:16 PM
Last Updated: Feb 9, 2009 02:42 PM

Another 45 caregivers have hours reduced

From KTVZ.COM news sources

Cascade Healthcare Community, the parent firm of St. Charles Medical Center-Bend and Redmond, announced Monday it is cutting 75 caregiver positions and cutting hours for 45 more, a second wave of cutbacks amid tough economic times.

CHC officials provided a breakdown of the cuts at the organization, which has 3,239 workers and is Central Oregon's largest private employer.

The layoffs include 33 at St. Charles-Bend, 14 at the Redmond hospital and four at Pioneer Memorial Hospital in Prineville.

They include 23 "corporate" positions, almost a third of the total, including nine in management.

Here's the news release, in full:

CHC announces staff and hour reductions in light of economic situation

In early January, Cascade Healthcare Community leaders announced a plan to reduce expenses for the organization in light of the global economic crisis. That plan outlined short-term steps including a 5 percent reduction in pay for all salaried employees and a mandatory day off each month for hourly employees along with reductions in travel, construction projects and more.

At that time CHC also announced its intention to make long-term changes including the reduction of staff to ensure CHC's strength and viability for the future.

Today, CHC President and CEO Jim Diegel announced that the health care system is taking long-term steps to improve financial performance including a staff reduction of 74 caregivers and reduced hours for 45 additional caregivers. The layoffs constitute about 2.3 percent of CHC's total workforce and when combined with the hour reductions result in a cost-savings of about $6.2 million annually for the organization.

"We know how difficult this news will be for our caregivers and their families. We sympathize and thank them for their contributions to the organization," Diegel said. "CHC will work with these individuals to ease the transition as best we can."

When making decisions about reductions, CHC's leadership focused first on overhead and management to avoid impacting patient care. As always, CHC leaders will continuously review services and will adjust as needed to the ever-changing market conditions and financial climate.

"Through all of this CHC is maintaining its dedication to providing patients with top-quality health care services," Diegel said. "Our focus at this time is on fulfilling our mission and strengthening our organization for the future."

Bewert said...

Listening to that MP3 of the emergency meeting, the divisions among the council have hardened. Clinton was pissed, Eckman was an arrogant priss who was proud she had literally begged Oran to serve on the council just after 5 PM and then managed to get this meeting together to coronate him on such short notice.

Capell, Greene and Eager all said Oran was a fine guy who had served the city well and were not that concerned about the lack of transparency in the process.

Lots of venom in 25 minutes or so...

Anonymous said...

More BUSH than BUSH, the OREO be, and here is the final nail on the USA coffin...

Administration Invokes State Secret Argument
New York Times - 1 hour ago
By JOHN SCHWARTZ SAN FRANCISCO - In a closely watched case involving rendition and torture, a lawyer for the Obama administration seemed to surprise a panel of federal appeals judges on Monday by pressing ahead with an argument for preserving state ...

Justice maintains Bush position in torture suit Seattle Times
Obama Admin. Stays Bush Course On Rendition Suit CBS News

Anonymous said...

That's whats so boring about HBM, is that he sticks to DNC marching orders, no matter the facts.


Limbaugh ain't the RNC mentor or leader

The hell he ain't! - hbm


If Limbaugh is the leader of the RNC, then Al Franken is the leader of the DNC. The last is rediculous, but the first taken at faith of the DEM status quo. Limbaugh is a fat ass pug loser, with a radio show. Why in the FUCK ain't ophrah prez? Hell BLAGO was going to give her OREO's seat.

Anonymous said...

85 NOD's in 6 clerk days..are we looking at 350+ Foreclosures this month? NAR is calling bottom? NOT.
75 St.Chuck employees will be next. Damn, this is lookin bad.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

If Limbaugh is the leader of the RNC, then Al Franken is the leader of the DNC.

No comparison. Franken doesn't have 1 percent of the audience that Limbaugh has, and he doesn't have an army of fanatical dittoheads who wait for him to tell them what to think. And I don't see the Democrats in Congress seeking his advice about the economic stimulus package. I don't even know WHAT he thinks about it.

Limbaugh is a fat ass pug loser, with a radio show.

Absolutely. But it's a huge radio show that's enormously influential with the Republican base, which is why Repub politicians line up to kiss his fat ass. The Democrats don't have anybody even remotely comparable.

Anonymous said...

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Rep. Kanjorski: $550 Billion Disappeared in “Electronic Run On the Banks”

February 6, 2009

At 2 minutes, 20 seconds into this C-Span video clip, Rep. Paul Kanjorski of Pennsylvania explains how the Federal Reserve told Congress members about a “tremendous draw-down of money market accounts in the United States, to the tune of $550 billion dollars.” According to Kanjorski, this electronic transfer occured over the period of an hour or two.

Here is a transcript of what Kanjorski says in the video:

On Thursday Sept 15, 2008 at roughly 11 AM The Federal Reserve noticed a tremendous draw down of money market accounts in the USA to the tune of $550 Billion dollars in a matter of an hour or two.

Money was being removed electronically.

The treasury tried to help with $150 Billion.

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

But could not stem the tide.

It was an electronic run on the banks

The treasury intervened but had they not closed down the accounts they estimated that by 2 PM that afternoon. Within 3 hours. $5.5 Trillion would have been withdrawled and collapsed and within 24 hours the world economy.

Kanjorski does not provide further details.

Bewert said...

Marge, I put up a bunch about Bend, and nobody fucking cares.

One more nail in the coffin...

Anonymous said...

85 NOD's in 6 clerk days..are we looking at 350+ Foreclosures this month? NAR is calling bottom? NOT.

There are only 20 filing days this month, so (85/6)x20 = 283. I doubt we will end up that high. There were only 20 filing days in Jan as well, and there were 102 NODs after the first 6 days. We ended up at 260. 83 looks tame compared to 102.

Bewert said...

It's heading towards Armageddon when even BEM let's them pile on the BULL:

Anonymous said...

I love this blog, finally people talking in Bend not full of bullsh*t--well maybe a little bullsh*t--I don't like the racist remarks on here...but anyway... We raised our kids here and have been here since 1999.It was corrupt back then. I was blown away by stuff going on in every sector I worked in--private, public, non-profit.We have to stay here because the kids call it home, but I wish the realtor-developer poison of this town would be driven out.It hasn't gone away.I was at a party recently and listened to well-known realtors in town talk about their next scam (they are getting out of town investors to buy a stake in their company and start a division that focuses on preying on short sellers and foreclosed properties. They will market themselves as "experts" who can get you out of your "upsidedown" house or they will prey on you in foreclosure. Screwing people without a happy ending is still the culture in Bend and big business in this town.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

I don't like the racist remarks on here..

Me either. But it's the only way to keep the darkies at bay. They're going to overrun this fucking place.

P.S. The racial dialogue here is long, convoluted & torturous. But it is aimed primarily at WHITE FLIGHT FUCKERS who have met the occasional... what are the called, hbm? Oh right: "token blacks".

Yes, search this comment thread for the term TOKEN BLACK and you will find it first used by a BLACK EMBRACING LIB.

hbm said...

Limbaugh ain't the RNC mentor or leader

The hell he ain't. After the last election he's the closest thing they've got to one. You don't think that token black guy they got to chair the RNC actually runs things, do you?

Lib racial hypocrisy is definitely hard to bear... but we keep on keeping trying to educate these stupid motherfucker white bitches. Right Buster? Ya fuckin' Mek-Niggra fucker, ya.

Bewert said...

Butter, fuck one cares.

This town is gone.

Bewert said...

Butter, fuck one cares.

This town is gone.

Anonymous said...

. We raised our kids here and have been here since 1999.I


Whoopeee shit a new day in Bend, I still got cum on the wall from 1999 on my single-wide wall that ain't dry from 99', and these cali bangers are talking like they're old-bend cuz they were here in 99', please somebody lube my ass, I think I about to get fucked hard.

Anonymous said...

It's heading towards Armageddon when even BEM let's them pile on the BULL:


pls somebody put a ass-enlarger in the BP's mouth quick, the BP wasn't even here in BEM's day, and BEM doesn't have a fucking thing to do with BEBB, its the fucking newbies that need to engage in retro-active abortion, and quick.

MrBruce said...

Blogger Bewert said...

Marge, I put up a bunch about Bend, and nobody fucking cares.

One more nail in the coffin...


BPussy you haven't updated your JR site in two fucking months, you lazy fucking MORMRON kunt, don't inviolate on beer sabbath day ( deschutes monday happy hour ) the magic name of 'marge', if your going to talk of of a 'bunch' of pussy shit, then update your fucking JR site, with the fucking shieeeeeeet, otherwise put the #12 butt-plug, back in the orifice.

MrBruce said...

No comparison. Franken doesn't have 1 percent of the audience that Limbaugh has, and he doesn't have an army of fanatical dittoheads who wait for him to tell them what to think.


Bull fucking Shit, Franken just won the fucking senate on account of his ditto head mindless flock of fucking OREO eating sheeeeeeeeple, you being one.

It's fucking amazing that a guy like LimpBaugh, that couldn't get elected city dog-fucker in Cali-Sacramento is called by TEAM-OREO the leader of OPPOSITION, yet your own FRANKENTSTEIN the man who is now senator and the best white-jive speaker of DEM-O-CRAP jive, is NOT your fucking leader and what about 1% ?? Sure maybe 10% of US morons Pug's listen to LimPo, but AlFrankenstein has the same kind of listnership in the DEM fucking 'progressive world'.

It's just fucking insane, cuz everybody knows that Al-Frankenstein is shit, in the DEM world, but since you don't know shit about LimpBaugh, you ASS-U-ME that the OREO is calling it straight.

Sure I'll say one thing, the Limp-Baugh is probably the one white-nigger today calling the 'bailout' what it is, but lets remember its ALL biz for LimBAugh he's a rating's man, and he gets paid by the hour, and everyday he gets a check, but he ain't fucking the USA, the OREO is going to give every taxpayer the FINAL bill, big fucking Difference.

Too NOT see that Al-Frankenstein and LimpBaugh Fat Arse are the same is insanity on part of the 'progressive', but we have already defined progressive, its a liberal that ass fucks you with a condom. For fear of getting aids, not to protect the recipient. All progressives think they have a natural right to FUCK every one in the ass.

Anonymous said...

pls people don't miss the issue, we know that Sawyer and all the team suicide in Bend was connected by Jeebus Christ and golf, but the common church was the church of MOSS, pls don't let the BP & HBM show take you from WTF is Bend today pls,

just go to state records & search Moss & christianity, and all leads back to all other principals in the FBI scandal,

MrBruce said...

No comparison. Franken doesn't have 1 percent of the audience that Limbaugh has, and he doesn't have an army of fanatical dittoheads who wait for him to tell them what to think. And I don't see the Democrats in Congress seeking his advice about the economic stimulus package. I don't even know WHAT he thinks about it.

[ Al Franken has a fat-ass army of losers that just got him elected to be a us senator. ]

Limbaugh is a fat ass pug loser, with a radio show.

[ yes, limbaugh is a fast ass loser, with a radio show, just like al-franken, so how can you have it both ways?? Which one just won a US senate seat? WHO is more powerful, a fat-ass loser on KFOX? Or a a US senator?? This dialogue only proves that the HBM/Pussy show is not only dumb, but paid dumb by some fucking twisted DEM handlers. ]

Anonymous said...

Nambla names new Socal 2 Bend as best blog in Orygun.

Who would have guessed that SoCalif to Bend would be a natural for progressive Nambla type people?

Who would guessed?

Who could have known?

Anonymous said...

Change & Hope is Here ... ROTFALFO

Rendition Case Under Bush Gets Obama Backing
Wall Street Journal - 57 minutes ago
By EVAN PEREZ WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration backed the Bush administration's arguments in a lawsuit involving the practice of seizing terror suspects abroad and sending them to third countries for torture and questioning.

Anonymous said...

Why Obama Cannot Unite America Much Less the World

February 3, 2009
By H Bowel Movement

Just as the victims of 9/11 have nothing whatsoever in common with the terrorists who murdered 3000 innocent Americans on that dreadful morning in American history, pro-freedom Americans have absolutely nothing in common with today's Democratic Socialists currently in full control of the U.S. federal government.

Not so long ago, the most diverse population on earth was united upon the uniquely common American principles and values of personal freedom and individual liberty. That's over now!

Today, half of Americans think they have found a better deal in the false promise of free-stuff. Uniting those who revere freedom with those who seek only free access to the earnings of others is more than unlikely, it's impossible!

Sensing a certain restlessness amongst the natives after the American debacle known as the 2008 election, I decided to run an exclusive poll, a small sampling of my closest readers to gauge post-election American moods. Being a conservative writer, it should come as no surprise to you that most of my readers are in fact conservatives.

My past experience has been that the results will change only marginally in a broader survey of conservatives. But the broader public is welcome to vote now, here at

I framed the question this way...

As a post election conservative in the Obamessiah era, I am in the mood to....

Only 6.4% said they were in the mood to... - Look for common ground where I can work with Obama. Frankly, I was amazed that any thought that they had anything in common with the new administration. Clearly, they have not watched the first two weeks of full-tilt leftist attacks on everything American...

The other 93.4% are in no mood to unite with the new leadership in Washington DC at all...

14.6% said they are in the mood to... - Focus on my personal affairs until the 2010 mid-term election... They have disengaged from the political process and hope to make a difference two years down the road in the mid-term elections. They may be sadly surprised by what happens to this country before the next mid-term elections arrive. A lot of damage can be done in the next two years, based upon the damage done in the first two weeks. But I certainly understand the sentiment...

9.4% said they were in the mood to... - Engage in daily communication with congress to get what I want! Clearly, most do not think that congressional Republicans are in any position to help! Only 9.4% think it's even worth a try.

Here's where the poll results become most interesting...

38.2% said they are ready to... - Fight the left in issue by issue combat! Recognizing that without any real representation in Washington DC today, they must fight every battle themselves, the largest group of respondents aim to take on the anti-American left in an issue by issue struggle.

This number does NOT include the 9.4% who think they can work through congress in this effort. This 38.2% will work outside of the system to make a difference, through PACs and single issue initiatives via organizations, such as the NRA on 2nd Amendment rights.

Last and most interesting, a full 31.3% said they were in the mood to... - Stock up on weapons and wait for the riots to begin!

The left will undoubtedly interpret this group as the right-wing extreme element of the conservative movement, who cling to their bibles and guns in the absence of elitist intellect, preferred by secular socialists. This is a gross misinterpretation, knowing these folks as I do...

This is actually the group which is very politically engaged, very well informed and very well aware of the fact that the same secular socialist policies that led people in Iceland, Greece and Russia to the streets in angry protest, will soon deliver the same results here in America.

These are the folks who know that "when seconds count, the police are only minutes away." That they alone are responsible for their own safety and security in a world on the brink of financial crisis, which will soon have Obama supporters taking to the streets in anger to get what Obama, told them they are entitled to, your stuff...

These folks realize that congressional Republicans have no power to stop the unbridled socialism being fast-tracked through congress today.

Obama Cannot Unite the Nation

Obama might like to unite the nation. But let's define what he means by that... we can see it in his early policy moves.

Obama is calling for Republican support for Nazi Pelosi's so-called stimulus package. Not their ideas or input, but their support. Pelosi's $819 billion entitlement bill was opposed by every House Republican and even a dozen House Democrats.

Meanwhile, Obama has used executive orders to reverse almost every Bush administration (Republican) policy and commit taxpayer funds to many domestic and international entitlement expenditures that are clearly opposed not only by all conservatives, but my most Americans.

Before Obama or anyone else can unite a very diverse society, they must replace the many things that divide the nation with a handful of common interests that can unite them. There is NO effort on the part of unbridled Democrats to do this... Quite the opposite.

As a result, 93.4% of American conservatives are prepared to go to war with the new American leftists, 31.3% of them stocking up on weapons and waiting for riots in the streets to begin.

There is NO Common Ground Today

One week ago, 80% of Americans foolishly said they support Nazi Pelosi's effort to stimulate the federal entitlement system with $819 Billion in new taxpayer debt. A week later, after they learned what was in the bill that passed the House, only 38% now support the bill as passed.

A recent USA Today poll reveals that 97% of Americans believe that the Second Amendment provides every innocent American the fundamental right to bear arms, to own weapons. Yet Washington DC secular socialists continually attempt to restrict or remove that guaranteed unalienable right from the people.

Almost 80% of Americans oppose abortion on demand, a majority of Americans support it only in the cases of rape, incest or a real threat to the mother's life as determined by a doctor. Yet Washington leftists guaranteed a mother's unfettered right to kill instead, and have now gone so far as to use taxpayer funds to promote abortion on demand around the globe.

There is no way to unite a nation on this basis... There is no common ground upon which to unite.

When All Else Fails

Freedom has always been paid for in the blood of patriots and tyrants. When all peaceful means of redress and resolution between a free people and their elected government have been exhausted, a non-peaceful revolution will result. We are seeing it take place in Iceland, Greece and Russia today. We will see it in America and other parts of the free world tomorrow.

The people will be heard one way or another, sooner or later.

Our nation's founders recorded for all posterity, that - "Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

A prudent and peaceful people have indeed tolerated the evils done them by their government, so long as they have been able to absorb the suffering imposed upon them by the forms which they have become accustomed to...

But as is indicated by the 31.3% stocking up on weapons and waiting for the riots to begin, they know that "when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

The question is not if, but when. When will the people run out of tolerance for the anti-American left?

Are they just nutty right-wing extremists?

If they are, then so was every American founding father who established these ideas as the foundation for the freest people ever known to mankind.

Not only is freedom never free, it isn't even cheap. It has always come at the highest possible price, paid in blood. Americans who "cling to their bibles and guns" understand this reality. Liberal intellectual elitists have no understanding at all.

Leftists have no idea what they will face, once their push for pure socialism comes to shove. They may learn the real meaning of "blow-back."

Congressional Republicans have an opportunity to stop it all peacefully, before the people put a stop to it themselves. But it is an uphill battle because Republicans are all but powerless in Washington today, and many have lost sight of conservative principles and values anyway. Watching Judd Gregg defect his GOP Senate seat for the false promise of power in the Obama administration, demonstrates why conservatives no longer entrust their future to Republicans.

Their Silence is NOT their Consent!

Washington will make another historic mistake by misinterpreting American silence as consent today. They should interpret that silence as a sign that people are through talking, convinced that nobody is listening.

Their silence is only a sign that they are preparing for a different approach to the problem, since talking and voting hasn't worked. They are finished talking. They know what is coming and they are preparing for the inevitable reaction to the failed leftist lurch into pure socialism.

Obama supporters will be shocked at what is coming. But people, who still hold their freedoms dear, will not be surprised. They have seen this day coming for a very long time. They have tried peaceful means to avoid it, and now they are left to more limited options.

"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance." ~Cicero - 55 BC

This is a news flash only to modern American leftists. These real world realities have been known for centuries. Only those who are ill-informed of the past are ill-prepared for the future. History does not repeat for those who have learned the lessons of the past.

Unfortunately, half of American voters have placed their faith in a false messiah instead of in sound American principles and values, which once united us all.

We will all unite around those principles and values again. But first, some must learn the harsh realities of life without freedom, by living it.

It is they, who will be ill-prepared for the natural fall of an ill-informed society...

You cannot unite a nation by driving a wedge between the people. You cannot borrow your way out of debt. You cannot spend your way to prosperity and government cannot produce private prosperity via policies that penalize private prosperity...

But they will try, and they will fail. And the people will not unite, they will revolt....

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Noticed that Fireside is opening back up on the 10th like they said they would. And nary a mention nor retraction from previous statements on here guaranteeing permanent closure can been found. Interesting.

OK, your legs broke, and you're miles from the Summit... but YOU CLIMB BABY! CLIMB!

Bewert said...

Re: ...don't inviolate on beer sabbath day ( deschutes monday happy hour )


Nice to see you were hammered and home by 9:30.

Bewert said...

Re: "The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance." ~Cicero - 55 BC

This is a news flash only to modern American leftists. These real world realities have been known for centuries.


You stupid fucks had the last eight years to do just that. You didn't even fucking come close. All you did was make the rich richer and waste trillions in foreign lands, while creating a RE bubble that ultimately broke our country.

All your ranting bullshit doesn't change that. So shut the fuck up.

As Obama said last night, in complete sentences unlike your sockpuppet, "I am sick of revisionist history."

This is how it should read:

"This is a news flash only to modern American dumbfucks whose party has been in charge for the last eight years. These real world realities have been known for centuries."

Buster, I'll update my blog with a picture of a Good Old Boy being coronated later this morning.

Bewert said...

Re: Rendition Case Under Bush Gets Obama Backing


Yeah, that really, truly fucking pisses us off, too...

Bewert said...

The One Jaw Dropping Video that Every Fool Must See

Fools who read my blogs regularly know I have been fascinated by what may have been included within the dire warnings issued to members of Congress by Paulson and Bernanke behind closed doors on Thursday, September 18, 2008. As the debates lingered on over the week that followed, several members voiced their sense of shock over the severity of the warnings, while refusing to divulge the details to a public that deserves to know. Representative Sherman later revealed that members were warned that Martial Law would result if the $700 bailout plan was not passed...Congressman Paul E. Kanjorski of Pennsylvania reveals some shocking information regarding a bank run which occured right here and indeed brought this country and the entire world economy to within three hours of complete and systemic financial collapse. In this video, Congressman Kanjorski reveals (at about the 2:15 mark) that the move to raise the guarantee [of] money market funds up to $250,000 was an emergency measure to stave off a massive run on the banks that removed $550 billion from the system in a matter of just a couple of hours. Treasury then injected $105 billion to no avail, and shut the system down to prevent a panic continuation of this electronic bank run. By "their" [read Treasury's] estimation, had they not shut it down and issued the guarantee, money market withdrawls would have reached $5.5 trillion by two 'o'clock that afternoon!! He then indicates Treasury's assessment that the run not only would have destroyed the U.S. economy immediately, but would have collapsed the world economy within 24 hours.

Too big to fail...

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Direct YouTube link to that piece.


Bewert said...

Zydeco set to move into Volo’s old spot downtown
Owners say they want to be in ‘the heart and soul of Bend’

Anonymous said...

"Molo Tropo" sounds like a pretty good name for a restaurant or nightclub.

Anonymous said...

As Obama said last night, in complete sentences unlike your sockpuppet, "I am sick of revisionist history."

Did he really say that? I missed the last part of his press conference. If he did, good for him.

We're already seeing the right-wing revisionists trying to peddle their old canard that FDR's policies prolonged the Depression (viz. the op-ed in last Sunday's Bullshittin). The beauty of their argument, of course, is that it can't be proven wrong because we can't rewind history like videotape and edit it to see what the outcome would have been if FDR had followed other policies. But we do know that after more than three years of right-wing Hoover policies the Depression was worse than ever. And we do know that after 30 years of right-wing economic policies we are experiencing the worst economic meltdown since the first Depression.

tim said...

And yet...

"I don't doubt Kanjorski's telling the truth. And I have been curious to know exactly what was said in the private meeting that turned the entire lot of them white with fear, because I was watching the cash markets closely and I didn't see $550 billion worth of chaos. Across The Curve, the fixed income bible, did not make note of it. Kanjorski's statement supports the thesis that the Fed and Treasury were not playing by the rules, and that they lied to Congressional leaders because they could. Tell me in comments if you think we were at Armageddon's doorstep that day. I'm not buying it."

tim said...

After hearing Obama last night, I think it's clear that politicians know that even if it makes things worse, politicians will do SOMETHING, because the public does not take kindly to even intelligent inaction.

Heads, even innocent heads, must roll. Things, even bad things, must happen.

Bewert said...

Great comments on that link, Timmy.

Another thing to piss progressives off: Citing ‘Lost Faith’ in Banks, Geithner to Push Bailout

In the end, Mr. Geithner largely prevailed in opposing tougher conditions on financial institutions that were sought by presidential aides, including David Axelrod, a senior adviser to the president, according to administration and Congressional officials.

Mr. Geithner, who will announce the broad outlines of the plan on Tuesday morning, successfully fought against more severe limits on executive pay for companies receiving government aid.

tim said...

We're in uncharted territory. If nothing else, it's interesting to watch the politicians try to save their scalps.

Anonymous said...

Imagine that!! That Geithner, who ran the entire BUSH FED-RES program back hall from 2000->2008, that he 'had' to be part of the OREO government, that he got a waiver, that he doesn't want CAP's on bailout bonuses!! Who would have guessed?

OH, and the 'progressives' ( liberals who wear condoms ) are BEND 'Surprised'. Who could have known? Who could have guessed?

TEAM-GEITHNER put the OREO in office, and the FED-RES is running the USA, and the OREO is their nigger. FED-RES is AIPAC.

Anonymous said...

After hearing Obama last night, I think it's clear that politicians know that even if it makes things worse, politicians will do SOMETHING, because the public does not take kindly to even intelligent inaction.

Do you think "intelligent inaction" is the best way to handle the present economic situation, Tim? If so, how long should we continue on this course of intelligent inaction?

Anonymous said...

In case anybody's wondering -- and I'm sure you are -- I am not ignoring the Sawyer story. I've written a post about it but have been unable to put it up on the blog because we've been having Web site problems for the past two days.

I realize this sounds like "the dog ate my homework," but it's true.

Anonymous said...

Let's just wait until the facts are out on Sawyer, and then it will not be news anymore, works for dunc, works for the bull, and works for hbm, fuck blaming your dog on eating your homework, or Aaron Switzer not paying your internet bill.

tim said...

>>Do you think "intelligent inaction" is the best way to handle the present economic situation, Tim? If so, how long should we continue on this course of intelligent inaction?

I really don't know. But I think the stimulus is a trillion dollars more debt that won't help our situation.

Little upside short term. Massive downside long term.

Or that's my best guess.

Anonymous said...

Tell me in comments if you think we were at Armageddon's doorstep that day. I'm not buying it.


It is essentially true, but like all truths just part of the whole pogrom. On that date the news came out that money-market was essentially now SIV's that no longer represented t-bills, that money-market was all worthless paper, and that is a $5T short-term funding for the economy.

The problem, is that ever crisis is used to engineer a solution. Chomsky calls is 'manufacturing consent'.

In US history there have been continual banking crisis, and nothing is new.

There will be a stimulus, too many people I know in the solar industry have already spent their OBAMA stimulus check's, they know the money is coming.

It's probably a good idea for the government to 'invest' in ALT-ENERGY, for no other reason than in twenty years if we don't this country will grind to a halt. It's clear that private industry has not and will not invest in alt-energy, thus the government MUST do it, ...

So it moves on the next bubble will be the 'energy bubble'. Solar, green, ... busy, busy, ... lots of jobs for engineers and people who can optimize energy systems for cost reduction.

Anonymous said...

"Banks Rescue Will 'Make Things Worse': Rogers"

LavaBear said...

>>>Little upside short term. Massive downside long term.

That's my best guess as well. The only way I see out of this is to short term nationalize these banks and cut them to shreds. Spin off the good parts with new management and clean balance sheets. I think we'll get there after this step and the next step and the next step all fail.

I'm now more curious where all of the mortgage brokers, reho's, general contractors are going to work. They were the dot com's marketing people, graphic designers, sales people. But now what? A giant workforce of people with little real skills besides talking a good game.

tim said...

Even if the banks have money, will they loan it to builders to build? To carmakers to build more cars? To other people making crap people don't want?

LavaBear said...

Geithner sure says a lot of words without saying anything. He's actually skilled at it. Throw him a fastball and he can describe it in detail without swinging. A curveball..same deal. A breaking ball he can wax on for hours without taking a swing.

LavaBear said...

Economy: Code Blue
John Succo
Feb 10, 2009 11:35 am

The President has been using allegory in an attempt to help people understand his plans for improving the economy. When he says "we need a bold enough plan to jolt the economy back to health," we all think of a heart patient suffering arrhythmia.

But the President and the rest of the government seem to believe, or would have us believe, that arrhythmia is the disease itself, not a symptom of the disease. Any doctor would tell you that's not true.

So let's take our analogy further. Let's say the heart, which is beaing irregularly, or even stopping, needs to be jolted back to health. Now we have to diagnose the patient for the cause of the heart trouble. The first thing any good doctor does is to look at the patient's history.

Twenty years ago, our patient -- let's call him Sam -- began eating too much. He lived on rich foods - far too rich for his metabolism to correctly digest. The body naturally began to produce fat cells. Fifteen years ago, Sam was fat, but still looked relatively healthy and exhibited no outward signs of sickness. By this time, he was hooked on rich foods, and just kept eating.

Ten years ago, Sam was getting pretty fat. He had a mild heart attack. That was a warning. But his doctor wasn't very good. He checked all of Sam's other vitals (not very thoroughly) and decided that even though Sam was fat, he didn't need to go on a special diet - he just needed to eat less of what he was eating. He didn't really need to exercise, either. This doctor didn't like confrontation.

But without clear warning and prescribed action, Sam kept eating. Six or so years ago, Sam was obese. He had a major heart attack. The doctor, being his same weak self, was more worried about covering his tracks than he was about doing the right thing for Sam. He told Sam he needed a pacemaker to regulate his heartbeat. This would solve all his problems, and allow Sam to enjoy life the way he had learned to enjoy it.

The pacemaker worked - for a time. Sam went merrily along getting fatter and fatter.

Six months ago, Sam's heart failed: It couldn't support the amount of blubber on his body. It couldn't pump enough blood to all the capillaries that had grown to bring blood to the fat cells. The doctor jolted and jolted the heart trying to start it again; but every time the heart began to pump, the pressure was so great it failed again and again.

Sam is now on life-support. Machines are acting as his heart, and Sam can't get off the machines. So the doctor is now exploring an experimental artificial heart that can pump twice as much blood as a normal heart. The doctor knows Sam might explode from the pressure, but the doctor is more concerned about protecting his practice from lawsuits than he really is about Sam's health.

What Sam really needs is a new doctor. Any rational doctor would tell Sam, who now weighs 800 pounds, that he cannot survive at this weight. Sam needs first to lose the weight that's causing his heart problems.

Without doing that, you can jolt the heart all you want - but it will continue to fail.

The Cast of Characters:

Sam: Consumer

Food: Consumption

Heart: Credit markets

Fat: Debt

Blubber: Extreme debt

Doctor: The Federal Reserve

Pacemaker: Fannie Mae (FNM)

Bewert said...

Re: Geithner sure says a lot of words without saying anything.


Missed it. Was down watching Oran's coronation as the Savior of Bend.

Funny thing--Don Leonard knew about Oran before Jim Clinton did.

Also, KPOV is planning on filing a lawsuit on the public notice issue. They are pissed that the selected three of the media outlets were the only one's notified. While, other than the COAR lobbyist Robie and Don Leonard, of course.

Just cemented my status as persona non grata-Oran came up and shook Don's hand, but didn't even bother saying hi to me sitting right beside him...he is like the only guy who flat out refuses to acknowledge me of all the Good Old Boys. Guess a citizen is not important enough to a Good Old Boy who sits on the Juniper Ridge Management Board (the only group I've seen yet that is going to recommend spending tens of millions of taxpayer dollars with absolutely no media oversight) and the Bend City Council. Really lets you know where you stand as a taxpaying voter.

Bewert said...

Re: What Sam really needs is a new doctor.


Nah, he just needs to get on "The Biggest Loser"

LavaBear said...

>>> Really lets you know where you stand as a taxpaying voter.

You've come a long way Bruce. Now you are starting to get it.

LavaBear said...

Consumer is bloated to 800lbs and here is what Geithner is trying to feed it:

No. 30
The Old Fashioned House Burger-
grilled over a live fire and topped with fried onions, Bavaria's hickory-smoked bacon, aged Cheddar, garlic sauce and a soft-cooked egg on a buttered and toasted roll

Damn...butter,bacon, cheddar burger WITH an egg. If that doesn't do the trick then nothing will. I wonder if I could talk Dandy's into trying this recipe.

Anonymous said...

Stimulus approved, and NOW the sausage is made in secret smoke filled rooms, like I said, there will be a stimulus, OREO owes it to those who got him elected.

It's nice that you can pay off your debts with other peoples money who would have guessed?


The Wall Street Journal

Feb. 10, 2009

The Senate voted 61-37 in favor of the $838 billion economic stimulus bill, with three Republicans voting to pass the plan. The vote came after a prime-time appeal from President Obama Monday night to quickly approve the legislation and bolster the suffering U.S. economy. The bill must now be reconciled with the $819 billion House version of the plan.

Anonymous said...

Just cemented my status as persona non grata-Oran came up and shook Don's hand, but didn't even bother saying hi to me sitting right beside him... BPussy


Pussy your uncanny ability to cozy up to the losers, and distance yourself and be hated by the winners as a gadfly is simply amazing.

Teater & Capell care about Bend, in her own twisted way so does Mayor 'Palin' Cheerleader, and she'll be gone in six months via boredom, and once again teater will be mayor, or preferrable it will be Capell who wants to be mayor.

Leonard only had 'propane' to sell to the BAT BUS fiasco, so it figures that he be friendly with you, as he sees you as a fucking moron that can be worked like a fucking Geithner Sausage in a factory. You really need to be rational, and just try to be nice to Teater, Capell, and Eckman, and praise them for their years, and ALSO NOTE dumb fucking KUNT PUSSY newbie, these folks have been here for fucking ever, what the FUCK have you done to deserve RESPECT? NOT A FUCKING THING.

Anonymous said...

Geithner sure says a lot of words without saying anything. He's actually skilled at it. Throw him a fastball and he can describe it in detail without swinging. A curveball..same deal. A breaking ball he can wax on for hours without taking a swing.


For fucking ever Geihtner was groomed behind the scenes by Greenspan, Geihtner, knows just like the Maestro how to play the fucking game. You got to admit one thing with the Federal Reserve Bank, its a consistent racket. Also Geithner's wife is HOT, how about some nudey tit pic's of Geitner's wife homer??

She's no trophy wife like Greenspan has, but hell in a few years Geithner will ditch this one, for a younger 'betty page'. Geithner was groomed for a few decades to be the next Greenspan, and he'll run treasury, and when Bernanke is burnt out and 'blamed' for the depression, then Geithner will become FED-RES chairman for life, like Greenspan.

tim said...

>>Shares tumble on TARP II

Will we survive TARP II for the six months it'll take to get to TARP III?

Anonymous said...

There is ONE BOOK on the Great Depression and it be "McElvaine" get the fucking book.

HBM asks why do we bother here with this fucking group? Good fucking point. But one recurring point is these FUCKING god-damn liberal shit eaters like dunc, hbm, and Bpussy who keep acting like they think they know what the fuck is going on, or that OREO can fix the depression or that HOOVER did this or the FDR did that.

The FUCKING depresssion did NOT fucking end until WWII started and the un-employed sent off to war in 1942, and house-wives put to work.

From 1929-1932 the stock market collapsed. By 1932 real estate went into paralysis. In 1938 there was a false hope in the stock market a bear-trap.

All the 'stimulus' provided by FDR from 1932-1942 was just PORK, then as now, SURE for those who got the PORK, the depression ended. Like Rogers said the problem was were paying farmers to destroy crop to keep up prices, but people in the city's were starving for lack of food, ... That shit went on until WWII.

NOTHING anybody does will end the depression until we have a great war.

A depression is when YOU are unemployed, a recession is when you friends or neighbors are unemployed, today at 10% un-employment national U6 the depression has started, we know in Crook County at almost 25% real unemployment folks are near starving.

Very little of the stimulus even in the original congress version was slated for ORYGUN.

ORYGUN is going to be the last places you want to be if you don't have 5-10 years worth of CASH LIQUID assets to hold you over with no fucking job.

It really irks me see hbm, or dunc, or Bpussy continually debate that this or that ended the great depression, nothing ended the fucking depression, except a world-war, and luck for the USA post 1946 the rest of the worlds manufacturing was destroyed, and ALL had to buy US goods, so the US became the king of the world for 50 fucking years, and then managed to fuck that up, and now we're going down and hard, and never again getting up.

Because in 1930's the USA was rich in steel, oil, and agriculture, Forest, today the USA is warn out exploited third world country, with all resources Bend Gone.

tim said...

Roosevelt cured the depression by staying in office long enough for it to end.

It's the way your doctor cures a cold.

You wait. You wait. You wait. It goes away.

Obama can't fix the economy because the problem is us, not him.

We watch TV. We covet shit. We buy plastic toys. We buy chain saws that we could rent, and use them once every five years. We are slobs and sloths.

LavaBear said...

>>>We are slobs and sloths.

And I want mine with the bacon, cheddar AND egg. Just don't tell my wife or doc.

tim said...

buster, I thought everyone already knew that the war ended the depression. When did the idea come around that Roosevelt ended the depression?

"The Great Depression originated in the United States; historians most often use as a starting date the stock market crash on October 29, 1929, known as Black Tuesday. The end of the depression in the U.S is associated with the onset of the war economy of World War II, beginning around 1939."

Anonymous said...

If it's bad to be fat, why are so many hospital nurses fat?

LavaBear said...

>>>There is ONE BOOK on the Great Depression and it be "McElvaine" get the fucking book.

I bet Tim can name at least 10 others from memory.

I recently pulled "The Great Crash of 1929" by John Galbraith off a bookshelf and reread it. Why limit yourself to one version of history?

Anonymous said...

Roosevelt cured the depression by staying in office long enough for it to end.


Well Pussy's we can all agree on ONE fucking thing, OREO will be a ONE TERM prez at best, and this depression will NOT be fucking fixed in his term.

TT I concur that we have met the enemy and he is 'US', I have said that all along.

Just look at BEND, the next ASS-PEN a resort town, a big fucking ugly fucking shopping strip-mall out in the fucking high-desert, like some mad fucker built a boat in a bottle.

I disagree with the TOOL analogy, as I think its useful to have a chain saw around, as the one they rent have been modified to be 'safe', so fucking safe that they're not usable, I'm sure marge or lava knows what I'm talking about, as Marge is the only real man on this board.

But I do agree your point, that we a materialistic slothing culture of shopping parasites, and are entire economy is dependent upon the hamster running in the mall using credit-card debt. Now with ALL confidence being LOST in the USA, and all crooks grabbing their Bailout Bonuses soon there will be nothing left to steal. We're NOT even in the first inning of this show, sure the 'stimulus' will kick-start a few places, but the vast majority will be fucked.

That said just like the great depression with 25% un-employed, remember 75% had it very well. You got to be a real lazy fucking Bpussy, HBM, or retard to be one of the 25%, like I said the other day here, "RE-INVENT YOUR SELF QUICK", there is always gigs that pay, and people making money, NEVER fall into the trap that you can't re-invent yourself. But then TT you know, and that throughout human history 97% of all people of all race, and all color, and all creed are fucking losers genetically.

It's all been a good past 30 years post raygun where all ships rusts, holed, ... rose with the tide, but now we get our cyclic corrections, and only those that planned, and re-invented ourselves 'survive'.

Nothing new under the sun.

tim said...

Depends on why you want to read it. I read Galbraith.

My favorite for getting a feel from all walks of life is Terkel's Hard Times.

tim said...

>>I disagree with the TOOL analogy, as I think its useful to have a chain saw around, as the one they rent have been modified to be 'safe', so fucking safe that they're not usable, I'm sure marge or lava knows what I'm talking about, as Marge is the only real man on this board.

That was an example and you know that every 2nd fucker in Bend who lives in an SDC on a lot WITHOUT TREEs has a chainsaw he does NOTHING with.

I love good tools, so maybe I should have given a different example.

tim said...

Sorry, not SDC. I meant "crapshack." :-)

Anonymous said...



Lava, go listen the most recent Ron Paul videos on YOUTUBE on this coming depression, and I don't love ron paul, but he's correct, and what he says is like my argument here, that every fucking EXPERT that they bring FORWARD from the FEDERAL RESERVE is a Keynesian.

You say 'read more', but thats the FUCKING PROBLEM LAVA, the Galbraith shit is just the revision to sell stimulus, thus in effect your the great lava a non-leftORright, a middle road guy your telling people to SHOVE PUSSSY HBM shit up their ass and brain.

McElvaine, just writes history and tells how its happened and what happened, but Galbraith is a spokesman for Keynesian Government Stimuli, in other words a professional criminal running with the taxpayers money, to FUND select groups that KEYNESIANS can pick and choose winners, and that's why RON PAUL is correct today, CUZ these FUCKER god damn mother fuckers that your telling people to read, are the cause of the fucking problem.

tim said...

We'll crawl out of this, but it'll be the 1st and 2nd generation immigrants that do it. 3rd+ generation whites and blacks won't know what to do. We'll have to watch the newbies to figure out how to work and save.

TV will have to show us 10 sitcoms a night worth of immigrant shows where the whole family, including kids, are working. And we'll gradually get used to the idea, or die trying to avoid it.

Anonymous said...

My favorite for getting a feel from all walks of life is Terkel's Hard Times.


I read terkel too, and the story's my parents told me were the exact same, all that shit is fine and dandy, what it was really like for real people.

But McElvaine, trys to tell how it happened and why.

Galbraith just trys to sell the Keynesian revision that 'government' is the best steward of business, and that government is always the solution. Don't get me wrong, we need COPS, and its clear the SEC were protecting MADE-OFF, the problem is that OUR GOVERNMENT is criminal, and they use GALBRAITH as their intellectual pillar of support.

Like RON PAUL says TODAY, every mother fucker running ameriKKKa is a KEYNESIAN, and getting these fuckers out of the piggy-bank jar is the only way to fix our economy.

LavaBear said...

>>>Galbraith shit is just the revision to sell stimulus

Ok, I get it. You haven't read the book obviously. "The Great Crash of 1929" has nothing to do with his later work. It is more a history of events and what transpired.

But my point isn't Galbraith. My point is you're stupid to suggest there is ONLY one book on the subject. Like I said Tim could suggest 10 without thinking about it. Don't be so narrowing in your thinking Buster it makes your arguments shallow.

I abhor Keynesian economics. I stated earlier today the only way out of this is for some adults to take the banks over, nationalize then, kill the bond holders and equity, and then sell off the parts that work.

Anonymous said...

TV will have to show us 10 sitcoms a night worth of immigrant shows where the whole family, including kids, are working. And we'll gradually get used to the idea, or die trying to avoid it.


Twisted shit TT, I don't own a TV, nor allow them in my home. Do you think I'm really missing something??

Your probably right, but I don't think so, if TV were so fucking powerful, then the USA would be the smartest mother fuckers on the planet, given their TV time investment.

You talk about SLOVLENLY US citizens, ... it starts @ the TV, I still like the bumper sticker, ... 'IF you MUST KILL, then KILL your TV".

AmeriKKKan's are too fucking dim to see how hard working newbies to this country get ahead, they would just say its cuz the government helped them, and lets be fucking honest 'hard work' isn't the solution. In order to make it in the USA you got to have a fucking SCAM.

LEARNED-HELPLESSNESS is BEND and the USA, and people will be told to feel sorry for themselves and die at home starving to death, well 25% , ...

Again though like I say, with 25% U6 un-employment that be 90% of nigger unemployment, and that mean USA big citys become combat zones, and national guard, but what we care in white Bend??

Again my point the stimulus ain't coming to ORYGUN, cuz we ain't got no nigger problem, like CALI, or roxbury, or detroit,

Anonymous said...



Jeebus XMAS LavaBear give it up, your argument is like saying the Greenspan wasn't a Keynesian, prior to his circumcision, ... the fucker was a Keynesian, and that is the agenda and slant of his fucking revisionist book.

LavaBear said...

>>>Jeebus XMAS LavaBear give it up, your argument is like saying the Greenspan wasn't a Keynesian, prior to his circumcision, ... the fucker was a Keynesian, and that is the agenda and slant of his fucking revisionist book.

Like I haven't read the book thus it makes your arguments against weak.

Anonymous said...

CACB: A Buck fucking eighty. Down 25.62% today.

tim said...

I was trying to be funny with the idea that we can't seem to learn anything from life anymore, so we'll try to learn how to fix ourselves with the damned TV.

tim said...

>>and lets be fucking honest 'hard work' isn't the solution.

The point of working is that you don't have time to fucking spend money you don't have.

Anonymous said...

My point is you're stupid to suggest there is ONLY one book on the subject


Bullshit LAVA TT only speaks of TERKEL, and you don't learn SHIT about the depression from terkel, its storys about people great shit for people who like tears, ... but there are no fucking facts.

There are 10,000 books about the JFK assasination? Your point is?

There are 1,000 books about 911 being a US conspiracy? Your point is?

But there is ONLY one good fucking BOOK about the Great Depression, and HOMER posted the a two page over view two weeks ago on this board, and it was 100% McElvaine, and HOMER posted it cuz the wiki uses McElvaine source, cuz its the ONLY good shit.

I don't care if there is 10 or 10k books about the JFK assasination LAVA, they're all bullshit.

Galbraith was a fucking Keynesian, and all his books were designed to educate US students to become good little USA kleptocrats to keep our system running according to plan.

LavaBear said...

>>>so we'll try to learn how to fix ourselves with the damned TV.

My tv is tuned to a bunch of Congressmen asking Bernanke questions right now. I can't think of a better example of how fucked up TV can be.

Anonymous said...

>>and lets be fucking honest 'hard work' isn't the solution.

The point of working is that you don't have time to fucking spend money you don't have.


We're all different TT, I'm rich, but I'm a fucking miser, and the reason I'm rich, is that every nickel I made over the last 60+ years I spent on buying real estate, and never gave a thought of buying JUNK. Even if I didn't work, I still wouldn't buy shit.

Pleeeeeeze don't assume that we all be wired the same way, I think this gets back to our 97%, 3% are like me, and maybe you, but 97% are like what your saying, but they can't buy shit if nobody sends them a credit card, given they never had any money in the first place.

You acquire MONEY by NOT spending.

Like as a kid I loved the Emerson quote "Your rich in proportion, to that which can afford NOT to buy".

Only the person who SPENDS money is poor.

Anonymous said...

My tv is tuned to a bunch of Congressmen asking Bernanke questions right now. I can't think of a better example of how fucked up TV can be.


Well LB if somebody asked a GOOD question, and IF Bernanke actually answers the question, let us know, it could be a miracle.

Anonymous said...

CACB: A Buck fucking eighty. Down 25.62% today.


Good idea, cuz we can't debate the economy with these fuckheads, so @ 200 lets bash that KUNT MOSS and her christian cruaders name Sawyer a little,...

Ya'll know that this SAWYER getting popped and tied to TEAM MOSS christian is why MOSS is getting hammered.

Anonymous said...

, Galbraith says policy-makers are rediscovering the ideas of his father, Harvard professor John Kenneth Galbraith, and economist John Maynard Keynes ...

Anonymous said...

February 10, 2009 09:42 AM Eastern Time
Fitch Rates Bank of the Cascades' FDIC Guaranteed Debt 'AAA/F1+'

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Fitch Ratings has assigned 'AAA/F1+' ratings to debt issued by Bank of the Cascades through the FDIC Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program (TLGP). Specifically, Bank of the Cascades, a subsidiary of Cascade Bancorp (NASDAQ: CACB), issued $26 million of senior unsecured debt under the TLGP. The fixed rate debt issue will mature in February 2012.

Obligations under the TLGP bear the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. The maximum amount guaranteed equals 125% of senior, unsecured debt outstanding at Sept. 30, 2008 scheduled to mature by June 30, 2009, or alternatively if a depository institution had either no senior unsecured debt outstanding or only had federal funds purchased, its debt guarantee limit is 2% of its consolidated total liabilities as of Sept. 30, 2008. The FDIC guarantees expire at the earlier of the instrument's maturity or by June 30, 2012. Notes can be issued in U.S. dollars or foreign currency.

Fitch assigns the following ratings to Bank of the Cascades debt issued under the FDIC TLGP:

-- Long-term FDIC guaranteed debt 'AAA';

-- Short-term FDIC guaranteed debt 'F1+'.

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